- /**
- Slideable is a control that can be dragged either horizontally or vertically
- between a minimum and a maximum value. When released from dragging, a
- Slideable will animate to its minimum or maximum position, depending on the
- direction of the drag.
- The *min* value specifies a position left of or above the initial position,
- to which the Slideable may be dragged.
- The *max* value specifies a position right of or below the initial position,
- to which the Slideable may be dragged.
- The *value* property specifies the current position of the Slideable,
- between the minimum and maximum positions.
- *min*, *max*, and *value* may be specified in units of "px" or "%".
- The *axis* property controls whether the Slideable slides left-right (h) or
- up-down (v).
- The following control is placed 90% off the screen to the right, and slides
- to its natural position.
- {kind: "enyo.Slideable", value: -90, min: -90, unit: "%",
- classes: "enyo-fit", style: "width: 300px;",
- components: [
- {content: "stuff"}
- ]
- }
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "enyo.Slideable",
- kind: "Control",
- published: {
- //* Direction of sliding; can be "h" or "v"
- axis: "h",
- //* A value between min and max to position the Slideable
- value: 0,
- //* Unit for min, max, and value; can be "px" or "%"
- unit: "px",
- //* A minimum value to slide to
- min: 0,
- //* A maximum value to slide to
- max: 0,
- accelerated: "auto",
- //* Set to false to prevent the Slideable from dragging with elasticity past its min/max value.
- overMoving: true,
- //* Set to false to disable dragging.
- draggable: true
- },
- events: {
- //* Fires when the Slideable finishes animating.
- onAnimateFinish: "",
- onChange: ""
- },
- // Set to true to prevent a drag from bubbling beyond the Slideable.
- preventDragPropagation: false,
- //* @protected
- tools: [
- {kind: "Animator", onStep: "animatorStep", onEnd: "animatorComplete"}
- ],
- handlers: {
- ondragstart: "dragstart",
- ondrag: "drag",
- ondragfinish: "dragfinish"
- },
- kDragScalar: 1,
- dragEventProp: "dx",
- unitModifier: false,
- canTransform: false,
- //* @protected
- create: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.acceleratedChanged();
- this.transformChanged();
- this.axisChanged();
- this.valueChanged();
- this.addClass("enyo-slideable");
- },
- initComponents: function() {
- this.createComponents(this.tools);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- rendered: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.canModifyUnit();
- this.updateDragScalar();
- },
- resizeHandler: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.updateDragScalar();
- },
- canModifyUnit: function() {
- if (!this.canTransform) {
- var b = this.getInitialStyleValue(this.hasNode(), this.boundary);
- // If inline style of "px" exists, while unit is "%"
- if (b.match(/px/i) && (this.unit === "%")) {
- // Set unitModifier - used to over-ride "%"
- this.unitModifier = this.getBounds()[this.dimension];
- }
- }
- },
- getInitialStyleValue: function(inNode, inBoundary) {
- var s = enyo.dom.getComputedStyle(inNode);
- if (s) {
- return s.getPropertyValue(inBoundary);
- } else if (inNode && inNode.currentStyle) {
- return inNode.currentStyle[inBoundary];
- }
- return "0";
- },
- updateBounds: function(inValue, inDimensions) {
- var inBounds = {};
- inBounds[this.boundary] = inValue;
- this.setBounds(inBounds, this.unit);
- this.setInlineStyles(inValue, inDimensions);
- },
- updateDragScalar: function() {
- if (this.unit == "%") {
- var d = this.getBounds()[this.dimension];
- this.kDragScalar = d ? 100 / d : 1;
- if (!this.canTransform) {
- this.updateBounds(this.value, 100);
- }
- }
- },
- transformChanged: function() {
- this.canTransform = enyo.dom.canTransform();
- },
- acceleratedChanged: function() {
- if (!(enyo.platform.android > 2)) {
- enyo.dom.accelerate(this, this.accelerated);
- }
- },
- axisChanged: function() {
- var h = this.axis == "h";
- this.dragMoveProp = h ? "dx" : "dy";
- this.shouldDragProp = h ? "horizontal" : "vertical";
- this.transform = h ? "translateX" : "translateY";
- this.dimension = h ? "width" : "height";
- this.boundary = h ? "left" : "top";
- },
- setInlineStyles: function(inValue, inDimensions) {
- var inBounds = {};
- if (this.unitModifier) {
- inBounds[this.boundary] = this.percentToPixels(inValue, this.unitModifier);
- inBounds[this.dimension] = this.unitModifier;
- this.setBounds(inBounds);
- } else {
- if (inDimensions) {
- inBounds[this.dimension] = inDimensions;
- } else {
- inBounds[this.boundary] = inValue;
- }
- this.setBounds(inBounds, this.unit);
- }
- },
- valueChanged: function(inLast) {
- var v = this.value;
- if (this.isOob(v) && !this.isAnimating()) {
- this.value = this.overMoving ? this.dampValue(v) : this.clampValue(v);
- }
- // FIXME: android cannot handle nested compositing well so apply acceleration only if needed
- // desktop chrome doesn't like this code path so avoid...
