- // Journal object chooser dialog
- define(['picoModal','sugar-web/datastore','sugar-web/graphics/icon','mustache','sugar-web/env','sugar-web/graphics/radiobuttonsgroup'], function(picoModal,datastore,icon,mustache,env,radioButtonsGroup) {
- var chooser = {};
- // Load settings
- var userSettings = null;
- var activities = [];
- env.getEnvironment(function(err, environment) {
- userSettings = environment.user;
- for (var i = 0 ; userSettings.activities && i < userSettings.activities.length ; i++) {
- var activity = userSettings.activities[i];
- activities[activity.id] = activity;
- }
- });
- // Chooser feature to search in the Local Journal
- var featureLocalJournal = {};
- featureLocalJournal.id = "journal-button";
- featureLocalJournal.title = "$titleJournal";
- featureLocalJournal.placeholder = "$holderSearchJournal";
- featureLocalJournal.icon = "lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/actions/activity-journal.svg";
- featureLocalJournal.beforeActivate = function() {
- featureLocalJournal.isFavorite = false;
- document.getElementById('favorite-button').style.backgroundImage = "url(lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/emblems/favorite.svg)";
- journalFill.apply(null, featureLocalJournal.filters);
- };
- featureLocalJournal.beforeUnactivate = function() {
- };
- featureLocalJournal.onFavorite = function() {
- var favorite = document.getElementById('favorite-button');
- if (!featureLocalJournal.isFavorite) {
- icon.colorize(favorite, userSettings.colorvalue, function() {});
- } else {
- favorite.style.backgroundImage = "url(lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/emblems/favorite.svg)";
- }
- featureLocalJournal.isFavorite = !featureLocalJournal.isFavorite;
- journalFill.apply(null, featureLocalJournal.filters);
- };
- featureLocalJournal.onScroll = function() {};
- featureLocalJournal.onSearch = function() {
- journalFill.apply(null, featureLocalJournal.filters);
- };
- featureLocalJournal.onCancelSearch = function() {
- journalFill.apply(null, featureLocalJournal.filters);
- };
- // Chooser feature to search in Abecedarium database
- var featureAbecedarium = {};
- featureAbecedarium.id = "abecedarium-button";
- featureAbecedarium.title = "$titleAbecedarium";
- featureAbecedarium.placeholder = "$holderSearchAbecedarium";
- featureAbecedarium.icon = "lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/actions/activity-abecedarium.svg";
- featureAbecedarium.beforeActivate = function() {
- document.getElementById('favorite-button').style.visibility = "hidden";
- abecedariumInit(abecedariumFill);
- };
- featureAbecedarium.beforeUnactivate = function() {
- document.getElementById('favorite-button').style.visibility = "visible";
- };
- featureAbecedarium.onFavorite = function() {};
- featureAbecedarium.onScroll = function() {
- var container = document.getElementById('journal-container');
- var scrollValue = (container.scrollTop) / (container.scrollHeight - container.clientHeight);
- if (scrollValue > 0.90) {
- featureAbecedarium.resultCount += 30;
- abecedariumDisplay(featureAbecedarium.results, featureAbecedarium.resultCount);
- }
- };
- featureAbecedarium.onSearch = function() {
- abecedariumFill();
- };
- featureAbecedarium.onCancelSearch = function() {
- abecedariumFill();
- };
- // Init feature list: overload it if you want to change the feature list at init
- var features = [];
- var currentFeature = -1;
- chooser.init = function() {
- features = [featureLocalJournal];
- currentFeature = 0;
- }
- // Display object chooser dialog with journal content
- // Each filter has the form = {title: "%hysics", creation_time: "<12222", activity: ["org.olpcfrance.Paint","org.olpcfrance.Record"]}
- // When more than one filter is provided, an entry is valid if it match one filter or more. Usage examples:
- // chooser.show();
- // chooser.show({title: 'Paint Activity', creation_time: '>'+now.getTime()});
- // chooser.show({title: ['Paint Activity', '%hysics']});
- // chooser.show({keep: 1});
