- #. extracted from ../locale.ini
- #, fuzzy
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: Wed Nov 28 2018 22:18:10 GMT+0100 (CET)\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
- "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
- "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n"
- #: StartNew
- msgctxt "StartNew"
- msgid "Start new"
- msgstr "新しく始める"
- #. Do not translate {{name}}
- #: NameActivity
- msgctxt "NameActivity"
- msgid "{{name}} Activity"
- msgstr "{{name}} アクティビティ"
- #: RemoveFavorite
- msgctxt "RemoveFavorite"
- msgid "Remove favorite"
- msgstr "お気に入りを消す"
- #: MakeFavorite
- msgctxt "MakeFavorite"
- msgid "Make favorite"
- msgstr "お気に入りを作る"
- #. Do not translate {{number}}
- #: VersionNumber
- msgctxt "VersionNumber"
- msgid "Version {{number}}"
- msgstr "バージョン {{number}}"
- #: FavoritesView
- msgctxt "FavoritesView"
- msgid "Favorites view"
- msgstr "お気に入り表示"
- #: ListView
- msgctxt "ListView"
- msgid "List view"
- msgstr "リスト表示"
- #: Home
- msgctxt "Home"
- msgid "Home"
- msgstr "ホーム"
- #: FilterFavorites
- msgctxt "FilterFavorites"
- msgid "Filter favorites"
- msgstr "お気に入りをフィルター"
- #: SecondsAgo
- msgctxt "SecondsAgo"
- msgid "Seconds ago"
- msgstr "秒前"
- #. Do not translate {{time}}
- #: Ago
- msgctxt "Ago"
- msgid "{{time}} ago"
- msgstr "{{time}} 前"
- #: Minutes_one
- msgctxt "Minutes_one"
- msgid "minute"
- msgstr "分"
- #: Minutes_other
- msgctxt "Minutes_other"
- msgid "minutes"
- msgstr "分"
- #: Hours_one
- msgctxt "Hours_one"
- msgid "hour"
- msgstr "時間"
- #: Hours_other
- msgctxt "Hours_other"
- msgid "hours"
- msgstr "時間"
- #: Days_one
- msgctxt "Days_one"
- msgid "day"
- msgstr "日"
- #: Days_other
- msgctxt "Days_other"
- msgid "days"
- msgstr "日"
- #: Weeks_one
- msgctxt "Weeks_one"
- msgid "week"
- msgstr "週"
- #: Weeks_other
- msgctxt "Weeks_other"
- msgid "weeks"
- msgstr "週"
- #: Months_one
- msgctxt "Months_one"
- msgid "month"
- msgstr "月"
- #: Months_other
- msgctxt "Months_other"
- msgid "months"
- msgstr "月"
- #: Years_one
- msgctxt "Years_one"
- msgid "year"
- msgstr "年"
- #: Years_other
- msgctxt "Years_other"
- msgid "years"
- msgstr "年"
- #: SecondsAgo_short
- msgctxt "SecondsAgo_short"
- msgid "Sec. ago"
- msgstr "秒前"
- #. Do not translate {{time}}
- #: Ago_short
- msgctxt "Ago_short"
- msgid "{{time}} ago"
- msgstr "{{time}} 前"
- #: Minutes_one_short
- msgctxt "Minutes_one_short"
- msgid "mn"
- msgstr "分"
- #: Minutes_other_short
- msgctxt "Minutes_other_short"
- msgid "mn"
- msgstr "分"
- #: Hours_one_short
- msgctxt "Hours_one_short"
- msgid "hr"
- msgstr "時"
- #: Hours_other_short
- msgctxt "Hours_other_short"
- msgid "hr"
- msgstr "時"
- #: Days_one_short
- msgctxt "Days_one_short"
- msgid "dy"
- msgstr "日"
- #: Days_other_short
- msgctxt "Days_other_short"
- msgid "dy"
- msgstr "日"
- #: Weeks_one_short
- msgctxt "Weeks_one_short"
- msgid "wk"
- msgstr "週"
- #: Weeks_other_short
- msgctxt "Weeks_other_short"
- msgid "wk"
- msgstr "週"
- #: Months_one_short
- msgctxt "Months_one_short"
- msgid "mo"
- msgstr "月"
- #: Months_other_short
- msgctxt "Months_other_short"
- msgid "mo"
- msgstr "月"
- #: Years_one_short
- msgctxt "Years_one_short"
- msgid "yr"
- msgstr "年"
- #: Years_other_short
- msgctxt "Years_other_short"
- msgid "yr"
- msgstr "年"
- #: Shutdown
- msgctxt "Shutdown"
- msgid "Shutdown"
- msgstr "シャットダウン"
- #: Restart
- msgctxt "Restart"
- msgid "Restart"
- msgstr "リスタート"
- #: MySettings
- msgctxt "MySettings"
- msgid "My Settings"
- msgstr "マイ設定"
- #: SearchHome
- msgctxt "SearchHome"
- msgid "Search in home"
- msgstr "ホームで検索"
- #: JournalEmpty
- msgctxt "JournalEmpty"
- msgid "Your journal is empty"
- msgstr "ジャーナルは空です"
- #: NoMatchingActivities
- msgctxt "NoMatchingActivities"
- msgid "No matching activities"
- msgstr "一致するアクティビティはありません"
- #: ClearSearch
- msgctxt "ClearSearch"
- msgid "Clear search"
