- Sugar Graphics
- ==============
- Sugar widgets and graphics, implementing the [Sugar Interface
- Guidelines](http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Human_Interface_Guidelines).
- Modifying the CSS
- -----------------
- We use [LESS](http://lesscss.org) and then compile the CSS files.
- This is to be able to use calculations and variables for colors and
- measures. And to be able to output different CSS files for different
- screen resolutions.
- To compile the CSS files do:
- lessc graphics/css/sugar-96dpi.less graphics/css/sugar-96dpi.css
- lessc graphics/css/sugar-200dpi.less graphics/css/sugar-200dpi.css
- Be sure to compile them before commit.
- The grid helper
- ---------------
- The grid is a visual debug tool that allows you to check if the
- elements have the correct size. To activate the grid, open the
- inspector console and paste the following.
- If RequireJS is not in the page head (ie. in the sugar-web-samples),
- load it:
- var script = document.createElement('script');
- script.src = 'lib/require.js';
- document.head.appendChild(script);
- requirejs.config({ baseUrl: "lib" });
- Then do:
- require(["sugar-web/graphics/grid"], function (grid) { grid.addGrid(11) });