- // chooser.show({activity: 'org.olpcfrance.PaintActivity'}, {mimetype: 'image/png'})
- var modal;
- var result;
- chooser.show = function(callback, filter1, orFilter2, orFilter3, orFilter4) {
- result = null;
- chooser.init();
- var imageType = "image/png";
- var soundType = /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)?"audio/ogg":"audio/mpeg";
- var filters = [filter1, orFilter2, orFilter3, orFilter4];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < filters.length ; i++) {
- if (filters[i]) {
- if (filters[i].mimetype == imageType) {
- featureAbecedarium.fileformat = ".png";
- featureAbecedarium.mimetype = imageType;
- featureAbecedarium.filelocation = "images/database/";
- features.push(featureAbecedarium);
- break;
- } else if (filters[i].mimetype == soundType) {
- featureAbecedarium.fileformat = (soundType == "audio/ogg"?".ogg":".mp3");
- featureAbecedarium.mimetype = soundType;
- featureAbecedarium.filelocation = "audio/{{lang}}/database/";
- features.push(featureAbecedarium);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var contentHeader = "<div id='pictotoolbar' class='toolbar' style='padding: 0'>";
- for (var i = 0 ; i < features.length ; i++) {
- contentHeader += "<button class='toolbutton"+(i==0?" active":"")+"' id='"+features[i].id+"' title='"+features[i].title+"' style='background-image: url("+features[i].icon+")'></button>";
- }
- contentHeader += "<button class='toolbutton pull-right' id='close-button' title='$titleClose' style='background-image: url(lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/actions/dialog-cancel.svg)'></button>";
- contentHeader += "<div style='position: relative; display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; vertical-align:middle; height:55px'>$titleChoose</div></div>";
- modal = picoModal({
- content: doLocalize(contentHeader+"\
- <div class='toolbar' style='border-top-style: solid; border-color: #c0c0c0; border-width: 1px'>\
- <span class='icon-input' style='vertical-align:top;'>\
- <input id='search-text' type='text' style='width: 200px; font-size: 10pt'/>\
- <button id='cancel-search' class='cancel right'></button>\
- </span>\
- <button class='toolbutton' id='favorite-button' title='$titleFavorite' style='background-image: url(lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/emblems/favorite.svg)'></button>\
- </div>\
- <div id='journal-empty' style='position:absolute;width:100%;top:50%;left:50%'>\
- <div style='width:60px;height:60px;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-image: url(lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/actions/activity-journal.svg)'></div>\
- <div style='text-align:left!important;margin-left:-30px;color:#808080;text-align:center;font-size:14px;'>$noMatchingEntries</div>\
- </div>\
- <div id='journal-container' style='width: 100%; overflow:auto'></div>"),
- closeButton: false,
- modalStyles: {
- backgroundColor: "white",
- height: "400px",
- width: "600px",
- maxWidth: "90%"
- }
- })
- .afterShow(function(modal) {
- var color = userSettings.colorvalue;
- icon.colorize(document.getElementById(features[currentFeature].id), color, function() {});
- var radios = [];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < features.length ; i++) {
- var radio = document.getElementById(features[i].id);
- radios.push(radio);
- radio.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
- var index = -1;
- for (var j = 0 ; j < features.length ; j++) {
- if (features[j].id == e.srcElement.id) {
- index = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index != currentFeature) {
- features[currentFeature].beforeUnactivate();
- document.getElementById(features[currentFeature].id).style.backgroundImage = "url("+features[currentFeature].icon+")";
- document.getElementById('journal-container').innerHTML = "";
- document.getElementById('search-text').value = '';
- currentFeature = index;
- features[currentFeature].filters = [filter1, orFilter2, orFilter3, orFilter4];
- features[currentFeature].beforeActivate();
- icon.colorize(document.getElementById(features[currentFeature].id), color, function() {});