- msgstr "検索をクリア"
- #: SearchJournal
- msgctxt "SearchJournal"
- msgid "Search in journal"
- msgstr "ジャーナルで検索"
- #: Anytime
- msgctxt "Anytime"
- msgid "Anytime"
- msgstr "いつでも"
- #: Today
- msgctxt "Today"
- msgid "Today"
- msgstr "今日"
- #: SinceYesterday
- msgctxt "SinceYesterday"
- msgid "Since yesterday"
- msgstr "昨日から"
- #: PastWeek
- msgctxt "PastWeek"
- msgid "Past week"
- msgstr "先週"
- #: PastMonth
- msgctxt "PastMonth"
- msgid "Past month"
- msgstr "先月"
- #: PastYear
- msgctxt "PastYear"
- msgid "Past year"
- msgstr "去年"
- #: Anything
- msgctxt "Anything"
- msgid "Anything"
- msgstr "すべて"
- #: NoMatchingEntries
- msgctxt "NoMatchingEntries"
- msgid "No matching entries"
- msgstr "一致するエントリーはありません"
- #: SearchSettings
- msgctxt "SearchSettings"
- msgid "Search in settings"
- msgstr "設定で検索"
- #: AboutMe
- msgctxt "AboutMe"
- msgid "About me"
- msgstr "私について"
- #: AboutMyComputer
- msgctxt "AboutMyComputer"
- msgid "About my computer"
- msgstr "マイコンピューターについて"
- #: MySecurity
- msgctxt "MySecurity"
- msgid "My security"
- msgstr "My security"
- #: SecurityMessage
- msgctxt "SecurityMessage"
- msgid "If you want to change your images, first type current images:"
- msgstr "If you want to change your images, first type current images:"
- #. Do not translate {{min}}
- #: SecurityMessageNew
- msgctxt "SecurityMessageNew"
- msgid "Now choose at least {{min}} new images:"
- msgstr "Now choose at least {{min}} new images:"
- #: SecurityMessageDone
- msgctxt "SecurityMessageDone"
- msgid "Images updated!"
- msgstr "Images updated!"
- #: InvalidPassword
- msgctxt "InvalidPassword"
- msgid "Invalid images"
- msgstr "Invalid images"
- #: Language
- msgctxt "Language"
- msgid "Language"
- msgstr "言語"
- #: Done
- msgctxt "Done"
- msgid "Done"
- msgstr "完了"
- #: Ok
- msgctxt "Ok"
- msgid "Ok"
- msgstr "Ok"
- #: Cancel
- msgctxt "Cancel"
- msgid "Cancel"
- msgstr "キャンセル"
- #: ClickToChangeColor
- msgctxt "ClickToChangeColor"
- msgid "Click to change color:"
- msgstr "クリックして色を変える:"
- #: Warning
- msgctxt "Warning"
- msgid "Warning"
- msgstr "警告"
- #: ChangesRequireRestart
- msgctxt "ChangesRequireRestart"
- msgid "Changes require restart"
- msgstr "変更はリスタートが必要です"
- #: CancelChanges
- msgctxt "CancelChanges"
- msgid "Cancel changes"
- msgstr "変更をキャンセル"
- #: RestartNow
- msgctxt "RestartNow"
- msgid "Restart now"
- msgstr "今すぐリスタート"
- #: ChooseLanguage
- msgctxt "ChooseLanguage"
- msgid "Choose language you prefer:"
- msgstr "お好みの言語を選んでください:"
- #: English
- msgctxt "English"
- msgid "English"
- msgstr "英語"
- #: Spanish
- msgctxt "Spanish"
- msgid "Spanish"
- msgstr "スペイン語"
- #: French
- msgctxt "French"
- msgid "French"
- msgstr "フランス語"
- #: Igbo
- msgctxt "Igbo"
- msgid "Igbo"
- msgstr "Igbo"
- #: Yoruba
- msgctxt "Yoruba"
- msgid "Yoruba"
- msgstr "Yoruba"
- #: German
- msgctxt "German"
- msgid "German"
- msgstr "ドイツ語"
- #: Arabic
- msgctxt "Arabic"
- msgid "Arabic"
- msgstr "アラビア語"
- #: Japanese
- msgctxt "Japanese"
- msgid "Japanese"
- msgstr "日本語"
- #: Polish
- msgctxt "Polish"
- msgid "Polish"
- msgstr "ポール"
- #: Portuguese
- msgctxt "Portuguese"
- msgid "Portuguese"
- msgstr "ポルトガル語"
- #: Software
- msgctxt "Software"
- msgid "Software"
- msgstr "ソフトウェア"
- #: ClientType
- msgctxt "ClientType"
- msgid "Client type:"
- msgstr "クライアント タイプ:"
- #: Browser
- msgctxt "Browser"
- msgid "Browser:"
- msgstr "ブラウザー:"
- #: BrowserVersion
- msgctxt "BrowserVersion"
- msgid "Browser version:"
- msgstr "ブラウザー バージョン:"
- #: UserAgent
- msgctxt "UserAgent"
- msgid "User agent:"
- msgstr "ユーザー エージェント:"
- #: Storage
- msgctxt "Storage"
- msgid "Storage:"
- msgstr "Storage:"
- #. Do not translate {{used}} {{percent}}
- #: StorageSize
- msgctxt "StorageSize"
- msgid "{{used}} bytes - {{percent}}%"
- msgstr "{{used}} bytes - {{percent}}%"
- #: JournalAlmostFull
- msgctxt "JournalAlmostFull"
- msgid "Warning: Journal almost full!"
