- define(["easel","sugar-web/datastore","sugar-web/env","webL10n","humane"], function (easel, datastore, env, l10n, humane) {
- env.getEnvironment(function(err, environment) {
- var defaultLanguage = (typeof chrome != 'undefined' && chrome.app && chrome.app.runtime) ? chrome.i18n.getUILanguage() : navigator.language;
- var language = environment.user ? environment.user.language : defaultLanguage;
- l10n.language.code = language;
- console.log('LANG ' + language);
- });
- function _(text) {
- // copied from activity.js
- translation = l10n.get(text);
- if (translation == '') {
- translation = text;
- };
- return translation;
- };
- var onAndroid = /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
- var smallScreen = (window.innerWidth < 700) || (window.innerHeight < 600);
- var font = smallScreen ? "16px Arial" : "24px Arial";
- var LINE_WIDTH = 3;
- var BLACK = "#000000";
- var WHITE = "#ffffff";
- // Spanish names for historic reasons
- var DIR_DOWN = "abajo";
- var DIR_UP = "arriba";
- var DIR_LEFT = "izq";
- var DIR_RIGHT = "der";
- var MODE_NORMAL = 'normal';
- var MODE_WHISPER = 'despacio';
- var SIZE_RESIZE_AREA = 40; // TODO style.GRID_CELL_SIZE / 2
- // TYPE_WHISPER is saved as TYPE_GLOBE and mode MODE_WHISPER
- toon = {};
- function createAsyncBitmap(box, url, callback) {
- // Async creation of bitmap from SVG data
- // Works with Chrome, Safari, Firefox (untested on IE)
- var img = new Image();
- img.onload = function () {
- bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(img);
- bitmap.setBounds(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
- bitmap.mouseEnabled = false;
- callback(box, bitmap);
- };
- img.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber) {
- callback(box, null);
- };
- img.src = url;
- };
- function createAsyncBitmapButton(globe, url, callback) {
- // creates a square black button with a image inside
- // is used for the corner controls in the globe
- var img = new Image();
- img.cont = null;
- img.globe = globe;
- img.onload = function () {
- var bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(img);
- bitmap.setBounds(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
- bounds = bitmap.getBounds();
- var scale = SIZE_RESIZE_AREA / bounds.height;
- bitmap.scaleX = scale;
- bitmap.scaleY = scale;
- if (this.cont == null) {
- this.cont = new createjs.Container();
- this.cont.name = 'button';
- var hitArea = new createjs.Shape();
- hitArea.graphics.beginFill("#000").drawRect(0, 0,
- this.cont.width = SIZE_RESIZE_AREA;
- this.cont.height = SIZE_RESIZE_AREA;
- this.cont.hitArea = hitArea;
- this.cont.addChild(hitArea);
- this.cont.addChild(bitmap);
- callback(this.globe, this.cont);
- };
- };
- img.src = url;
- return img;
- };
- function Model(data, canvas, textpalette) {
- this._data = data;
- // this._data have the following fields:
- // 'version':'1' (don't change, for compatibility with python version)
- // 'boxs': [] array with the boxes information
- // every item have the background properties and a array of globes
- //
- // The next properites are temporary and are not saved:
- // 'images': are loaded async, then have no garatie of be present.
- // we use the fact that the first box do not have a background
- // image, and expect that when the user change to the next box
- // the images will be charged.
- // 'previews': loaded from the canvas, will be displayed on the sorting
- // mode.
- this._canvas = canvas;
- this._textpalette = textpalette;
- this.comicBox = null;
- this._imageCounter = 0;
- this._pageCounterDisplay = null;
- this._prevButton = null;
- this._nextButton = null;
- this._boxSorter = null;
- this._sortButton = null;
- this._data['previews'] = [];
- // wait dialog
- this._waitMsg = document.getElementById("wait");
- this.comicBox = new ComicBox(this._canvas, this);
- this.init = function() {
- this.activeBox = 0;
- var comic_box_data = this._data['boxs'][this.activeBox];
- this._imageCounter = this._data['boxs'].length;
- if (this._data['boxs'].length == 1) {
- if (comic_box_data['globes'].length == 0) {
- console.log('EMPTY TOON');
- // add a globe for the title
- var titleGlobe = {
- "direction": null, "text_font_description": "Sans 30",
- "globe_type": "RECTANGLE", "height": 50, "width": 200,
- "text_color": [0, 0, 0], "radio": 15, "text_width": 76,
- "y": this._canvas.height / 2,
- "x": this._canvas.width / 2,
- "text_height": 8, "title_globe": true,
- "text_text": _('Title')};
- comic_box_data['globes'].push(titleGlobe);
- };
- };
- this.comicBox.init(comic_box_data, this._data['images']);
- this.comicBox.attachTextEditionPalette(this._textpalette);
- this._updatePageCounter();
- };
- this.setData = function(data) {
- this._data = data;
- this._data['previews'] = [];
- this.init();
- };
- this.showWait = function () {
- this._waitMsg.style.display = 'block';
- };
- this.hideWait = function () {
- this._waitMsg.style.display = 'none';
- };
- this.getTitle = function() {
- var firstBoxData = this._data['boxs'][0];
- for (var i = 0; i < firstBoxData['globes'].length; i ++) {
- var globeData = firstBoxData['globes'][i];
- if (globeData['title_globe']) {
- return globeData['text_text'];
- }
- };
- return '';
- };
- this.initSort = function(sortCanvas) {
- this._canvas.style.display = 'none';
- this._boxSorter = new BoxSorter(sortCanvas, this._data);
- this._boxSorter.init();
- if (this._pageCounterDisplay != null) {
- // hide the page counter
- this._pageCounterDisplay.parentNode.style.display = "none";
- };
- };
- this.finishSort = function() {
- var sortedBoxes = [];
- // get a rray with the new order for the boxes, like [0, 3, 2, 1]
- var newOrders = this._boxSorter.getSortOrder();
- this.changeToEditMode();
- for (var i = 0; i < newOrders.length; i++) {
- sortedBoxes.push(this._data['boxs'][newOrders[i]]);
- };
- this._data['boxs'] = sortedBoxes;
- };
- this.changeToEditMode = function() {