- document.getElementById('search-text').placeholder=doLocalize(features[currentFeature].placeholder);
- }
- })
- }
- new radioButtonsGroup.RadioButtonsGroup(radios);
- var targetHeight = document.getElementById("pictotoolbar").parentNode.offsetHeight - 55*2;
- document.getElementById('journal-container').style.height = targetHeight + "px";
- document.getElementById('journal-container').addEventListener("scroll", function() {
- features[currentFeature].onScroll();
- });
- var favorite = document.getElementById('favorite-button');
- favorite.addEventListener('click', function() {
- features[currentFeature].onFavorite();
- });
- document.getElementById('search-text').addEventListener('keyup', function() {
- features[currentFeature].onSearch();
- });
- document.getElementById('cancel-search').addEventListener('click', function() {
- document.getElementById('search-text').value = '';
- features[currentFeature].onCancelSearch();
- });
- document.getElementById('close-button').addEventListener('click', function() {
- result = null;
- modal.close();
- });
- document.getElementById('search-text').placeholder=doLocalize(features[currentFeature].placeholder);
- features[currentFeature].filters = [filter1, orFilter2, orFilter3, orFilter4];
- features[currentFeature].beforeActivate();
- })
- .afterClose(function(modal) {
- modal.destroy();
- if (callback) {
- callback(result);
- }
- })
- .show();
- }
- // --- Journal feature functions
- // Get journal entries and fill dialog with entries
- function journalFill(filter1, orFilter2, orFilter3, orFilter4) {
- // Get filters
- var filters = [];
- if (filter1) { filters.push(filter1); }
- if (orFilter2) { filters.push(orFilter2); }
- if (orFilter3) { filters.push(orFilter3); }
- if (orFilter4) { filters.push(orFilter4); }
- // Compute filtering
- var journal = datastore.find();
- var rawJournal = [];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < journal.length ; i++) {
- var entry = journal[i];
- var match = true;
- if (featureLocalJournal.isFavorite) {
- match = match && entry.metadata.keep;
- }
- var title = document.getElementById('search-text').value;
- if (title && title.length > 0) {
- match = match && (entry.metadata.title && (entry.metadata.title.indexOf(title) != -1));
- }
- if (match) {
- rawJournal.push(entry)
- }
- }
- var length = filters.length;
- var filteredJournal = rawJournal;
- if (length > 0) {
- filteredJournal = [];
- for(var i = 0 ; i < rawJournal.length ; i++) {
- var entry = rawJournal[i];
- var match = false;
- for (var j = 0 ; j < length ; j++) {
- match = match || journalFilterMatch(entry, filters[j]);
- }
- if (match) {
- filteredJournal.push(entry);
- }
- }
- }
- // Get entries
- var journal = {entries: filteredJournal.sort(function(e0, e1) {
- return parseInt(e1.metadata.timestamp) - parseInt(e0.metadata.timestamp);
- })};
- // Add style properties
- for (var i = 0 ; i < journal.entries.length ; i++) {
- var entry = journal.entries[i];
- var activity = activities[entry.metadata.activity];
- entry.imageUrl = "../../" + activity.directory + "/" + activity.icon;
- entry.index = i;
- entry.ago = timestampToElapsedString(entry.metadata.creation_time);
- }
- // Draw it
- var template = "\
- {{#entries}}\
- <div id='entry_{{index}}' style='height:60px'>\
- <div id='eicon_{{index}}' class='toolbutton' style='background-image:url({{imageUrl}});background-size:40px 40px;width:40px;height:40px;display:inline-block;margin-left:20px;margin-top:5px;'></div>\
- <div id='etext_{{index}}' style='color:black;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin-left:30px;height:60px;margin-top:10px;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;'>{{metadata.title}}</div>\
- <div id='edate_{{index}}' style='color:black;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:right;float:right;height:45px;padding-top:15px;margin-right:10px;clear:right;font-weight:normal;font-size:14px;'>{{ago}}</div>\
- </div>\
- {{/entries}}\
- ";
- var render = mustache.render(template, journal);
