- Jappy.activity
- ==============
- A tribute to Pippy activity.
- *Shall work with Sugar and Sugarizer, deploy everywhere.*
- It currently implements the [RapydScript-NG transpiler](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/rapydscript-ng)'s python-like language.
- ## Development
- This copy is tailored to be deployed with Sugarizer. In order to develop and build Jappy you'll need the [proper sources](https://github.com/somosazucar/Jappy).
- ### Launch
- In order to launch the app, simply open `Jappy.activity/index.html` in a browser, served by http.
- Artisan Workbench
- =================
- A *Develop Activity* proposal for Sugar and Sugarizer.
- Web Apps for Sugarizer and any Platform
- - Python
- - Game
- - Tool
- Collaboration, Simplicity, Reflection
- "Never loose work"
- Issues
- ======
- - Might consider method to avoid *infinite loops*. Currently they **crash the tab or browser or PC**.