- this._boxSorter.hide();
- this._canvas.style.display = 'block';
- if (this._pageCounterDisplay != null) {
- // hide the page counter
- this._pageCounterDisplay.parentNode.style.display = "block";
- };
- };
- this.changeBox = function(newOrder) {
- if (newOrder >= 0 && newOrder < this._data['boxs'].length) {
- this.updateData();
- // load the new data
- this.activeBox = newOrder;
- this.comicBox.init(this._data['boxs'][this.activeBox],
- this._data['images'], (this.activeBox > 0));
- this._updatePageCounter();
- };
- };
- this.removeBox = function() {
- // remove the actual box */
- this._data['boxs'].splice(this.activeBox, 1);
- this._data['previews'] = [];
- if (this.activeBox > this._data['boxs'].length - 1) {
- this.activeBox --;
- }
- this.comicBox.init(this._data['boxs'][this.activeBox],
- this._data['images'], (this.activeBox > 0));
- this._updatePageCounter();
- };
- this.updateData = function() {
- this._data['boxs'][this.activeBox] = this.comicBox.getJson();
- };
- this.initPreviews = function() {
- // store the initial preview images
- for (var i = 0; i < this._data['boxs'].length; i++) {
- this.storePreview(i);
- };
- };
- this.storePreview = function(boxOrder) {
- var previewCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- previewCanvas.width = this._canvas.width;
- previewCanvas.height = this._canvas.height;
- var previewComicBox = new ComicBox(previewCanvas);
- var that = this;
- previewComicBox.init(this._data['boxs'][boxOrder],
- this._data['images'], false, {canvas: previewCanvas, order: boxOrder}, function(context) {
- that._data['previews'][context.order] =
- context.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
- });
- };
- this._updatePageCounter = function() {
- if (this._pageCounterDisplay != null) {
- this._pageCounterDisplay.innerHTML = (this.activeBox + 1) +
- ' ' + _('of') + ' ' + this._data['boxs'].length;
- };
- if (this._prevButton != null) {
- this._prevButton.disabled = (this.activeBox == 0);
- };
- if (this._nextButton != null) {
- this._nextButton.disabled = (this.activeBox ==
- (this._data['boxs'].length - 1));
- };
- if (this._sortButton != null) {
- this._sortButton.disabled = this._data['boxs'].length < 3;
- }
- };
- this.addGlobe = function(globeType) {
- this.comicBox.addGlobe(globeType);
- };
- this.showPreviousBox = function() {
- var prevBox = this.activeBox - 1;
- this.changeBox(prevBox);
- };
- this.showNextBox = function() {
- var nextBox = this.activeBox + 1;
- this.changeBox(nextBox);
- };
- this.addImage = function(url) {
- if (this._data['images'] == undefined) {
- this._data['images'] = {};
- };
- this._imageCounter = this._imageCounter + 1;
- var imageName = 'bAcKgRoUnD_' + this._imageCounter;
- // verify if the name already exists
- while (this._data['images'][imageName] != undefined) {
- this._imageCounter = this._imageCounter + 1;
- imageName = 'bAcKgRoUnD_' + this._imageCounter;
- };
- var emptyData = {'image_name': imageName, 'globes':[]};
- this._data['boxs'].push(emptyData);
- this._data['images'][imageName] = url;
- this.changeBox(this._data['boxs'].length - 1);
- };
- this.getData = function() {
- this.updateData();
- return this._data;
- };
- this.attachPageCounterViewer = function(div) {
- this._pageCounterDisplay = div.children[0];
- this._updatePageCounter();
- };
- this.attachPrevNextButtons = function(prevButton, nextButton) {
- this._prevButton = prevButton;
- this._nextButton = nextButton;
- this._updatePageCounter();
- };
- this.attachSortButton = function(sortButton) {
- this._sortButton = sortButton;
- this._updatePageCounter();
- };
- this.saveAsImage = function(columns) {
- /* columns can be '0', '1', or '2'
- if '0' means show the images in a single row */
- this.showWait();
- var cantBoxes = this._data['boxs'].length;
- var MARGIN = 20;
- if (columns == '0') {
- var width = (this._canvas.width + MARGIN) * cantBoxes + MARGIN;
- var height = this._canvas.height + MARGIN * 2;
- } else if (columns == '1') {
- var width = this._canvas.width + MARGIN * 2;
- var height = (this._canvas.height + MARGIN) * cantBoxes + MARGIN;
- } else if (columns == '2') {
- var width = this._canvas.width * 2 + MARGIN * 3;
- var height = (this._canvas.height + MARGIN) *
- Math.ceil(cantBoxes / 2) + MARGIN;
- };
- // create the canvas where will draw all
- var imageCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- imageCanvas.width = width;
- imageCanvas.height = height;
- var ctx = imageCanvas.getContext("2d");
- // add a white background
- ctx.fillStyle="#FFFFFF";
- ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
- var currentbox = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < cantBoxes; i++) {
- // load the bix image in a temp canvas
- var that = this;
- var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- tmpCanvas.width = this._canvas.width;
- tmpCanvas.height = this._canvas.height;
- var tmpComicBox = new ComicBox(tmpCanvas);
- tmpComicBox.init(this._data['boxs'][i],
- this._data['images'], false, tmpCanvas, function(mycanvas) {
- // add to the image canvas
- var img = new Image();
- img.src = mycanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
- img.addEventListener("load", function() {
- // calculate coordinates
- if (columns == '0') {
- var x = MARGIN + (that._canvas.width + MARGIN) * currentbox;
- var y = MARGIN;
- } else if (columns == '1') {
- var x = MARGIN;
- var y = MARGIN + (that._canvas.height + MARGIN) * currentbox;
- } else if (columns == '2') {
- var x = MARGIN + (currentbox % 2) * (that._canvas.width + MARGIN);
- var y = MARGIN + Math.floor(currentbox / 2) * (that._canvas.height + MARGIN);
- };
- // draw image
- ctx.drawImage(this, x, y);
- if (currentbox++ >= cantBoxes-1) {
- // save in datastore
- var imgAsDataURL = imageCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
- var metadata = {
- mimetype: "image/png",