- document.getElementById('journal-container').innerHTML = render;
- // Handle click
- for (var i = 0 ; i < journal.entries.length ; i++) {
- var entry = document.getElementById('entry_'+i);
- entry.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- var id = e.target.id;
- id = id.substr(id.indexOf("_")+1);
- var line = document.getElementById('entry_'+id);
- line.style.backgroundColor = "#808080";
- result = journal.entries[id];
- delete result['ago'];
- delete result['index'];
- delete result['imageUrl'];
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- modal.close(result);
- }, 200);
- });
- }
- document.getElementById('journal-empty').style.visibility = (journal.entries.length != 0 ? 'hidden' : 'visible');
- }
- // Test if an entry match a value
- function journalEntryMatch(entry, name, value) {
- var fieldValue = entry[name];
- if (!fieldValue) { return false; }
- var firstChar = value[0];
- if (firstChar == '%') {
- return fieldValue.indexOf(value.substr(1)) != -1;
- } else if (firstChar == '>') {
- return parseInt(fieldValue) > parseInt(value.substr(1));
- } else if (firstChar == '<') {
- return parseInt(fieldValue) < parseInt(value.substr(1));
- } else {
- return fieldValue == value;
- }
- }
- // Test if an entry match a filter
- function journalFilterMatch(entry, filter) {
- var metadata = entry.metadata;
- var keys = Object.keys(filter);
- var match = true;
- for (var j = 0 ; j < keys.length ; j++) {
- var field = keys[j];
- var value = filter[field];
- if (value instanceof Array) {
- var or = false;
- for (var k = 0 ; k < value.length ; k++) {
- or = or || journalEntryMatch(metadata, field, value[k]);
- }
- match = match && or;
- } else {
- match = match && journalEntryMatch(metadata, field, value);
- }
- }
- return match;
- }
- // --- Abecedarium feature functions
- // Load Abecedarium database
- function abecedariumInit(callback) {
- featureAbecedarium.database = {};
- document.getElementById('journal-empty').style.visibility = 'visible';
- featureAbecedarium.baseURL = document.location.href.substr(0, document.location.href.indexOf("/activities/"))+"/activities/Abecedarium.activity/";
- featureAbecedarium.lang = (["en","es","fr"].indexOf(userSettings.language)!=-1)?userSettings.language:"en";
- featureAbecedarium.filelocation = featureAbecedarium.filelocation.replace("{{lang}}",featureAbecedarium.lang);
- var count = 0;
- var loadDatabase = function(file, entry) {
- var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
- var source = featureAbecedarium.baseURL+file;
- client.onload = function() {
- if (entry == "ping") {
- featureAbecedarium.database[entry]=(this.status == 0 || (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300));
- return;
- }
- if (this.status == 0 || (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300)) {
- featureAbecedarium.database[entry]=JSON.parse(this.responseText);
- if (++count == 3) {
- var len = featureAbecedarium.database.meta.length;
- var entries = [];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
- if (featureAbecedarium.database.meta[i][featureAbecedarium.lang]) {
- entries.push({"code":featureAbecedarium.database.meta[i]["code"],"text":featureAbecedarium.database.words[featureAbecedarium.database.meta[i]["text"]]});
- }
- }
- entries.sort(function(a,b) {
- return a.text.localeCompare(b.text, 'en', {sensitivity: 'base'});
- });
- var sortedEntries = [];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < entries.length ; i++) {
- entries[i].i = sortedEntries.length;
- sortedEntries.push(entries[i]);
- }
- featureAbecedarium.database.content = sortedEntries;
- delete featureAbecedarium.database.meta;
- delete featureAbecedarium.database.words;
- callback();
- }
- }
- };
- client.open("GET", source);
- client.send();
- };
- loadDatabase("database/db_url.json", "url");
- loadDatabase("database/db_meta.json", "meta");
- loadDatabase("database/db_"+featureAbecedarium.lang+".json", "words");
- loadDatabase("images/database/_ping.png?"+(new Date()).getTime(), "ping");
- }
