- define(['sugar-web/activity/activity', 'webL10n', 'activity/progress', 'activity/stopwatch', 'sugar-web/env'], function (activity, l10n, Progress, Stopwatch, env) {
- // Manipulate the DOM only when it is ready.
- requirejs(['domReady!'], function (doc) {
- // Initialize the activity.
- activity.setup();
- env.getEnvironment(function(err, environment) {
- currentenv = environment;
- var defaultLanguage = (typeof chrome != 'undefined' && chrome.app && chrome.app.runtime) ? chrome.i18n.getUILanguage() : navigator.language;
- var language = environment.user ? environment.user.language : defaultLanguage;
- l10n.language.code = language;
- var datastore = activity.getDatastoreObject();
- main(Progress, Stopwatch, l10n, currentenv.user.colorvalue, datastore);
- });
- });
- });
- function convertReadableMS(timeInMs) {
- var parsedTime = parseMs(timeInMs);
- var timeStr = parsedTime.hours ? parsedTime.hours + parsedTime.days * 24 + ':' + parsedTime.minutes + ':' + parsedTime.seconds : parsedTime.minutes + ':' + parsedTime.seconds;
- return timeStr.split(':').map(function (num) {
- return ('' + num).padStart(2, '0');
- }).join(':');
- }
- var defaultWorkTimerLimit = 1;
- var defaultBreakTimerLimit = 1;
- function main(Progress, Stopwatch, l10n, color, datastore) {
- var _this = this;
- this.state = {
- status: 'work',
- workTimerLimit: defaultWorkTimerLimit,
- breakTimerLimit: defaultBreakTimerLimit,
- progress: 1,
- currentWorkText: convertReadableMS(defaultWorkTimerLimit * 1000 * 60),
- currentBreakText: convertReadableMS(defaultBreakTimerLimit * 1000 * 60),
- themeColor: '#FF0060',
- isButtonsDisable: false,
- timerLeftAt: false,
- progressLeftAt: false
- };
- datastore.loadAsText(function (err, metadata, data) {
- if (err) console.error(err)
- if (data) {
- _this.state = data.state;
- }
- enableButtons()
- afterDataLoad()
- });
- // this.state.progress = 1
- function afterDataLoad() {
- this.state.status === 'work'
- ? startWork()
- : startBreak();
- renderPomodoroText();
- renderStatusText(l10n.get(this.state.status));
- var pomodoroContainer = document.getElementById('pomodoro-container');
- this.pomodoro = new Progress(280, color.stroke, this.state.progress, pomodoroContainer);
- this.pomodoro.draw();
- this.state.status === 'work'
- ? renderTheme(color.stroke)
- : renderTheme(color.fill);
- }
- function mapRange(obj, num) {
- return (num - obj.from[0]) * (obj.to[1] - obj.to[0]) / (obj.from[1] - obj.from[0]) + obj.to[0];
- }
- function parseMs(ms) {
- if (typeof ms !== 'number') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected a number');
- }
- var roundTowardZero = ms > 0 ? Math.floor : Math.ceil;
- return {
- days: roundTowardZero(ms / 86400000),
- hours: roundTowardZero(ms / 3600000) % 24,
- minutes: roundTowardZero(ms / 60000) % 60,
- seconds: roundTowardZero(ms / 1000) % 60,
- milliseconds: roundTowardZero(ms) % 1000
- };
- }
- function saveInDataStore() {
- datastore.setDataAsText({
- state: this.state
- });
- datastore.save(function (err) {
- if (err) {
- console.errror(err);
- }
- });
- }
- function convertReadableMS(timeInMs) {
- var parsedTime = parseMs(timeInMs);
- var timeStr = parsedTime.hours
- ? parsedTime.hours + parsedTime.days * 24 + ':' + parsedTime.minutes + ':' + parsedTime.seconds
- : parsedTime.minutes + ':' + parsedTime.seconds;
- return timeStr.split(':').map(function (num) {
- return ('' + num).padStart(2, '0');
- }).join(':');
- }
- this.handlePausePlay = function () {
- var playPauseButton = document.getElementById('play-button');
- if (this.state.status === 'work') {
- if (this.workTimer.state === 1) {