- title: "Image FotoToon",
- activity: "org.olpcfrance.MediaViewerActivity",
- timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
- creation_time: new Date().getTime(),
- file_size: 0
- };
- datastore.create(metadata, function(err) {
- if (err) {
- console.log("error saving image in journal");
- humane.log(_("SavingError"));
- } else {
- console.log("image saved in journal.");
- humane.log(_("ImageSaved"));
- }
- that.hideWait();
- }, imgAsDataURL);
- }
- });
- });
- };
- };
- };
- function ComicBox(canvas, model) {
- /* model is only used to call the removeBox method,
- the data is set in the init() method */
- this.canvas = canvas;
- this._model = model;
- this._width = canvas.width - LINE_WIDTH * 2;
- this._height = canvas.height - LINE_WIDTH * 2;
- this.stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
- // Enable touch interactions if supported on the current device
- createjs.Touch.enable(this.stage);
- this.globes = [];
- this._globeSelected = null;
- // reference to the text palette used to edit the text in the globes
- this._textpalette = null;
- this.init = function (data, imagesData, canRemove, context, callback) {
- this._data = data;
- this.imagesData = imagesData
- this.canRemove = canRemove;
- this.globes = [];
- this.stage.removeAllChildren();
- this._backContainer = new createjs.Container();
- var background = new createjs.Shape();
- background.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round");
- background.graphics.beginStroke(
- this._width, this._height);
- this.stage.addChild(this._backContainer);
- this._backContainer.addChild(background);
- this._backContainer.cache(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
- if (this._data != null) {
- if (this._data['image_name'] != '' &&
- this._data['image_name'] != undefined) {
- this._image_x = this._data['img_x'];
- this._image_y = this._data['img_y'];
- this._image_width = this._data['img_w'];
- this._image_height = this._data['img_h'];
- this._image_name = this._data['image_name'];
- this._slideshow_duration = this._data['slideshow_duration'];
- if (this.imagesData != null) {
- this._setBackgroundImageDataUrl(
- this.imagesData[this._image_name], context, callback);
- };
- } else {
- this._image_x = 0;
- this._image_y = 0;
- this._image_width = canvas.width;
- this._image_height = canvas.height;
- this._image_name = '';
- this._slideshow_duration = 10;
- this.createGlobes();
- if (callback) callback(context);
- };
- };
- this.stage.update();
- };
- this._setBackgroundImageDataUrl = function(imageUrl, context, callback) {
- this._image_x = 0;
- this._image_y = 0;
- this._image_width = this._width;
- this._image_height = this._height;
- var img = new Image();
- var that = this;
- img.addEventListener("load", function() {
- bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(img);
- bitmap.setBounds(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
- // calculate scale
- var scale_x = that._width / img.width;
- var scale_y = that._height / img.height;
- var scale = Math.min(scale_x, scale_y);
- bitmap.mouseEnabled = false;
- bitmap.x = LINE_WIDTH;
- bitmap.y = LINE_WIDTH;
- bitmap.scaleX = scale;
- bitmap.scaleY = scale;
- that._backContainer.addChildAt(bitmap, 0);
- // add a trash button
- if (that.canRemove) {
- createAsyncBitmapButton(that, './icons/remove.svg',
- function(comicBox, button) {
- button.x = 0;
- button.y = comicBox._height - button.height;
- button.visible = true;
- comicBox._removeButton = button;
- comicBox._backContainer.addChildAt(button, 1);
- comicBox._backContainer.updateCache();
- button.on('click', function(event) {
- comicBox.remove();
- });
- comicBox.createGlobes();
- });
- } else {
- that._backContainer.updateCache();
- that.createGlobes();
- };
- if (callback) {
- callback(context);
- }
- });
- img.src = imageUrl;
- };
- this.remove = function() {
- console.log('remove');
- this._model.removeBox();
- };
- this.attachTextEditionPalette = function(textpalette) {
- this._textpalette = textpalette;
- var box = this;
- // NOTE: this not work on IE see here for more info:
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2823733/textarea-onchange-detection
- this._textpalette.editorElem.addEventListener('input', function() {
- if (box.getSelectedGlobe() != null) {
- box.getSelectedGlobe().getTextViewer().setText(this.value);
- };
- }, false);;
- var editor = this._textpalette.editorElem;
- var colorButtons = this._textpalette.colorButtons;
- for (var i = 0; i < colorButtons.length; i++) {
- colorButtons[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- editor.style.color =
- box.getSelectedGlobe().getTextViewer().setColor(this.value);
- });
- };
- this._textpalette.incTextBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- editor.style.fontSize =
- box.getSelectedGlobe().getTextViewer().incSize() + "px";
- });
- this._textpalette.decTextBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- editor.style.fontSize =
- box.getSelectedGlobe().getTextViewer().decSize() + "px";
- });
- this._textpalette.boldTextBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- var bold = box.getSelectedGlobe().getTextViewer().toggleBold();
- if (bold) {
- editor.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- } else {
- editor.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
- };
- });
- this._textpalette.italicTextBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- var italic = box.getSelectedGlobe().getTextViewer().toggleItalic();
- if (italic) {
- editor.style.fontStyle = 'italic';
- } else {
- editor.style.fontStyle = 'normal';
- };
- });
- };
- this.popupTextEditionPalette = function() {
- if (this._textpalette != null) {
- this._textpalette.popUp();
- this._textpalette.editorElem.focus();
- };
- };
- this.getSelectedGlobe = function() {
- return this._globeSelected;
- };
- this.isGlobeSelected = function(globe) {