- // Fill popup with Abecedarium items
- function abecedariumFill() {
- // Find entries matching search field
- var content = featureAbecedarium.database.content;
- var title = document.getElementById('search-text').value.toLowerCase();
- if (title.length) {
- content = [];
- for (var i = 0 ; i < featureAbecedarium.database.content.length ; i++) {
- if (featureAbecedarium.database.content[i].text.toLowerCase().indexOf(title) != -1) {
- content.push(featureAbecedarium.database.content[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- // Display result
- featureAbecedarium.results = content;
- featureAbecedarium.resultCount = 30;
- abecedariumDisplay(content, featureAbecedarium.resultCount);
- }
- function abecedariumDisplay(content, count) {
- // Display entries
- var template = "\
- {{#items}}\
- <div id='entry_{{i}}' style='height:60px'>\
- <div id='eicon_{{i}}' class='toolbutton' style='background-image:url(../../activities/MediaViewer.activity/activity/activity-icon.svg);background-size:40px 40px;width:40px;height:40px;display:inline-block;margin-left:20px;margin-top:5px;'></div>\
- <div id='etext_{{i}}' style='color:black;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin-left:30px;height:60px;margin-top:10px;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;'>{{text}}</div>\
- </div>\
- {{/items}}\
- ";
- var items = {items: content.slice(0, count)};
- var render = mustache.render(template, items);
- document.getElementById('journal-empty').style.visibility = (content.length != 0 ? 'hidden' : 'visible');
- document.getElementById('journal-container').innerHTML = render;
- // Handle click
- var len = Math.min(count, content.length);
- for (var i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
- var entry = document.getElementById('entry_'+content[i].i);
- entry.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- var id = e.target.id;
- id = id.substr(id.indexOf("_")+1);
- var line = document.getElementById('entry_'+id);
- line.style.backgroundColor = "#808080";
- abecedariumCreateEntry(featureAbecedarium.database.content[id], function() {
- modal.close(result);
- });
- });
- if (featureAbecedarium.mimetype == "image/png") {
- document.getElementById('eicon_'+content[i].i).style.backgroundImage="url("+(featureAbecedarium.database.ping?featureAbecedarium.baseURL:featureAbecedarium.database.url)+"images/database/"+content[i].code+".png"+")";
- }
- }
- }
- // Create a record in Journal for the entry
- function abecedariumCreateEntry(entry, callback) {
- var url = featureAbecedarium.database.ping?featureAbecedarium.baseURL:featureAbecedarium.database.url;
- var mimetype = featureAbecedarium.mimetype;
- var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.open("GET",url+featureAbecedarium.filelocation+entry.code+featureAbecedarium.fileformat,true);
- request.setRequestHeader("Content-type",mimetype);
- request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
- var that = this;
- request.onload = function() {
- if (request.status == 200 || request.status == 0) {
- var blob = new Uint8Array(this.response);
- var base64 = "data:"+mimetype+";base64,"+toBase64(blob);
- var metadata = {
- mimetype: mimetype,
- title: entry.text+featureAbecedarium.fileformat,
- activity: "org.olpcfrance.MediaViewerActivity",
- timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
- creation_time: new Date().getTime(),
- file_size: 0
- };
- datastore.create(metadata, function(err, objectId) {
- console.log("Entry '"+entry.text+"' saved in journal.");
- result = {metadata:metadata, objectId: objectId};
- callback();
- }, base64);
- } else {
- console.log("Error loading entry '"+entry.code+"'.");
- callback();
- }
- };
- request.onerror = function() {
- console.log("Error loading entry '"+entry.code+"'.");
- callback();
- };
- request.send();
- }
- // --- Utility functions
- // Localize content - currently means only localize in English
- var l10n = {
- titleJournal: {en: 'Journal', fr: 'Journal', es: 'Diario', pt: 'Diário'},
- titleAbecedarium: {en: 'Abecedarium', fr: 'Abecedarium', es: 'Abecedarium', pt: 'Abecedarium'},
