- #. extracted from ../locale.ini
- #, fuzzy
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: Tue Aug 29 2017 18:13:19 GMT+0200 (CEST)\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
- "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
- "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n"
- #: YourNewIdea
- msgctxt "YourNewIdea"
- msgid "<Your new idea>"
- msgstr "<Votre idée ici>"
- #: nodetextTitle
- msgctxt "nodetextTitle"
- msgid "Text idea"
- msgstr "Idée texte"
- #: linkButtonTitle
- msgctxt "linkButtonTitle"
- msgid "Link ideas"
- msgstr "Relier idées"
- #: removeButtonTitle
- msgctxt "removeButtonTitle"
- msgid "Remove"
- msgstr "Supprimer"
- #: undoButtonTitle
- msgctxt "undoButtonTitle"
- msgid "Undo"
- msgstr "Annuler"
- #: redoButtonTitle
- msgctxt "redoButtonTitle"
- msgid "Redo"
- msgstr "Rétablir"
- #: zoomButtonTitle
- msgctxt "zoomButtonTitle"
- msgid "View"
- msgstr "Vue"
- #: foregroundButtonTitle
- msgctxt "foregroundButtonTitle"
- msgid "Stroke Color"
- msgstr "Couleur encre"
- #: backgroundButtonTitle
- msgctxt "backgroundButtonTitle"
- msgid "Fill Color"
- msgstr "Couleur fond"
- #: typeText
- msgctxt "typeText"
- msgid "Type the text here"
- msgstr "Tapez le texte ici"
- #: boldButtonTitle
- msgctxt "boldButtonTitle"
- msgid "Bold"
- msgstr "Gras"
- #: italicButtonTitle
- msgctxt "italicButtonTitle"
- msgid "Italic"
- msgstr "Italique"
- #: fontMinusButtonTitle
- msgctxt "fontMinusButtonTitle"
- msgid "Decrease Font size"
- msgstr "Diminuer taille police"
- #: fontPlusButtonTitle
- msgctxt "fontPlusButtonTitle"
- msgid "Increase Font size"
- msgstr "Augmenter taille police"
- #: fontButtonTitle
- msgctxt "fontButtonTitle"
- msgid "Choose Font"
- msgstr "Choisir police"
- #: pngButtonTitle
- msgctxt "pngButtonTitle"
- msgid "Export to PNG"
- msgstr "Exporter en PNG"
- #: TutoPrev
- msgctxt "TutoPrev"
- msgid "Prev"
- msgstr "Préc"
- #: TutoNext
- msgctxt "TutoNext"
- msgid "Next"
- msgstr "Suiv"
- #: TutoEnd
- msgctxt "TutoEnd"
- msgid "End"
- msgstr "Fin"
- #: TutoExplainTitle
- msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle"
- msgid "Labyrinth Activity"
- msgstr "Activité Labyrinth"
- #: TutoExplainContent
- msgctxt "TutoExplainContent"
- msgid "This activity is a lightweight mind-mapping activity. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea."
- msgstr "Cette activité est une activité de mind-mapping. Un mind-map ou carte mentale est un diagramme qui représente des mots, idées, tâches ou d'autres éléments liés entre eux et organisés radialement autour d'un mot clé ou d'une idée centrale."
- #: TutoBoardTitle
- msgctxt "TutoBoardTitle"
- msgid "Board"
- msgstr "Tableau"
- #: TutoBoardContent
- msgctxt "TutoBoardContent"
- msgid "This is the board where you could draw your map. Click on it to add a new node. Click on a node to update its content. Drag the board to move the view."
- msgstr "Ceci est le tableau sur lequel vous pouvez dessiner votre carte. Cliquez dessus pour ajouter un nouveau noeud. Cliquez sur un noeud pour mettre à jour son contenu. Faites glisser le tableau pour déplacer la vue."
- #: TutoActivityTitle
- msgctxt "TutoActivityTitle"
- msgid "Activity Menu"
- msgstr "Menu d'activité"
- #: TutoActivityContent
- msgctxt "TutoActivityContent"
- msgid "This colored menu is the activity menu. Here you could update the title of the activity to easily find it in the Journal."
- msgstr "Ce menu coloré est le menu d'activité. Ici vous pouvez mettre à jour le titre de l'activité pour la retrouver facilement dans le journal."
- #: TutoNodeTitle
- msgctxt "TutoNodeTitle"
- msgid "Add node"
- msgstr "Ajouter noeud"
- #: TutoNodeContent
- msgctxt "TutoNodeContent"
- msgid "If this icon is active, when you click in the board a new node appear."
- msgstr "Si cette icône est active, quand vous cliquez sur le tableau, un nouveau noeud apparaît."
- #: TutoLinkTitle
- msgctxt "TutoLinkTitle"
- msgid "Add link"
- msgstr "Ajouter lien"
- #: TutoLinkContent
- msgctxt "TutoLinkContent"
- msgid "If this icon is active, when you click on nodes you could create new links between us."
- msgstr "Si cette icône est active, quand vous cliquez sur les noeuds vous pouvez créer des nouveaux liens entre eux."
