- Using Turtle Art JS
- ===================
- Turtle Blocks Javascript is designed to run in a browser. Most of the
- development has been done in Chrome, but it should also work in
- Firefox. You can run it directly from index.html, from a [server
- maintained by Sugar Labs](http://turtle.sugarlabs.org), from the
- [github
- repo](http://rawgit.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/index.html),
- or by setting up a [local
- server](https://github.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/blob/master/server.md).
- Once you've launched it in your browser, start by clicking on (or
- dragging) blocks from the Turtle palette. Use multiple blocks to
- create drawings; as the turtle moves under your control, colorful
- lines are drawn.
- You add blocks to your program by clicking on or dragging them from
- the palette to the main area. You can delete a block by dragging it
- back onto the palette. Click anywhere on a "stack" of blocks to start
- executing that stack or by clicking on the rabbit (fast) or snail
- (slow) on the Main Toolbar. To maximize screen real estate, Turtle
- Blocks overlays the program elements (stacks of blocks) on top of the
- canvas. These blocks can be hidden at any time will running the program.
- Toolbars
- --------
- There are three toolbars: (1) the main toolbar across the top of the
- screen; (2) the secondary toolbar on the right side of the screen; and
- (3) the palette toolbar on the right side of the screen. An additional
- menu appears when a "long press" is applied to a stack of
- blocks. There is also a utility panel with additional controls.
- Main toolbar
- ------------
- The Main toolbar is used to run programs, erase the screen, and hide
- the palettes and blocks.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/fast-button.png'</img>
- Run the blocks fast.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/slow-button.png'</img>
- Run the blocks slowly. When running slowly, the values of parameter
- boxes are shown as an additional debugging aid.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/step-button.png'</img>
- Run the blocks step by step (one block is executed per turtle per click).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/stop-turtle-button.png'</img>
- Stop running the current project.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/clear-button.png'</img>
- Clear the screen and return the turtles to their initial positions in
- the center of the screen.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/palette-button.png'</img>
- Hide or show the block palettes.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/hide-blocks-button.png'</img>
- Hide or show the blocks and the block palettes.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/collapse-blocks-button.png'</img>
- Expand or collapse stacks of blocks (start and action stacks).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/help-button.png'</img>
- Show the help messages.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/menu-button.png'</img>
- Expand or collapse the auxillary toolbar.
- Auxillary toolbar
- -----------------
- The Auxillary toolbar, displayed on the right side of the screen, has
- buttons for various utilities such as accessing the planet for saving
- programs, overlaying grids, and accessing the utility panel. The
- Auxillary toolbar button on the Main toolbar (top right) is used to
- show/hide the Auxillary toolbar.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/planet-button.png'</img>
- Open a viewer for loading example projects.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/copy-button.png'</img>
- Copy blocks onto the clipboard. (This button appears at the top of a
- stack after a "long press".)
- Also shown on after a long press is the Save Action-stack button. This
- will save an action stack on the custom palette for use in other
- projects.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/paste-button.png'</img>
- Paste blocks from the clipboard. (This button is highlighted only when
- there are blocks available on the clipboard to paste.)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/Cartesian-button.png'</img>
- Show or hide a Cartesian-coordinate grid.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/polar-button.png'</img>
- Show or hide a polar-coordinate grid.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/utility-button.svg'</img>
- Open utility panel to access controls for changing block size, loading
- plugins, looking at project statistics, and enabling/disabling
- scrolling.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/empty-trash-button.png'</img>
- Remove all blocks.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/restore-trash-button.png'</img>
- Restore blocks from the trash.
- Utility panel
- -------------
- The utility panel has some useful but seldom used controls.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/smaller-button.svg'</img>
- Decrease the size of the blocks.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/bigger-button.svg'</img>
- Increase the size of the blocks.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/stats-button.svg'</img>
- Show project statistics.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/plugin-button.png'</img>
- Load new blocks from plugins (previously downloaded to the file system).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/scrolllock-button.svg'</img>
- Enable/disable scrolling.