- return this._globeSelected == globe;
- };
- this.selectGlobe = function(globe) {
- this._globeSelected = globe;
- var textpalette = this._textpalette;
- this.globes.forEach(
- function (element, index, array) {
- if (element != globe) {
- element.setSelected(false);
- } else {
- if (textpalette != null) {
- textpalette.setText(
- element.getTextViewer().getText());
- element.getTextViewer().applyTextProperties(
- textpalette.editorElem);
- };
- };
- });
- };
- this.addGlobe = function (globeType) {
- var width = 100;
- var height = 50;
- globeData = {'globe_type': globeType, 'x': 100, 'y': 100,
- 'width': width, 'height': height,
- 'point_0': width / 2, 'point_1': height / 2,
- 'radio': 100, 'direction': DIR_DOWN,
- 'mode': MODE_NORMAL};
- if (globeType == TYPE_WHISPER) {
- globeData['globe_type'] = TYPE_GLOBE;
- globeData['mode'] = MODE_WHISPER;
- };
- var globe = new Globe(this, globeData);
- this.globes.push(globe);
- this.stage.update();
- };
- this.getJson = function() {
- jsonData = {};
- jsonData['img_x'] = this._image_x;
- jsonData['img_y'] = this._image_y;
- jsonData['img_w'] = this._image_width;
- jsonData['img_h'] = this._image_height;
- jsonData['image_name'] = this._image_name;
- jsonData['slideshow_duration'] = this._slideshow_duration;
- jsonData['globes'] = [];
- for (var n = 0; n < this.globes.length; n++) {
- globe = this.globes[n];
- globeData = {};
- globeData['globe_type'] = globe._type;
- globeData['x'] = globe._x;
- globeData['y'] = globe._y;
- globeData['width'] = globe._width;
- globeData['height'] = globe._height;
- if (globe._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- globeData['point_0'] = globe._point[0];
- globeData['point_1'] = globe._point[1];
- };
- if (globe._type == TYPE_GLOBE) {
- globeData['mode'] = globe._mode;
- };
- globeData['radio'] = globe._radio;
- globeData['direction'] = globe._direction;
- globeData['title_globe'] = globe._isTitleGlobe;
- // text properties
- globeData['text_text'] = globe._textViewer.getText();
- globeData['text_font_description'] =
- globe._textViewer.getCairoFontFormat();
- globeData['text_color'] =
- globe._textViewer.HtmlToGdkColor(
- globe._textViewer._color);
- globeData['text_width'] = globe._textViewer._width;
- globeData['text_height'] = globe._textViewer._height;
- jsonData['globes'].push(globeData);
- };
- return jsonData;
- };
- this.createGlobes = function() {
- var globes = this._data['globes'];
- for (var n = 0; n < globes.length; n++) {
- var globe = new Globe(this, globes[n]);
- this.globes.push(globe);
- };
- this.stage.update();
- };
- };
- function TextViewer(globe, globeData) {
- this._globe = globe;
- this._globeData = globeData;
- this.init = function() {
- this._text = '';
- this._color = BLACK;
- this._width = globe._width - 20;
- this._height = SIZE_RESIZE_AREA / 2;
- this._size = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
- this._bold = false;
- this._italic = false;
- if (this._globeData != null) {
- /* example of the text data in the json globe data stored
- {"text_font_description": "Sans 10",
- "text_text": "Hmm, esto parece estar funcionando",
- "text_color": [0, 0, 0],
- "text_width": 78, "text_height": 22}
- NOTE: color components are in the range 0-65535
- https://developer.gnome.org/pygtk/stable/class-gdkcolor.html#constructor-gdkcolor
- */
- if (this._globeData['text_text'] != undefined) {
- this._text = this._globeData['text_text'];
- };
- if (this._globeData['text_font_description'] != undefined) {
- this.ReadHtmlFontFormat(
- this._globeData['text_font_description']);
- };
- if (this._globeData['text_color'] != undefined) {
- this._color = this.GdkToHtmlColor(
- this._globeData['text_color']);
- };
- if (this._globeData['text_width'] != undefined) {
- this._width = this._globeData['text_width'];
- };
- if (this._globeData['text_height'] != undefined) {
- this._height = this._globeData['text_height'];
- };
- this._textView = null;
- };
- };
- this.GdkToHtmlColor = function(color) {
- // int array [r, g, b] are int in the range 0-65535
- // returns a str with the format "#rrggbb"
- rh = (color[0] / 65535 * 255).toString(16);
- gh = (color[1] / 65535 * 255).toString(16);
- bh = (color[2] / 65535 * 255).toString(16);
- // Number.toString() can return a single char.
- if (rh.length < 2) { rh = '0' + rh};
- if (gh.length < 2) { gh = '0' + gh};
- if (bh.length < 2) { bh = '0' + bh};
- return "#" + rh + gh + bh;
- };
- this.HtmlToGdkColor = function(rgb) {
- // rgb is a str with the format "#rrggbb"
- // return a array [r, g, b] with int in the range 0-65535
- rh = rgb.substr(1, 2);
- gh = rgb.substr(3, 2);
- bh = rgb.substr(5, 2);
- r = parseInt(rh, 16) / 255 * 65535;
- g = parseInt(gh, 16) / 255 * 65535;
- b = parseInt(bh, 16) / 255 * 65535;
- return [r, g, b];
- };
- this.ReadHtmlFontFormat = function(cairoFormat) {
- // get a str with format "Sans 10" or "Sans bold 10"
- // return a str with format "10px Sans" or "bold 10px Sans"
- var parts = cairoFormat.split(' ');
- var family = parts[0];
- if (parts.length == 2) {
- size = parts[1];
- style = '';
- } else {
- style = parts[1] + ' ';
- size = parts[2];
- };
- this._size = Number(size);
- this._family = family;
- this._bold = style.toLowerCase().indexOf('bold') > -1;
- this._italic = style.toLowerCase().indexOf('italic') > -1;
- };
- this.getCairoFontFormat = function() {
- // return a str with format "Sans 10" or "Sans bold 10"
- var cairoFormat = this._family;
- if (this._bold) {
- cairoFormat = cairoFormat + ' ' + 'bold';
- };
- if (this._italic) {
- cairoFormat = cairoFormat + ' ' + 'italic';
- };
- return cairoFormat + ' ' + this._size;
- };
- this.getFontDescription = function() {
- // return a str with format "10px Sans" or "bold 10px Sans"
- var cairoFormat = '';
- if (this._bold) {
- cairoFormat = cairoFormat + ' ' + 'bold';
- };
- if (this._italic) {
- cairoFormat = cairoFormat + ' ' + 'italic';