- //if timer is running
- this.workTimer.stop();
- enableButtons();
- playPauseButton.classList.remove('pause');
- playPauseButton.classList.add('play');
- } else {
- this.workTimer.start();
- disableButtons();
- playPauseButton.classList.remove('play');
- playPauseButton.classList.add('pause');
- }
- } else {
- if (this.breakTimer.state === 1) {
- this.breakTimer.stop();
- enableButtons();
- playPauseButton.classList.remove('pause');
- playPauseButton.classList.add('play');
- } else {
- disableButtons();
- this.breakTimer.start();
- playPauseButton.classList.remove('play');
- playPauseButton.classList.add('pause');
- }
- }
- };
- function startWork() {
- var _this2 = this;
- var timerInMS = (this.state.timerLeftAt === false)
- ? (this.state.workTimerLimit * 60 * 1000)
- : this.state.timerLeftAt
- this.workTimer = new Stopwatch(timerInMS);
- this.state.status = 'work';
- const progressToStart = (this.state.progressLeftAt === false)
- ? 1
- : this.state.progressLeftAt
- this.workTimer.onTime(function (time) {
- var progress = mapRange({
- from: [timerInMS, 0],
- to: [progressToStart, 0]
- }, time.ms);
- setProgress(progress, time.ms);
- saveInDataStore()
- });
- this.workTimer.onDone(function () {
- renderTheme(color.fill);
- setTimeout(function () {
- this.state.timerLeftAt = false
- this.state.progressLeftAt = false
- renderStatusText(l10n.get('break'));
- startBreak();
- _this2.breakTimer.start();
- }, 1000);
- });
- }
- function startBreak() {
- var _this3 = this;
- var timerInMS = (this.state.timerLeftAt === false)
- ? this.state.breakTimerLimit * 60 * 1000
- : this.state.timerLeftAt
- this.breakTimer = new Stopwatch(timerInMS);
- this.state.status = 'break';
- const progressToStart = (this.state.progressLeftAt === false)
- ? 1
- : this.state.progressLeftAt
- this.breakTimer.onTime(function (time) {
- var progress = mapRange({
- from: [timerInMS, 0],
- to: [progressToStart, 0]
- }, time.ms);
- setProgress(progress, time.ms);
- saveInDataStore()
- });
- this.breakTimer.onDone(function () {
- renderTheme(color.stroke);
- setTimeout(function () {
- this.state.timerLeftAt = false
- this.state.progressLeftAt = false
- renderStatusText(l10n.get('work'));
- startWork();
- _this3.workTimer.start();
- }, 1000);
- });
- }
- function renderStatusText(text) {
- document.querySelector('.status').innerText = text;
- }
- function setProgress(progress, currentTimeMS) {
- this.state.progress = progress;
- if (this.state.status === 'work') {
- this.state.currentWorkText = convertReadableMS(currentTimeMS);
- } else {
- this.state.currentBreakText = convertReadableMS(currentTimeMS);
- }
- this.state.timerLeftAt = currentTimeMS
- this.state.progressLeftAt = progress
- renderPomodoro();
- renderPomodoroText();
- }
- function renderPomodoro() {
- this.pomodoro.update(this.state.progress);
- }
- function renderPomodoroText() {
- var timerTextElem = document.querySelector('.info-circle span');
- if (this.state.status === 'work') {
- timerTextElem.innerText = this.state.currentWorkText;
- } else {
- timerTextElem.innerText = this.state.currentBreakText;
- }
- }
- function renderTheme(themeColor) {
- this.state.themeColor = themeColor;
- document.querySelector('.info-circle').style.backgroundColor = themeColor;
- document.querySelector('.base-circle').style.backgroundColor = themeColor + '2b';
- this.pomodoro.updateColor(themeColor, this.state.progress);
- renderButtons();
- }
- function renderButtons() {
- var _this4 = this;
- document.querySelectorAll('.button').forEach(function (elem) {
- elem.style.background = _this4.state.themeColor;
- });
- document.querySelectorAll('.button-label, .button-time').forEach(function (elem) {
- elem.style.color = _this4.state.themeColor;
- });
- }
- function disableButtons() {
- this.state.isButtonsDisable = true;
- document.querySelectorAll('.button, .button-time, .button-label').forEach(function (elem) {
- elem.classList.add('disable');
- });
- }
- function enableButtons() {
- this.state.isButtonsDisable = false;
- document.querySelectorAll('.button, .button-time, .button-label').forEach(function (elem) {
- elem.classList.remove('disable');
- });
- }
- function updateWorkPomodoro() {
- this.state.currentWorkText = convertReadableMS(this.state.workTimerLimit * 60 * 1000);
- document.querySelector('.button-time.work').innerText = this.state.workTimerLimit;
- this.pomodoro.update(1);
- renderPomodoroText();
- if (this.state.status === 'work') {
- startWork();
- }
- }
- function updateBreakPomodoro() {
- this.state.currentBreakText = convertReadableMS(this.state.breakTimerLimit * 60 * 1000);
- document.querySelector('.button-time.break').innerText = this.state.breakTimerLimit;
- renderPomodoroText();
- if (this.state.status === 'break') {
- startBreak();
- }
- }
- this.handleWorkPlusClick = function () {
- if (!this.state.isButtonsDisable) {
- this.state.workTimerLimit = this.state.workTimerLimit + 1;
- resetTimer()
- updateWorkPomodoro();
- saveInDataStore()
- }
- };
- this.handleWorkMinusClick = function () {
- if (!this.state.isButtonsDisable && this.state.workTimerLimit > 1) {
- this.state.workTimerLimit = this.state.workTimerLimit - 1;
- resetTimer()
- updateWorkPomodoro();
- saveInDataStore()
- }
- };
- this.handleBreakPlusClick = function () {
- if (!this.state.isButtonsDisable) {
- this.state.breakTimerLimit = this.state.breakTimerLimit + 1;
- resetTimer()
- updateBreakPomodoro();
- saveInDataStore()
- }
- };
- this.handleBreakMinusClick = function () {
- if (!this.state.isButtonsDisable && this.state.breakTimerLimit > 1) {
- this.state.breakTimerLimit = this.state.breakTimerLimit - 1;
- resetTimer()
- updateBreakPomodoro();
- saveInDataStore()
- }
- };
- function resetTimer() {
- setProgress(1, this.state.workTimerLimit * 60 * 1000)
- this.state.timerLeftAt = false
- this.state.progressLeftAt = false
- }
- function initTimerText() {
- document.querySelector('.button-time.work').innerText = this.state.workTimerLimit;
- document.querySelector('.button-time.break').innerText = this.state.breakTimerLimit;
- }
- initTimerText();
- document.querySelector('.plus-button.work').addEventListener('click', handleWorkPlusClick.bind(this));
- document.querySelector('.minus-button.work').addEventListener('click', handleWorkMinusClick.bind(this));
- document.querySelector('.plus-button.break').addEventListener('click', handleBreakPlusClick.bind(this));
- document.querySelector('.minus-button.break').addEventListener('click', handleBreakMinusClick.bind(this));
- document.querySelector('#play-button').addEventListener('click', function () {
- _this.handlePausePlay();
- });
- document.querySelector('#replay-button').addEventListener('click', function () {
- var shouldPlay
- if (_this.workTimer && _this.breakTimer) {
- shouldPlay = _this.workTimer.state === 1 || _this.breakTimer.state === 1
- } else if (_this.workTimer) {
- shouldPlay = _this.workTimer.state === 1
- } else {
- shouldPlay = _this.breakTimer.state === 1
- }
- if (shouldPlay) {
- this.handlePausePlay()
- }
- resetTimer()
- startWork()
- if (_this.breakTimer) {
- _this.breakTimer.stop();
- }
- renderTheme(color.stroke)
- renderStatusText(l10n.get('work'));
- _this.pomodoro.update(1)
- }.bind(this));
- }