not really known
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173 lines
4.4 KiB

  1. {
  2. "title": "VirtualSky",
  3. "language": {
  4. "code": "en",
  5. "name": "English",
  6. "alignment": "left",
  7. "translator": "Stuart Lowe"
  8. },
  9. "constellations": {
  10. "And": "Andromeda",
  11. "Ant": "Antlia",
  12. "Aps": "Apus",
  13. "Aqr": "Aquarius",
  14. "Aql": "Aquila",
  15. "Ara": "Ara",
  16. "Ari": "Aries",
  17. "Aur": "Auriga",
  18. "Boo": "Boötes",
  19. "Cae": "Caelum",
  20. "Cam": "Camelopardalis",
  21. "Cnc": "Cancer",
  22. "CVn": "Canes Venatici",
  23. "CMa": "Canis Major",
  24. "CMi": "Canis Minor",
  25. "Cap": "Capricornus",
  26. "Car": "Carina",
  27. "Cas": "Cassiopeia",
  28. "Cen": "Centaurus",
  29. "Cep": "Cepheus",
  30. "Cet": "Cetus",
  31. "Cha": "Chamaeleon",
  32. "Cir": "Circinus",
  33. "Col": "Columba",
  34. "Com": "Coma Berenices",
  35. "CrA": "Corona\nAustrina",
  36. "CrB": "Corona\nBorealis",
  37. "Crv": "Corvus",
  38. "Crt": "Crater",
  39. "Cru": "Crux",
  40. "Cyg": "Cygnus",
  41. "Del": "Delphinus",
  42. "Dor": "Dorado",
  43. "Dra": "Draco",
  44. "Equ": "Equuleus",
  45. "Eri": "Eridanus",
  46. "For": "Fornax",
  47. "Gem": "Gemini",
  48. "Gru": "Grus",
  49. "Her": "Hercules",
  50. "Hor": "Horologium",
  51. "Hya": "Hydra",
  52. "Hyi": "Hydrus",
  53. "Ind": "Indus",
  54. "Lac": "Lacerta",
  55. "Leo": "Leo",
  56. "LMi": "Leo Minor",
  57. "Lep": "Lepus",
  58. "Lib": "Libra",
  59. "Lup": "Lupus",
  60. "Lyn": "Lynx",
  61. "Lyr": "Lyra",
  62. "Men": "Mensa",
  63. "Mic": "Microscopium",
  64. "Mon": "Monoceros",
  65. "Mus": "Musca",
  66. "Nor": "Norma",
  67. "Oct": "Octans",
  68. "Oph": "Ophiuchus",
  69. "Ori": "Orion",
  70. "Pav": "Pavo",
  71. "Peg": "Pegasus",
  72. "Per": "Perseus",
  73. "Phe": "Phoenix",
  74. "Pic": "Pictor",
  75. "Psc": "Pisces",
  76. "PsA": "Piscis Austrinus",
  77. "Pup": "Puppis",
  78. "Pyx": "Pyxis",
  79. "Ret": "Reticulum",
  80. "Sge": "Sagitta",
  81. "Sgr": "Sagittarius",
  82. "Sco": "Scorpius",
  83. "Scl": "Sculptor",
  84. "Sct": "Scutum",
  85. "Ser": "Serpens",
  86. "Sex": "Sextans",
  87. "Tau": "Taurus",
  88. "Tel": "Telescopium",
  89. "Tri": "Triangulum",
  90. "TrA": "Triangulum\nAustrale",
  91. "Tuc": "Tucana",
  92. "UMa": "Ursa Major",
  93. "UMi": "Ursa Minor",
  94. "Vel": "Vela",
  95. "Vir": "Virgo",
  96. "Vol": "Volans",
  97. "Vul": "Vulpecula"
  98. },
  99. "planets": {
  100. "Me": "Mercury",
  101. "V": "Venus",
  102. "Ma": "Mars",
  103. "J": "Jupiter",
  104. "S": "Saturn",
  105. "U": "Uranus",
  106. "N": "Neptune"
  107. },
  108. "sun":"Sun",
  109. "moon":"Moon",
  110. "date": "Date & Time",
  111. "datechange": "Change the date/time (shown in your local time)",
  112. "close": "close",
  113. "position": "Latitude & Longitude",
  114. "positionchange": "Change the longitude/latitude",
  115. "N": "N",
  116. "E": "E",
  117. "S": "S",
  118. "W": "W",
  119. "keyboard": "Keyboard shortcuts:",
  120. "fast": "increase time speed",
  121. "stop": "set time rate to zero",
  122. "slow": "decrease time speed",
  123. "reset": "set time to now",
  124. "cardinal": "toggle cardinal points",
  125. "stars": "toggle stars",
  126. "starlabels": "toggle star labels",
  127. "neg": "invert colours",
  128. "atmos": "toggle atmosphere",
  129. "ground": "toggle ground",
  130. "az": "toggle Az/El gridlines",
  131. "eq": "toggle Ra/Dec gridlines",
  132. "gal": "toggle Galactic gridlines",
  133. "galaxy": "toggle Galactic plane",
  134. "ec": "toggle Ecliptic line",
  135. "meridian": "toggle Meridian line",
  136. "con": "toggle constellation lines",
  137. "conbound": "toggle constellation boundaries",
  138. "names": "toggle constellation names",
  139. "sol": "toggle planets/Sun/Moon",
  140. "sollabels": "toggle planet/Sun/Moon labels",
  141. "orbits": "toggle planet orbits",
  142. "projection":"change map projection",
  143. "meteorshowers":"toggle meteor shower radiants",
  144. "addday": "add 1 day",
  145. "subtractday": "subtract 1 day",
  146. "addweek": "add 1 week",
  147. "subtractweek": "subtract 1 week",
  148. "azleft": "rotate left",
  149. "azright": "rotate right",
  150. "magup": "increase magnitude limit",
  151. "magdown": "decrease magnitude limit",
  152. "left" : "←",
  153. "right" : "→",
  154. "up": "↑",
  155. "down": "↓",
  156. "power": "Powered by LCO",
  157. "projections": {
  158. "polar": "Polar projection",
  159. "fisheye": "Fisheye projection",
  160. "ortho": "Orthographic projection",
  161. "stereo": "Stereo projection",
  162. "lambert": "Lambert projection",
  163. "gnomic": "Gnomic projection",
  164. "equirectangular": "Equirectangular projection",
  165. "mollweide": "Mollweide projection",
  166. "planechart": "Planechart projection"
  167. },
  168. "starnames":{
  169. "7588":"Achernar","11767":"Polaris","21421":"Aldebaran","24436":"Rigel","24608":"Capella","27989":"Betelgeuse",
  170. "30438":"Canopus","32349":"Sirius","33579":"Adara","37279":"Procyon","37826":"Pollux","49669":"Regulus","62434":"Mimosa",
  171. "65378":"Mizar","65474":"Spica","68702":"Hadar","69673":"Arcturus","71683":"Alpha Centauri A","80763":"Antares","85927":"Shaula",
  172. "91262":"Vega","97649":"Altair","102098":"Deneb","113368":"Fomalhaut"
  173. }
  174. }