- //This file only shows the libs loading event
- //Please look at calculateapp.js to see the related functions
- /* Start of the app, we require everything that is needed */
- define(["sugar-web/activity/activity","mustache","sugar-web/graphics/palette","activity/calculate-activity","activity/calculate-app","math","parser","nanomodal"], function (activity, mustache, calcpalette) {
- CalculateApp.libs.palette = calcpalette;
- //function-plot depends on d3.
- requirejs(["d3"], function(d) {
- requirejs(["function-plot"], function(p) {
- CalculateApp.libs.functionPlot = p;
- });
- });
- CalculateApp.libs.activity = activity;
- CalculateApp.libs.mustache = mustache;
- requirejs(['domReady!', 'activity/trigo-palette', 'activity/algebra-palette', 'webL10n', 'sugar-web/datastore'], function(doc, trigoPaletteLib, algebraPaletteLib, webL10n, datastore) {
- CalculateApp.libs.webL10n = webL10n;
- CalculateApp.libs.trigopalette = trigoPaletteLib;
- CalculateApp.libs.algebrapalette = algebraPaletteLib;
- initGui();
- //Localization handling
- window.addEventListener('localized', function() {
- if (datastore !== undefined && datastore.localStorage !== undefined) {
- var preferences = datastore.localStorage.getValue('sugar_settings');
- if (preferences === null || preferences.name === undefined) {
- return;
- }
- if (preferences.language !== undefined) {
- if (CalculateApp.libs.webL10n.language.code !== preferences.language)
- CalculateApp.libs.webL10n.language.code = preferences.language;
- }
- }
- CalculateApp.transateGui();
- }, false);
- //We auto focus if needed
- CalculateApp.focus();
- //We auto fire the onResize event
- CalculateApp.onResize();
- //Launch of the activity, color and data fetch
- activity.setup();
- activity.getXOColor(function(s, color) {
- if (color !== undefined) {
- CalculateApp.data.buddyColor = color;
- CalculateApp.displayAllCalculations();
- }
- });
- activity.getDatastoreObject().loadAsText(function(error, metadata, jsonData) {
- var data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
- if (data !== undefined) {
- CalculateApp.data.calculations = data;
- CalculateApp.displayAllCalculations();
- }
- });
- });
- });