- /**
- _enyo.canvas.Control_ is the base kind for items that live inside an
- <a href="#enyo.Canvas">enyo.Canvas</a> control.
- If you're using this kind directly, you may implement an _onRender_ event
- handler in the owner to handle drawing into the canvas.
- If you're deriving a new kind based on this one, override the _renderSelf_
- method and use that for your drawing code.
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "enyo.canvas.Control",
- kind: enyo.UiComponent,
- defaultKind: "enyo.canvas.Control",
- published: {
- //* Structure with l (left), t (top), w (width), and h (height) members.
- //* The default constructor sets those properties to random values.
- bounds: null
- },
- events: {
- /**
- Fires when this control is to be rendered.
- _inEvent.context_ contains the active canvas context.
- */
- onRender: ""
- },
- //* @protected
- constructor: function() {
- this.bounds = {l: enyo.irand(400), t: enyo.irand(400), w: enyo.irand(100), h: enyo.irand(100)};
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- importProps: function(inProps) {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if (inProps && inProps.bounds) {
- enyo.mixin(this.bounds, inProps.bounds);
- delete inProps.bounds;
- }
- },
- renderSelf: function(inContext) {
- this.doRender({context: inContext});
- },
- render: function(inContext) {
- if (this.children.length) {
- this.renderChildren(inContext);
- } else {
- this.renderSelf(inContext);
- }
- },
- renderChildren: function(inContext) {
- for (var i=0, c; (c=this.children[i]); i++) {
- c.render(inContext);
- }
- }
- });