- /*
- Ported to JavaScript by Lazar Laszlo 2011
- lazarsoft@gmail.com, www.lazarsoft.info
- */
- /*
- *
- * Copyright 2007 ZXing authors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- function PerspectiveTransform( a11, a21, a31, a12, a22, a32, a13, a23, a33)
- {
- this.a11 = a11;
- this.a12 = a12;
- this.a13 = a13;
- this.a21 = a21;
- this.a22 = a22;
- this.a23 = a23;
- this.a31 = a31;
- this.a32 = a32;
- this.a33 = a33;
- this.transformPoints1=function( points)
- {
- var max = points.length;
- var a11 = this.a11;
- var a12 = this.a12;
- var a13 = this.a13;
- var a21 = this.a21;
- var a22 = this.a22;
- var a23 = this.a23;
- var a31 = this.a31;
- var a32 = this.a32;
- var a33 = this.a33;
- for (var i = 0; i < max; i += 2)
- {
- var x = points[i];
- var y = points[i + 1];
- var denominator = a13 * x + a23 * y + a33;
- points[i] = (a11 * x + a21 * y + a31) / denominator;
- points[i + 1] = (a12 * x + a22 * y + a32) / denominator;
- }
- }
- this. transformPoints2=function(xValues, yValues)
- {
- var n = xValues.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- var x = xValues[i];
- var y = yValues[i];
- var denominator = this.a13 * x + this.a23 * y + this.a33;
- xValues[i] = (this.a11 * x + this.a21 * y + this.a31) / denominator;
- yValues[i] = (this.a12 * x + this.a22 * y + this.a32) / denominator;
- }
- }
- this.buildAdjoint=function()
- {
- // Adjoint is the transpose of the cofactor matrix:
- return new PerspectiveTransform(this.a22 * this.a33 - this.a23 * this.a32, this.a23 * this.a31 - this.a21 * this.a33, this.a21 * this.a32 - this.a22 * this.a31, this.a13 * this.a32 - this.a12 * this.a33, this.a11 * this.a33 - this.a13 * this.a31, this.a12 * this.a31 - this.a11 * this.a32, this.a12 * this.a23 - this.a13 * this.a22, this.a13 * this.a21 - this.a11 * this.a23, this.a11 * this.a22 - this.a12 * this.a21);
- }
- this.times=function( other)
- {
- return new PerspectiveTransform(this.a11 * other.a11 + this.a21 * other.a12 + this.a31 * other.a13, this.a11 * other.a21 + this.a21 * other.a22 + this.a31 * other.a23, this.a11 * other.a31 + this.a21 * other.a32 + this.a31 * other.a33, this.a12 * other.a11 + this.a22 * other.a12 + this.a32 * other.a13, this.a12 * other.a21 + this.a22 * other.a22 + this.a32 * other.a23, this.a12 * other.a31 + this.a22 * other.a32 + this.a32 * other.a33, this.a13 * other.a11 + this.a23 * other.a12 +this.a33 * other.a13, this.a13 * other.a21 + this.a23 * other.a22 + this.a33 * other.a23, this.a13 * other.a31 + this.a23 * other.a32 + this.a33 * other.a33);
- }
- }
- PerspectiveTransform.quadrilateralToQuadrilateral=function( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x0p, y0p, x1p, y1p, x2p, y2p, x3p, y3p)
- {
- var qToS = this.quadrilateralToSquare(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
- var sToQ = this.squareToQuadrilateral(x0p, y0p, x1p, y1p, x2p, y2p, x3p, y3p);
- return sToQ.times(qToS);
- }
- PerspectiveTransform.squareToQuadrilateral=function( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
- {
- var dy2 = y3 - y2;
- var dy3 = y0 - y1 + y2 - y3;
- if (dy2 == 0.0 && dy3 == 0.0)
- {
- return new PerspectiveTransform(x1 - x0, x2 - x1, x0, y1 - y0, y2 - y1, y0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- }
- else
- {
- var dx1 = x1 - x2;
- var dx2 = x3 - x2;
- var dx3 = x0 - x1 + x2 - x3;
- var dy1 = y1 - y2;
- var denominator = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1;
- var a13 = (dx3 * dy2 - dx2 * dy3) / denominator;
- var a23 = (dx1 * dy3 - dx3 * dy1) / denominator;
- return new PerspectiveTransform(x1 - x0 + a13 * x1, x3 - x0 + a23 * x3, x0, y1 - y0 + a13 * y1, y3 - y0 + a23 * y3, y0, a13, a23, 1.0);
- }
- }
- PerspectiveTransform.quadrilateralToSquare=function( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
- {
- // Here, the adjoint serves as the inverse:
- return this.squareToQuadrilateral(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3).buildAdjoint();
- }
- function DetectorResult(bits, points)
- {
- this.bits = bits;
- this.points = points;
- }
- function Detector(image)
- {
- this.image=image;
- this.resultPointCallback = null;
- this.sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRun=function( fromX, fromY, toX, toY)
- {
- // Mild variant of Bresenham's algorithm;
- // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
- var steep = Math.abs(toY - fromY) > Math.abs(toX - fromX);
- if (steep)
- {
- var temp = fromX;
- fromX = fromY;
- fromY = temp;
- temp = toX;
- toX = toY;
- toY = temp;
- }
- var dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX);
- var dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY);
- var error = - dx >> 1;
- var ystep = fromY < toY?1:- 1;
- var xstep = fromX < toX?1:- 1;
- var state = 0; // In black pixels, looking for white, first or second time
- for (var x = fromX, y = fromY; x != toX; x += xstep)
- {
- var realX = steep?y:x;
- var realY = steep?x:y;
- if (state == 1)
- {
- // In white pixels, looking for black
- if (this.image[realX + realY*qrcode.width])
- {
- state++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!this.image[realX + realY*qrcode.width])
- {
- state++;
- }
- }
- if (state == 3)
- {
- // Found black, white, black, and stumbled back onto white; done
- var diffX = x - fromX;
- var diffY = y - fromY;
- return Math.sqrt( (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY));
- }
- error += dy;
- if (error > 0)
- {
- if (y == toY)
- {
- break;
- }
- y += ystep;
- error -= dx;
- }
- }
- var diffX2 = toX - fromX;
- var diffY2 = toY - fromY;
- return Math.sqrt( (diffX2 * diffX2 + diffY2 * diffY2));
- }
- this.sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRunBothWays=function( fromX, fromY, toX, toY)
- {
- var result = this.sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRun(fromX, fromY, toX, toY);
- // Now count other way -- don't run off image though of course
- var scale = 1.0;
- var otherToX = fromX - (toX - fromX);
- if (otherToX < 0)
- {
- scale = fromX / (fromX - otherToX);
- otherToX = 0;
- }
- else if (otherToX >= qrcode.width)
- {
- scale = (qrcode.width - 1 - fromX) / (otherToX - fromX);
- otherToX = qrcode.width - 1;
- }
- var otherToY = Math.floor (fromY - (toY - fromY) * scale);
- scale = 1.0;
- if (otherToY < 0)
- {
- scale = fromY / (fromY - otherToY);
- otherToY = 0;
- }
- else if (otherToY >= qrcode.height)
- {
- scale = (qrcode.height - 1 - fromY) / (otherToY - fromY);
- otherToY = qrcode.height - 1;
- }
- otherToX = Math.floor (fromX + (otherToX - fromX) * scale);
- result += this.sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRun(fromX, fromY, otherToX, otherToY);
- return result - 1.0; // -1 because we counted the middle pixel twice
- }
- this.calculateModuleSizeOneWay=function( pattern, otherPattern)
- {
- var moduleSizeEst1 = this.sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRunBothWays(Math.floor( pattern.X), Math.floor( pattern.Y), Math.floor( otherPattern.X), Math.floor(otherPattern.Y));
- var moduleSizeEst2 = this.sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRunBothWays(Math.floor(otherPattern.X), Math.floor(otherPattern.Y), Math.floor( pattern.X), Math.floor(pattern.Y));
- if (isNaN(moduleSizeEst1))
- {
- return moduleSizeEst2 / 7.0;
- }
- if (isNaN(moduleSizeEst2))
- {
- return moduleSizeEst1 / 7.0;
- }
- // Average them, and divide by 7 since we've counted the width of 3 black modules,
- // and 1 white and 1 black module on either side. Ergo, divide sum by 14.
