- // First screen class
- enyo.kind({
- name: "Sugar.FirstScreen",
- kind: enyo.Control,
- components: [
- {name: "helpbutton", kind: "Sugar.Icon", size: constant.sizeEmpty, icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "help.svg"}, colorized: true, colorizedColor: {stroke: "#666666", fill: "#ffffff"}, ontap: "startTutorial", classes: "first-help"},
- {name: "namebox", classes: "first-namebox", onresize: "resize", showing: false, components: [
- {name: "nameline", classes: "first-nameline", components: [
- {name: "nametext", content: "xxx", classes: "first-nametext"},
- {classes: "first-input", components: [
- {name: "name", kind: "Input", classes: "first-namevalue", onkeydown: "enterclick"}
- ]}
- ]},
- ]},
- {name: "serverbox", classes: "first-serverbox", onresize: "resize", showing: false, components: [
- {name: "serverline", classes: "first-serverline", components: [
- {name: "servertext", content: "xxx", classes: "first-servertext"},
- {classes: "first-input", components: [
- {name: "server", kind: "Input", classes: "first-servervalue", onkeydown: "enterclick"}
- ]},
- {name: "qrbutton", kind: "Sugar.Icon", size: constant.sizeEmpty, icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "qrcode.svg"}, ontap: "scanQR", classes: "first-qr"}
- ]},
- ]},
- {name: "passbox", classes: "first-passbox", onresize: "resize", showing: false, components: [
- {name: "password", kind: "Sugar.Password", onEnter: "enterPassword"}
- ]},
- {name: "historybox", classes: "first-historybox", kind: "Repeater", onSetupItem: "setupHistory", onresize: "resize", showing: false, components:[
- {name: "history", kind: "Sugar.IconButton", icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "owner-icon.svg"}, classes: "first-historybutton", ontap: "historyClicked"}
- ]},
- {name: "previous", kind: "Sugar.IconButton", icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "go-left.svg"}, classes: "first-leftbutton", ontap: "previous", showing: false},
- {name: "next", kind: "Sugar.IconButton", icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "go-right.svg"}, classes: "first-rightbutton", ontap: "next", showing: false},
- {name: "colortext", content: "xxx", classes: "first-colortext", showing: false},
- {name: "owner", kind: "Sugar.Icon", size: constant.sizeOwner, colorized: true, classes: "first-owner-icon", showing: false, onresize: "resize", ontap: "nextcolor"},
- {name: "newuser", kind: "Sugar.Icon", size: constant.sizeNewUser, colorized: false, classes: "first-owner-icon", showing: true, onresize: "resize", ontap: "newUser"},
- {name: "newusertext", content: "xxx", classes: "newuser-text"},
- {name: "login", kind: "Sugar.Icon", size: constant.sizeNewUser, colorized: false, classes: "first-owner-icon", showing: true, onresize: "resize", ontap: "login"},
- {name: "logintext", content: "xxx", classes: "newuser-text"},
- {name: "spinner", kind: "Image", src: "images/spinner-light.gif", classes: "spinner", showing: false},
- {name: "warningmessage", content: "xxx", classes: "first-warningmessage", showing: true}
- ],
- // Constructor
- create: function() {
- // Init screen
- app = this;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.$.nametext.setContent(l10n.get("Name"));
- this.$.servertext.setContent(l10n.get("ServerUrl"));
- this.$.password.setLabel(l10n.get("Password"));
- this.$.previous.setText(l10n.get("Back"));
- this.$.next.setText(l10n.get("Next"));
- this.$.newusertext.setContent(l10n.get("NewUser"));
- this.$.logintext.setContent(l10n.get("Login"));
- this.$.owner.setIcon({directory: "icons", icon: "owner-icon.svg"});
- this.$.colortext.setContent(l10n.get("ClickToColor"));
- this.history = preferences.getHistory();
- if (!this.history || !this.history.length) {
- this.history = [];
- }
- this.$.historybox.set("count", this.history.length, true);