- msgstr "Warning: Journal almost full!"
- #: ShortForBytes
- msgctxt "ShortForBytes"
- msgid "b"
- msgstr "b"
- #: ShortForKilobytes
- msgctxt "ShortForKilobytes"
- msgid "Kb"
- msgstr "Kb"
- #: ShortForMegabytes
- msgctxt "ShortForMegabytes"
- msgid "Mb"
- msgstr "Mb"
- #: Copyright
- msgctxt "Copyright"
- msgid "Copyright and license"
- msgstr "著作権およびライセンス"
- #: LicenseTerms
- msgctxt "LicenseTerms"
- msgid "Sugarizer is an open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 license."
- msgstr "Sugarizer は Apache 2.0 ライセンスの下にライセンスされるオープンソース ソフトウェアです."
- #: LicenseTermsPlus
- msgctxt "LicenseTermsPlus"
- msgid "Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check activities credits to be sure."
- msgstr "Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check activities credits to be sure."
- #: RestartActivity
- msgctxt "RestartActivity"
- msgid "Restart"
- msgstr "リスタート"
- #: CopyToLocal
- msgctxt "CopyToLocal"
- msgid "Copy to local"
- msgstr "ローカルにコピー"
- #: CopyToPrivate
- msgctxt "CopyToPrivate"
- msgid "Copy to remote"
- msgstr "リモートにコピー"
- #: CopyToShared
- msgctxt "CopyToShared"
- msgid "Copy to shared"
- msgstr "共有にコピー"
- #. Do not translate {{user}}
- #: ByUser
- msgctxt "ByUser"
- msgid "by {{user}}"
- msgstr "ユーザー {{user}}"
- #: Erase
- msgctxt "Erase"
- msgid "Erase"
- msgstr "消す"
- #: ErrorLoadingRemote
- msgctxt "ErrorLoadingRemote"
- msgid "Remote server not responding"
- msgstr "リモートサーバーが応答しません"
- #: Retry
- msgctxt "Retry"
- msgid "Retry"
- msgstr "リトライ"
- #: Server
- msgctxt "Server"
- msgid "About my server"
- msgstr "マイ サーバーについて"
- #: ConnectedToServer
- msgctxt "ConnectedToServer"
- msgid "Connected to a server"
- msgstr "サーバーに接続済"
- #: ServerUrl
- msgctxt "ServerUrl"
- msgid "Server address:"
- msgstr "Server address:"
- #: ServerDescription
- msgctxt "ServerDescription"
- msgid "Description:"
- msgstr "Description:"
- #: ServerName
- msgctxt "ServerName"
- msgid "Server Name:"
- msgstr "Server Name:"
- #: UserId
- msgctxt "UserId"
- msgid "User name on server:"
- msgstr "User name on server:"
- #: SessionExpired
- msgctxt "SessionExpired"
- msgid "Server connection expired"
- msgstr "Server connection expired"
- #: SecurityMessageExpired
- msgctxt "SecurityMessageExpired"
- msgid "Connection expired, type your images:"
- msgstr "Connection expired, type your images:"
- #: NeighborhoodView
- msgctxt "NeighborhoodView"
- msgid "Neighborhood View"
- msgstr "近くを表示"
- #: SearchNeighbor
- msgctxt "SearchNeighbor"
- msgid "Search in Neighborhood"
- msgstr "近くを検索"
- #: Connected
- msgctxt "Connected"
- msgid "Connected"
- msgstr "接続しました"
- #: JoinActivity
- msgctxt "JoinActivity"
- msgid "Join"
- msgstr "参加"
- #: Name
- msgctxt "Name"
- msgid "Name:"
- msgstr "名前:"
- #: Next
- msgctxt "Next"
- msgid "Next"
- msgstr "次へ"
- #: Back
- msgctxt "Back"
- msgid "Back"
- msgstr "戻る"
- #: ClickToColor
- msgctxt "ClickToColor"
- msgid "Click to change color:"
- msgstr "クリックして色を変える:"
- #: NewUser
- msgctxt "NewUser"
- msgid "New user"
- msgstr "New user"
- #: Login
- msgctxt "Login"
- msgid "Login"
- msgstr "Login"
- #: Logoff
- msgctxt "Logoff"
- msgid "Logoff"
- msgstr "Logoff"
- #: ChooseName
- msgctxt "ChooseName"
- msgid "Choose name:"
- msgstr "Choose name:"
- #: Password
- msgctxt "Password"
- msgid "Your images:"
- msgstr "Your images:"
- #. Do not translate {{min}}
- #: ChoosePassword
- msgctxt "ChoosePassword"
- msgid "Choose at least {{min}} images:"
- msgstr "Choose at least {{min}} images:"
- #: UserLoginInvalid
- msgctxt "UserLoginInvalid"
- msgid "Invalid user name or images"
- msgstr "Invalid user name or images"
- #: UserAlreadyExist
- msgctxt "UserAlreadyExist"
- msgid "User already exist"
- msgstr "User already exist"
- #. Do not translate {{code}}
- #: ServerError
- msgctxt "ServerError"
- msgid "Server error code {{code}}"
- msgstr "Server error code {{code}}"
- #: ServerNotSet
- msgctxt "ServerNotSet"
- msgid "Your server is not set"
- msgstr "サーバーがセットされていません"
- #: AndroidSettings
- msgctxt "AndroidSettings"
- msgid "Android Settings"
- msgstr "Android の設定"
- #: ResetLauncher
- msgctxt "ResetLauncher"
- msgid "Switch Launcher"
- msgstr "ランチャーの切り替え"
- #: JoinNetwork
- msgctxt "JoinNetwork"
- msgid "Join Network"
- msgstr "ネットワークに参加"
- #: EnterKey
- msgctxt "EnterKey"
- msgid "Enter shared key"
- msgstr "共有キーを入力"
- #: SetLauncherTitle
- msgctxt "SetLauncherTitle"
- msgid "Change the launcher"
- msgstr "ランチャーの変更"
- #. Do not translate {{launcher}}
- #: SetLauncherText
- msgctxt "SetLauncherText"
- msgid "You can use either SugarizerOS as a launcher or only use the Sugarizer environment as an application with your native launcher. The launcher you are actually using is {{launcher}}, click on the icon of the launcher you want to switch to."
- msgstr "SugarizerOS をランチャーとして使用することができます。または、ネイティブのランチャーを使用して、アプリケーションとして Sugarizer 環境のみ使用することができます。 実際に使用しているランチャーは {{launcher}} です。 切り替えたいランチャーのアイコンをクリックしてください。"
- #: Disconnect
- msgctxt "Disconnect"
- msgid "Disconnect"
- msgstr "切断"
- #: Loading
- msgctxt "Loading"
- msgid "Loading..."
- msgstr "読み込み中..."
- #: Synchronize
- msgctxt "Synchronize"
- msgid "Synchronize"
- msgstr "Synchronize"
- #: RetrievingJournal
- msgctxt "RetrievingJournal"
- msgid "Synchronizing Journal..."
- msgstr "Synchronizing Journal..."
- #: AllDataWillBeLost
- msgctxt "AllDataWillBeLost"
- msgid "Journal and settings will be lost"
- msgstr "ジャーナルと設定は失われます"
- #: ClickMore
- msgctxt "ClickMore"
- msgid "Click again for more options"
- msgstr "もう一度クリックするとさらにオプションを表示します"
- #: ReinitJournalAndSettings
- msgctxt "ReinitJournalAndSettings"
- msgid "Reinit journal and settings"
- msgstr "ジャーナルと設定を再初期化"
- #: CopyToDevice
- msgctxt "CopyToDevice"
- msgid "Copy to your device"
- msgstr "Copy to your device"
- #. Do not translate {{file}}
- #: FileWroteTo
- msgctxt "FileWroteTo"
- msgid "Wrote file to {{file}}"
- msgstr "Wrote file to {{file}}"
- #: ErrorWritingFile
- msgctxt "ErrorWritingFile"
- msgid "Can't write file"
- msgstr "Can't write file"
- #: UnableToConnect
- msgctxt "UnableToConnect"
- msgid "Unable to connect to server"
- msgstr "Unable to connect to server"
- #: Refresh
- msgctxt "Refresh"
- msgid "Retry"
- msgstr "Retry"
- #: Quit
- msgctxt "Quit"
- msgid "Quit"
- msgstr "Quit"
- #: Tutorial
- msgctxt "Tutorial"
- msgid "Tutorial"
- msgstr "Tutorial"
- #: TutoPrev
- msgctxt "TutoPrev"
- msgid "Prev"
- msgstr "Prev"
- #: TutoNext
- msgctxt "TutoNext"
- msgid "Next"
- msgstr "Next"
- #: TutoEnd
- msgctxt "TutoEnd"
- msgid "End"
- msgstr "End"
- #: TutoUserTitle
- msgctxt "TutoUserTitle"
- msgid "Me"
- msgstr "Me"
- #: TutoUserContent
- msgctxt "TutoUserContent"
- msgid "This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...)."