- return (moduleSizeEst1 + moduleSizeEst2) / 14.0;
- }
- this.calculateModuleSize=function( topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft)
- {
- // Take the average
- return (this.calculateModuleSizeOneWay(topLeft, topRight) + this.calculateModuleSizeOneWay(topLeft, bottomLeft)) / 2.0;
- }
- this.distance=function( pattern1, pattern2)
- {
- var xDiff = pattern1.X - pattern2.X;
- var yDiff = pattern1.Y - pattern2.Y;
- return Math.sqrt( (xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff));
- }
- this.computeDimension=function( topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, moduleSize)
- {
- var tltrCentersDimension = Math.round(this.distance(topLeft, topRight) / moduleSize);
- var tlblCentersDimension = Math.round(this.distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) / moduleSize);
- var dimension = ((tltrCentersDimension + tlblCentersDimension) >> 1) + 7;
- switch (dimension & 0x03)
- {
- // mod 4
- case 0:
- dimension++;
- break;
- // 1? do nothing
- case 2:
- dimension--;
- break;
- case 3:
- throw "Error";
- }
- return dimension;
- }
- this.findAlignmentInRegion=function( overallEstModuleSize, estAlignmentX, estAlignmentY, allowanceFactor)
- {
- // Look for an alignment pattern (3 modules in size) around where it
- // should be
- var allowance = Math.floor (allowanceFactor * overallEstModuleSize);
- var alignmentAreaLeftX = Math.max(0, estAlignmentX - allowance);
- var alignmentAreaRightX = Math.min(qrcode.width - 1, estAlignmentX + allowance);
- if (alignmentAreaRightX - alignmentAreaLeftX < overallEstModuleSize * 3)
- {
- throw "Error";
- }
- var alignmentAreaTopY = Math.max(0, estAlignmentY - allowance);
- var alignmentAreaBottomY = Math.min(qrcode.height - 1, estAlignmentY + allowance);
- var alignmentFinder = new AlignmentPatternFinder(this.image, alignmentAreaLeftX, alignmentAreaTopY, alignmentAreaRightX - alignmentAreaLeftX, alignmentAreaBottomY - alignmentAreaTopY, overallEstModuleSize, this.resultPointCallback);
- return alignmentFinder.find();
- }
- this.createTransform=function( topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, alignmentPattern, dimension)
- {
- var dimMinusThree = dimension - 3.5;
- var bottomRightX;
- var bottomRightY;
- var sourceBottomRightX;
- var sourceBottomRightY;
- if (alignmentPattern != null)
- {
- bottomRightX = alignmentPattern.X;
- bottomRightY = alignmentPattern.Y;
- sourceBottomRightX = sourceBottomRightY = dimMinusThree - 3.0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Don't have an alignment pattern, just make up the bottom-right point
- bottomRightX = (topRight.X - topLeft.X) + bottomLeft.X;
- bottomRightY = (topRight.Y - topLeft.Y) + bottomLeft.Y;
- sourceBottomRightX = sourceBottomRightY = dimMinusThree;
- }
- var transform = PerspectiveTransform.quadrilateralToQuadrilateral(3.5, 3.5, dimMinusThree, 3.5, sourceBottomRightX, sourceBottomRightY, 3.5, dimMinusThree, topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, topRight.X, topRight.Y, bottomRightX, bottomRightY, bottomLeft.X, bottomLeft.Y);
- return transform;
- }
- this.sampleGrid=function( image, transform, dimension)
- {
- var sampler = GridSampler;
- return sampler.sampleGrid3(image, dimension, transform);
- }
- this.processFinderPatternInfo = function( info)
- {
- var topLeft = info.TopLeft;
- var topRight = info.TopRight;
- var bottomLeft = info.BottomLeft;
- var moduleSize = this.calculateModuleSize(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft);
- if (moduleSize < 1.0)
- {
- throw "Error";
- }
- var dimension = this.computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, moduleSize);
- var provisionalVersion = Version.getProvisionalVersionForDimension(dimension);
- var modulesBetweenFPCenters = provisionalVersion.DimensionForVersion - 7;
- var alignmentPattern = null;
- // Anything above version 1 has an alignment pattern
- if (provisionalVersion.AlignmentPatternCenters.length > 0)
- {
- // Guess where a "bottom right" finder pattern would have been
- var bottomRightX = topRight.X - topLeft.X + bottomLeft.X;
- var bottomRightY = topRight.Y - topLeft.Y + bottomLeft.Y;
- // Estimate that alignment pattern is closer by 3 modules
- // from "bottom right" to known top left location
- var correctionToTopLeft = 1.0 - 3.0 / modulesBetweenFPCenters;
- var estAlignmentX = Math.floor (topLeft.X + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightX - topLeft.X));
- var estAlignmentY = Math.floor (topLeft.Y + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightY - topLeft.Y));
- // Kind of arbitrary -- expand search radius before giving up
- for (var i = 4; i <= 16; i <<= 1)
- {
- //try
- //{
- alignmentPattern = this.findAlignmentInRegion(moduleSize, estAlignmentX, estAlignmentY, i);
- break;
- //}
- //catch (re)
- //{
- // try next round
- //}
- }
- // If we didn't find alignment pattern... well try anyway without it
- }
- var transform = this.createTransform(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, alignmentPattern, dimension);
- var bits = this.sampleGrid(this.image, transform, dimension);
- var points;
- if (alignmentPattern == null)
- {
- points = new Array(bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight);
- }
- else
- {
- points = new Array(bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight, alignmentPattern);
- }
- return new DetectorResult(bits, points);
- }
- this.detect=function()
- {
- var info = new FinderPatternFinder().findFinderPattern(this.image);
- return this.processFinderPatternInfo(info);
- }
- }