- };
- return cairoFormat + ' ' + this._size + 'px ' + this._family;
- };
- this.update = function() {
- if (this._textView != null) {
- this._globe._stage.removeChild(this._textView);
- };
- this._textView = new createjs.Text(this._text,
- this.getFontDescription(),
- this._color);
- this._textView.textAlign = 'center';
- this._textView.lineWidth = this._globe._width * 2;
- this._textView.x = this._globe._x;
- this._textView.y = this._globe._y -
- this._textView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;
- this._globe._stage.addChild(this._textView);
- this._globe._stage.update();
- };
- this.getText = function() {
- return this._text;
- };
- this.setText = function(text) {
- this._text = text;
- this.update();
- };
- this.setColor = function(color) {
- this._color = color;
- this.update();
- return this._color;
- };
- this.incSize = function() {
- if (this._size < 60) {
- this._size = this._size + Math.round(this._size / 4);
- this.update();
- };
- return this._size;
- };
- this.decSize = function() {
- if (this._size > 10) {
- this._size = this._size - Math.round(this._size / 4);
- this.update();
- };
- return this._size;
- };
- this.toggleBold = function() {
- this._bold = ! this._bold;
- this.update();
- return this._bold;
- };
- this.toggleItalic = function() {
- this._italic = ! this._italic;
- this.update();
- return this._italic;
- };
- this.applyTextProperties = function(editor) {
- // apply the viewer text properties to the editor
- // (used when a globe is selected)
- editor.style.fontSize = this._size + 'px';
- editor.style.color = this._color;
- if (this._italic) {
- editor.style.fontStyle = 'italic';
- } else {
- editor.style.fontStyle = 'normal';
- };
- if (this._bold) {
- editor.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- } else {
- editor.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
- };
- };
- this.remove = function() {
- this._globe._stage.removeChild(this._textView);
- };
- this.init();
- return this;
- };
- function Globe(box, globeData) {
- this._box = box;
- this._stage = box.stage;
- this._shapeControls = null;
- this._pointerControl = null;
- this._resizeButton = null;
- this._editButton = null;
- this._rotateButton = null;
- this._removeButton = null;
- this._shapeChanged = true;
- this._pointerChanged = true;
- this.init = function() {
- if (globeData == null) {
- this._type = TYPE_GLOBE;
- this._x = 100;
- this._y = 100;
- this._width = 100;
- this._height = 50;
- this._point = [this._width / 2,
- this._height / 2];
- this._radio = 100;
- this._direction = DIR_DOWN;
- this._textViewer = new TextViewer(this, null);
- this._mode = MODE_NORMAL;
- // title_globe can't be deleted
- this._isTitleGlobe = false;
- } else {
- /* example of the json data stored
- {"direction": "abajo", "text_font_description": "Sans 10",
- "globe_type": "GLOBE",
- "text_text": "Hmm, esto parece estar funcionando",
- "height": 36.66666666666667, "width": 130.0,
- "text_color": [0, 0, 0], "radio": 30, "mode": "normal",
- "text_width": 78, "y": 63.0, "x": 202.0,
- "text_height": 22, "title_globe": false, "point_0": 40.5,
- "point_1": 54}
- */
- this._type = globeData['globe_type'];
- this._x = globeData['x'];
- this._y = globeData['y'];
- this._width = globeData['width'];
- this._height = globeData['height'];
- if (this._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- this._point = [globeData['point_0'],
- globeData['point_1']];
- } else {
- this._point = [0, 0];
- };
- if (this._type == TYPE_GLOBE) {
- this._mode = globeData['mode'];
- } else {
- this._mode = MODE_NORMAL;
- };
- this._radio = globeData['radio'];
- this._direction = globeData['direction'];
- this._textViewer = new TextViewer(this, globeData);
- this._isTitleGlobe = globeData['title_globe'];
- };
- this._shape = null;
- };
- this.createShape = function() {
- if (this._shape != null) {
- this._stage.removeChild(this._shape);
- if (this._type == TYPE_CLOUD) {
- this._stage.removeChild(this._shapeCircles);
- };
- };
- var scale_x = this._width /this._radio;
- var scale_y = this._height /this._radio;
- var scaled_x = this._x / scale_x;
- var scaled_y = this._y / scale_y;
- if (this._type == TYPE_CLOUD) {
- this.createShapeCloud(scaled_x, scaled_y, scale_x, scale_y);
- } else if (this._type == TYPE_EXCLAMATION) {
- this.createShapeExclamation(scaled_x, scaled_y, scale_x, scale_y);
- } else if (this._type == TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- this.createShapeRectangle();
- } else {
- this.createShapeGlobe(scaled_x, scaled_y, scale_x, scale_y);
- };
- this._shape.on('click', function(event) {
- this.setSelected(true);
- }, this);
- this._shape.on("pressmove",function(event) {
- this._x = event.stageX;
- this._y = event.stageY;
- this.setSelected(true);
- this.update();
- }, this);
- };
- this.getSelected = function() {
- return this._box.isGlobeSelected(this);
- };
- this.setSelected = function(selected) {
- if (selected) {
- this._box.selectGlobe(this);
- this._shapeControls.visible = true;
- if (this._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- this._pointerControl.visible = true;
- this._rotateButton.visible = true;
- };
- this._resizeButton.visible = true;
- this._editButton.visible = true;
- if (!this._isTitleGlobe) {
- this._removeButton.visible = true;
- };
- } else {
- this._shapeControls.visible = false;
- if (this._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- this._pointerControl.visible = false;
- this._rotateButton.visible = false;
- };
- this._resizeButton.visible = false;
- this._editButton.visible = false;
- if (!this._isTitleGlobe) {
- this._removeButton.visible = false;
- };
- };
- this._stage.update();
- };
- this.getTextViewer = function() {
- return this._textViewer;
- };
- this.createShapeGlobe = function(x, y, scale_x, scale_y) {
- switch (this._direction) {
- case DIR_DOWN:
- var begin = 100;
