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  1. [en]
  2. sounddir=en
  3. learn=Learn
  4. build=Build
  5. play=Play
  6. learndesc=Put cards in the correct boxes to learn what sort of food each animal eats.
  7. builddesc=Arrange cards in the correct order to build the right food chain.
  8. playdesc=Play the food chain: eat and avoid being eaten.
  9. level=Level
  10. score=Score:
  11. concept=concept & code:
  12. arts=arts:
  13. music=music:
  14. sound=sound effects:
  15. alligator=Alligator
  16. animal=Animal
  17. bat=Bat
  18. bee=Bee
  19. bird=Bird
  20. camel=Camel
  21. cat=Cat
  22. chicken=Chicken
  23. chimp=Chimp
  24. clam=Clam
  25. corn=Corn
  26. cow=Cow
  27. crab=Crab
  28. crocodile=Crocodile
  29. crow=Crow
  30. dog=Dog
  31. duck=Duck
  32. fish=Fish
  33. flies=Flies
  34. fox=Fox
  35. frog=Frog
  36. giraffe=Giraffe
  37. goat=Goat
  38. grass=Grass
  39. hay=Hay
  40. hen=Hen
  41. lamb=Lamb
  42. mice=Mice
  43. mole=Mole
  44. mosquito=Mosquito
  45. mule=Mule
  46. owl=Owl
  47. ox=Ox
  48. pig=Pig
  49. rat=Rat
  50. shark=Shark
  51. shrimp=Shrimp
  52. skunk=Skunk
  53. snail=Snail
  54. snake=Snake
  55. spider=Spider
  56. spike=Spike
  57. squid=Squid
  58. squirrel=Squirrel
  59. starfish=Starfish
  60. swan=Swan
  61. tick=Tick
  62. wheat=Wheat
  63. herbivore=Herbivore
  64. carnivore=Carnivore
  65. omnivore=Omnivore
  66. [fr]
  67. sounddir=fr
  68. learn=Apprendre
  69. build=Construire
  70. play=Jouer
  71. learndesc=Placez chaque animal dans la case correspondant à la nourriture qu%27il mange.
  72. builddesc=Mettez les cartes dans l%27ordre de la chaîne alimentaire.
  73. playdesc=Jouez le jeu de la chaîne alimentaire, mangez sans être mangé.
  74. level=Niveau
  75. score=Score:
  76. concept=concept & réalisation:
  77. arts=éléments graphiques:
  78. music=musique:
  79. sound=effets sonores:
  80. alligator=Alligator
  81. animal=Animal
  82. bat=Chauve-souris
  83. bee=Abeille
  84. bird=Oiseau
  85. camel=Chameau
  86. cat=Chat
  87. chicken=Poulet
  88. chimp=Chimpanzé
  89. clam=Palourde
  90. corn=Maïs
  91. cow=Vache
  92. crab=Crabe
  93. crocodile=Crocodile
  94. crow=Corbeau
  95. dog=Chien
  96. duck=Canard
  97. fish=Poisson
  98. flies=Mouche
  99. fox=Renard
  100. frog=Grenouille
  101. giraffe=Girafe
  102. goat=Chèvre
  103. grass=Herbe
  104. hay=Foin
  105. hen=Poule
  106. lamb=Mouton
  107. mice=Souris
  108. mole=Taupe
  109. mosquito=Moustique
  110. mule=Mule
  111. owl=Hibou
  112. ox=Taureau
  113. pig=Cochon
  114. rat=Rat
  115. shark=Requin
  116. shrimp=Crevette
  117. skunk=Mouffette
  118. snail=Escargot
  119. snake=Serpent
  120. spider=Araignée
  121. spike=Hérisson
  122. squid=Calmar
  123. squirrel=Ecureuil
  124. starfish=Etoile
  125. swan=Cygne
  126. tick=Tique
  127. wheat=Blé
  128. herbivore=Herbivore
  129. carnivore=Carnivore
  130. omnivore=Omnivore
  131. [pt_BR]
  132. sounddir=pt_BR
  133. learn=Aprender
  134. build=Construir
  135. play=Jogar
  136. learndesc=Coloque as cartas nas caixas corretas para aprender qual tipo de comida cada animal come.
  137. builddesc=Organize as cartas na posição correta para construir corretamente a cadeia alimentar.
  138. playdesc=Jogue a cadeia alimentar: coma e evite ser comido.
  139. level=Nível
  140. score=Pontuação:
  141. concept=Conceito & código:
  142. arts=artes:
  143. music=música:
  144. sound=efeitos sonoros:
  145. alligator=Jacaré
  146. animal=Animal
  147. bat=Morcego
  148. bee=Abelha
  149. bird=Pássaro
  150. camel=Camelo
  151. cat=Gato
  152. chicken=Frango
  153. chimp=Chimpanzé
  154. clam=Molusco
  155. corn=Milho
  156. cow=Vaca
  157. crab=Caranguejo
  158. crocodile=Crocodilo
  159. crow=Corvo
  160. dog=Cachorro
  161. duck=Pato
  162. fish=Peixe
  163. flies=Moscas
  164. fox=Raposa
  165. frog=Sapo
  166. giraffe=Girafa
  167. goat=Bode
  168. grass=Grama
  169. hay=Feno
  170. hen=Galinha
  171. lamb=Cordeiro
  172. mice=Ratos
  173. mole=Topeira
  174. mosquito=Mosquito
  175. mule=Mula
  176. owl=Coruja
  177. ox=Boi
  178. pig=Porco
  179. rat=Rato
  180. shark=Tubarão
  181. shrimp=Camarão
  182. skunk=Gambá
  183. snail=Caracol
  184. snake=Cobra
  185. spider=Aranha
  186. spike=Ouriço
  187. squid=Lula
  188. squirrel=Esquilo
  189. starfish=Estrela-do-mar
  190. swan=Cisne
  191. tick=Carrapato
  192. wheat=Trigo
  193. herbivore=Herbívoro
  194. carnivore=Carnívoro
  195. omnivore=Onívoro