- this.resize();
- this.ownerColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*xoPalette.colors.length);
- this.$.owner.setColorizedColor(xoPalette.colors[this.ownerColor]);
- this.$.newuser.setIcon({directory: "icons", icon: "newuser-icon.svg"});
- this.$.login.setIcon({directory: "icons", icon: "login.svg"});
- if (l10n.language.direction == "rtl") {
- this.$.name.addClass("rtl-10");
- }
- this.createnew = true;
- this.step = 0;
- this.displayStep();
- util.updateFavicon();
- // Get server information
- this.$.server.setValue((util.getClientType() == constant.appType) ? constant.defaultServer : util.getCurrentServerUrl());
- if (util.getClientType() == constant.webAppType) {
- var that = this;
- myserver.getServerInformation(myserver.getServerUrl(), function(inSender, inResponse) {
- inResponse.url = util.getCurrentServerUrl();
- preferences.setServer(inResponse);
- that.$.server.setValue(inResponse.url);
- });
- }
- // Hide toolbar
- var toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar");
- this.backgroundColor = toolbar.style.backgroundColor;
- toolbar.style.backgroundColor = "white";
- document.getElementById("canvas").style.overflowY = "hidden";
- util.hideNativeToolbar();
- },
- // Render
- rendered: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // At first launch, display tutorial
- var that = this;
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- if (that.history.length == 0) {
- that.startTutorial();
- }
- }, constant.timerBeforeTutorial);
- },
- getView: function() {
- return constant.initView;
- },
- setupHistory: function(inSender, inEvent) {
- var user = this.history[this.history.length-inEvent.index-1];
- inEvent.item.$.history.setColorizedColor(xoPalette.colors[user.color]);
- inEvent.item.$.history.setColorized(true);
- inEvent.item.$.history.setText(user.name);
- },
- // Display current step items
- displayStep: function() {
- var vlogin = false,
- vlogintext = false,
- vnewuser = false,
- vnewusertext = false,
- vserverbox = false,
- vnamebox = false,
- vpassbox = false,
- vcolortext = false,
- vowner = false,
- vnext = false,
- vprevious = false,
- vwarning = false,
- vhistory = false;
- var currentserver;
- var serverurl;
- this.$.password.stopInputListening();
- switch(this.step) {
- case 0: // Choose between New User/Login
- this.scrollToTop();
- vlogin = vlogintext = vnewuser = vnewusertext = true;
- vhistory = true;
- break;
- case 1: // Server name
- this.scrollToField(this.$.serverbox);
- vserverbox = vnext = vprevious = true;
- this.$.qrbutton.setShowing(enyo.platform.ios || enyo.platform.android || enyo.platform.androidChrome);
- this.$.next.setText(l10n.get("Next"));
- break;
- case 2: // Type name
- this.scrollToField(this.$.namebox);
- vnamebox = vnext = vprevious = true;
- this.$.nametext.setContent(l10n.get(this.createnew ? "ChooseName" : "Name"));
- this.$.next.setText(l10n.get("Next"));
- break;
- case 3: // Type password
- this.scrollToTop();
- vpassbox = vprevious = vnext = true;
- this.$.password.setLabel(l10n.get(this.createnew ? "ChoosePassword" : "Password", {min: util.getMinPasswordSize()}));
- this.$.next.setText(l10n.get(this.createnew ? "Next" : "Done"));
- this.$.password.startInputListening();
- break;
- case 4: // Choose color
- this.scrollToTop();
- vcolortext = vprevious = vnext = vowner = true;
- this.$.next.setText(l10n.get("Done"));
- break;
- case 5: // Go to home view
- this.createOrLogin();
- return;
- }
- this.$.login.setShowing(vlogin);
- this.$.logintext.setShowing(vlogintext);
- this.$.newuser.setShowing(vnewuser);
- this.$.newusertext.setShowing(vnewusertext);
- this.$.namebox.setShowing(vnamebox);
- this.$.name.setAttribute("readOnly", !vnamebox);
- if (vnamebox) {
- this.$.name.focus();
- this.$.name.hasNode().select();
- }
- this.$.serverbox.setShowing(vserverbox);
- if (vserverbox) {