- var end = 80;
- break;
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- var begin = 10;
- var end = 350;
- break;
- case DIR_LEFT:
- var begin = 190;
- var end = 170;
- break;
- case DIR_UP:
- var begin = 280;
- var end = 260;
- };
- this._shape = new createjs.Shape();
- this._shape.name = 'globe';
- this._stage.addChild(this._shape);
- this._shape.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round",
- null, null, true);
- this._shape.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shape.graphics.beginFill(WHITE);
- if (this._mode == MODE_WHISPER) {
- this._shape.graphics.setStrokeDash([3]);
- };
- this._shape.graphics.arc(x, y, this._radio,
- begin / (180.0) * Math.PI,
- end / (180.0) * Math.PI)
- point_pos = this.getPointPosition(true);
- this._shape.graphics.lineTo(point_pos[0], point_pos[1]);
- this._shape.graphics.closePath();
- this._shape.graphics.endStroke();
- this._shape.setTransform(0, 0, scale_x, scale_y);
- };
- this.createShapeRectangle = function() {
- var x = this._x;
- var y = this._y;
- var w = this._width;
- var h = this._height;
- this._shape = new createjs.Shape();
- this._shape.name = 'rect';
- this._stage.addChild(this._shape);
- this._shape.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round",
- null, null, true);
- this._shape.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shape.graphics.beginFill(WHITE);
- this._shape.graphics.rect(x - w , y - h, w * 2, h * 2);
- this._shape.graphics.endStroke();
- };
- this.createShapeCloud = function(x, y, scale_x, scale_y) {
- this._shape = new createjs.Shape();
- this._shape.name = 'cloud';
- this._stage.addChild(this._shape);
- this._shape.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round",
- null, null, true);
- this._shape.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shape.graphics.beginFill(WHITE);
- var w = this._width / scale_x;
- var h = this._height / scale_y;
- var steps = 36;
- var state = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
- var alpha = 2.0 * i * (Math.PI / steps);
- var sinalpha = Math.sin(alpha);
- var cosalpha = Math.cos(alpha);
- if (state == 0) {
- var x1 = x + w * cosalpha;
- var y1 = y + h * sinalpha;
- } else if (state == 1) {
- var x2 = x + w * cosalpha;
- var y2 = y + h * sinalpha;
- } else if (state == 2) {
- var x3 = x + 0.8 * w * cosalpha;
- var y3 = y + 0.8 * h * sinalpha;
- };
- if (state == 2) {
- this._shape.graphics.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
- };
- state += 1;
- if (state == 3) {
- state = 0;
- };
- if (i == 0) {
- this._shape.graphics.moveTo(x1, y1);
- };
- };
- x1 = x + w * cosalpha;
- y1 = y + h * sinalpha;
- x2 = x + w;
- y2 = y;
- x3 = x + w;
- y3 = y;
- this._shape.graphics.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
- this._shape.graphics.closePath();
- this._shape.graphics.endStroke();
- firstCirclePos = this.getCloudPointPosition();
- this._shapeCircles = new createjs.Shape();
- this._shapeCircles.name = 'cloud circles';
- this._stage.addChild(this._shapeCircles);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round");
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.beginFill(WHITE);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.arc(
- firstCirclePos[0], firstCirclePos[1], 7,
- 0, 2 * Math.PI);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.endStroke();
- secondCirclePos = this.getPointPosition(false);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.beginFill(WHITE);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.arc(
- secondCirclePos[0], secondCirclePos[1], 5,
- 0, 2 * Math.PI);
- this._shapeCircles.graphics.endStroke();
- this._shape.setTransform(0, 0, scale_x, scale_y);
- };
- this.getCloudPointPosition = function() {
- var x = this._x;
- var y = this._y;
- var w = this._width;
- var h = this._height;
- switch (this._direction) {
- case DIR_DOWN:
- return [x + this._point[0] / 2,
- y + h + this._point[1] / 2];
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- return [x + w + this._point[0] / 2,
- y + this._point[1] / 2];
- case DIR_LEFT:
- return [x - w - this._point[0] / 2,
- y + this._point[1] / 2];
- case DIR_UP:
- return [x + this._point[0] / 2,
- y - h - this._point[1] / 2];
- };
- };
- this.createShapeExclamation = function(x, y, scale_x, scale_y) {
- this._shape = new createjs.Shape();
- this._shape.name = 'exclamation';
- this._stage.addChild(this._shape);
- this._shape.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round",
- null, null, true);
- this._shape.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shape.graphics.beginFill(WHITE);
- var w = this._width / scale_x;
- var h = this._height / scale_y;
- var steps = 24;
- for (var i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
- var alpha = 2.0 * i * (Math.PI / steps);
- var sinalpha = Math.sin(alpha);
- var cosalpha = Math.cos(alpha);
- if (i % 2 > 0) {
- xi = x + 0.8 * w * cosalpha;
- yi = y + 0.8 * h * sinalpha;
- } else {
- xi = x + w * cosalpha;
- yi = y + h * sinalpha;
- };
- if ((this._direction == DIR_DOWN && i == 6) ||
- (this._direction == DIR_RIGHT && i == 0) ||
- (this._direction == DIR_LEFT && i == 12) ||
- (this._direction == DIR_UP && i == 18)) {
- pos = this.getPointPosition(true);
- xi = pos[0];
- yi = pos[1];
- };
- if (i == 0) {
- this._shape.graphics.moveTo(xi, yi);
- } else {
- this._shape.graphics.lineTo(xi, yi);
- };
- }
- this._shape.graphics.closePath();
- this._shape.graphics.endStroke();
- this._shape.setTransform(0, 0, scale_x, scale_y);
- };
- this.createControls = function() {
- var x = this._x;
- var y = this._y;
- var w = this._width;
- var h = this._height;
- if (this._shapeControls != null && this._shapeChanged) {
- this._stage.removeChild(this._shapeControls);
- this._shapeControls = null;
- };
- if (this._shapeControls == null) {
- this._shapeControls = new createjs.Shape();
- this._shapeControls.name = 'control_rect';
