- // Main app class
- enyo.kind({
- name: "VideoViewer.App",
- kind: "FittableRows",
- published: {
- activity: null,
- filter: null
- },
- components: [
- {name: "spinner", kind: "Image", src: "images/spinner-light.gif", classes: "mainspinner", showing: false },
- {name: "cloudwarning", kind: "Image", src: "images/cloud-warning.svg", classes: "cloudwarning", showing: false },
- {name: "content", kind: "Scroller", fit: true, classes: "main-content", onresize: "resize",
- components: [
- {name: "items", classes: "items", components: [
- ]}
- ]},
- {name: "footer", classes: "viewer-footer toolbar", fit: false, components: [
- {name: "previousbutton", kind: "Button", classes: "toolbutton previous-button pull-left", title:"Previous", ontap: "showPrevious", showing: false},
- {name: "pagecount", content: "0/0", classes: "page-count"},
- {name: "nextbutton", kind: "Button", classes: "toolbutton next-button pull-right", title:"Next", ontap: "showNext", showing: false}
- ]},
- {name: "libraryDialog", kind: "VideoViewer.LibraryDialog", onHide: "librariesHidden"},
- {name: "addLibraryDialog", kind: "VideoViewer.AddLibraryDialog"},
- {name: "videoDialog", kind: "VideoViewer.VideoDialog"}
- ],
- // Constructor
- create: function() {
- app = this;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.collection = [];
- this.index = 0;
- this.computeSize();
- this.favorite = false;
- document.getElementById("exportvideo-button").addEventListener("click", enyo.bind(this, "clickExportVideo"));
- var that = this;
- requirejs(["sugar-web/env","sugar-web/datastore"], function(env,datastore) {
- env.getEnvironment(function(err, environment) {
- that.$.content.applyStyle("background-color", environment.user.colorvalue.fill);
- that.datastore = datastore;
- });
- });
- },
- loadLibraries: function() {
- var that = this;
- Util.loadLibraries(
- function() {
- app.showLibraries();
- },
- function(sender) {
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.$.cloudwarning.setShowing(true);
- console.log("Error loading library on '"+sender.url+"'");
- }
- );
- },
- loadDatabase: function() {
- var that = this;
- this.$.spinner.setShowing(true);
- Util.loadDatabase(function(response) {
- that.index = 0;
- that.collection = response;
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.$.cloudwarning.setShowing(false);
- that.draw();
- }, function(sender) {
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.$.cloudwarning.setShowing(true);
- console.log("Error loading database on '"+sender.url+"'");
- });
- },
- computeSize: function() {
- var toolbar = document.getElementById("main-toolbar");
- var toolbaroffset = !Util.onSugar() ? toolbar.offsetHeight : 37.5;
- var canvas = document.getElementById("body");
- var canvas_height = canvas.offsetHeight;
- this.$.content.applyStyle("height", (canvas_height-(toolbaroffset*2))+"px");
- },
- resize: function() {
- if (!Util.onSugar()) {
- this.computeSize();
- this.draw();
- }
- },
- // Draw screen
- draw: function() {
- // Remove items
- var items = [];
- enyo.forEach(this.$.items.getControls(), function(item) { items.push(item); });
- for (var i = 0 ; i < items.length ; i++) { items[i].destroy(); }
- // Display items
- var collection = this.collection;
- var len = collection.length;
- var exportButton = document.getElementById("exportvideo-button");
- for(var i = 0 ; i < constant.pageCount && this.index+i < len ; i++ ) {
- this.$.items.createComponent(
- {
- kind: "VideoViewer.Item",
- code: collection[this.index+i].id,
- title: collection[this.index+i].title,
- category: collection[this.index+i].category,
- isFavorite: Util.getFavorite(collection[this.index+i].id),
- image: collection[this.index+i].image,
- onVideoPlayed: "showVideo",
- tojournal: exportButton.classList.contains("active")
- },
- { owner: this }
- ).render();
- }
- // Display button
- this.$.previousbutton.setShowing(this.index-constant.pageCount >= 0);
- var currentPage = (len?1:0)+Math.ceil(this.index/constant.pageCount);
- var lastPage = Math.ceil(len/constant.pageCount);
- this.$.pagecount.setContent(currentPage+"/"+lastPage);
- this.$.nextbutton.setShowing(currentPage < lastPage);
- },
- putItemsJournalModeTo: function(tojournal) {
- if (tojournal) {
- document.getElementById("exportvideo-button").classList.add("active");
- } else {
- document.getElementById("exportvideo-button").classList.remove("active");
- }
- enyo.forEach(this.$.items.getControls(), function(item) {
- item.tojournal = tojournal;
- item.tojournalChanged();
- });
- },
- // Page event
- showPrevious: function() {
- this.index -= constant.pageCount;
- this.saveContext();
- this.draw();
- },
- showNext: function() {
- this.index += constant.pageCount;
- this.saveContext();
- this.draw();
- },
- showVideo: function(item) {
- if (item.tojournal) {
- this.putItemsJournalModeTo(false);
- return;
- }
- this.$.videoDialog.show();
- this.$.videoDialog.setItem(item);
- },
- showLibraries: function() {
- this.$.libraryDialog.reload();
- this.$.libraryDialog.show();
- },
- hideLibraries: function() {
- this.$.libraryDialog.hide();
- },
- librariesHidden: function() {
- if (Util.getLibrary() == null)
- this.showLibraries();
- },
- setFilter: function(filter) {
- Util.setFilter(filter);
- },
- filterChanged: function(index) {
- this.collection = Util.getCollection();
- this.index = (index !== undefined ? index : 0);
- this.saveContext();
- this.draw();
- },
- clickExportVideo: function() {
- var exportButton = document.getElementById("exportvideo-button");
- var tojournal;
- tojournal = !exportButton.classList.contains("active");
- this.putItemsJournalModeTo(tojournal);
- },
- saveContext: function() {
- Util.setIndex(this.index);
- Util.saveContext();
- }
- });