- this.$.server.focus();
- this.$.server.hasNode().select();
- }
- this.$.passbox.setShowing(vpassbox);
- this.$.colortext.setShowing(vcolortext);
- this.$.owner.setShowing(vowner);
- this.$.previous.setShowing(vprevious);
- this.$.next.setShowing(vnext);
- this.$.historybox.setShowing(vhistory && this.history.length);
- this.$.warningmessage.setShowing(vwarning);
- },
- // Event handling
- newUser: function() {
- this.createnew = true;
- this.step++;
- this.step++;
- this.displayStep();
- },
- login: function() {
- this.createnew = false;
- this.step++;
- if (util.getClientType() == constant.webAppType) {
- this.step++;
- }
- this.displayStep();
- },
- next: function() {
- if (this.$.spinner.getShowing()) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.step == 1 && this.$.server.getValue()) {
- // Retrieve server information
- this.$.spinner.setShowing(true);
- var that = this;
- myserver.getServerInformation(this.$.server.getValue(), function(inSender, inResponse) {
- var server = inResponse;
- server.url = that.$.server.getValue();
- if (server.secure) {
- server.url = server.url.replace(constant.http, constant.https);
- } else {
- server.url = server.url.replace(constant.https, constant.http);
- }
- preferences.setServer(server);
- that.step++;
- that.displayStep();
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.$.warningmessage.setShowing(false);
- }, function() {
- that.$.warningmessage.setContent(l10n.get("ErrorLoadingRemote"));
- that.$.warningmessage.setShowing(true);
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- });
- } else if (this.step == 2) {
- var name = this.$.name.getValue().trim();
- if (name.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- this.step++;
- if (util.getClientType() == constant.appType && (this.createnew || !this.$.server.getValue())) { // No password for the app when create new or server is null
- this.step++;
- }
- this.displayStep();
- } else if (this.step == 3) {
- var pass = this.$.password.getPassword();
- if (pass.length == 0 || pass.length < util.getMinPasswordSize()) {
- return;
- }
- this.step++;
- if (!this.createnew) { // No color when login
- this.step++;
- }
- this.displayStep();
- } else {
- this.step++;
- this.displayStep();
- }
- },
- previous: function() {
- if (this.$.spinner.getShowing()) {
- return;
- }
- this.step--;
- var clientType = util.getClientType();
- if ((this.step == 3 && clientType == constant.appType && this.createnew) // No password for app
- || (this.step == 4 && !this.createnew) // No color in login mode
- || (this.step == 1 && (clientType == constant.webAppType || this.createnew)) // No way to update server for webapp
- ) {
- this.step--;
- }
- this.displayStep();
- },
- enterclick: function(inSender, inEvent) {
- if (inEvent.keyCode === 13) {
- this.next();
- return true;
- }
- },
- enterPassword: function() {
- this.next();
- },
- scrollToField: function(inSender) {
- // HACK: Scroll screen on Android to avoid to be hide by the touch keyboard
- var nodeName = inSender.hasNode();
- if (nodeName && (enyo.platform.android || enyo.platform.androidChrome)) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- nodeName.scrollIntoView();
- }, 100);
- }
- },
- scrollToTop: function() {
- var nodeName = this.$.helpbutton.hasNode();
- if (nodeName && (enyo.platform.android || enyo.platform.androidChrome)) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- nodeName.scrollIntoView(true);
- }, 100);
- }
- },
- nextcolor: function() {
- if (this.$.spinner.getShowing()) {
- return;
- }
- this.ownerColor = this.ownerColor + 1;
- if (this.ownerColor >= xoPalette.colors.length)
- this.ownerColor = 0;
- this.$.owner.setColorizedColor(xoPalette.colors[this.ownerColor]);
- this.$.owner.render();
- },
- resize: function() {
- var canvas_center = util.getCanvasCenter();