- Block Palettes
- --------------
- The block palettes are displayed on the left side of the screen. The
- palette button on the Main toolbar show and hide the block
- palettes. These palettes contain the blocks used to create
- programs. See the [Programming Guide]
- (http://github.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/tree/master/guide) for
- more details on how to use the blocks.
- Turtle Palette
- --------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/clear.svg'</img>
- Clear the screen and reset the turtle.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/forward.svg'</img>
- Move turtle forward.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/right.svg'</img>
- Turn turtle clockwise (angle in degrees).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/back.svg'</img>
- Move turtle backward.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/left.svg'</img>
- Turn turtle counterclockwise (angle in degrees).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/arc.svg'</img>
- Move turtle along an arc.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_heading.svg'</img>
- Set the heading of the turtle (0 is towards the top of the screen).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/heading.svg'</img>
- The current heading of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/setxy.svg'</img>
- Move turtle to position xcor, ycor; (0, 0) is in the center of the screen.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/x.svg'</img>
- Current x-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/y.svg'</img>
- Current y-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)
- Pen Palette
- -----------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_color.svg'</img>
- Set color of the line drawn by the turtle (hue, shade, and grey).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/color.svg'</img>
- Current pen color (can be used in place of a number block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_hue.svg'</img>
- Set hue of the line drawn by the turtle (hue is the spectral color, e.g., red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, etc.).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_shade.svg'</img>
- Set shade of the line drawn by the turtle (shade is lightness, e.g., black, grey, white).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/shade.svg'</img>
- Current pen shade (can be used in place of a number block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_grey.svg'</img>
- Set grey level of the line drawn by the turtle (grey is vividness or saturation).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/grey.svg'</img>
- Current grey level (can be used in place of a number block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_pen_size.svg'</img>
- Set size of the line drawn by the turtle.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/pen_size.svg'</img>
- Current pen size (can be used in place of a number block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/pen_up.svg'</img>
- Turtle will not draw when moved.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/pen_down.svg'</img>
- Turtle will draw when moved.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/fill.svg'</img>
- Draw filled polygon.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/hollow.svg'</img>
- Set pen attribute to hollow line mode (useful for working with 3D printers).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_font.svg'</img>
- Set the font of the text drawn with Show Block.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/background.svg'</img>
- Set the background color.
- Number Palette
- --------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/number.svg'</img>
- Use as numeric input in mathematic operators (click to change the value).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/random.svg'</img>
- Returns random number between minimum (top) and maximum (bottom) values
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/one-of.svg'</img>
- Returns one of two inputs as determined by a coin toss (random selection)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/plus.svg'</img>
- Adds two numeric inputs (also can be used to concatenate two strings)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/subtract.svg'</img>
- Subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/multiply.svg'</img>
- Multiplies two numeric inputs
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/divide.svg'</img>
- Divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/sqrt.svg'</img>
- Calculates square root
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/int.svg'</img>
- Converts real numbers to integers
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/mod.svg'</img>
- Returns top input modular (remainder) bottom input.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/eval.svg'</img>
- A programmable block used to add advanced single-variable math equations, e.g., sin(x).