- msgstr "This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...)."
- #: TutoActivityTitle
- msgctxt "TutoActivityTitle"
- msgid "Activity"
- msgstr "Activity"
- #: TutoActivityContent
- msgctxt "TutoActivityContent"
- msgid "Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu."
- msgstr "Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu."
- #: TutoJournalTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTitle"
- msgid "Journal"
- msgstr "Journal"
- #: TutoJournalContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalContent"
- msgid "Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history."
- msgstr "Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history."
- #: TutoFavoriteTitle
- msgctxt "TutoFavoriteTitle"
- msgid "Favorite view"
- msgstr "Favorite view"
- #: TutoFavoriteContent
- msgctxt "TutoFavoriteContent"
- msgid "Use this button to display the favorite view."
- msgstr "Use this button to display the favorite view."
- #: TutoListTitle
- msgctxt "TutoListTitle"
- msgid "List view"
- msgstr "List view"
- #: TutoListContent
- msgctxt "TutoListContent"
- msgid "Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities."
- msgstr "Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities."
- #: TutoFavswitchTitle
- msgctxt "TutoFavswitchTitle"
- msgid "Favorite switch"
- msgstr "Favorite switch"
- #: TutoFavswitchContent
- msgctxt "TutoFavswitchContent"
- msgid "Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view."
- msgstr "Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view."
- #: TutoSearchTitle
- msgctxt "TutoSearchTitle"
- msgid "Search activity"
- msgstr "Search activity"
- #: TutoSearchContent
- msgctxt "TutoSearchContent"
- msgid "Use this text to search an activity by its name."
- msgstr "Use this text to search an activity by its name."
- #: TutoNeighborTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborTitle"
- msgid "Neighborhood view"
- msgstr "Neighborhood view"
- #: TutoNeighborContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborContent"
- msgid "Display users around you and join activities they shared."
- msgstr "Display users around you and join activities they shared."
- #: TutoRunTitle
- msgctxt "TutoRunTitle"
- msgid "Now it's your turn!"
- msgstr "Now it's your turn!"
- #: TutoRunContent
- msgctxt "TutoRunContent"
- msgid "Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity."
- msgstr "Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity."
- #: TutoJournalIntroTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalIntroTitle"
- msgid "Journal"
- msgstr "Journal"
- #: TutoJournalIntroContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalIntroContent"
- msgid "You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state."
- msgstr "You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state."
- #: TutoJournalActivityTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalActivityTitle"
- msgid "Activity"
- msgstr "Activity"
- #: TutoJournalActivityContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalActivityContent"
- msgid "Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...)."
- msgstr "Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...)."
- #: TutoJournalTimeTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTimeTitle"
- msgid "When"
- msgstr "When"
- #: TutoJournalTimeContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTimeContent"
- msgid "Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago."
- msgstr "Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago."
- #: TutoJournalTitleTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTitleTitle"
- msgid "Title"
- msgstr "Title"
- #: TutoJournalTitleContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTitleContent"
- msgid "It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that."
- msgstr "It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that."
- #: TutoJournalFavoriteTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalFavoriteTitle"
- msgid "Favorite"
- msgstr "Favorite"
- #: TutoJournalFavoriteContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalFavoriteContent"
- msgid "If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list."
- msgstr "If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list."
- #: TutoJournalFavButtonTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalFavButtonTitle"
- msgid "Show favorites"
- msgstr "Show favorites"
- #: TutoJournalFavButtonContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalFavButtonContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag."
- msgstr "Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag."
- #: TutoJournalSearchTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalSearchTitle"
- msgid "Search entry"
- msgstr "Search entry"
- #: TutoJournalSearchContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalSearchContent"
- msgid "Use this text to search an entry by its title."
- msgstr "Use this text to search an entry by its title."
- #: TutoJournalTypeTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTypeTitle"
- msgid "Filter by type"
- msgstr "Filter by type"
- #: TutoJournalTypeContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTypeContent"
- msgid "Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type."
- msgstr "Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type."
- #: TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle"
- msgid "Filter by time"
- msgstr "Filter by time"
- #: TutoJournalTimeButtonContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalTimeButtonContent"
- msgid "Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time."