- this.$.owner.applyStyle("margin-left", (canvas_center.x-constant.sizeOwner/2)+"px");
- var middletop = (canvas_center.y-constant.sizeOwner/2);
- this.$.nameline.applyStyle("margin-top", (middletop-15)+"px");
- this.$.serverline.applyStyle("margin-top", (middletop-15)+"px");
- this.$.passbox.applyStyle("margin-top", (middletop/2)+"px");
- this.$.owner.applyStyle("margin-top", middletop+"px");
- this.$.warningmessage.applyStyle("left", (canvas_center.x-100)+"px");
- this.$.colortext.applyStyle("margin-top", (middletop-15)+"px");
- var newUserPosition = (middletop-constant.sizeNewUser/2);
- this.$.newuser.applyStyle("margin-top", newUserPosition+"px");
- this.$.login.applyStyle("margin-top", newUserPosition+"px");
- this.$.historybox.applyStyle("margin-top", (newUserPosition+20)+"px");
- this.$.newusertext.applyStyle("margin-top", (newUserPosition+constant.sizeNewUser+20)+"px");
- this.$.newusertext.applyStyle("width", constant.sizeNewUser+"px");
- this.$.logintext.applyStyle("margin-top", (newUserPosition+constant.sizeNewUser+20)+"px");
- this.$.logintext.applyStyle("width", constant.sizeNewUser+"px");
- if (this.history.length) {
- var left = (canvas_center.x-(constant.sizeNewUser*1.5)-30);
- this.$.newuser.applyStyle("margin-left", left+"px");
- this.$.newusertext.applyStyle("margin-left", left+"px");
- left += constant.sizeNewUser+30;
- this.$.login.applyStyle("margin-left", left+"px");
- this.$.logintext.applyStyle("margin-left", left+"px");
- left += constant.sizeNewUser+30;
- this.$.historybox.applyStyle("margin-left", left+"px");
- } else {
- this.$.newuser.applyStyle("margin-left", (canvas_center.x-constant.sizeNewUser-25)+"px");
- this.$.newusertext.applyStyle("margin-left", (canvas_center.x-constant.sizeNewUser-25)+"px");
- this.$.login.applyStyle("margin-left", (canvas_center.x+25)+"px");
- this.$.logintext.applyStyle("margin-left", (canvas_center.x+25)+"px");
- }
- },
- historyClicked: function(inSender, inEvent) {
- var user = this.history[this.history.length-inEvent.index-1];
- this.$.name.setValue(user.name);
- this.$.server.setValue(user.server ? user.server.url: "");
- if (user.server && user.server.url) {
- // Retrieve the server in history and go to login
- var that = this;
- myserver.getServerInformation(this.$.server.getValue(), function(inSender, inResponse) {
- inResponse.url = that.$.server.getValue();
- preferences.setServer(inResponse);
- });
- this.createnew = false;
- this.step = 3;
- this.displayStep();
- } else {
- // No server in history, create a new local user
- preferences.setName(user.name);
- preferences.setColor(user.color);
- this.launchDesktop();
- }
- },
- // Account handling
- createOrLogin: function() {
- // Save settings
- preferences.setColor(this.ownerColor);
- preferences.setName(this.$.name.getValue().trim());
- // Not connected
- if (util.getClientType() != constant.webAppType && (this.createnew || !this.$.server.getValue())) {
- this.launchDesktop();
- return;
- }
- // Pause UI
- this.$.spinner.setShowing(true);
- // Create a new user on the network
- if (this.createnew) {
- this.createUser();
- }
- // Log user
- else {
- this.loginUser();
- }
- },
- createUser: function() {
- var that = this;
- myserver.postUser(
- {
- name: preferences.getName(),
- color: preferences.getColor(),
- language: preferences.getLanguage(),
- role: "student",
- password: this.$.password.getPassword(),
- options: { sync: preferences.getOptions("sync"), stats: preferences.getOptions("stats") }
- },
- function(inSender, inResponse) {
- // Auto log user after creation to get token
- that.loginUser();
- },
- function(response, error) {
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- if (error == 22) {
- that.$.warningmessage.setContent(l10n.get("UserAlreadyExist"));
- } else {
- that.$.warningmessage.setContent(l10n.get("ServerError", {code: error}));