- titleClose: {en: 'Cancel', fr: 'Annuler', es: 'Cancelar', pt: 'Cancelar'},
- titleChoose: {en: 'Choose an object', fr: 'Choisir un objet', es: 'Elige un objeto', pt: 'Escolher um objeto'},
- holderSearchJournal: {en: 'Search in Journal', fr: 'Recherche dans le journal', es: 'Buscar en el diario', pt: 'Pesquisar no diário'},
- holderSearchAbecedarium: {en: 'Search in Abecedarium', fr: 'Recherche dans Abecedarium', es: 'Buscar en Abecedarium', pt: 'Pesquisar no Abecedarium'},
- noMatchingEntries: {en: 'No matching entries', fr: 'Aucune entrée correspondante', es: 'No hay actividades coincidentes', pt: 'Sem atividades correspondentes'},
- SecondsAgo: {en: 'Seconds ago', fr: "A l'instant", es: 'Segundos atrás', pt: 'Segundos atrás'},
- Ago: {en: '{{time}} ago', fr: 'il y a {{time}}', es: '{{time}} atrás', pt: '{{time}} atrás'},
- Minutes_one: {en: 'minute', fr: 'minute', es: 'minuto', pt: 'minuto'},
- Minutes_other: {en: 'minutes', fr: 'minutes', es: 'minutos', pt: 'minutos'},
- Hours_one: {en: 'hour', fr: 'heure', es: 'hora', pt: 'hora'},
- Hours_other: {en: 'hours', fr: 'heures', es: 'horas', pt: 'horas'},
- Days_one: {en: 'day', fr: 'jour', es: 'día', pt: 'dia'},
- Days_other: {en: 'days', fr: 'jours', es: 'días', pt: 'dias'},
- Weeks_one: {en: 'week', fr: 'semaine', es: 'semana', pt: 'semana'},
- Weeks_other: {en: 'weeks', fr: 'semaines', es: 'semanas', pt: 'semanas'},
- Months_one: {en: 'month', fr: 'mois', es: 'mes', pt: 'mês'},
- Months_other: {en: 'months', fr: 'mois', es: 'meses', pt: 'meses'},
- Years_one: {en: 'year', fr: 'année', es: 'año', pt: 'ano'},
- Years_other: {en: 'years', fr: 'années', es: 'años', pt: 'anos'},
- };
- function doLocalize(str, params) {
- var lang = (["en","fr","es", "pt"].indexOf(userSettings.language)!=-1)?userSettings.language:"en";
- var out = str;
- for(var current in l10n) {
- out = out.replace('$'+current, l10n[current][lang]);
- }
- for(var param in params) {
- out = out.replace('{{'+param+'}}', params[param]);
- }
- return out;
- }
- // Compute elapsed time as a string
- function timestampToElapsedString(timestamp) {
- var units = [{name:'Years', factor:356 * 24 * 60 * 60},
- {name:'Months', factor:30 * 24 * 60 * 60},
- {name:'Weeks', factor:7 * 24 * 60 * 60},
- {name:'Days', factor:24 * 60 * 60},
- {name:'Hours', factor:60 * 60},
- {name:'Minutes', factor:60}];
- var maxlevel = 1;
- var levels = 0;
- var time_period = '';
- var time_stamp = (new Date(timestamp).getTime());
- var elapsed_seconds = ((new Date().getTime()) - time_stamp)/1000;
- for (var i = 0; i < units.length ; i++) {
- var factor = units[i].factor;
- var elapsed_units = Math.floor(elapsed_seconds / factor);
- if (elapsed_units > 0) {
- if (levels > 0)
- time_period += ',';
- time_period += ' '+elapsed_units+" "+(elapsed_units==1?doLocalize("$"+units[i].name+"_one"):doLocalize("$"+units[i].name+"_other"));
- elapsed_seconds -= elapsed_units * factor;
- }
- if (time_period != '')
- levels += 1;
- if (levels == maxlevel)
- break;
- }
- if (levels == 0) {
- return doLocalize("$SecondsAgo");
- }
- return doLocalize("$Ago", {time: time_period});
- }
- // Encoding functions taken from
- // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding
- function uint6ToB64(nUint6) {
- return nUint6 < 26 ?
- nUint6 + 65 : nUint6 < 52 ?
- nUint6 + 71 : nUint6 < 62 ?
- nUint6 - 4 : nUint6 === 62 ?
- 43 : nUint6 === 63 ?
- 47 : 65;
- }
- function toBase64(aBytes) {
- var eqLen = (3 - (aBytes.length % 3)) % 3, sB64Enc = "";
- for (var nMod3, nLen = aBytes.length, nUint24 = 0, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {
- nMod3 = nIdx % 3;
- nUint24 |= aBytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> nMod3 & 24);
- if (nMod3 === 2 || aBytes.length - nIdx === 1) {
- sB64Enc += String.fromCharCode(uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 & 63));
- nUint24 = 0;
- }
- }
- return eqLen === 0 ? sB64Enc : sB64Enc.substring(0, sB64Enc.length - eqLen) + (eqLen === 1 ? "=" : "==");
- }
- return chooser;
- });