- ((function ( $ ) {
- "use strict";
- $.widget('aerolab.blockrain', {
- options: {
- autoplay: false, // Let a bot play the game
- autoplayRestart: true, // Restart the game automatically once a bot loses
- showFieldOnStart: true, // Show a bunch of random blocks on the start screen (it looks nice)
- theme: null, // The theme name or a theme object
- blockWidth: 10, // How many blocks wide the field is (The standard is 10 blocks)
- autoBlockWidth: false, // The blockWidth is dinamically calculated based on the autoBlockSize. Disabled blockWidth. Useful for responsive backgrounds
- autoBlockSize: 24, // The max size of a block for autowidth mode
- difficulty: 'normal', // Difficulty (normal|nice|evil).
- speed: 20, // The speed of the game. The higher, the faster the pieces go.
- asdwKeys: true, // Enable ASDW keys
- //Highest score
- highestScore: 0,
- // Copy
- playButtonText: 'Play',
- gameOverText: 'Game Over',
- restartButtonText: 'Play Again',
- scoreText: 'Score',
- highscoreText: 'High Score', // High score text
- // Basic Callbacks
- onStart: function(){},
- onRestart: function(){},
- onGameOver: function(score){},
- // When a block is placed
- onPlaced: function(){},
- // When a line is made. Returns the number of lines, score assigned and total score
- onLine: function(lines, scoreIncrement, score){}
- },
- /**
- * Start/Restart Game
- */
- start: function() {
- this._doStart();
- this.options.onStart.call(this.element);
- },
- restart: function() {
- this.options.onRestart.call(this.element);
- this._doStart();
- },
- gameover: function() {
- this.showGameOverMessage();
- this._board.gameover = true;
- this.options.onGameOver.call(this.element, this._filled.score);
- },
- _doStart: function() {
- this._filled.clearAll();
- this._filled._resetScore();
- this._filled._showHighScore(); // shows high score at the beginning of game. Initial high score is 0
- this._board.cur = this._board.nextShape();
- this._board.started = true;
- this._board.gameover = false;
- this._board.dropDelay = 5;
- this._board.render(true);
- this._board.animate();
- this._$start.fadeOut(150);
- this._$gameover.fadeOut(150);
- this._$score.fadeIn(150);
- this._$highscore.fadeIn(150);
- },
- pause: function() {
- this._board.paused = true;
- },
- resume: function() {
- this._board.paused = false;
- },
- autoplay: function(enable) {
- if( typeof enable !== 'boolean' ){ enable = true; }
- // On autoplay, start the game right away
- this.options.autoplay = enable;
- if( enable && ! this._board.started ) {
- this._doStart();
- }
- this._setupControls( ! enable );
- this._setupTouchControls( ! enable );
- },
- controls: function(enable) {
- if( typeof enable !== 'boolean' ){ enable = true; }
- this._setupControls(enable);
- },
- touchControls: function(enable) {
- if( typeof enable !== 'boolean' ){ enable = true; }
- this._setupTouchControls(enable);
- },
- score: function(newScore) {
- if( typeof newScore !== 'undefined' && parseInt(newScore) >= 0 ) {
- this._filled.score = parseInt(newScore);
- this._$scoreText.text(this._filled_score);
- }
- return this._filled.score;
- },
- highscore: function() {
- this._filled.highscore = parseInt(game.options.highestScore);
- this._$highscoreText.text(this._filled_highscore);
- return this._filled.highscore;
- },
- freesquares: function() {
- return this._filled.getFreeSpaces();
- },
- showStartMessage: function() {
- this._$start.show();
- },
- showGameOverMessage: function() {
- this._$gameover.show();
- },
- /**
- * Update the sizes of the renderer (this makes the game responsive)
- */
- updateSizes: function() {
- this._PIXEL_WIDTH = this.element.innerWidth();
- this._PIXEL_HEIGHT = this.element.innerHeight();
- this._BLOCK_WIDTH = this.options.blockWidth;
- this._BLOCK_HEIGHT = Math.floor(this.element.innerHeight() / this.element.innerWidth() * this._BLOCK_WIDTH);
- this._block_size = Math.floor(this._PIXEL_WIDTH / this._BLOCK_WIDTH);
- this._border_width = 2;
- // Recalculate the pixel width and height so the canvas always has the best possible size
- this._PIXEL_WIDTH = this._block_size * this._BLOCK_WIDTH;
- this._PIXEL_HEIGHT = this._block_size * this._BLOCK_HEIGHT;
- this._$canvas .attr('width', this._PIXEL_WIDTH)
- .attr('height', this._PIXEL_HEIGHT);
- },
- theme: function(newTheme){
- if( typeof newTheme === 'undefined' ) {
- return this.options.theme || this._theme;
- }
- // Setup the theme properly
- if( typeof newTheme === 'string' ) {
- this.options.theme = newTheme;
- this._theme = $.extend(true, {}, BlockrainThemes[newTheme]);
- }
- else {
- this.options.theme = null;
- this._theme = newTheme;
- }
- if( typeof this._theme === 'undefined' || this._theme === null ) {
- this._theme = $.extend(true, {}, BlockrainThemes['retro']);
- this.options.theme = 'retro';
- }
- if( isNaN(parseInt(this._theme.strokeWidth)) || typeof parseInt(this._theme.strokeWidth) !== 'number' ) {
- this._theme.strokeWidth = 2;
- }
- // Load the image assets
- this._preloadThemeAssets();
- if( this._board !== null ) {
- if( typeof this._theme.background === 'string' ) {
- this._$canvas.css('background-color', this._theme.background);
- }
- this._board.render();
- }
- },
- // Theme
- _theme: {
- },
- // UI Elements
- _$game: null,
- _$canvas: null,
- _$gameholder: null,
- _$start: null,
- _$gameover: null,
- _$score: null,
- _$scoreText: null,