- }
- that.$.warningmessage.setShowing(true);
- that.step--;
- }
- );
- },
- loginUser: function() {
- var that = this;
- var user = {
- "name": preferences.getName(),
- "password": this.$.password.getPassword()
- };
- myserver.loginUser(user, function(loginSender, loginResponse) {
- preferences.setToken({'x_key': loginResponse.user._id, 'access_token': loginResponse.token});
- myserver.getUser(
- loginResponse.user._id,
- function(inSender, inResponse) {
- preferences.setNetworkId(inResponse._id);
- preferences.setPrivateJournal(inResponse.private_journal);
- preferences.setSharedJournal(inResponse.shared_journal);
- preferences.setConnected(true);
- l10n.language.code = inResponse.language;
- var changed = preferences.merge(inResponse);
- if (changed) {
- preferences.save();
- }
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.launchDesktop();
- },
- function(response, code) {
- that.$.warningmessage.setContent(l10n.get("ServerError", {code: code}));
- that.$.warningmessage.setShowing(true);
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.step--;
- }
- );
- },
- function(response, error) {
- if (error == 1) {
- that.$.warningmessage.setContent(l10n.get("UserLoginInvalid"));
- } else {
- that.$.warningmessage.setContent(l10n.get("ServerError", {code: error}));
- }
- that.$.warningmessage.setShowing(true);
- that.$.spinner.setShowing(false);
- that.step--;
- if (that.step == 4 && (util.getClientType() == constant.webAppType || (util.getClientType() == constant.appType && this.createnew))) {
- that.$.password.startInputListening();
- }
- });
- },
- // Handle QR Code scanner
- scanQR: function() {
- var that = this;
- that.scrollToField(that.$.helpbutton);
- util.scanQRCode(function(code) {
- that.$.server.setValue(code);
- }, function() {
- that.scrollToField(that.$.serverbox);
- that.$.server.focus();
- that.$.server.hasNode().select()
- });
- },
- // Display tutorial
- startTutorial: function() {
- tutorial.setElement("newuser", this.$.newuser.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("login", this.$.login.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("historybox", this.$.historybox.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("helpbutton", this.$.helpbutton.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("serverbox", this.$.server.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("qrcode", this.$.qrbutton.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("namebox", this.$.name.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("passbox", this.$.password.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("previous", this.$.previous.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("next", this.$.next.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("owner", this.$.owner.getAttribute("id"));
- tutorial.setElement("createnew", this.createnew);
- tutorial.setElement("currentstep", this.step);
- tutorial.start();
- },
- // Launch desktop
- launchDesktop: function() {
- document.getElementById("toolbar").style.backgroundColor = this.backgroundColor;
- document.getElementById("canvas").style.overflowY = "auto";
- isFirstLaunch = (this.history.length == 0 && this.createnew);
- app = new Sugar.Desktop();
- app.renderInto(document.getElementById("canvas"));
- preferences.save();
- }
- });
- // EE screen handle
- enyo.kind({
- name: "Sugar.EE",
- kind: enyo.Control,
- published: { mode: 1 },
- components: [
- {name: "endscreen", kind: "Image", src: "images/uiwarning.png", classes: "shutdownimage", showing: false, ontap: "reload"},
- {name: "audio", kind: "Sugar.Audio"},
- {name: "owner", kind: "Sugar.Icon", size: constant.sizeOwner, icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "owner-icon.svg"}, colorized: true, colorizedColor: {stroke: "#666666", fill: "#FFFFFF"}, classes: "owner-icon", showing: false},