- msgstr "Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time."
- #: TutoJournalLocalTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalLocalTitle"
- msgid "Local Journal"
- msgstr "Local Journal"
- #: TutoJournalLocalContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalLocalContent"
- msgid "When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device."
- msgstr "When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device."
- #: TutoJournalCloudOneTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalCloudOneTitle"
- msgid "Remote Journal"
- msgstr "Remote Journal"
- #: TutoJournalCloudOneContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalCloudOneContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose."
- msgstr "Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose."
- #: TutoJournalCloudAllTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalCloudAllTitle"
- msgid "Shared Journal"
- msgstr "Shared Journal"
- #: TutoJournalCloudAllContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalCloudAllContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others."
- msgstr "Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others."
- #: TutoGotoHomeTitle
- msgctxt "TutoGotoHomeTitle"
- msgid "Home view"
- msgstr "Home view"
- #: TutoGotoHomeContent
- msgctxt "TutoGotoHomeContent"
- msgid "Click here to go back to the home view."
- msgstr "Click here to go back to the home view."
- #: TutoNeighborIntroTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborIntroTitle"
- msgid "Neighborhood view"
- msgstr "Neighborhood view"
- #: TutoNeighborIntroContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborIntroContent"
- msgid "You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server."
- msgstr "You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server."
- #: TutoNeighborIntroContent2
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborIntroContent2"
- msgid "You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you."
- msgstr "You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you."
- #: TutoNeighborUserTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborUserTitle"
- msgid "You"
- msgstr "You"
- #: TutoNeighborUserContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborUserContent"
- msgid "This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...)."
- msgstr "This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...)."
- #: TutoNeighborServerTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborServerTitle"
- msgid "Your server"
- msgstr "Your server"
- #: TutoNeighborServerContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborServerContent"
- msgid "This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you."
- msgstr "This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you."
- #: TutoNeighborOtherTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborOtherTitle"
- msgid "Another"
- msgstr "Another"
- #: TutoNeighborOtherContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborOtherContent"
- msgid "This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you."
- msgstr "This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you."
- #: TutoNeighborActivityTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborActivityTitle"
- msgid "Shared activity"
- msgstr "Shared activity"
- #: TutoNeighborActivityContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborActivityContent"
- msgid "This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him."
- msgstr "This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him."
- #: TutoNeighborWifiTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborWifiTitle"
- msgid "WiFi"
- msgstr "WiFi"
- #: TutoNeighborWifiContent
- msgctxt "TutoNeighborWifiContent"
- msgid "This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi."
- msgstr "This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi."
- #: AllType
- msgctxt "AllType"
- msgid "All"
- msgstr "All"
- #: SelectFilter
- msgctxt "SelectFilter"
- msgid "Select filter"
- msgstr "Select filter"
- #: SortDisplay
- msgctxt "SortDisplay"
- msgid "Sort display"
- msgstr "Sort display"
- #: SortByUpdated
- msgctxt "SortByUpdated"
- msgid "Sort by updated date"
- msgstr "Sort by updated date"
- #: SortByCreated
- msgctxt "SortByCreated"
- msgid "Sort by creation date"
- msgstr "Sort by creation date"
- #: SortBySize
- msgctxt "SortBySize"
- msgid "Sort by size"
- msgstr "Sort by size"
- #: UnselectAll
- msgctxt "UnselectAll"
- msgid "Unselect all"
- msgstr "Unselect all"
- #: SelectAll
- msgctxt "SelectAll"
- msgid "Select all"
- msgstr "Select all"
- #. Do not translate {{count}} {{total}}
- #: Selected_one
- msgctxt "Selected_one"
- msgid "{{count}} selected on {{total}}"
- msgstr "{{count}} selected on {{total}}"
- #. Do not translate {{count}} {{total}}
- #: Selected_other
- msgctxt "Selected_other"
- msgid "{{count}} selected on {{total}}"
- msgstr "{{count}} selected on {{total}}"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: Erase_one
- msgctxt "Erase_one"
- msgid "Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?"
- msgstr "Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: Erase_other
- msgctxt "Erase_other"
- msgid "Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?"
- msgstr "Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?"
- #: Erasing
- msgctxt "Erasing"
- msgid "Removing..."
- msgstr "Removing..."
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToLocal_one
- msgctxt "CopyToLocal_one"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToLocal_other
- msgctxt "CopyToLocal_other"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToPrivate_one
- msgctxt "CopyToPrivate_one"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToPrivate_other
- msgctxt "CopyToPrivate_other"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToShared_one
- msgctxt "CopyToShared_one"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToShared_other
- msgctxt "CopyToShared_other"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToDevice_one
- msgctxt "CopyToDevice_one"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?"
- #. Do not translate {{count}}
- #: CopyToDevice_other
- msgctxt "CopyToDevice_other"
- msgid "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?"