- Boolean Palette
- ---------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/greater_than.svg'</img>
- Logical greater-than operator
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/less_than.svg'</img>
- Logical less-than operator
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/equal.svg'</img>
- Logical equal-to operator
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/and.svg'</img>
- Logical AND operator
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/or.svg'</img>
- Logical OR operator
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/not.svg'</img>
- Logical NOT operator
- Flow Palette
- ------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/repeat.svg'</img>
- Loops specified number of times through enclosed blocks
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/forever.svg'</img>
- Loops forever through enclosed blocks
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/stop.svg'</img>
- Stops current loop or action
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/if.svg'</img>
- If-then operator that uses boolean operators to determine whether or not to run encloded "flow"
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/until.svg'</img>
- Do-until-True operator that uses boolean operators to determine how long to run enclosed "flow"
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/wait_for.svg'</img>
- Waits for condition
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/while.svg'</img>
- Do-while-True operator that uses boolean operators to determine how long to run enclosed "flow"
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/if_else.svg'</img>
- If-then-else operator that uses boolean operators to determine which encloded "flow" to run
- Boxes Palette
- -------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/storein.svg'</img>
- Stores value in named variable.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/box_value.svg'</img>
- Named variable
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/add_1_to.svg'</img>
- Adds 1 to named variable
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/add_to.svg'</img>
- Adds numeric value to named variable
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/box.svg'</img>
- Named variable (name is passed as input)
- Action Palette
- --------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/action_flow.svg'</img>
- Top of nameable action stack
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/action.svg'</img>
- Invokes named action stack
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/do_arg.svg'</img>
- Invokes an action stack with arguments (To add more arguments, drag them into the clamp.)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/calc.svg'</img>
- Invokes an action stack that returns a value
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/calc_arg.svg'</img>
- Invokes an action stack with arguments that returns a value
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/return.svg'</img>
- Returns a value from an action stack
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/arg.svg'</img>
- An argument passed to an action stack
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/arg1.svg'</img>
- The first argument passed to an action stack
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/start.svg'</img>
- Connects action to toolbar run buttons (each Start Block invokes its own turtle)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/do.svg'</img>
- Invokes named action stack (name is passed as input)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/event_on_do.svg'</img>
- Connects an action with an event
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/broadcast.svg'</img>
- Broadcasts an event (event name is given as input)
- Media Palette
- -------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/speak.svg'</img>
- Speaks text
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/show.svg'</img>
- Draws text or shows media (from the camera, the Web, or the file system).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/size_shell_image.svg'</img>
- Puts a custom "shell" on the turtle (used to turn a turtle into a "sprite")
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/text.svg'</img>
- Text (string) value
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/load-media.svg'</img>
- Opens a file-open dialog to load an image (used with Show Block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/camera.svg'</img>
- Accesses webcam (used with Show Block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/video.svg'</img>
- Opens a file-open dialog to load a video (used with Show Block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/open_file.svg'</img>
- Returns the selected file (used with Show Block)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/stop_media.svg'</img>
- Stops the media being played
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/tone.svg'</img>
- Plays a tone at frequency (Hz) and duration (in seconds)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/note_to_frequency.svg'</img>
- Converts notes to frequency, e.g., A4 --> 440 Hz.
- Sensor Palette
- --------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/time.svg'</img>
- Elapsed time (in seconds) since program started
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/mouse_x.svg'</img>
- Returns mouse X coordinate
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/mouse_y.svg'</img>
- Returns mouse Y coordinate
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/mouse_button.svg'</img>
- Returns True if mouse button is pressed
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/keyboard.svg'</img>
- Holds results of query-keyboard block as ASCII
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/pixel_color.svg'</img>
- Returns pixel color under turtle
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/loudness.svg'</img>
- Microphone input volume
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/click.svg'</img>
- The "click" event associated with a turtle (used with Do Block)
- Heap Palette
- ------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/push.svg'</img>
- Push a value onto the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/pop.svg'</img>
- Pop a value off of the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/index_heap.svg'</img>
- Reference an entry in the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/set_heap_entry.svg'</img>
- Change an entry in the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/show_heap.svg'</img>
- Display the contents of the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/heap_length.svg'</img>
- The length of the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/empty_heap.svg'</img>
- Empty the heap.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/heap_empty.svg'</img>
- True is the heap is empty.
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/save_heap.svg'</img>
- Save the heap to a file (JSON-encoded).
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/load_heap.svg'</img>
- Load the heap from a file (JSON-encoded).
- Extras Palette
- --------------
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/vspace.svg'</img>
- Used to layout blocks vertically
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/hspace.svg'</img>
- Used to layout blocks horizontally
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/wait.svg'</img>
- Pauses turtle a specified number of seconds
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/print.svg'</img>
- Prints value
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/save_svg.svg'</img>
- Saves turtle graphics as an SVG file
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/show_blocks.svg'</img>
- Shows blocks and runs slowly (used to isolate code during debugging)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/hide_blocks.svg'</img>
- Hides blocks and runs at full speed (used to isolate code during debugging)
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/play_back.svg'</img>
- Plays media
- <img src='https://rawgithub.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs/master/documentation/stop_play.svg'</img>
- Stops playing media