- /**
- _enyo.LeftRightArranger_ is an <a href="#enyo.Arranger">enyo.Arranger</a>
- that displays the active control and some of the previous and next controls.
- The active control is centered horizontally in the container, and the
- previous and next controls are laid out to the left and right, respectively.
- Transitions between arrangements are handled by sliding the new control
- in from the right and sliding the active control out to the left.
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "enyo.LeftRightArranger",
- kind: "Arranger",
- //* The margin width (i.e., how much of the previous and next controls
- //* are visible) in pixels
- margin: 40,
- //* @protected
- axisSize: "width",
- offAxisSize: "height",
- axisPosition: "left",
- constructor: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.margin = this.container.margin != null ? this.container.margin : this.margin;
- },
- //* @public
- size: function() {
- var c$ = this.container.getPanels();
- var port = this.containerBounds[this.axisSize];
- var box = port - this.margin -this.margin;
- for (var i=0, b, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- b = {};
- b[this.axisSize] = box;
- b[this.offAxisSize] = "100%";
- c.setBounds(b);
- }
- },
- arrange: function(inC, inIndex) {
- var o = Math.floor(this.container.getPanels().length/2);
- var c$ = this.getOrderedControls(Math.floor(inIndex)-o);
- var box = this.containerBounds[this.axisSize] - this.margin -this.margin;
- var e = this.margin - box * o;
- var m = (c$.length - 1) / 2;
- for (var i=0, c, b, v; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- b = {};
- b[this.axisPosition] = e;
- b.opacity = (i == 0 || i == c$.length-1) ? 0 : 1;
- this.arrangeControl(c, b);
- e += box;
- }
- },
- calcArrangementDifference: function(inI0, inA0, inI1, inA1) {
- var i = Math.abs(inI0 % this.c$.length);
- //enyo.log(inI0, inI1);
- return inA0[i][this.axisPosition] - inA1[i][this.axisPosition];
- },
- destroy: function() {
- var c$ = this.container.getPanels();
- for (var i=0, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- enyo.Arranger.positionControl(c, {left: null, top: null});
- enyo.Arranger.opacifyControl(c, 1);
- c.applyStyle("left", null);
- c.applyStyle("top", null);
- c.applyStyle("height", null);
- c.applyStyle("width", null);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
- /**
- _enyo.TopBottomArranger_ is an <a href="#enyo.Arranger">enyo.Arranger</a>
- that displays the active control and some of the previous and next controls.
- The active control is centered vertically in the container, and the previous
- and next controls are laid out above and below, respectively.
- Transitions between arrangements are handled by sliding the new control
- in from the bottom and sliding the active control out the top.
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "enyo.TopBottomArranger",
- kind: "LeftRightArranger",
- dragProp: "ddy",
- dragDirectionProp: "yDirection",
- canDragProp: "vertical",
- //* @protected
- axisSize: "height",
- offAxisSize: "width",
- axisPosition: "top"
- });
- /**
- _enyo.SpiralArranger_ is an <a href="#enyo.Arranger">enyo.Arranger</a> that
- arranges controls in a spiral. The active control is positioned on top and
- the other controls are laid out in a spiral pattern below.
- Transitions between arrangements are handled by rotating the new control
- up from below and rotating the active control down to the end of the spiral.
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "enyo.SpiralArranger",
- kind: "Arranger",
- //* Always go through incremental arrangements when transitioning
- incrementalPoints: true,
- //* The amount of space between successive controls
- inc: 20,
- size: function() {
- var c$ = this.container.getPanels();
- var b = this.containerBounds;
- var w = this.controlWidth = b.width/3;
- var h = this.controlHeight = b.height/3;
- for (var i=0, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- c.setBounds({width: w, height: h});
- }
- },
- arrange: function(inC, inName) {
- var s = this.inc;
- for (var i=0, l=inC.length, c; c=inC[i]; i++) {
- var x = Math.cos(i/l * 2*Math.PI) * i * s + this.controlWidth;
- var y = Math.sin(i/l * 2*Math.PI) * i * s + this.controlHeight;
- this.arrangeControl(c, {left: x, top: y});
- }
- },
- start: function() {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var c$ = this.getOrderedControls(this.container.toIndex);
- for (var i=0, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- c.applyStyle("z-index", c$.length - i);
- }
- },
- calcArrangementDifference: function(inI0, inA0, inI1, inA1) {
- return this.controlWidth;
- },
- destroy: function() {
- var c$ = this.container.getPanels();
- for (var i=0, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- c.applyStyle("z-index", null);
- enyo.Arranger.positionControl(c, {left: null, top: null});
- c.applyStyle("left", null);
- c.applyStyle("top", null);
- c.applyStyle("height", null);
- c.applyStyle("width", null);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
- /**
- _enyo.GridArranger_ is an <a href="#enyo.Arranger">enyo.Arranger</a> that
- arranges controls in a grid. The active control is positioned at the
- top-left of the grid and the other controls are laid out from left to right
- and then from top to bottom.
- Transitions between arrangements are handled by moving the active control to
- the end of the grid and shifting the other controls to the left, or up to
- the previous row, to fill the space.
- */
- enyo.kind({
- name: "enyo.GridArranger",
- kind: "Arranger",
- //* Always go through incremental arrangements when transitioning
- incrementalPoints: true,
- //* @public
- //* Column width
- colWidth: 100,
- //* Column height
- colHeight: 100,
- size: function() {
- var c$ = this.container.getPanels();
- var w=this.colWidth, h=this.colHeight;
- for (var i=0, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- c.setBounds({width: w, height: h});
- }
- },
- arrange: function(inC, inIndex) {
- var w=this.colWidth, h=this.colHeight;
- var cols = Math.floor(this.containerBounds.width / w);
- var c;
- for (var y=0, i=0; i<inC.length; y++) {
- for (var x=0; (x<cols) && (c=inC[i]); x++, i++) {
- this.arrangeControl(c, {left: w*x, top: h*y});
- }
- }
- },
- flowControl: function(inControl, inA) {
- this.inherited(arguments);
- enyo.Arranger.opacifyControl(inControl, inA.top % this.colHeight != 0 ? 0.25 : 1);
- },
- calcArrangementDifference: function(inI0, inA0, inI1, inA1) {
- return this.colWidth;
- },
- destroy: function() {
- var c$ = this.container.getPanels();
- for (var i=0, c; c=c$[i]; i++) {
- enyo.Arranger.positionControl(c, {left: null, top: null});
- c.applyStyle("left", null);
- c.applyStyle("top", null);
- c.applyStyle("height", null);
- c.applyStyle("width", null);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });