- define(["sugar-web/graphics/palette",
- "text!sugar-web/graphics/activitypalette.html"], function (palette, template) {
- 'use strict';
- var activitypalette = {};
- activitypalette.ActivityPalette = function (activityButton,
- datastoreObject) {
- palette.Palette.call(this, activityButton);
- var activityTitle;
- var descriptionLabel;
- var descriptionBox;
- this.getPalette().id = "activity-palette";
- var containerElem = document.createElement('div');
- containerElem.innerHTML = template;
- this.setContent([containerElem]);
- this.titleElem = containerElem.querySelector('#title');
- this.descriptionElem = containerElem.querySelector('#description');
- this.titleElem.onblur = function () {
- datastoreObject.setMetadata({
- "title": this.value,
- "title_set_by_user": "1"
- });
- datastoreObject.save();
- };
- this.descriptionElem.onblur = function () {
- datastoreObject.setMetadata({
- "description": this.value
- });
- datastoreObject.save();
- };
- };
- // Fill the text inputs with the received metadata.
- var setTitleDescription = function (metadata) {
- this.titleElem.value = metadata.title;
- if (metadata.description !== undefined) {
- this.descriptionElem.value = metadata.description;
- }
- };
- activitypalette.ActivityPalette.prototype =
- Object.create(palette.Palette.prototype, {
- setTitleDescription: {
- value: setTitleDescription,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- writable: true
- }
- });
- return activitypalette;
- });