- msgstr "Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?"
- #: Copying
- msgctxt "Copying"
- msgid "Copying..."
- msgstr "Copying..."
- #: TutoJournalCheckTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalCheckTitle"
- msgid "Selection"
- msgstr "Selection"
- #: TutoJournalCheckContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalCheckContent"
- msgid "This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time."
- msgstr "This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time."
- #: TutoJournalSortButtonTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalSortButtonTitle"
- msgid "Sort"
- msgstr "Sort"
- #: TutoJournalSortButtonContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalSortButtonContent"
- msgid "Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size."
- msgstr "Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size."
- #: SaveFile
- msgctxt "SaveFile"
- msgid "Save file..."
- msgstr "Save file..."
- #: Save
- msgctxt "Save"
- msgid "Save"
- msgstr "Save"
- #: ChooseDirectory
- msgctxt "ChooseDirectory"
- msgid "Choose directory..."
- msgstr "Choose directory..."
- #: Choose
- msgctxt "Choose"
- msgid "Choose"
- msgstr "Choose"
- #. Do not translate {{file}}
- #: ErrorLoadingFile
- msgctxt "ErrorLoadingFile"
- msgid "Error loading file {{file}}"
- msgstr "Error loading file {{file}}"
- #: ChooseFiles
- msgctxt "ChooseFiles"
- msgid "Choose files..."
- msgstr "Choose files..."
- #: FilesSupported
- msgctxt "FilesSupported"
- msgid "Files supported"
- msgstr "Files supported"
- #: ImageFromDevice
- msgctxt "ImageFromDevice"
- msgid "Image from device"
- msgstr "Image from device"
- #: TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle
- msgctxt "TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle"
- msgid "Import from device"
- msgstr "Import from device"
- #: TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent
- msgctxt "TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent"
- msgid "Click here to import content from your device to the Journal"
- msgstr "Click here to import content from your device to the Journal"
- #: TutoInitIntroTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitIntroTitle"
- msgid "Welcome to Sugarizer"
- msgstr "Welcome to Sugarizer"
- #: TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent"
- msgid "Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share."
- msgstr "Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share."
- #: TutoInitNewUserTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitNewUserTitle"
- msgid "New user"
- msgstr "New user"
- #: TutoInitNewUserContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitNewUserContent"
- msgid "First, you need an user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user."
- msgstr "First, you need an user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user."
- #: TutoInitLoginTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitLoginTitle"
- msgid "User login"
- msgstr "User login"
- #: TutoInitLoginContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitLoginContent"
- msgid "You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information."
- msgstr "You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information."
- #: TutoInitHistoryTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitHistoryTitle"
- msgid "Recent users"
- msgstr "Recent users"
- #: TutoInitHistoryContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitHistoryContent"
- msgid "Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect."
- msgstr "Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect."
- #: TutoInitHelpTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitHelpTitle"
- msgid "Help me"
- msgstr "Help me"
- #: TutoInitHelpContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitHelpContent"
- msgid "Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help."
- msgstr "Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help."
- #: TutoInitServerTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitServerTitle"
- msgid "Server address"
- msgstr "Server address"
- #: TutoInitServerContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitServerContent"
- msgid "Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by \"http://\" or \"https://\"."
- msgstr "Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by \"http://\" or \"https://\"."
- #: TutoInitNameTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitNameTitle"
- msgid "Your name"
- msgstr "Your name"
- #: TutoInitNameContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitNameContent"
- msgid "The name you use to connect to the application."
- msgstr "The name you use to connect to the application."
- #: TutoInitPasswordTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitPasswordTitle"
- msgid "Your password"
- msgstr "Your password"
- #: TutoInitPasswordContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitPasswordContent"
- msgid "The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you."
- msgstr "The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you."
- #: TutoInitNameNewTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitNameNewTitle"
- msgid "Choose a name"
- msgstr "Choose a name"
- #: TutoInitNameNewContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitNameNewContent"
- msgid "The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later."
- msgstr "The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later."
- #: TutoInitPasswordNewTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitPasswordNewTitle"
- msgid "Choose a password"
- msgstr "Choose a password"
- #: TutoInitPasswordNewContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitPasswordNewContent"
- msgid "Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!"
- msgstr "Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!"
- #: TutoInitPreviousTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitPreviousTitle"
- msgid "Go back"
- msgstr "Go back"
- #: TutoInitPreviousContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitPreviousContent"
- msgid "You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step."
- msgstr "You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step."
- #: TutoInitNextTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitNextTitle"
- msgid "Go next"
- msgstr "Go next"
- #: TutoInitNextContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitNextContent"
- msgid "Validate your choice and go to the next step."
- msgstr "Validate your choice and go to the next step."