- // draw dotted rectangle around the globe
- this._shapeControls.graphics.setStrokeStyle(1, "round");
- this._shapeControls.graphics.beginStroke(WHITE);
- this._shapeControls.x = x;
- this._shapeControls.y = y;
- this._shapeControls.graphics.rect(- w ,- h, w * 2, h * 2);
- this._shapeControls.graphics.setStrokeDash([2]);
- this._shapeControls.graphics.beginFill("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)");
- this._shapeControls.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._shapeControls.graphics.rect(- w ,- h, w * 2, h * 2);
- this._shapeControls.graphics.endStroke();
- this._shapeControls.visible = this.getSelected();
- this._stage.addChild(this._shapeControls);
- } else {
- this._shapeControls.visible = this.getSelected();
- this._shapeControls.x = x;
- this._shapeControls.y = y;
- };
- // point position
- if (this._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- if (this._pointerControl != null &&
- (this._pointerChanged || this._shapeChanged)) {
- this._stage.removeChild(this._pointerControl);
- this._pointerControl = null;
- };
- if (this._pointerControl == null) {
- this._pointerControl = new createjs.Shape();
- this._pointerControl.x = x;
- this._pointerControl.y = y;
- point_pos = this.getPointPositionRelative();
- this._pointerControl.graphics.beginStroke(BLACK);
- this._pointerControl.graphics.arc(point_pos[0], point_pos[1],
- 0, 2 * Math.PI);
- this._pointerControl.graphics.endStroke();
- var hitArea = new createjs.Shape();
- hitArea.graphics.beginFill("#000").arc(
- point_pos[0], point_pos[1], SIZE_RESIZE_AREA / 2,
- 0, 2 * Math.PI);
- this._pointerControl.hitArea = hitArea;
- this._pointerControl.visible = this.getSelected();
- this._stage.addChild(this._pointerControl);
- this._pointerControl.on("pressmove",function(event) {
- this.setPointPosition(event.stageX, event.stageY);
- this._box.selectGlobe(this);
- this._pointerChanged = true;
- this.update();
- }, this);
- } else {
- this._pointerControl.x = x;
- this._pointerControl.y = y;
- this._pointerControl.visible = this.getSelected();
- };
- };
- if (this._resizeButton == null) {
- createAsyncBitmapButton(this, './icons/resize.svg',
- function(globe, button) {
- button.x = globe._x - globe._width - button.width / 2;
- button.y = globe._y - globe._height - button.height / 2;
- button.visible = globe.getSelected();
- globe._resizeButton = button;
- globe._stage.addChild(button);
- globe._stage.update();
- button.on('pressmove', function(event) {
- this._width = Math.max(globe._x - event.stageX,
- this._height = Math.max(globe._y - event.stageY,
- this._shapeChanged = true;
- this.update();
- }, globe);
- });
- } else {
- this._resizeButton.x = this._x - this._width - this._resizeButton.width / 2;
- this._resizeButton.y = this._y - this._height - this._resizeButton.height / 2;
- this._resizeButton.visible = this.getSelected();
- };
- if (this._editButton == null) {
- createAsyncBitmapButton(this, './icons/edit.svg',
- function(globe, button) {
- button.x = globe._x + globe._width - button.width / 2;
- button.y = globe._y - globe._height - button.height / 2;
- button.visible = globe.getSelected();
- globe._editButton = button;
- globe._stage.addChild(button);
- globe._stage.update();
- button.on('click', function(event) {
- globe._box.popupTextEditionPalette();
- });
- });
- } else {
- this._editButton.x = this._x + this._width - this._editButton.width / 2;
- this._editButton.y = this._y - this._height - this._editButton.height / 2;
- this._editButton.visible = this.getSelected();
- };
- if (this._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- if (this._rotateButton == null) {
- createAsyncBitmapButton(this, './icons/object_rotate_right.svg',
- function(globe, button) {
- button.x = globe._x + globe._width - button.width / 2;
- button.y = globe._y + globe._height - button.height / 2;
- button.visible = globe.getSelected();
- globe._rotateButton = button;
- globe._stage.addChild(button);
- globe._stage.update();
- button.on('click', function(event) {
- globe.rotate();
- });
- });
- } else {
- this._rotateButton.x = this._x + this._width - this._rotateButton.width / 2;
- this._rotateButton.y = this._y + this._height - this._rotateButton.height / 2;
- this._rotateButton.visible = this.getSelected();
- };
- };
- if (! this._isTitleGlobe) {
- if (this._removeButton == null) {
- createAsyncBitmapButton(this, './icons/remove.svg',
- function(globe, button) {
- button.x = globe._x - globe._width - button.width / 2;
- button.y = globe._y + globe._height - button.height / 2;
- button.visible = globe.getSelected();
- globe._removeButton = button;
- globe._stage.addChild(button);
- globe._stage.update();
- button.on('click', function(event) {
- globe.remove();
- });
- });
- } else {
- this._removeButton.x = this._x - this._width - this._removeButton.width / 2;
- this._removeButton.y = this._y + this._height - this._removeButton.height / 2;
- this._removeButton.visible = this.getSelected();
- };
- };
- this._shapeChanged = false;
- this._pointerChanged = false;
- };
- this.rotate = function () {
- switch (this._direction) {
- case DIR_DOWN:
- this._direction = DIR_LEFT;
- break;
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- this._direction = DIR_DOWN;
- break;
- case DIR_LEFT:
- this._direction = DIR_UP;
- break;
- case DIR_UP:
- this._direction = DIR_RIGHT;
- break;
- };
- var i = this._point[0];
- this._point[0] = this._point[1]; this._point[1] = i;
- this._pointerChanged = true;
- this.update();
- };
- this.remove = function() {
- var globeIndex = this._box.globes.indexOf(this);
- if (globeIndex != -1) {
- this._box.globes.splice(globeIndex, 1);
- this._stage.removeChild(this._shape);
- this._stage.removeChild(this._shapeControls);
- if (this._type != TYPE_RECTANGLE) {
- this._stage.removeChild(this._pointerControl);
- this._stage.removeChild(this._rotateButton);
