- define(["sugar-web/activity/activity",'easeljs','tweenjs','activity/editor','activity/colourcircle','activity/xoman'], function (act) {
- // Manipulate the DOM only when it is ready.
- requirejs(['domReady!'], function (doc) {
- // Initialize the activity.
- requirejs(['sugar-web/graphics/xocolor',"sugar-web/env","sugar-web/datastore"], function(xocol,env,datastore) {
- act.setup();
- act.getXOColor(function (error, colors) {
- runactivity(act,xocol,doc,colors,env,datastore);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- function runactivity(act,xocolor,doc,colors,env,datastore){
- var canvas;
- var stage;
- var g;
- var e;
- function init(){
- canvas = document.getElementById('actualcanvas');
- canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
- canvas.height = window.innerHeight-55;
- stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
- stage.update();
- stage.mouseEventsEnabled = true;
- createjs.Ticker.setFPS(30);
- createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
- function handleTick() {
- stage.update();
- }
- window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
- function resizeCanvas() {
- canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
- canvas.height = window.innerHeight-55;
- stage.update();
- location.reload();
- }
- e = new Editor(stage,xocolor,doc,colors,act,env,datastore);
- setTimeout(function(){ e.init(); }, 500);
- var saveButton = doc.getElementById("save-button");
- saveButton.addEventListener('click', function (a) {
- e.saveColours();
- });
- var resetButton = doc.getElementById("reset-button");
- resetButton.addEventListener('click', function (a) {
- stage.removeAllChildren();
- e = new Editor(stage,xocolor,doc,colors,act,env,datastore,true);
- e.init();
- });
- document.getElementById("stop-button").addEventListener('click', function (event) {
- e.stop();
- });
- }
- init();
- }