- #: TutoInitColorTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitColorTitle"
- msgid "Choose your colors"
- msgstr "Choose your colors"
- #: TutoInitColorContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitColorContent"
- msgid "Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind."
- msgstr "Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind."
- #: TutoInitMainTitle
- msgctxt "TutoInitMainTitle"
- msgid "Home screen"
- msgstr "Home screen"
- #: TutoInitMainContent
- msgctxt "TutoInitMainContent"
- msgid "You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details."
- msgstr "You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details."
- #: TutoActivityAbacusactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityAbacusactivity"
- msgid "Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese."
- msgstr "Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese."
- #: TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity"
- msgid "Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words."
- msgstr "Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words."
- #: TutoActivityBlockrainactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityBlockrainactivity"
- msgid "Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines."
- msgstr "Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines."
- #: TutoActivityCalculateactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityCalculateactivity"
- msgid "Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting."
- msgstr "Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting."
- #: TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity"
- msgid "Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation."
- msgstr "Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation."
- #: TutoActivityClockactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityClockactivity"
- msgid "Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time."
- msgstr "Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time."
- #: TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity"
- msgid "Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map."
- msgstr "Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map."
- #: TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity"
- msgid "An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature."
- msgstr "An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature."
- #: TutoActivityEtoysactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityEtoysactivity"
- msgid "EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways."
- msgstr "EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways."
- #: TutoActivityExerciseractivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityExerciseractivity"
- msgid "Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends."
- msgstr "Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends."
- #: TutoActivityFlipactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityFlipactivity"
- msgid "Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip \"coins\" until they are all of the same color. Each time you \"win\" the challenge gets more difficult."
- msgstr "Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip \"coins\" until they are all of the same color. Each time you \"win\" the challenge gets more difficult."
- #: TutoActivityFoodChainactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityFoodChainactivity"
- msgid "FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity."
- msgstr "FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity."
- #: TutoActivityFototoonactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityFototoonactivity"
- msgid "FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends."
- msgstr "FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends."
- #: TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity"
- msgid "Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen."
- msgstr "Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen."
- #: TutoActivityGearsactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityGearsactivity"
- msgid "Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life."
- msgstr "Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life."
- #: TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity"
- msgid "Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list."
- msgstr "Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list."
- #: TutoActivityGridpaintactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityGridpaintactivity"
- msgid "Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!"
- msgstr "Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!"
- #: TutoActivityJappyactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityJappyactivity"
- msgid "Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language."
- msgstr "Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language."
- #: TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity"
- msgid "LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations."
- msgstr "LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations."
- #: TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity"
- msgid "Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game."
- msgstr "Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game."
- #: TutoActivityMarkdownactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityMarkdownactivity"
- msgid "Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text."
- msgstr "Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text."
- #: TutoActivityMazeWebactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityMazeWebactivity"
- msgid "A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one."
- msgstr "A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one."
- #: TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity"
- msgid "An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal."
- msgstr "An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal."
- #: TutoActivityMemorizeactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityMemorizeactivity"
- msgid "The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well."
- msgstr "The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well."
- #: TutoActivityMoonactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityMoonactivity"
- msgid "Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data."
- msgstr "Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data."
- #: TutoActivityPaintactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityPaintactivity"
- msgid "Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns."
- msgstr "Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns."
- #: TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity"
- msgid "PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia."
- msgstr "PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia."
- #: TutoActivityQRCodeactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityQRCodeactivity"
- msgid "Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner."
- msgstr "Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner."
- #: TutoActivityRecordactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityRecordactivity"
- msgid "Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio."
- msgstr "Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio."
- #: TutoActivityReflectionactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityReflectionactivity"
- msgid "Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis."
- msgstr "Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis."
- #: TutoActivityScratchactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityScratchactivity"
- msgid "Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations."
- msgstr "Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations."
- #: TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity"
- msgid "Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like \"Post-It\" - on a virtual board and share it with other users."
- msgstr "Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like \"Post-It\" - on a virtual board and share it with other users."
- #: TutoActivitySpeakactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivitySpeakactivity"
- msgid "Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer."
- msgstr "Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer."
- #: TutoActivitySprintMathactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivitySprintMathactivity"
- msgid "Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network."
- msgstr "Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network."
- #: TutoActivityStopwatchactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityStopwatchactivity"
- msgid "StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent."
- msgstr "StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent."
- #: TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity"
- msgid "Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type."
- msgstr "Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type."
- #: TutoActivityTankOpactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityTankOpactivity"
- msgid "Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty."
- msgstr "Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty."
- #: TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity"
- msgid "Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical \"turtle\" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements."
- msgstr "Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical \"turtle\" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements."
- #: TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity"
- msgid "A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos."
- msgstr "A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos."
- #: TutoActivityXOEditoractivity
- msgctxt "TutoActivityXOEditoractivity"
- msgid "Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite."
- msgstr "Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite."