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- var ρσ_modules = {};
- ρσ_modules.re = {};
- (function(){
- var _ALIAS_MAP, _ASCII_CONTROL_CHARS, _HEX_PAT, _NUM_PAT, _GROUP_PAT, _NAME_PAT, I, IGNORECASE, L, LOCALE, M, MULTILINE, D, DOTALL, U, UNICODE, X, VERBOSE, DEBUG, A, ASCII, supports_unicode, _RE_ESCAPE, _re_cache_map, _re_cache_items, error, has_prop;
- _ALIAS_MAP = (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["null"] = 0;
- ρσ_d["nul"] = 0;
- ρσ_d["start of heading"] = 1;
- ρσ_d["soh"] = 1;
- ρσ_d["start of text"] = 2;
- ρσ_d["stx"] = 2;
- ρσ_d["end of text"] = 3;
- ρσ_d["etx"] = 3;
- ρσ_d["end of transmission"] = 4;
- ρσ_d["eot"] = 4;
- ρσ_d["enquiry"] = 5;
- ρσ_d["enq"] = 5;
- ρσ_d["acknowledge"] = 6;
- ρσ_d["ack"] = 6;
- ρσ_d["alert"] = 7;
- ρσ_d["bel"] = 7;
- ρσ_d["backspace"] = 8;
- ρσ_d["bs"] = 8;
- ρσ_d["character tabulation"] = 9;
- ρσ_d["horizontal tabulation"] = 9;
- ρσ_d["ht"] = 9;
- ρσ_d["tab"] = 9;
- ρσ_d["line feed"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["new line"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["end of line"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["lf"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["nl"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["eol"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["line tabulation"] = 11;
- ρσ_d["vertical tabulation"] = 11;
- ρσ_d["vt"] = 11;
- ρσ_d["form feed"] = 12;
- ρσ_d["ff"] = 12;
- ρσ_d["carriage return"] = 13;
- ρσ_d["cr"] = 13;
- ρσ_d["shift out"] = 14;
- ρσ_d["locking-shift one"] = 14;
- ρσ_d["so"] = 14;
- ρσ_d["shift in"] = 15;
- ρσ_d["locking-shift zero"] = 15;
- ρσ_d["si"] = 15;
- ρσ_d["data link escape"] = 16;
- ρσ_d["dle"] = 16;
- ρσ_d["device control one"] = 17;
- ρσ_d["dc1"] = 17;
- ρσ_d["device control two"] = 18;
- ρσ_d["dc2"] = 18;
- ρσ_d["device control three"] = 19;
- ρσ_d["dc3"] = 19;
- ρσ_d["device control four"] = 20;
- ρσ_d["dc4"] = 20;
- ρσ_d["negative acknowledge"] = 21;
- ρσ_d["nak"] = 21;
- ρσ_d["synchronous idle"] = 22;
- ρσ_d["syn"] = 22;
- ρσ_d["end of transmission block"] = 23;
- ρσ_d["etb"] = 23;
- ρσ_d["cancel"] = 24;
- ρσ_d["can"] = 24;
- ρσ_d["end of medium"] = 25;
- ρσ_d["eom"] = 25;
- ρσ_d["substitute"] = 26;
- ρσ_d["sub"] = 26;
- ρσ_d["escape"] = 27;
- ρσ_d["esc"] = 27;
- ρσ_d["information separator four"] = 28;
- ρσ_d["file separator"] = 28;
- ρσ_d["fs"] = 28;
- ρσ_d["information separator three"] = 29;
- ρσ_d["group separator"] = 29;
- ρσ_d["gs"] = 29;
- ρσ_d["information separator two"] = 30;
- ρσ_d["record separator"] = 30;
- ρσ_d["rs"] = 30;
- ρσ_d["information separator one"] = 31;
- ρσ_d["unit separator"] = 31;
- ρσ_d["us"] = 31;
- ρσ_d["sp"] = 32;
- ρσ_d["delete"] = 127;
- ρσ_d["del"] = 127;
- ρσ_d["padding character"] = 128;
- ρσ_d["pad"] = 128;
- ρσ_d["high octet preset"] = 129;
- ρσ_d["hop"] = 129;
- ρσ_d["break permitted here"] = 130;
- ρσ_d["bph"] = 130;
- ρσ_d["no break here"] = 131;
- ρσ_d["nbh"] = 131;
- ρσ_d["index"] = 132;
- ρσ_d["ind"] = 132;
- ρσ_d["next line"] = 133;
- ρσ_d["nel"] = 133;
- ρσ_d["start of selected area"] = 134;
- ρσ_d["ssa"] = 134;
- ρσ_d["end of selected area"] = 135;
- ρσ_d["esa"] = 135;
- ρσ_d["character tabulation set"] = 136;
- ρσ_d["horizontal tabulation set"] = 136;
- ρσ_d["hts"] = 136;
- ρσ_d["character tabulation with justification"] = 137;
- ρσ_d["horizontal tabulation with justification"] = 137;
- ρσ_d["htj"] = 137;
- ρσ_d["line tabulation set"] = 138;
- ρσ_d["vertical tabulation set"] = 138;
- ρσ_d["vts"] = 138;
- ρσ_d["partial line forward"] = 139;
- ρσ_d["partial line down"] = 139;
- ρσ_d["pld"] = 139;
- ρσ_d["partial line backward"] = 140;
- ρσ_d["partial line up"] = 140;
- ρσ_d["plu"] = 140;
- ρσ_d["reverse line feed"] = 141;
- ρσ_d["reverse index"] = 141;
- ρσ_d["ri"] = 141;
- ρσ_d["single shift two"] = 142;
- ρσ_d["single-shift-2"] = 142;
- ρσ_d["ss2"] = 142;
- ρσ_d["single shift three"] = 143;
- ρσ_d["single-shift-3"] = 143;
- ρσ_d["ss3"] = 143;
- ρσ_d["device control string"] = 144;
- ρσ_d["dcs"] = 144;
- ρσ_d["private use one"] = 145;
- ρσ_d["private use-1"] = 145;
- ρσ_d["pu1"] = 145;
- ρσ_d["private use two"] = 146;
- ρσ_d["private use-2"] = 146;
- ρσ_d["pu2"] = 146;
- ρσ_d["set transmit state"] = 147;
- ρσ_d["sts"] = 147;
- ρσ_d["cancel character"] = 148;
- ρσ_d["cch"] = 148;
- ρσ_d["message waiting"] = 149;
- ρσ_d["mw"] = 149;
- ρσ_d["start of guarded area"] = 150;
- ρσ_d["start of protected area"] = 150;
- ρσ_d["spa"] = 150;
- ρσ_d["end of guarded area"] = 151;
- ρσ_d["end of protected area"] = 151;
- ρσ_d["epa"] = 151;
- ρσ_d["start of string"] = 152;
- ρσ_d["sos"] = 152;
- ρσ_d["single graphic character introducer"] = 153;
- ρσ_d["sgc"] = 153;
- ρσ_d["single character introducer"] = 154;
- ρσ_d["sci"] = 154;
- ρσ_d["control sequence introducer"] = 155;
- ρσ_d["csi"] = 155;
- ρσ_d["string terminator"] = 156;
- ρσ_d["st"] = 156;
- ρσ_d["operating system command"] = 157;
- ρσ_d["osc"] = 157;
- ρσ_d["privacy message"] = 158;
- ρσ_d["pm"] = 158;
- ρσ_d["application program command"] = 159;
- ρσ_d["apc"] = 159;
- ρσ_d["nbsp"] = 160;
- ρσ_d["shy"] = 173;
- ρσ_d["latin capital letter gha"] = 418;
- ρσ_d["latin small letter gha"] = 419;
- ρσ_d["cgj"] = 847;
- ρσ_d["alm"] = 1564;
- ρσ_d["syriac sublinear colon skewed left"] = 1801;
- ρσ_d["kannada letter llla"] = 3294;
- ρσ_d["lao letter fo fon"] = 3741;
- ρσ_d["lao letter fo fay"] = 3743;
- ρσ_d["lao letter ro"] = 3747;
- ρσ_d["lao letter lo"] = 3749;
- ρσ_d["tibetan mark bka- shog gi mgo rgyan"] = 4048;
- ρσ_d["fvs1"] = 6155;
- ρσ_d["fvs2"] = 6156;
- ρσ_d["fvs3"] = 6157;
- ρσ_d["mvs"] = 6158;
- ρσ_d["zwsp"] = 8203;
- ρσ_d["zwnj"] = 8204;
- ρσ_d["zwj"] = 8205;
- ρσ_d["lrm"] = 8206;
- ρσ_d["rlm"] = 8207;
- ρσ_d["lre"] = 8234;
- ρσ_d["rle"] = 8235;
- ρσ_d["pdf"] = 8236;
- ρσ_d["lro"] = 8237;
- ρσ_d["rlo"] = 8238;
- ρσ_d["nnbsp"] = 8239;
- ρσ_d["mmsp"] = 8287;
- ρσ_d["wj"] = 8288;
- ρσ_d["lri"] = 8294;
- ρσ_d["rli"] = 8295;
- ρσ_d["fsi"] = 8296;
- ρσ_d["pdi"] = 8297;
- ρσ_d["weierstrass elliptic function"] = 8472;
- ρσ_d["micr on us symbol"] = 9288;
- ρσ_d["micr dash symbol"] = 9289;
- ρσ_d["leftwards triangle-headed arrow with double vertical stroke"] = 11130;
- ρσ_d["rightwards triangle-headed arrow with double vertical stroke"] = 11132;
- ρσ_d["yi syllable iteration mark"] = 40981;
- ρσ_d["presentation form for vertical right white lenticular bracket"] = 65048;
- ρσ_d["vs1"] = 65024;
- ρσ_d["vs2"] = 65025;
- ρσ_d["vs3"] = 65026;
- ρσ_d["vs4"] = 65027;
- ρσ_d["vs5"] = 65028;
- ρσ_d["vs6"] = 65029;
- ρσ_d["vs7"] = 65030;
- ρσ_d["vs8"] = 65031;
- ρσ_d["vs9"] = 65032;
- ρσ_d["vs10"] = 65033;
- ρσ_d["vs11"] = 65034;
- ρσ_d["vs12"] = 65035;
- ρσ_d["vs13"] = 65036;
- ρσ_d["vs14"] = 65037;
- ρσ_d["vs15"] = 65038;
- ρσ_d["vs16"] = 65039;
- ρσ_d["byte order mark"] = 65279;
- ρσ_d["bom"] = 65279;
- ρσ_d["zwnbsp"] = 65279;
- ρσ_d["cuneiform sign nu11 tenu"] = 74452;
- ρσ_d["cuneiform sign nu11 over nu11 bur over bur"] = 74453;
- ρσ_d["byzantine musical symbol fthora skliron chroma vasis"] = 118981;
- ρσ_d["vs17"] = 917760;
- ρσ_d["vs18"] = 917761;
- ρσ_d["vs19"] = 917762;
- ρσ_d["vs20"] = 917763;
- ρσ_d["vs21"] = 917764;
- ρσ_d["vs22"] = 917765;
- ρσ_d["vs23"] = 917766;
- ρσ_d["vs24"] = 917767;
- ρσ_d["vs25"] = 917768;
- ρσ_d["vs26"] = 917769;
- ρσ_d["vs27"] = 917770;
- ρσ_d["vs28"] = 917771;
- ρσ_d["vs29"] = 917772;
- ρσ_d["vs30"] = 917773;
- ρσ_d["vs31"] = 917774;
- ρσ_d["vs32"] = 917775;
- ρσ_d["vs33"] = 917776;
- ρσ_d["vs34"] = 917777;
- ρσ_d["vs35"] = 917778;
- ρσ_d["vs36"] = 917779;
- ρσ_d["vs37"] = 917780;
- ρσ_d["vs38"] = 917781;
- ρσ_d["vs39"] = 917782;
- ρσ_d["vs40"] = 917783;
- ρσ_d["vs41"] = 917784;
- ρσ_d["vs42"] = 917785;
- ρσ_d["vs43"] = 917786;
- ρσ_d["vs44"] = 917787;
- ρσ_d["vs45"] = 917788;
- ρσ_d["vs46"] = 917789;
- ρσ_d["vs47"] = 917790;
- ρσ_d["vs48"] = 917791;
- ρσ_d["vs49"] = 917792;
- ρσ_d["vs50"] = 917793;
- ρσ_d["vs51"] = 917794;
- ρσ_d["vs52"] = 917795;
- ρσ_d["vs53"] = 917796;
- ρσ_d["vs54"] = 917797;
- ρσ_d["vs55"] = 917798;
- ρσ_d["vs56"] = 917799;
- ρσ_d["vs57"] = 917800;
- ρσ_d["vs58"] = 917801;
- ρσ_d["vs59"] = 917802;
- ρσ_d["vs60"] = 917803;
- ρσ_d["vs61"] = 917804;
- ρσ_d["vs62"] = 917805;
- ρσ_d["vs63"] = 917806;
- ρσ_d["vs64"] = 917807;
- ρσ_d["vs65"] = 917808;
- ρσ_d["vs66"] = 917809;
- ρσ_d["vs67"] = 917810;
- ρσ_d["vs68"] = 917811;
- ρσ_d["vs69"] = 917812;
- ρσ_d["vs70"] = 917813;
- ρσ_d["vs71"] = 917814;
- ρσ_d["vs72"] = 917815;
- ρσ_d["vs73"] = 917816;
- ρσ_d["vs74"] = 917817;
- ρσ_d["vs75"] = 917818;
- ρσ_d["vs76"] = 917819;
- ρσ_d["vs77"] = 917820;
- ρσ_d["vs78"] = 917821;
- ρσ_d["vs79"] = 917822;
- ρσ_d["vs80"] = 917823;
- ρσ_d["vs81"] = 917824;
- ρσ_d["vs82"] = 917825;
- ρσ_d["vs83"] = 917826;
- ρσ_d["vs84"] = 917827;
- ρσ_d["vs85"] = 917828;
- ρσ_d["vs86"] = 917829;
- ρσ_d["vs87"] = 917830;
- ρσ_d["vs88"] = 917831;
- ρσ_d["vs89"] = 917832;
- ρσ_d["vs90"] = 917833;
- ρσ_d["vs91"] = 917834;
- ρσ_d["vs92"] = 917835;
- ρσ_d["vs93"] = 917836;
- ρσ_d["vs94"] = 917837;
- ρσ_d["vs95"] = 917838;
- ρσ_d["vs96"] = 917839;
- ρσ_d["vs97"] = 917840;
- ρσ_d["vs98"] = 917841;
- ρσ_d["vs99"] = 917842;
- ρσ_d["vs100"] = 917843;
- ρσ_d["vs101"] = 917844;
- ρσ_d["vs102"] = 917845;
- ρσ_d["vs103"] = 917846;
- ρσ_d["vs104"] = 917847;
- ρσ_d["vs105"] = 917848;
- ρσ_d["vs106"] = 917849;
- ρσ_d["vs107"] = 917850;
- ρσ_d["vs108"] = 917851;
- ρσ_d["vs109"] = 917852;
- ρσ_d["vs110"] = 917853;
- ρσ_d["vs111"] = 917854;
- ρσ_d["vs112"] = 917855;
- ρσ_d["vs113"] = 917856;
- ρσ_d["vs114"] = 917857;
- ρσ_d["vs115"] = 917858;
- ρσ_d["vs116"] = 917859;
- ρσ_d["vs117"] = 917860;
- ρσ_d["vs118"] = 917861;
- ρσ_d["vs119"] = 917862;
- ρσ_d["vs120"] = 917863;
- ρσ_d["vs121"] = 917864;
- ρσ_d["vs122"] = 917865;
- ρσ_d["vs123"] = 917866;
- ρσ_d["vs124"] = 917867;
- ρσ_d["vs125"] = 917868;
- ρσ_d["vs126"] = 917869;
- ρσ_d["vs127"] = 917870;
- ρσ_d["vs128"] = 917871;
- ρσ_d["vs129"] = 917872;
- ρσ_d["vs130"] = 917873;
- ρσ_d["vs131"] = 917874;
- ρσ_d["vs132"] = 917875;
- ρσ_d["vs133"] = 917876;
- ρσ_d["vs134"] = 917877;
- ρσ_d["vs135"] = 917878;
- ρσ_d["vs136"] = 917879;
- ρσ_d["vs137"] = 917880;
- ρσ_d["vs138"] = 917881;
- ρσ_d["vs139"] = 917882;
- ρσ_d["vs140"] = 917883;
- ρσ_d["vs141"] = 917884;
- ρσ_d["vs142"] = 917885;
- ρσ_d["vs143"] = 917886;
- ρσ_d["vs144"] = 917887;
- ρσ_d["vs145"] = 917888;
- ρσ_d["vs146"] = 917889;
- ρσ_d["vs147"] = 917890;
- ρσ_d["vs148"] = 917891;
- ρσ_d["vs149"] = 917892;
- ρσ_d["vs150"] = 917893;
- ρσ_d["vs151"] = 917894;
- ρσ_d["vs152"] = 917895;
- ρσ_d["vs153"] = 917896;
- ρσ_d["vs154"] = 917897;
- ρσ_d["vs155"] = 917898;
- ρσ_d["vs156"] = 917899;
- ρσ_d["vs157"] = 917900;
- ρσ_d["vs158"] = 917901;
- ρσ_d["vs159"] = 917902;
- ρσ_d["vs160"] = 917903;
- ρσ_d["vs161"] = 917904;
- ρσ_d["vs162"] = 917905;
- ρσ_d["vs163"] = 917906;
- ρσ_d["vs164"] = 917907;
- ρσ_d["vs165"] = 917908;
- ρσ_d["vs166"] = 917909;
- ρσ_d["vs167"] = 917910;
- ρσ_d["vs168"] = 917911;
- ρσ_d["vs169"] = 917912;
- ρσ_d["vs170"] = 917913;
- ρσ_d["vs171"] = 917914;
- ρσ_d["vs172"] = 917915;
- ρσ_d["vs173"] = 917916;
- ρσ_d["vs174"] = 917917;
- ρσ_d["vs175"] = 917918;
- ρσ_d["vs176"] = 917919;
- ρσ_d["vs177"] = 917920;
- ρσ_d["vs178"] = 917921;
- ρσ_d["vs179"] = 917922;
- ρσ_d["vs180"] = 917923;
- ρσ_d["vs181"] = 917924;
- ρσ_d["vs182"] = 917925;
- ρσ_d["vs183"] = 917926;
- ρσ_d["vs184"] = 917927;
- ρσ_d["vs185"] = 917928;
- ρσ_d["vs186"] = 917929;
- ρσ_d["vs187"] = 917930;
- ρσ_d["vs188"] = 917931;
- ρσ_d["vs189"] = 917932;
- ρσ_d["vs190"] = 917933;
- ρσ_d["vs191"] = 917934;
- ρσ_d["vs192"] = 917935;
- ρσ_d["vs193"] = 917936;
- ρσ_d["vs194"] = 917937;
- ρσ_d["vs195"] = 917938;
- ρσ_d["vs196"] = 917939;
- ρσ_d["vs197"] = 917940;
- ρσ_d["vs198"] = 917941;
- ρσ_d["vs199"] = 917942;
- ρσ_d["vs200"] = 917943;
- ρσ_d["vs201"] = 917944;
- ρσ_d["vs202"] = 917945;
- ρσ_d["vs203"] = 917946;
- ρσ_d["vs204"] = 917947;
- ρσ_d["vs205"] = 917948;
- ρσ_d["vs206"] = 917949;
- ρσ_d["vs207"] = 917950;
- ρσ_d["vs208"] = 917951;
- ρσ_d["vs209"] = 917952;
- ρσ_d["vs210"] = 917953;
- ρσ_d["vs211"] = 917954;
- ρσ_d["vs212"] = 917955;
- ρσ_d["vs213"] = 917956;
- ρσ_d["vs214"] = 917957;
- ρσ_d["vs215"] = 917958;
- ρσ_d["vs216"] = 917959;
- ρσ_d["vs217"] = 917960;
- ρσ_d["vs218"] = 917961;
- ρσ_d["vs219"] = 917962;
- ρσ_d["vs220"] = 917963;
- ρσ_d["vs221"] = 917964;
- ρσ_d["vs222"] = 917965;
- ρσ_d["vs223"] = 917966;
- ρσ_d["vs224"] = 917967;
- ρσ_d["vs225"] = 917968;
- ρσ_d["vs226"] = 917969;
- ρσ_d["vs227"] = 917970;
- ρσ_d["vs228"] = 917971;
- ρσ_d["vs229"] = 917972;
- ρσ_d["vs230"] = 917973;
- ρσ_d["vs231"] = 917974;
- ρσ_d["vs232"] = 917975;
- ρσ_d["vs233"] = 917976;
- ρσ_d["vs234"] = 917977;
- ρσ_d["vs235"] = 917978;
- ρσ_d["vs236"] = 917979;
- ρσ_d["vs237"] = 917980;
- ρσ_d["vs238"] = 917981;
- ρσ_d["vs239"] = 917982;
- ρσ_d["vs240"] = 917983;
- ρσ_d["vs241"] = 917984;
- ρσ_d["vs242"] = 917985;
- ρσ_d["vs243"] = 917986;
- ρσ_d["vs244"] = 917987;
- ρσ_d["vs245"] = 917988;
- ρσ_d["vs246"] = 917989;
- ρσ_d["vs247"] = 917990;
- ρσ_d["vs248"] = 917991;
- ρσ_d["vs249"] = 917992;
- ρσ_d["vs250"] = 917993;
- ρσ_d["vs251"] = 917994;
- ρσ_d["vs252"] = 917995;
- ρσ_d["vs253"] = 917996;
- ρσ_d["vs254"] = 917997;
- ρσ_d["vs255"] = 917998;
- ρσ_d["vs256"] = 917999;
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this);
- _ASCII_CONTROL_CHARS = (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["a"] = 7;
- ρσ_d["b"] = 8;
- ρσ_d["f"] = 12;
- ρσ_d["n"] = 10;
- ρσ_d["r"] = 13;
- ρσ_d["t"] = 9;
- ρσ_d["v"] = 11;
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this);
- _HEX_PAT = /^[a-fA-F0-9]/;
- _NUM_PAT = /^[0-9]/;
- _GROUP_PAT = /<([^>]+)>/;
- _NAME_PAT = /^[a-zA-Z ]/;
- L = LOCALE = 4;
- M = MULTILINE = 8;
- D = DOTALL = 16;
- U = UNICODE = 32;
- X = VERBOSE = 64;
- DEBUG = 128;
- A = ASCII = 256;
- supports_unicode = RegExp.prototype.unicode !== undefined;
- _RE_ESCAPE = /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g;
- _re_cache_map = {};
- _re_cache_items = [];
- error = SyntaxError;
- has_prop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
- function _expand(groups, repl, group_name_map) {
- var i, ans, ch;
- i = 0;
- function next() {
- return repl[i++];
- };
- function peek() {
- return repl[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? repl.length + i : i];
- };
- function read_digits(count, pat, base, maxval, prefix) {
- var ans, greedy, nval;
- ans = prefix || "";
- greedy = count === Number.MAX_VALUE;
- while (count > 0) {
- count -= 1;
- if (!pat.test(peek())) {
- if (greedy) {
- break;
- }
- return ans;
- }
- ans += next();
- }
- nval = parseInt(ans, base);
- if (nval > maxval) {
- return ans;
- }
- return nval;
- };
- if (!read_digits.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(read_digits, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["count", "pat", "base", "maxval", "prefix"]}
- });
- function read_escape_sequence() {
- var q, ans, m, gn, code, name, key;
- q = next();
- if (!q || q === "\\") {
- return "\\";
- }
- if ("\"'".indexOf(q) !== -1) {
- return q;
- }
- if (_ASCII_CONTROL_CHARS[(typeof q === "number" && q < 0) ? _ASCII_CONTROL_CHARS.length + q : q]) {
- return String.fromCharCode(_ASCII_CONTROL_CHARS[(typeof q === "number" && q < 0) ? _ASCII_CONTROL_CHARS.length + q : q]);
- }
- if ("0" <= q && q <= "9") {
- ans = read_digits(Number.MAX_VALUE, _NUM_PAT, 10, Number.MAX_VALUE, q);
- if (typeof ans === "number") {
- return groups[(typeof ans === "number" && ans < 0) ? groups.length + ans : ans] || "";
- }
- return "\\" + ans;
- }
- if (q === "g") {
- m = _GROUP_PAT.exec(repl.slice(i));
- if (m !== null) {
- i += m[0].length;
- gn = m[1];
- if (isNaN(parseInt(gn, 10))) {
- if (!has_prop(group_name_map, gn)) {
- return "";
- }
- gn = (ρσ_expr_temp = group_name_map[(typeof gn === "number" && gn < 0) ? group_name_map.length + gn : gn])[ρσ_expr_temp.length-1];
- }
- return groups[(typeof gn === "number" && gn < 0) ? groups.length + gn : gn] || "";
- }
- }
- if (q === "x") {
- code = read_digits(2, _HEX_PAT, 16, 1114111);
- if (typeof code === "number") {
- return String.fromCharCode(code);
- }
- return "\\x" + code;
- }
- if (q === "u") {
- code = read_digits(4, _HEX_PAT, 16, 1114111);
- if (typeof code === "number") {
- return String.fromCharCode(code);
- }
- return "\\u" + code;
- }
- if (q === "U") {
- code = read_digits(8, _HEX_PAT, 16, 1114111);
- if (typeof code === "number") {
- if (code <= 65535) {
- return String.fromCharCode(code);
- }
- code -= 65536;
- return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (code >> 10), 56320 + (code & 1023));
- }
- return "\\U" + code;
- }
- if (q === "N" && peek() === "{") {
- next();
- name = "";
- while (_NAME_PAT.test(peek())) {
- name += next();
- }
- if (peek() !== "}") {
- return "\\N{" + name;
- }
- next();
- key = (name || "").toLowerCase();
- if (!name || !has_prop(_ALIAS_MAP, key)) {
- return "\\N{" + name + "}";
- }
- code = _ALIAS_MAP[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? _ALIAS_MAP.length + key : key];
- if (code <= 65535) {
- return String.fromCharCode(code);
- }
- code -= 65536;
- return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (code >> 10), 56320 + (code & 1023));
- }
- return "\\" + q;
- };
- ans = ch = "";
- while (ch = next()) {
- if (ch === "\\") {
- ans += read_escape_sequence();
- } else {
- ans += ch;
- }
- }
- return ans;
- };
- if (!_expand.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(_expand, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["groups", "repl", "group_name_map"]}
- });
- function transform_regex(source, flags) {
- var pos, previous_backslash, in_class, ans, group_map, group_count, ch, extension, close, flag_map, flgs, q, name;
- pos = 0;
- previous_backslash = in_class = false;
- ans = "";
- group_map = {};
- flags = flags || 0;
- group_count = 0;
- while (pos < source.length) {
- ch = source[pos++];
- if (previous_backslash) {
- ans += "\\" + ch;
- previous_backslash = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (in_class) {
- if (ch === "]") {
- in_class = false;
- }
- ans += ch;
- continue;
- }
- if (ch === "\\") {
- previous_backslash = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (ch === "[") {
- in_class = true;
- if (source[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? source.length + pos : pos] === "]") {
- pos += 1;
- ch = "[\\]";
- }
- } else if (ch === "(") {
- if (source[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? source.length + pos : pos] === "?") {
- extension = source[ρσ_bound_index(pos + 1, source)];
- if (extension === "#") {
- close = source.indexOf(")", pos + 1);
- if (close === -1) {
- throw new ValueError("Expecting a closing )");
- }
- pos = close + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if ("aiLmsux".indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
- flag_map = (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["a"] = ASCII;
- ρσ_d["i"] = IGNORECASE;
- ρσ_d["L"] = LOCALE;
- ρσ_d["m"] = MULTILINE;
- ρσ_d["s"] = DOTALL;
- ρσ_d["u"] = UNICODE;
- ρσ_d["x"] = VERBOSE;
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this);
- close = source.indexOf(")", pos + 1);
- if (close === -1) {
- throw new SyntaxError("Expecting a closing )");
- }
- flgs = source.slice(pos + 1, close);
- for (var i = 0; i < flgs.length; i++) {
- q = flgs[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? flgs.length + i : i];
- if (!has_prop(flag_map, q)) {
- throw new SyntaxError("Invalid flag: " + q);
- }
- flags |= flag_map[(typeof q === "number" && q < 0) ? flag_map.length + q : q];
- }
- pos = close + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (extension === "<") {
- throw new SyntaxError("Look behind assertions are not supported in JavaScript");
- }
- if (extension === "(") {
- throw new SyntaxError("Group existence assertions are not supported in JavaScript");
- }
- if (extension === "P") {
- pos += 2;
- q = source[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? source.length + pos : pos];
- if (q === "<") {
- close = source.indexOf(">", pos);
- if (close === -1) {
- throw new SyntaxError("Named group not closed, expecting >");
- }
- name = source.slice(pos + 1, close);
- if (!has_prop(group_map, name)) {
- group_map[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? group_map.length + name : name] = [];
- }
- group_map[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? group_map.length + name : name].push(++group_count);
- pos = close + 1;
- } else if (q === "=") {
- close = source.indexOf(")", pos);
- if (close === -1) {
- throw new SyntaxError("Named group back-reference not closed, expecting a )");
- }
- name = source.slice(pos + 1, close);
- if (!isNaN(parseInt(name, 10))) {
- ans += "\\" + name;
- } else {
- if (!has_prop(group_map, name)) {
- throw new SyntaxError("Invalid back-reference. The named group: " + name + " has not yet been defined.");
- }
- ans += "\\" + (ρσ_expr_temp = group_map[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? group_map.length + name : name])[ρσ_expr_temp.length-1];
- }
- pos = close + 1;
- continue;
- } else {
- throw new SyntaxError("Expecting < or = after (?P");
- }
- }
- } else {
- group_count += 1;
- }
- } else if (ch === "." && flags & DOTALL) {
- ans += "[\\s\\S]";
- continue;
- }
- ans += ch;
- }
- return [ans, flags, group_map];
- };
- if (!transform_regex.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(transform_regex, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["source", "flags"]}
- });
- function MatchObject() {
- if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter});
- MatchObject.prototype.__bind_methods__.call(this);
- MatchObject.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Object.defineProperty(MatchObject.prototype, "__bind_methods__", {value: function () {
- this._compute_extents = MatchObject.prototype._compute_extents.bind(this);
- this.groups = MatchObject.prototype.groups.bind(this);
- this._group_number = MatchObject.prototype._group_number.bind(this);
- this._group_val = MatchObject.prototype._group_val.bind(this);
- this.group = MatchObject.prototype.group.bind(this);
- this.start = MatchObject.prototype.start.bind(this);
- this.end = MatchObject.prototype.end.bind(this);
- this.span = MatchObject.prototype.span.bind(this);
- this.expand = MatchObject.prototype.expand.bind(this);
- this.groupdict = MatchObject.prototype.groupdict.bind(this);
- this.captures = MatchObject.prototype.captures.bind(this);
- this.capturesdict = MatchObject.prototype.capturesdict.bind(this);
- }});
- MatchObject.prototype.__init__ = function __init__(regex, match, pos, endpos) {
- var self = this;
- var ρσ_unpack;
- self.re = regex;
- self.string = match.input;
- self._start_pos = match.index;
- self._groups = match;
- ρσ_unpack = [pos, endpos];
- self.pos = ρσ_unpack[0];
- self.endpos = ρσ_unpack[1];
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.__init__.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.__init__, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["regex", "match", "pos", "endpos"]}
- });
- MatchObject.__argnames__ = MatchObject.prototype.__init__.__argnames__;
- MatchObject.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__ = MatchObject.prototype.__init__.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__;
- MatchObject.prototype._compute_extents = function _compute_extents() {
- var self = this;
- var match, offset, extent, loc, g;
- match = self._groups;
- self._start = Array(match.length);
- self._end = Array(match.length);
- self._start[0] = self._start_pos;
- self._end[0] = self._start_pos + match[0].length;
- offset = self._start_pos;
- extent = match[0];
- loc = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
- g = match[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? match.length + i : i];
- loc = extent.indexOf(g, loc);
- if (loc === -1) {
- (ρσ_expr_temp = self._start)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._start)[ρσ_bound_index(i - 1, ρσ_expr_temp)];
- (ρσ_expr_temp = self._end)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._end)[ρσ_bound_index(i - 1, ρσ_expr_temp)];
- } else {
- (ρσ_expr_temp = self._start)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] = offset + loc;
- loc += g.length;
- (ρσ_expr_temp = self._end)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] = offset + loc;
- }
- }
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype._compute_extents.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype._compute_extents, {
- __argnames__ : {value: []}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.groups = function groups() {
- var self = this;
- var defval = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? groups.__defaults__.defval : arguments[0];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "defval")){
- defval = ρσ_kwargs_obj.defval;
- }
- var ans, val;
- ans = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < self._groups.length; i++) {
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._groups)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i];
- if (val === undefined) {
- val = defval;
- }
- ans.push(val);
- }
- return ans;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.groups.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.groups, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {defval:null}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["defval"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype._group_number = function _group_number(g) {
- var self = this;
- if (typeof g === "number") {
- return g;
- }
- if (has_prop(self.re.group_name_map, g)) {
- return (ρσ_expr_temp = (ρσ_expr_temp = self.re.group_name_map)[(typeof g === "number" && g < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + g : g])[ρσ_expr_temp.length-1];
- }
- return g;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype._group_number.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype._group_number, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["g"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype._group_val = function _group_val(q, defval) {
- var self = this;
- var val;
- val = undefined;
- if (typeof q === "number" && -1 < q && q < self._groups.length) {
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._groups)[(typeof q === "number" && q < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + q : q];
- } else {
- if (has_prop(self.re.group_name_map, q)) {
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._groups)[ρσ_bound_index((ρσ_expr_temp = (ρσ_expr_temp = self.re.group_name_map)[(typeof q === "number" && q < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + q : q])[ρσ_expr_temp.length-1], ρσ_expr_temp)];
- }
- }
- if (val === undefined) {
- val = defval;
- }
- return val;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype._group_val.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype._group_val, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["q", "defval"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.group = function group() {
- var self = this;
- var ans, q;
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- return self._groups[0];
- }
- ans = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- q = arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i];
- ans.push(self._group_val(q, null));
- }
- return (ans.length === 1) ? ans[0] : ans;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.group.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.group, {
- __argnames__ : {value: []}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.start = function start(g) {
- var self = this;
- var val;
- if (self._start === undefined) {
- self._compute_extents();
- }
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._start)[ρσ_bound_index(self._group_number(g || 0), ρσ_expr_temp)];
- if (val === undefined) {
- val = -1;
- }
- return val;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.start.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.start, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["g"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.end = function end(g) {
- var self = this;
- var val;
- if (self._end === undefined) {
- self._compute_extents();
- }
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._end)[ρσ_bound_index(self._group_number(g || 0), ρσ_expr_temp)];
- if (val === undefined) {
- val = -1;
- }
- return val;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.end.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.end, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["g"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.span = function span(g) {
- var self = this;
- return ρσ_list_decorate([ self.start(g), self.end(g) ]);
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.span.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.span, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["g"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.expand = function expand(repl) {
- var self = this;
- return _expand(repl, this._groups, this.re.group_name_map);
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.expand.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.expand, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["repl"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.groupdict = function groupdict() {
- var self = this;
- var defval = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? groupdict.__defaults__.defval : arguments[0];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "defval")){
- defval = ρσ_kwargs_obj.defval;
- }
- var gnm, names, ans, name, val;
- gnm = self.re.group_name_map;
- names = Object.keys(gnm);
- ans = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- name = names[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? names.length + i : i];
- if (has_prop(gnm, name)) {
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._groups)[ρσ_bound_index((ρσ_expr_temp = gnm[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? gnm.length + name : name])[ρσ_expr_temp.length-1], ρσ_expr_temp)];
- if (val === undefined) {
- val = defval;
- }
- ans[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ans.length + name : name] = val;
- }
- }
- return ans;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.groupdict.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.groupdict, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {defval:null}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["defval"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.captures = function captures(group_name) {
- var self = this;
- var ans, groups, val;
- ans = ρσ_list_decorate([]);
- if (!has_prop(self.re.group_name_map, group_name)) {
- return ans;
- }
- groups = (ρσ_expr_temp = self.re.group_name_map)[(typeof group_name === "number" && group_name < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + group_name : group_name];
- for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
- val = (ρσ_expr_temp = self._groups)[ρσ_bound_index(groups[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? groups.length + i : i], ρσ_expr_temp)];
- if (val !== undefined) {
- ans.push(val);
- }
- }
- return ans;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.captures.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.captures, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["group_name"]}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.capturesdict = function capturesdict() {
- var self = this;
- var gnm, names, ans, name;
- gnm = self.re.group_name_map;
- names = Object.keys(gnm);
- ans = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- name = names[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? names.length + i : i];
- ans[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ans.length + name : name] = self.captures(name);
- }
- return ans;
- };
- if (!MatchObject.prototype.capturesdict.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(MatchObject.prototype.capturesdict, {
- __argnames__ : {value: []}
- });
- MatchObject.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () {
- return "<" + __name__ + "." + this.constructor.name + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">";
- };
- MatchObject.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () {
- return this.__repr__();
- };
- Object.defineProperty(MatchObject.prototype, "__bases__", {value: []});
- function RegexObject() {
- if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter});
- RegexObject.prototype.__bind_methods__.call(this);
- RegexObject.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- Object.defineProperty(RegexObject.prototype, "__bind_methods__", {value: function () {
- this._do_search = RegexObject.prototype._do_search.bind(this);
- this.search = RegexObject.prototype.search.bind(this);
- this.match = RegexObject.prototype.match.bind(this);
- this.split = RegexObject.prototype.split.bind(this);
- this.findall = RegexObject.prototype.findall.bind(this);
- this.finditer = RegexObject.prototype.finditer.bind(this);
- this.subn = RegexObject.prototype.subn.bind(this);
- this.sub = RegexObject.prototype.sub.bind(this);
- }});
- RegexObject.prototype.__init__ = function __init__(pattern, flags) {
- var self = this;
- var ρσ_unpack, modifiers;
- self.pattern = (ρσ_instanceof(pattern, RegExp)) ? pattern.source : pattern;
- ρσ_unpack = transform_regex(self.pattern, flags);
- ρσ_unpack = ρσ_unpack_asarray(3, ρσ_unpack);
- self.js_pattern = ρσ_unpack[0];
- self.flags = ρσ_unpack[1];
- self.group_name_map = ρσ_unpack[2];
- modifiers = "";
- if (self.flags & IGNORECASE) {
- modifiers += "i";
- }
- if (self.flags & MULTILINE) {
- modifiers += "m";
- }
- if (!(self.flags & ASCII) && supports_unicode) {
- modifiers += "u";
- }
- self._modifiers = modifiers + "g";
- self._pattern = new RegExp(self.js_pattern, self._modifiers);
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.__init__.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.__init__, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "flags"]}
- });
- RegexObject.__argnames__ = RegexObject.prototype.__init__.__argnames__;
- RegexObject.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__ = RegexObject.prototype.__init__.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__;
- RegexObject.prototype._do_search = function _do_search(pat, string, pos, endpos) {
- var self = this;
- var n;
- pat.lastIndex = 0;
- if (endpos !== null) {
- string = string.slice(0, endpos);
- }
- while (true) {
- n = pat.exec(string);
- if (n === null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (n.index >= pos) {
- return new MatchObject(self, n, pos, endpos);
- }
- }
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype._do_search.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype._do_search, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pat", "string", "pos", "endpos"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.search = function search() {
- var self = this;
- var string = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var pos = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? search.__defaults__.pos : arguments[1];
- var endpos = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? search.__defaults__.endpos : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "pos")){
- pos = ρσ_kwargs_obj.pos;
- }
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "endpos")){
- endpos = ρσ_kwargs_obj.endpos;
- }
- return self._do_search(self._pattern, string, pos, endpos);
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.search.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.search, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {pos:0, endpos:null}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["string", "pos", "endpos"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.match = function match() {
- var self = this;
- var string = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var pos = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? match.__defaults__.pos : arguments[1];
- var endpos = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? match.__defaults__.endpos : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "pos")){
- pos = ρσ_kwargs_obj.pos;
- }
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "endpos")){
- endpos = ρσ_kwargs_obj.endpos;
- }
- return self._do_search(new RegExp("^" + self.js_pattern, self._modifiers), string, pos, endpos);
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.match.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.match, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {pos:0, endpos:null}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["string", "pos", "endpos"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.split = function split() {
- var self = this;
- var string = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var maxsplit = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? split.__defaults__.maxsplit : arguments[1];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "maxsplit")){
- maxsplit = ρσ_kwargs_obj.maxsplit;
- }
- self._pattern.lastIndex = 0;
- return string.split(self._pattern, maxsplit || undefined);
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.split.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.split, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {maxsplit:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["string", "maxsplit"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.findall = function findall(string) {
- var self = this;
- self._pattern.lastIndex = 0;
- return ρσ_list_decorate(string.match(self._pattern) || []);
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.findall.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.findall, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["string"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.finditer = function finditer(string) {
- var self = this;
- var pat, ans;
- pat = new RegExp(this._pattern.source, this._modifiers);
- ans = {'_string':string, '_r':pat, '_self':self};
- ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () {
- return this;
- };
- ans["next"] = function () {
- var m;
- m = this._r.exec(this._string);
- if (m === null) {
- return {'done':true};
- }
- return {'done':false, 'value':new MatchObject(this._self, m, 0, null)};
- };
- return ans;
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.finditer.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.finditer, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["string"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.subn = function subn() {
- var self = this;
- var repl = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var count = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? subn.__defaults__.count : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "count")){
- count = ρσ_kwargs_obj.count;
- }
- var expand, num, matches, m, start, end;
- expand = _expand;
- if (typeof repl === "function") {
- expand = (function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (m, repl, gnm) {
- return "" + repl(new MatchObject(self, m, 0, null));
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["m", "repl", "gnm"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })();
- }
- this._pattern.lastIndex = 0;
- num = 0;
- matches = [];
- while (count < 1 || num < count) {
- m = this._pattern.exec(string);
- if (m === null) {
- break;
- }
- matches.push(m);
- num += 1;
- }
- for (var i = matches.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
- m = matches[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? matches.length + i : i];
- start = m.index;
- end = start + m[0].length;
- string = string.slice(0, start) + expand(m, repl, self.group_name_map) + string.slice(end);
- }
- return [string, matches.length];
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.subn.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.subn, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {count:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["repl", "string", "count"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.sub = function sub() {
- var self = this;
- var repl = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var count = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? sub.__defaults__.count : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "count")){
- count = ρσ_kwargs_obj.count;
- }
- return self.subn(repl, string, count)[0];
- };
- if (!RegexObject.prototype.sub.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(RegexObject.prototype.sub, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {count:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["repl", "string", "count"]}
- });
- RegexObject.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () {
- return "<" + __name__ + "." + this.constructor.name + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">";
- };
- RegexObject.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () {
- return this.__repr__();
- };
- Object.defineProperty(RegexObject.prototype, "__bases__", {value: []});
- function _get_from_cache(pattern, flags) {
- var key, ans;
- if (ρσ_instanceof(pattern, RegExp)) {
- pattern = pattern.source;
- }
- key = JSON.stringify([pattern, flags]);
- if (has_prop(_re_cache_map, key)) {
- return _re_cache_map[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? _re_cache_map.length + key : key];
- }
- if (_re_cache_items.length >= 100) {
- delete _re_cache_map[_re_cache_items.shift()];
- }
- ans = new RegexObject(pattern, flags);
- _re_cache_map[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? _re_cache_map.length + key : key] = ans;
- _re_cache_items.push(key);
- return ans;
- };
- if (!_get_from_cache.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(_get_from_cache, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "flags"]}
- });
- function compile() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var flags = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? compile.__defaults__.flags : arguments[1];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags);
- };
- if (!compile.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(compile, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "flags"]}
- });
- function search() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var flags = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? search.__defaults__.flags : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).search(string);
- };
- if (!search.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(search, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "string", "flags"]}
- });
- function match() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var flags = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? match.__defaults__.flags : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).match(string);
- };
- if (!match.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(match, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "string", "flags"]}
- });
- function split() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var maxsplit = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? split.__defaults__.maxsplit : arguments[2];
- var flags = (arguments[3] === undefined || ( 3 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? split.__defaults__.flags : arguments[3];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "maxsplit")){
- maxsplit = ρσ_kwargs_obj.maxsplit;
- }
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).split(string);
- };
- if (!split.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(split, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {maxsplit:0, flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "string", "maxsplit", "flags"]}
- });
- function findall() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var flags = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? findall.__defaults__.flags : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).findall(string);
- };
- if (!findall.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(findall, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "string", "flags"]}
- });
- function finditer() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var string = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var flags = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? finditer.__defaults__.flags : arguments[2];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).finditer(string);
- };
- if (!finditer.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(finditer, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "string", "flags"]}
- });
- function sub() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var repl = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var string = ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[2];
- var count = (arguments[3] === undefined || ( 3 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? sub.__defaults__.count : arguments[3];
- var flags = (arguments[4] === undefined || ( 4 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? sub.__defaults__.flags : arguments[4];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "count")){
- count = ρσ_kwargs_obj.count;
- }
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count);
- };
- if (!sub.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(sub, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {count:0, flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "repl", "string", "count", "flags"]}
- });
- function subn() {
- var pattern = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var repl = ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[1];
- var string = ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[2];
- var count = (arguments[3] === undefined || ( 3 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? subn.__defaults__.count : arguments[3];
- var flags = (arguments[4] === undefined || ( 4 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? subn.__defaults__.flags : arguments[4];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "count")){
- count = ρσ_kwargs_obj.count;
- }
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "flags")){
- flags = ρσ_kwargs_obj.flags;
- }
- return _get_from_cache(pattern, flags).subn(repl, string, count);
- };
- if (!subn.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(subn, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {count:0, flags:0}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["pattern", "repl", "string", "count", "flags"]}
- });
- function escape(string) {
- return string.replace(_RE_ESCAPE, "\\$&");
- };
- if (!escape.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(escape, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["string"]}
- });
- function purge() {
- _re_cache_map = {};
- _re_cache_items = [];
- };
- ρσ_modules.re._ALIAS_MAP = _ALIAS_MAP;
- ρσ_modules.re._HEX_PAT = _HEX_PAT;
- ρσ_modules.re._NUM_PAT = _NUM_PAT;
- ρσ_modules.re._GROUP_PAT = _GROUP_PAT;
- ρσ_modules.re._NAME_PAT = _NAME_PAT;
- ρσ_modules.re.I = I;
- ρσ_modules.re.IGNORECASE = IGNORECASE;
- ρσ_modules.re.L = L;
- ρσ_modules.re.LOCALE = LOCALE;
- ρσ_modules.re.M = M;
- ρσ_modules.re.MULTILINE = MULTILINE;
- ρσ_modules.re.D = D;
- ρσ_modules.re.DOTALL = DOTALL;
- ρσ_modules.re.U = U;
- ρσ_modules.re.UNICODE = UNICODE;
- ρσ_modules.re.X = X;
- ρσ_modules.re.VERBOSE = VERBOSE;
- ρσ_modules.re.DEBUG = DEBUG;
- ρσ_modules.re.A = A;
- ρσ_modules.re.ASCII = ASCII;
- ρσ_modules.re.supports_unicode = supports_unicode;
- ρσ_modules.re._RE_ESCAPE = _RE_ESCAPE;
- ρσ_modules.re._re_cache_map = _re_cache_map;
- ρσ_modules.re._re_cache_items = _re_cache_items;
- ρσ_modules.re.error = error;
- ρσ_modules.re.has_prop = has_prop;
- ρσ_modules.re._expand = _expand;
- ρσ_modules.re.transform_regex = transform_regex;
- ρσ_modules.re.MatchObject = MatchObject;
- ρσ_modules.re.RegexObject = RegexObject;
- ρσ_modules.re._get_from_cache = _get_from_cache;
- ρσ_modules.re.compile = compile;
- ρσ_modules.re.search = search;
- ρσ_modules.re.match = match;
- ρσ_modules.re.split = split;
- ρσ_modules.re.findall = findall;
- ρσ_modules.re.finditer = finditer;
- ρσ_modules.re.sub = sub;
- ρσ_modules.re.subn = subn;
- ρσ_modules.re.escape = escape;
- ρσ_modules.re.purge = purge;
- })();
- var tag;
- print("RapydScript-ng " + RapydScript.rs_version);
- var re = ρσ_modules.re;
- tag = this;
- this.marker = null;
- window.files = {};
- function compile() {
- var inputcode = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? compile.__defaults__.inputcode : arguments[0];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "inputcode")){
- inputcode = ρσ_kwargs_obj.inputcode;
- }
- var editor, options, file, session, result, code;
- editor = window.editor;
- options = (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["basedir"] = "__stdlib__";
- ρσ_d["bare"] = true;
- ρσ_d["js_version"] = 5;
- ρσ_d["omit_baselib"] = true;
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this);
- var ρσ_Iter0 = ρσ_Iterable(window.files);
- for (var ρσ_Index0 = 0; ρσ_Index0 < ρσ_Iter0.length; ρσ_Index0++) {
- file = ρσ_Iter0[ρσ_Index0];
- if (file !== tag.title) {
- (ρσ_expr_temp = RapydScript.file_data)[ρσ_bound_index("__stdlib__/" + file, ρσ_expr_temp)] = (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + file : file].getValue();
- }
- }
- session = editor.getDoc();
- if (tag.marker && !inputcode) {
- tag.marker.clear();
- }
- try {
- result = RapydScript.compile(inputcode || editor.getValue(), tag.title, options);
- if (ρσ_in("print;", result)) {
- throw new SyntaxError("Missing parentheses in call to \"print\"");
- }
- } catch (ρσ_Exception) {
- ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception;
- if (ρσ_Exception instanceof Error) {
- var e = ρσ_Exception;
- console.log(e);
- code = "print ('''" + e.name + ": " + e.message + "''')";
- if (e.line && e.col && !inputcode) {
- tag.marker = editor.markText(CodeMirror.Pos(e.line - 1, e.col), CodeMirror.Pos(e.line - 1, e.col + 1), (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["className"] = "error-marker";
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this));
- editor.scrollIntoView(e.line - 1, e.col + 1);
- }
- result = compiler.compile(code);
- } else {
- throw ρσ_Exception;
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- if (!compile.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(compile, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {inputcode:null}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["inputcode"]}
- });
- window.compile = compile;
- function init() {
- var editor, iframe;
- editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.refs.code, (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["lineNumbers"] = true;
- ρσ_d["matchBrackets"] = true;
- ρσ_d["indentUnit"] = 4;
- ρσ_d["fixedGutter"] = false;
- ρσ_d["mode"] = "python";
- ρσ_d["styleActiveLine"] = true;
- ρσ_d["theme"] = "solarized light";
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this));
- editor.setOption("extraKeys", (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["Ctrl-Enter"] = run;
- ρσ_d["Alt-R"] = run;
- ρσ_d["F9"] = toggle_tray;
- ρσ_d["Tab"] = function () {
- if (editor.somethingSelected()) {
- editor.indentSelection("add");
- } else {
- editor.execCommand("insertSoftTab");
- }
- };
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this));
- iframe = this.refs.vmframe;
- function load_datastore(activity) {
- var datastore, savedSession;
- datastore = activity.getDatastoreObject();
- function check_load(error, metadata, data) {
- var parsed_data, new_session, file;
- if (data) {
- window.files = {};
- parsed_data = JSON.parse(data);
- var ρσ_Iter1 = ρσ_Iterable(parsed_data);
- for (var ρσ_Index1 = 0; ρσ_Index1 < ρσ_Iter1.length; ρσ_Index1++) {
- file = ρσ_Iter1[ρσ_Index1];
- if (parsed_data[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? parsed_data.length + file : file]) {
- new_session = CodeMirror.Doc(parsed_data[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? parsed_data.length + file : file]);
- (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + file : file] = new_session;
- }
- }
- }
- if (len(window.files) > 0) {
- tag.title = list(parsed_data)[0];
- editor.swapDoc((ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[ρσ_bound_index(tag.title, ρσ_expr_temp)]);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- }
- tag.update();
- };
- if (!check_load.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(check_load, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["error", "metadata", "data"]}
- });
- if (datastore.objectId !== undefined) {
- datastore.loadAsText(check_load);
- } else {
- event_bus.trigger("enable-standalone");
- savedSession = localStorage.getItem("jappySession");
- if (savedSession !== null) {
- check_load(null, null, savedSession);
- }
- }
- tag.update();
- window.activity = activity;
- };
- if (!load_datastore.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(load_datastore, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["activity"]}
- });
- event_bus.on("activity-ready", load_datastore);
- function update_tabs() {
- var toolbar_div, toolbar_style, tabs_div, tabs_style, target_size;
- toolbar_div = document.getElementById("main-toolbar");
- if ((getComputedStyle(toolbar_div).display === "none" || typeof getComputedStyle(toolbar_div).display === "object" && ρσ_equals(getComputedStyle(toolbar_div).display, "none"))) {
- return;
- }
- toolbar_style = window.getComputedStyle(toolbar_div);
- tabs_div = document.getElementById("tabs");
- tabs_style = window.getComputedStyle(tabs_div);
- target_size = window.innerHeight - int(toolbar_style.height) - int(tabs_style.height);
- editor.setSize(null, target_size);
- if (ρσ_equals(len(window.files), 0)) {
- tag.title = get_new_untitled();
- window.files = (function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d[tag.title] = editor.getDoc();
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this);
- }
- };
- this.on("update", update_tabs);
- window.addEventListener("resize", update_tabs);
- function make_do() {
- tag.update();
- };
- event_bus.on("activity-not-ready", make_do);
- function switchtab(e) {
- var editbox;
- if (tag.title !== e.target.innerHTML) {
- tag.title = e.target.innerHTML;
- editor.swapDoc((ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[ρσ_bound_index(e.target.innerHTML, ρσ_expr_temp)]);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- editor.focus();
- } else {
- e.target.style.display = "none";
- editbox = document.createElement("input");
- editbox.value = tag.title;
- function rename_tab() {
- if (!(ρσ_in(editbox.value, window.files))) {
- (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[ρσ_bound_index(editbox.value, ρσ_expr_temp)] = editor.getDoc();
- ρσ_delitem(window.files, tag.title);
- tag.title = editbox.value;
- }
- e.target.style.display = "inline-block";
- e.target.parentNode.removeChild(editbox);
- tag.update();
- editor.focus();
- };
- editbox.onblur = rename_tab;
- editbox.onkeyup = (function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (e) {
- if ((e.keyCode === 13 || typeof e.keyCode === "object" && ρσ_equals(e.keyCode, 13))) {
- editor.focus();
- }
- if ((e.keyCode === 27 || typeof e.keyCode === "object" && ρσ_equals(e.keyCode, 27))) {
- editbox.value = tag.title;
- editor.focus();
- }
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })();
- e.target.parentNode.insertBefore(editbox, e.target);
- editbox.focus();
- if (tag.title.indexOf(".") > 0) {
- editbox.setSelectionRange(0, tag.title.indexOf("."));
- } else {
- editbox.select();
- }
- }
- };
- if (!switchtab.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(switchtab, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]}
- });
- tag.switchtab = switchtab;
- function closetab(e) {
- var file, index;
- if (len(window.files) > 1) {
- file = tag.title;
- index = list(window.files).index(file);
- ρσ_delitem(window.files, file);
- if (ρσ_in("__stdlib__/" + file, RapydScript.file_data)) {
- ρσ_delitem(RapydScript.file_data, ("__stdlib__/" + file));
- }
- if (index > 0) {
- index = index - 1;
- }
- tag.title = (ρσ_expr_temp = list(window.files))[(typeof index === "number" && index < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + index : index];
- editor.swapDoc((ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[ρσ_bound_index(tag.title, ρσ_expr_temp)]);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- tag.update();
- editor.focus();
- }
- };
- if (!closetab.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(closetab, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]}
- });
- tag.closetab = closetab;
- function get_new_untitled() {
- var file = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? get_new_untitled.__defaults__.file : arguments[0];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "file")){
- file = ρσ_kwargs_obj.file;
- }
- var basename, extension, i;
- basename = file.substr(0, file.indexOf("."));
- extension = file.substr(file.indexOf("."));
- i = 1;
- while (ρσ_in(file, files)) {
- file = basename + "-" + i + extension;
- i = i + 1;
- }
- return file;
- };
- if (!get_new_untitled.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(get_new_untitled, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {file:"untitled.pyj"}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["file"]}
- });
- function newtab(e) {
- var file, new_session;
- file = get_new_untitled();
- new_session = CodeMirror.Doc("");
- (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + file : file] = new_session;
- editor.swapDoc(new_session);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- editor.focus();
- tag.title = file;
- tag.update();
- };
- if (!newtab.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(newtab, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]}
- });
- tag.newtab = newtab;
- function toggle_tray() {
- if ((getComputedStyle(iframe).display === "none" || typeof getComputedStyle(iframe).display === "object" && ρσ_equals(getComputedStyle(iframe).display, "none"))) {
- event_bus.trigger("traybutton-open");
- } else {
- event_bus.trigger("traybutton-close");
- }
- };
- event_bus.on("toggle-tray", toggle_tray);
- this.refs.traybutton.onclick = toggle_tray;
- function traybutton_close() {
- iframe.style.display = "none";
- iframe.style.width = "0%";
- tag.refs.split.style.width = "100%";
- tag.refs.traybutton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/tray-show.svg)";
- };
- event_bus.on("traybutton-close", traybutton_close);
- function traybutton_open() {
- iframe.style.display = "block";
- iframe.style.width = "50%";
- iframe.style.height = "100%";
- tag.refs.split.style.width = "50%";
- tag.refs.traybutton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/tray-hide.svg)";
- };
- event_bus.on("traybutton-open", traybutton_open);
- function run() {
- var js_output;
- window.state = "run";
- event_bus.trigger("traybutton-open");
- riot.update();
- event_bus.trigger("activity-save");
- js_output = compile();
- function write_script() {
- var script = iframe.contentDocument.createElement("script");
- script.innerHTML = js_output;
- iframe.contentDocument.body.appendChild(script);
- iframe.contentDocument.close();
- };
- iframe.onload = write_script;
- iframe.contentWindow.location = "template.html";
- return iframe;
- };
- event_bus.on("run-code", run);
- function break_code() {
- var iwindow, highestTimeoutId, i, highestIntervalId, inputs;
- iwindow = iframe.contentWindow;
- highestTimeoutId = iwindow.setTimeout(";");
- for (var ρσ_Index2 = 0; ρσ_Index2 < highestTimeoutId; ρσ_Index2++) {
- i = ρσ_Index2;
- iwindow.clearTimeout(i);
- }
- highestIntervalId = iwindow.setInterval(";");
- for (var ρσ_Index3 = 0; ρσ_Index3 < highestIntervalId; ρσ_Index3++) {
- i = ρσ_Index3;
- iwindow.clearInterval(i);
- }
- iwindow.stop();
- iwindow.document.body.style.opacity = "0.5";
- inputs = iwindow.document.getElementsByTagName("input");
- var ρσ_Iter4 = ρσ_Iterable(inputs);
- for (var ρσ_Index4 = 0; ρσ_Index4 < ρσ_Iter4.length; ρσ_Index4++) {
- i = ρσ_Iter4[ρσ_Index4];
- i.disabled = true;
- }
- iwindow.addEventListener("click", (function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (ev) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["ev"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })(), true);
- };
- event_bus.on("break-code", break_code);
- function clear_output() {
- iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("__terminal__").innerHTML="";
- };
- event_bus.on("clear-output", clear_output);
- function serialize() {
- var result, file;
- result = {};
- var ρσ_Iter5 = ρσ_Iterable(window.files);
- for (var ρσ_Index5 = 0; ρσ_Index5 < ρσ_Iter5.length; ρσ_Index5++) {
- file = ρσ_Iter5[ρσ_Index5];
- result[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? result.length + file : file] = (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + file : file].getValue();
- }
- return JSON.stringify(result);
- };
- function save_without_datastore() {
- localStorage.jappySession = serialize();
- };
- function save() {
- var activity = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? save.__defaults__.activity : arguments[0];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "activity")){
- activity = ρσ_kwargs_obj.activity;
- }
- var datastore;
- if (activity !== undefined) {
- datastore = activity.getDatastoreObject();
- }
- if (activity && datastore.objectId !== undefined) {
- datastore.setDataAsText(serialize());
- function check_save(error) {
- if (error === null) {
- console.log("Saved");
- } else {
- console.log("NOT Saved");
- }
- };
- if (!check_save.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(check_save, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["error"]}
- });
- datastore.save(check_save);
- } else {
- save_without_datastore();
- }
- };
- if (!save.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(save, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {activity:window.activity}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["activity"]}
- });
- event_bus.on("activity-save", save);
- function example_load() {
- var file = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0];
- var execute = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? example_load.__defaults__.execute : arguments[1];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "execute")){
- execute = ρσ_kwargs_obj.execute;
- }
- var url_base;
- if (ρσ_in(file, window.files)) {
- tag.title = file;
- editor.swapDoc((ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + file : file]);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- tag.update();
- editor.focus();
- if (execute) {
- if (window.innerWidth > 720) {
- event_bus.trigger("run-code");
- } else {
- event_bus.trigger("run-fullscreen");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- url_base = window.location.protocol;
- requirejs(ρσ_list_decorate([ "text!examples/" + file ]), (function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (data) {
- var new_session;
- new_session = CodeMirror.Doc(data);
- files[(typeof file === "number" && file < 0) ? files.length + file : file] = new_session;
- editor.swapDoc(new_session);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- tag.title = file;
- tag.update();
- editor.focus();
- if (execute) {
- if (window.innerWidth > 720) {
- event_bus.trigger("run-code");
- } else {
- event_bus.trigger("run-fullscreen");
- }
- }
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["data"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })());
- };
- if (!example_load.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(example_load, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {execute:true}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["file", "execute"]}
- });
- event_bus.on("example-load", example_load);
- function process_file() {
- var file, reader;
- file = tag.refs.file_input.files[0];
- reader = new FileReader;
- if ((file.type === "application/zip" || typeof file.type === "object" && ρσ_equals(file.type, "application/zip"))) {
- JSZip.loadAsync(file).then((function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (zip) {
- zip.forEach((function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (relpath, zippedfile) {
- var basepath;
- if (ρσ_equals(relpath.slice(0, 4), "src/") && (relpath !== "src/" && (typeof relpath !== "object" || ρσ_not_equals(relpath, "src/")))) {
- if (ρσ_equals(relpath.slice(-4), ".pyj")) {
- basepath = relpath.slice(4);
- zippedfile.async("text").then((function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (data) {
- var new_session;
- new_session = CodeMirror.Doc(str(data));
- (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof basepath === "number" && basepath < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + basepath : basepath] = new_session;
- editor.swapDoc(new_session);
- editor.setOption("mode", "python");
- tag.title = basepath;
- tag.update();
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["data"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })());
- }
- }
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["relpath", "zippedfile"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })());
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["zip"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })());
- } else {
- reader.onload = function () {
- return (function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (evt) {
- var new_session;
- new_session = CodeMirror.Doc(evt.target.result);
- (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[ρσ_bound_index(file.name, ρσ_expr_temp)] = new_session;
- tag.update();
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["evt"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })();
- }();
- reader.readAsText(file);
- }
- };
- tag.refs.file_input.onchange = process_file;
- function import_file() {
- tag.refs.file_input.click();
- };
- event_bus.on("import-file", import_file);
- function restore(e) {
- var code_editor, toolbar, toolbar_height, canvas;
- code_editor = tag.refs.split;
- code_editor.style.display = "block";
- toolbar = document.getElementById("main-toolbar");
- toolbar.style.display = "block";
- e.target.parentNode.removeChild(e.target);
- toolbar_height = window.getComputedStyle(toolbar)["height"];
- canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
- canvas.style.top = toolbar_height;
- if (window.innerWidth > 720) {
- iframe.style.width = "50%";
- } else {
- window.state = "clean";
- event_bus.trigger("clear-output");
- event_bus.trigger("traybutton-close");
- riot.update();
- }
- };
- if (!restore.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(restore, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]}
- });
- function run_fullscreen() {
- var execute = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? run_fullscreen.__defaults__.execute : arguments[0];
- var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1];
- if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {};
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ρσ_kwargs_obj, "execute")){
- execute = ρσ_kwargs_obj.execute;
- }
- var code_editor, toolbar, canvas, restore_button;
- code_editor = tag.refs.split;
- code_editor.style.display = "none";
- toolbar = document.getElementById("main-toolbar");
- toolbar.style.display = "none";
- canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
- canvas.style.top = "0";
- if (execute) {
- run();
- }
- restore_button = document.createElement("button");
- restore_button.onclick = restore;
- restore_button.style.opacity = "0.5";
- restore_button.style.position = "fixed";
- restore_button.style.right = restore_button.style.top = "0";
- restore_button.style.padding = "0px";
- restore_button.style["border-radius"] = "0px";
- restore_button.style["background-image"] = "url(icons/view-return.svg)";
- restore_button.style["background-repeat"] = "no-repeat";
- restore_button.style["background-position"] = "center";
- restore_button.style.width = restore_button.style.height = "55px";
- document.body.appendChild(restore_button);
- iframe.style.width = "100%";
- };
- if (!run_fullscreen.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(run_fullscreen, {
- __defaults__ : {value: {execute:true}},
- __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true},
- __argnames__ : {value: ["execute"]}
- });
- event_bus.on("run-fullscreen", run_fullscreen);
- function save_zip() {
- var bundle_name, js_output, url_base;
- event_bus.trigger("activity-save", activity);
- bundle_name = tag.title.slice(0, tag.title.indexOf("."));
- js_output = compile();
- url_base = window.location.protocol;
- requirejs(ρσ_list_decorate([ "text!template" ]), (function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (data) {
- var script, enc_js, closing_tag, html, external_files, ref, match, zip, name;
- script = iframe.contentDocument.createElement("script");
- script.innerHTML = js_output;
- enc_js = script.outerHTML + "\n";
- closing_tag = data.indexOf("</body>");
- html = data.slice(0, closing_tag) + enc_js + data.slice(closing_tag);
- external_files = ρσ_list_decorate([]);
- var ρσ_Iter6 = ρσ_Iterable(re.findall("script.*src=\"(.*)\"", data));
- for (var ρσ_Index6 = 0; ρσ_Index6 < ρσ_Iter6.length; ρσ_Index6++) {
- match = ρσ_Iter6[ρσ_Index6];
- ref = "text!" + match.slice(match.indexOf("=") + 2, -1);
- ref = ref.replace("lib/", "");
- external_files.append(ref);
- }
- zip = new JSZip;
- zip.file("index.html", html);
- var ρσ_Iter7 = ρσ_Iterable(window.files);
- for (var ρσ_Index7 = 0; ρσ_Index7 < ρσ_Iter7.length; ρσ_Index7++) {
- name = ρσ_Iter7[ρσ_Index7];
- zip.file("src/" + name, (ρσ_expr_temp = window.files)[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + name : name].getValue());
- }
- requirejs(external_files, function () {
- var data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
- if (arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) data.pop();
- var index, file;
- index = 0;
- var ρσ_Iter8 = ρσ_Iterable(external_files);
- for (var ρσ_Index8 = 0; ρσ_Index8 < ρσ_Iter8.length; ρσ_Index8++) {
- file = ρσ_Iter8[ρσ_Index8];
- file = file.slice(5);
- if (!(ρσ_in("/", file))) {
- file = "lib/" + file;
- }
- zip.file(file, data[(typeof index === "number" && index < 0) ? data.length + index : index]);
- index = index + 1;
- }
- zip.generateAsync((function(){
- var ρσ_d = {};
- ρσ_d["type"] = "blob";
- return ρσ_d;
- }).call(this)).then((function() {
- var ρσ_anonfunc = function (blob) {
- saveAs(blob, bundle_name + ".zip");
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["blob"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })());
- });
- };
- if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, {
- __argnames__ : {value: ["data"]}
- });
- return ρσ_anonfunc;
- })());
- };
- event_bus.on("save-as-zip", save_zip);
- this.editor = editor;
- window.editor = editor;
- editor.focus();
- };
- this.on("mount", init);
- });