- #: TutoRemoveTitle
- msgctxt "TutoRemoveTitle"
- msgid "Remove node/link"
- msgstr "Supprimer noeud/lien"
- #: TutoRemoveContent
- msgctxt "TutoRemoveContent"
- msgid "If this icon is active, when you click on a node or on a link, it will be remove."
- msgstr "Si cette icône est active, quand vous cliquez sur un noeud ou un lien, il est supprimé."
- #: TutoUndoTitle
- msgctxt "TutoUndoTitle"
- msgid "Undo"
- msgstr "Annuler"
- #: TutoUndoContent
- msgctxt "TutoUndoContent"
- msgid "With this icon you could undo your last change."
- msgstr "Cette icône vous permet d'annuler la dernière modification."
- #: TutoRedoTitle
- msgctxt "TutoRedoTitle"
- msgid "Redo"
- msgstr "Recommencer"
- #: TutoRedoContent
- msgctxt "TutoRedoContent"
- msgid "With this icon you could redo your last undo."
- msgstr "Cette icône vous permet de recommencer la dernière action annulée."
- #: TutoZoomTitle
- msgctxt "TutoZoomTitle"
- msgid "Zoom"
- msgstr "Zoom"
- #: TutoZoomContent
- msgctxt "TutoZoomContent"
- msgid "This menu let you adapt the zoom level in the board."
- msgstr "Ce menu vous permet d'adapter le niveau de zoom de votre carte."
- #: TutoStopTitle
- msgctxt "TutoStopTitle"
- msgid "Stop"
- msgstr "Arrêter"
- #: TutoStopContent
- msgctxt "TutoStopContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to stop the activity and go back to the home."
- msgstr "Appuyez sur cette icône pour arrêter l'activité et revenir sur l'écran d'accueil."
- #: TutoPngTitle
- msgctxt "TutoPngTitle"
- msgid "Export PNG"
- msgstr "Export PNG"
- #: TutoPngContent
- msgctxt "TutoPngContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to generate a PNG file in the Journal with the whole content of the mindmap."
- msgstr "Cette icône vous permet de générer dans le Journal une image PNG de votre carte mentale."
- #: TutoTextTitle
- msgctxt "TutoTextTitle"
- msgid "Node text"
- msgstr "Text du noeud"
- #: TutoTextContent
- msgctxt "TutoTextContent"
- msgid "Here you could change the text of the current node."
- msgstr "Ici vous pouvez changer le texte du noeud courant."
- #: TutoBackgroundTitle
- msgctxt "TutoBackgroundTitle"
- msgid "Background"
- msgstr "Couleur de fond"
- #: TutoBackgroundContent
- msgctxt "TutoBackgroundContent"
- msgid "Click here to choose the background color of the current node."
- msgstr "Cliquez ici pour choisir la couleur de fond du noeud courant."
- #: TutoForegroundTitle
- msgctxt "TutoForegroundTitle"
- msgid "Foreground"
- msgstr "Couleur d'écriture"
- #: TutoForegroundContent
- msgctxt "TutoForegroundContent"
- msgid "Click here to choose the foreground color of the current node."
- msgstr "Cliquez ici pour choisir la couleur d'écriture du noeud courant."
- #: TutoBoldTitle
- msgctxt "TutoBoldTitle"
- msgid "Bold"
- msgstr "Gras"
- #: TutoBoldContent
- msgctxt "TutoBoldContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to bold or unbold the text for the current node."
- msgstr "Cliquez sur cette icône pour mettre en gras ou enlever le gras du texte du noeud courant."
- #: TutoItalicTitle
- msgctxt "TutoItalicTitle"
- msgid "Italic"
- msgstr "Italique"
- #: TutoItalicContent
- msgctxt "TutoItalicContent"
- msgid "Click on this icon to set or unset italic on the current text node."
- msgstr "Cliquez sur cette icône pour mettre en italique ou enlever l'italique sur le texte du noeud courant."
- #: TutoFontTitle
- msgctxt "TutoFontTitle"
- msgid "Font"
- msgstr "Fonte"
- #: TutoFontContent
- msgctxt "TutoFontContent"
- msgid "Click here to choose the font for the current text node."
- msgstr "Cliquez ici pour choisir la fonte du texte du noeud courant."
- #: TutoFontPlusTitle
- msgctxt "TutoFontPlusTitle"
- msgid "Increase font"
- msgstr "Augmenter fonte"
- #: TutoFontPlusContent
- msgctxt "TutoFontPlusContent"
- msgid "Click here to increase the font size for the current text node."
- msgstr "Cliquez ici pour augmenter la taille de la fonte du texte du noeud courant."
- #: TutoFontMinusTitle
- msgctxt "TutoFontMinusTitle"
- msgid "Decrease font"
- msgstr "Diminuer fonte"
- #: TutoFontMinusContent
- msgctxt "TutoFontMinusContent"
- msgid "Click here to decrease the font size for the current text node."
- msgstr "Cliquez ici pour diminuer la taille de la fonte du texte du noeud courant."