- /**
- An onyx-styled TextArea control. In addition to the features of
- <a href="#enyo.TextArea">enyo.TextArea</a>, onyx.TextArea has a
- *defaultFocus* property that can be set to true to focus the TextArea when
- it's rendered. Only one TextArea should be set as the *defaultFocus*.
- Typically, an onyx.TextArea is placed inside an
- <a href="#onyx.InputDecorator">onyx.InputDecorator</a>, which provides
- styling, e.g.:
- {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [
- {kind: "onyx.TextArea", onchange: "inputChange"}
- ]}
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "onyx.TextArea",
- kind: "enyo.TextArea",
- classes: "onyx-textarea"
- });