- };
- if (this._type == TYPE_CLOUD) {
- this._stage.removeChild(this._shapeCircles);
- };
- this._stage.removeChild(this._resizeButton);
- this._stage.removeChild(this._editButton);
- this._stage.removeChild(this._removeButton);
- this._textViewer.remove();
- this._stage.update();
- };
- };
- this.update = function() {
- this.createShape();
- this._textViewer.update();
- this.createControls();
- this._stage.update();
- }
- this.getPointPosition = function (scaled) {
- var scale_x = 1;
- var scale_y = 1;
- if (scaled) {
- scale_x = this._width / this._radio;
- scale_y = this._height / this._radio;
- };
- var x = this._x / scale_x;
- var y = this._y /scale_y;
- var w = this._width / scale_x;
- var h = this._height /scale_y;
- switch (this._direction) {
- case DIR_DOWN:
- return [x + this._point[0] / scale_x,
- y + h + this._point[1] / scale_y];
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- return [x + w + this._point[0] / scale_x,
- y + this._point[1] / scale_y];
- case DIR_LEFT:
- return [x - w - this._point[0] / scale_x,
- y + this._point[1] / scale_y];
- case DIR_UP:
- return [x + this._point[0] / scale_x,
- y - h - this._point[1] / scale_y];
- };
- };
- this.getPointPositionRelative = function () {
- var w = this._width;
- var h = this._height;
- switch (this._direction) {
- case DIR_DOWN:
- return [this._point[0], h + this._point[1]];
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- return [w + this._point[0], this._point[1]];
- case DIR_LEFT:
- return [- w - this._point[0], this._point[1]];
- case DIR_UP:
- return [this._point[0], - h - this._point[1]];
- };
- };
- this.setPointPosition = function (new_x, new_y) {
- switch (this._direction) {
- case DIR_DOWN:
- this._point[0] = new_x - this._x;
- this._point[1] = new_y - this._y - this._height;
- break;
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- this._point[0] = new_x - this._x - this._width;
- this._point[1] = new_y - this._y;
- break;
- case DIR_LEFT:
- this._point[0] = - new_x + this._x - this._width;
- this._point[1] = new_y - this._y;
- break;
- case DIR_UP:
- this._point[0] = new_x - this._x;
- this._point[1] = - new_y + this._y - this._height;
- };
- };
- this.init();
- this.update();
- };
- function BoxSorter(canvas, data) {
- this.canvas = canvas;
- this._data = data;
- this._width = canvas.width - LINE_WIDTH * 2;
- this._height = canvas.height - LINE_WIDTH * 2;
- this._previewWidth = this._height * 4 / 3;
- this._previewBitmaps = [];
- this._deltaX = null;
- this.stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
- // Enable touch interactions if supported on the current device
- createjs.Touch.enable(this.stage);
- this.init = function () {
- this.canvas.style.display = 'block';
- this._backContainer = new createjs.Container();
- var background = new createjs.Shape();
- background.graphics.setStrokeStyle(LINE_WIDTH, "round");
- background.graphics.beginStroke(
- this._width, this._height);
- this.stage.addChild(this._backContainer);
- this._backContainer.addChild(background);
- this._backContainer.cache(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
- this.loadPreviews();
- this.stage.update();
- };
- this.hide = function() {
- this.canvas.style.display = 'none';
- };
- this.loadPreviews = function () {
- // create bitmaps for every box preview (if not avilable,
- // use the background
- for (var i = 0;i < this._data['boxs'].length; i++) {
- var imageData = this._data['previews'][i];
- if (imageData == undefined) {
- var imageName = this._data['boxs'][i]['image_name'];
- // if the preview was not loaded use the background
- if (imageName != '' && imageName != undefined) {
- imageData = this._data['images'][imageName];
- };
- };
- if (imageData != undefined) {
- this._createPreview(imageData, i);
- };
- };
- };
- this.getSortOrder = function() {
- var newOrder = [0];
- for (var i = 0; i < this._previewBitmaps.length; i++) {
- newOrder.push(this._previewBitmaps[i]._order);
- };
- return newOrder;
- };
- this._createPreview = function(imageUrl, order) {
- var img = new Image();
- var that = this;
- img.addEventListener("load", function() {
- bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(this);
- bitmap.setBounds(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
- bitmap._order = order;
- // calculate scale
- var scale_x = that._previewWidth / this.width;
- var scale_y = that._height / this.height;
- var scale = Math.min(scale_x, scale_y);
- bitmap.x = that._previewWidth * order;
- bitmap.y = LINE_WIDTH;
- bitmap.scaleX = scale;
- bitmap.scaleY = scale;
- var hitArea = new createjs.Shape();
- hitArea.graphics.beginFill("#000").drawRect(
- 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
- bitmap.hitArea = hitArea;
- // don't move first box
- if (order > 0) {
- that._previewBitmaps.push(bitmap);
- bitmap.on('pressmove', function(event) {
- console.log('TOON pressmove');
- if (that._deltaX == null) {
- that._deltaX = event.stageX - event.target.x;
- // move the bitmap to the top
- var thisBitmap = event.target;
- that.stage.sortChildren(function (bitmapA, bitmapB) {
- if (bitmapA == thisBitmap) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- };});
- };
- new_x = event.stageX - that._deltaX;
- if (new_x > this._previewWidth / 2) {
- event.target.x = new_x;
- that.stage.update();
- };
- }, that);
- bitmap.on('pressup', function(event) {
- console.log('TOON pressup');
- that._deltaX = null;
- // sort the preview bitmaps
- that._previewBitmaps.sort(function (bitmapA, bitmapB) {
- return bitmapA.x - bitmapB.x;});
- // adjust the positions
- for (var i = 0; i < that._previewBitmaps.length; i++) {
- that._previewBitmaps[i].x = that._previewWidth * (i + 1);
- };
- that.stage.update();
- }, that);
- };
- that.stage.addChildAt(bitmap, 0);
- that.stage.update();
- });
- img.src = imageUrl;
- }
- };
- toon.Model = Model;
- return toon;
- });