- if (enyo.platform.android > 2) {
- if (this.value) {
- if (inLast === 0 || inLast === undefined) {
- enyo.dom.accelerate(this, this.accelerated);
- }
- } else {
- enyo.dom.accelerate(this, false);
- }
- }
- // If platform supports transforms
- if (this.canTransform) {
- enyo.dom.transformValue(this, this.transform, this.value + this.unit);
- // else update inline styles
- } else {
- this.setInlineStyles(this.value, false);
- }
- this.doChange();
- },
- getAnimator: function() {
- return this.$.animator;
- },
- isAtMin: function() {
- return this.value <= this.calcMin();
- },
- isAtMax: function() {
- return this.value >= this.calcMax();
- },
- calcMin: function() {
- return this.min;
- },
- calcMax: function() {
- return this.max;
- },
- clampValue: function(inValue) {
- var min = this.calcMin();
- var max = this.calcMax();
- return Math.max(min, Math.min(inValue, max));
- },
- dampValue: function(inValue) {
- return this.dampBound(this.dampBound(inValue, this.min, 1), this.max, -1);
- },
- dampBound: function(inValue, inBoundary, inSign) {
- var v = inValue;
- if (v * inSign < inBoundary * inSign) {
- v = inBoundary + (v - inBoundary) / 4;
- }
- return v;
- },
- percentToPixels: function(value, dimension) {
- return Math.floor((dimension / 100) * value);
- },
- pixelsToPercent: function(value) {
- var boundary = this.unitModifier ? this.getBounds()[this.dimension] : this.container.getBounds()[this.dimension];
- return (value / boundary) * 100;
- },
- // dragging
- shouldDrag: function(inEvent) {
- return this.draggable && inEvent[this.shouldDragProp];
- },
- isOob: function(inValue) {
- return inValue > this.calcMax() || inValue < this.calcMin();
- },
- dragstart: function(inSender, inEvent) {
- if (this.shouldDrag(inEvent)) {
- inEvent.preventDefault();
- this.$.animator.stop();
- inEvent.dragInfo = {};
- this.dragging = true;
- this.drag0 = this.value;
- this.dragd0 = 0;
- return this.preventDragPropagation;
- }
- },
- drag: function(inSender, inEvent) {
- if (this.dragging) {
- inEvent.preventDefault();
- var d = this.canTransform ? inEvent[this.dragMoveProp] * this.kDragScalar : this.pixelsToPercent(inEvent[this.dragMoveProp]);
- var v = this.drag0 + d;
- var dd = d - this.dragd0;
- this.dragd0 = d;
- if (dd) {
- inEvent.dragInfo.minimizing = dd < 0;
- }
- this.setValue(v);
- return this.preventDragPropagation;
- }
- },
- dragfinish: function(inSender, inEvent) {
- if (this.dragging) {
- this.dragging = false;
- this.completeDrag(inEvent);
- inEvent.preventTap();
- return this.preventDragPropagation;
- }
- },
- completeDrag: function(inEvent) {
- if (this.value !== this.calcMax() && this.value != this.calcMin()) {
- this.animateToMinMax(inEvent.dragInfo.minimizing);
- }
- },
- // animation
- isAnimating: function() {
- return this.$.animator.isAnimating();
- },
- play: function(inStart, inEnd) {
- this.$.animator.play({
- startValue: inStart,
- endValue: inEnd,
- node: this.hasNode()
- });
- },
- //* @public
- //* Animates to the given value.
- animateTo: function(inValue) {
- this.play(this.value, inValue);
- },
- //* Animates to the minimum value.
- animateToMin: function() {
- this.animateTo(this.calcMin());
- },
- //* Animates to the maximum value.
- animateToMax: function() {
- this.animateTo(this.calcMax());
- },
- //* @protected
- animateToMinMax: function(inMin) {
- if (inMin) {
- this.animateToMin();
- } else {
- this.animateToMax();
- }
- },
- animatorStep: function(inSender) {
- this.setValue(inSender.value);
- return true;
- },
- animatorComplete: function(inSender) {
- this.doAnimateFinish(inSender);
- return true;
- },
- //* @public
- //* Toggles between min and max with animation.
- toggleMinMax: function() {
- this.animateToMinMax(!this.isAtMin());
- }
- });