- [Go back to tutorial home](tutorial.md)
- # Step 1: create the activity from the template
- *(Estimated time: 15mn)*
- Sugarizer comes with an empty template that you could use as base of your new activity. So first, copy all content of the Sugarizer [activities/ActivityTemplate](activities/ActivityTemplate) directory in a new directory called `activities/Pawn.activity`. **Pawn** will be the name for our new activity.
- ### File structure
- In your new directory, you will find the following file structure:
- ![](images/tutorial_step1_1.png)
- * `activity/` contains information about your activity, including the name, ID, and the icon.
- * `index.html` is where the elements that compose your activity are defined. The template comes with a toolbar and a canvas where you can place your content.
- * `js/activity.js` is where the logic of your activity lives.
- * `css/activity.css` is where you add the styling of your activity.
- Those are the files you'll modify in most cases. The others are:
- * `js/loader.js` configures the libraries paths and loads your `js/activity.js`
- * `lib/` contains the libraries
- * `package.json` contains information about the libraries the activity depends on
- * `setup.py` is used if you want to run your activity in Sugar.
- ### Customize the activity
- Then customize the activity using your text editor. Change the name for your activity. Write `Pawn` in the activity **name** and `org.sugarlabs.Pawn` in **bundle_id** properties in `activity/activity.info` of the new directory.
- [Activity]
- name = Pawn
- activity_version = 1
- bundle_id = org.sugarlabs.Pawn
- exec = sugar-activity-web
- icon = activity-icon
- Use also your text editor to change the **title** tag of `index.html` to `Pawn Activity`.
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- <title>Pawn Activity</title>
- <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"/>
- <link rel="stylesheet" media="not screen and (device-width: 1200px) and (device-height: 900px)"
- href="lib/sugar-web/graphics/css/sugar-96dpi.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (device-width: 1200px) and (device-height: 900px)"
- href="lib/sugar-web/graphics/css/sugar-200dpi.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/activity.css">
- <script data-main="js/loader" src="lib/require.js"></script>
- </head>
- ...
- Finally, update the file `activities.json` at the root of the Sugarizer directory: add a new line for your activity. Update **id**, **name** and **directory** values on this new line to `org.sugarlabs.Pawn`, `Pawn` and `activities/Pawn.activity`.
- [
- {"id": "org.sugarlabs.Pawn", "name": "Pawn", "version": 1, "directory": "activities/Pawn.activity", "icon": "activity/activity-icon.svg", "favorite": true, "activityId": null},
- {"id": "org.sugarlabs.GearsActivity", "name": "Gears", "version": 6, "directory": "activities/Gears.activity", "icon": "activity/activity-icon.svg", "favorite": true, "activityId": null},
- {"id": "org.sugarlabs.MazeWebActivity", "name": "Maze Web", "version": 2, "directory": "activities/MazeWeb.activity", "icon": "activity/activity-icon.svg", "favorite": true, "activityId": null},
- Now run Sugarizer, you should see the icon of a new activity like this:
- ![](images/tutorial_step1_2.png)
- Let's run the activity by clicking on it. You will see the first step of your activity.
- ![](images/tutorial_step1_3.png)
- Now you are ready to go ahead and customize your activity.
- [Go to next step](tutorial_step2.md)