- //* comment *//
- Copyright (C) 2015 Sam Parkinson
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- //* arg-globals *//
- var block = logo.blocks.blockList[blk];
- var conns = block.connections;
- //* block-globals *//
- var simpleOneArgBlock = function (name, label) {
- if (label === undefined) { var label = name; }
- var block = new ProtoBlock(name);
- block.palette = palettes.dict['maths'];
- blocks.protoBlockDict[name] = block;
- block.staticLabels.push(label);
- block.adjustWidthToLabel();
- block.oneArgMathBlock();
- block.defaults.push(1);
- };
- var staticBlock = function (name, label) {
- var block = new ProtoBlock(name);
- block.palette = palettes.dict['maths'];
- blocks.protoBlockDict[name] = block;
- block.staticLabels.push(label);
- block.adjustWidthToLabel();
- block.parameterBlock();
- };
- //* block:power *//
- var block = new ProtoBlock('power');
- block.palette = palettes.dict['maths'];
- blocks.protoBlockDict['power'] = block;
- block.staticLabels.push(_('power'), _('base'), _('exp'));
- block.twoArgMathBlock();
- block.defaults.push(10, 2);
- //* arg:power *//
- var base = logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]);
- var exp = logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[2]);
- block.value = Math.pow(base, exp);
- //* block:sin *// simpleOneArgBlock('sin');
- //* arg:sin *// block.value = Math.sin(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:cos *// simpleOneArgBlock('cos');
- //* arg:cos *// block.value = Math.cos(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:tan *// simpleOneArgBlock('tan');
- //* arg:sin *// block.value = Math.tan(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:asin *// simpleOneArgBlock('asin');
- //* arg:asin *// block.value = Math.asin(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:acos *// simpleOneArgBlock('acos');
- //* arg:acos *// block.value = Math.acos(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:atan *// simpleOneArgBlock('atan');
- //* arg:atan *// block.value = Math.atan(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:floor *// simpleOneArgBlock(_('floor'));
- //* arg:floor *// block.value = Math.floor(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:ceiling *// simpleOneArgBlock(_('ceiling'));
- //* arg:ceiling *// block.value = Math.ceil(logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]));
- //* block:degrees *// simpleOneArgBlock(_('degrees'), _('to degrees'));
- //* arg:degrees *// block.value = logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]) * (180/Math.PI);
- //* block:radians *// simpleOneArgBlock(_('radians'), _('to radians'));
- //* arg:radians *// block.value = logo.parseArg(logo, turtle, conns[1]) * (Math.PI/180);
- //* block:pi *// staticBlock('pi', 'π');
- //* arg:pi *// block.value = Math.PI;
- //* block:e *// staticBlock('e', 'e');
- //* arg:e *// block.value = Math.E;
- //* palette-icon:maths *//
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