- {name: "dots"},
- {name: "lab", kind: "Image", src: "images/eelab.svg", classes: "eelab", showing: false},
- {name: "fed", kind: "Image", src: "images/eefed.jpg", classes: "eefed", showing: false},
- ],
- // Constructor
- create: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.timer = null;
- this.step = 0;
- app.noresize = true;
- },
- // Render
- rendered: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.draw();
- },
- modeChanged: function() {
- this.draw();
- },
- reload: function() {
- location.reload();
- },
- // Draw screen
- draw: function() {
- this.addRemoveClass("eedownscreen", false);
- this.addRemoveClass("shutdownscreen", false);
- if (this.mode == 1) {
- if (this.step) {
- return;
- }
- this.addRemoveClass("eescreen", true);
- this.$.audio.play("audio/eeboot");
- this.step = 1;
- this.timer = window.setInterval(enyo.bind(this, "processStep"), 1000);
- } else if (this.mode == 2) {
- this.addRemoveClass("shutdownscreen", true);
- this.$.endscreen.setShowing(true);
- }
- },
- processStep: function() {
- var lightgray = {stroke: "#000000", fill: "#999999"};
- var darkgray = {stroke: "#000000", fill: "#666666"};
- switch(this.step++) {
- case 1: {
- var canvas_center = util.getCanvasCenter();
- this.$.owner.setX(canvas_center.x-constant.sizeOwner/2);
- this.$.owner.setY(canvas_center.y-constant.sizeOwner/2);
- this.$.owner.setShowing(true);
- break;
- }
- case 11: {
- this.dots = [];
- var dotsize = 24;
- var ownersize = this.$.owner.getSize();
- var centerx = this.$.owner.getX() + ownersize/2 - dotsize/2;
- var centery = this.$.owner.getY() + ownersize/2 - dotsize/2;
- var PI2 = Math.PI*2.0;
- var radius = ownersize*1.5;
- var angle = Math.PI/2.0;
- var base_angle = PI2/parseFloat(24);
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i++) {
- x = (centerx+Math.cos(angle)*radius);
- y = (centery+Math.sin(angle)*radius);
- var dot = this.$.dots.createComponent({
- kind: "Sugar.Icon",
- icon: {directory: "icons", icon: "dot.svg"},
- size: dotsize,
- x: x,
- y: y,
- colorizedColor: lightgray,
- colorized: true,
- showing: (i==0)},
- {owner: this});
- dot.render();
- this.dots.push(dot);
- angle += base_angle;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 20: {
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i++) {
- this.dots[i].setShowing(true);
- }
- this.$.fed.setShowing(true);
- this.$.lab.setShowing(true);
- break;
- }
- case 21: {
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i += 4) {
- this.dots[i].setColorizedColor(darkgray);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 22:
- case 23:
- case 24:
- case 25:
- case 26: {
- var colors = [];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i++) {
- colors.push(this.dots[i].getColorizedColor());
- }
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i++) {
- this.dots[i].setColorizedColor(colors[(i == 0 ? 23 : i-1)]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 27: {
- for (var i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i++) {
- this.dots[i].setColorizedColor(darkgray);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 39: {
- window.clearInterval(this.timer);
- this.reload();
- }
- default: {
- }
- }
- },
- encoded: "\
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- 6516455a5f57685a1822184357646b5b6216476b5fe765645b69182218395e685f696a5f57641649\
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- ",
- contributors: function() {
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- for(var i = 0 ; i < this.encoded.length ; i+=2) {
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- json += String.fromCharCode(hex+10);
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- list.push({networkId: "nxx"+i, name: contribs[i], colorvalue: color});
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- });