define(["sugar-web/env", "sugar-web/activity/activity"], function (env, activity) { // Manipulate the DOM only when it is ready. requirejs(['domReady!'], function (doc) { // // Initialize the python environment. compiler = RapydScript.create_embedded_compiler() // One event bus for all event_bus = riot.observable() // Setup custom script parser riot.parsers.js.Rapyd = function(js, options) { return (compiler.compile(js)) } // Mount web components riot.compile(function() { // here tags are compiled and riot.mount works synchronously var tags = riot.mount('*') try { activity.setup() setTimeout(function(){ event_bus.trigger('activity-ready', activity) }, 100) } catch(err) { // No datastore event_bus.trigger('activity-not-ready', err) } }) }); });