- _$highscore: null,
- _$highscoreText: null,
- // Canvas
- _canvas: null,
- _ctx: null,
- // Initialization
- _create: function() {
- var game = this;
- this.theme(this.options.theme);
- this._createHolder();
- this._createUI();
- this._refreshBlockSizes();
- this.updateSizes();
- $(window).resize(function(){
- //game.updateSizes();
- });
- this._SetupShapeFactory();
- this._SetupFilled();
- this._SetupInfo();
- this._SetupBoard();
- this._info.init();
- this._board.init();
- var renderLoop = function(){
- requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop);
- game._board.render();
- };
- renderLoop();
- if( this.options.autoplay ) {
- this.autoplay(true);
- this._setupTouchControls(false);
- } else {
- this._setupControls(true);
- this._setupTouchControls(false);
- }
- },
- _checkCollisions: function(x, y, blocks, checkDownOnly) {
- // x & y should be aspirational values
- var i = 0, len = blocks.length, a, b;
- for (; i<len; i += 2) {
- a = x + blocks[i];
- b = y + blocks[i+1];
- if (b >= this._BLOCK_HEIGHT || this._filled.check(a, b)) {
- return true;
- } else if (!checkDownOnly && a < 0 || a >= this._BLOCK_WIDTH) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _board: null,
- _info: null,
- _filled: null,
- /**
- * Draws the background
- */
- _drawBackground: function() {
- if( typeof this._theme.background !== 'string' ) {
- return;
- }
- if( this._theme.backgroundGrid instanceof Image ) {
- // Not loaded
- if( this._theme.backgroundGrid.width === 0 || this._theme.backgroundGrid.height === 0 ){ return; }
- this._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- for( var x=0; x<this._BLOCK_WIDTH; x++ ) {
- for( var y=0; y<this._BLOCK_HEIGHT; y++ ) {
- var cx = x * this._block_size;
- var cy = y * this._block_size;
- this._ctx.drawImage( this._theme.backgroundGrid,
- 0, 0, this._theme.backgroundGrid.width, this._theme.backgroundGrid.height,
- cx, cy, this._block_size, this._block_size);
- }
- }
- }
- else if( typeof this._theme.backgroundGrid === 'string' ) {
- var borderWidth = this._theme.strokeWidth;
- var borderDistance = Math.round(this._block_size*0.23);
- var squareDistance = Math.round(this._block_size*0.30);
- this._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- this._ctx.fillStyle = this._theme.backgroundGrid;
- for( var x=0; x<this._BLOCK_WIDTH; x++ ) {
- for( var y=0; y<this._BLOCK_HEIGHT; y++ ) {
- var cx = x * this._block_size;
- var cy = y * this._block_size;
- this._ctx.fillRect(cx+borderWidth, cy+borderWidth, this._block_size-borderWidth*2, this._block_size-borderWidth*2);
- }
- }
- }
- this._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- },
- /**
- * Shapes
- */
- _shapeFactory: null,
- _shapes: {
- /**
- * The shapes have a reference point (the dot) and always rotate left.
- * Keep in mind that the blocks should keep in the same relative position when rotating,
- * to allow for custom per-block themes.
- */
- /*
- * X
- * O XOXX
- * X
- * X
- * . .
- */
- line: [
- [ 0, -1, 0, -2, 0, -3, 0, -4],
- [ 2, -2, 1, -2, 0, -2, -1, -2],
- [ 0, -4, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1],
- [-1, -2, 0, -2, 1, -2, 2, -2]
- ],
- /*
- * XX
- * XX
- */
- square: [
- [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1],
- [1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1],
- [1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0]
- ],
- /*
- * X X X
- * . .X .X .X
- */
- arrow: [
- [0, -1, 1, -1, 2, -1, 1, -2],
- [1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -2, 0, -1],
- [2, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0],
- [1, -2, 1, -1, 1, 0, 2, -1]
- ],
- /*
- * X X XX
- * .XX . .X X
- */
- rightHook: [
- [2, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -2],
- [2, -2, 2, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1],
- [0, -2, 1, -2, 1, -1, 1, 0],
- [0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, 2, -1]
- ],
- /*
- * X XX X
- * XX . X .X .
- */
- leftHook: [
- [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -2],
- [2, 0, 2, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1],
- [2, -2, 1, -2, 1, -1, 1, 0],
- [0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 2, -1]
- ],
- /*
- * X XX
- * XO OX
- * X .
- */
- leftZag: [
- [0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, -2],
- [2, -1, 1, -1, 1, -2, 0, -2],
- [1, -2, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0],
- [0, -2, 1, -2, 1, -1, 2, -1]
- ],
- /*
- * X
- * XO OX
- * .X XX
- */
- rightZag: [
- [1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -2],
- [2, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0],
- [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 2, -1]
- ]
- },
- _SetupShapeFactory: function(){
- var game = this;
- if( this._shapeFactory !== null ){ return; }
- function Shape(game, orientations, symmetrical, blockType) {
- $.extend(this, {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- symmetrical: symmetrical,
- init: function() {
- $.extend(this, {
- orientation: 0,
- x: Math.floor(game._BLOCK_WIDTH / 2) - 1,
- y: -1
- });
- return this;
- },
- blockType: blockType,
- blockVariation: null,
- blocksLen: orientations[0].length,
- orientations: orientations,
- orientation: 0, // 4 possible
- rotate: function(direction) {
- var orientation = (this.orientation + (direction === 'left' ? 1 : -1) + 4) % 4;
- //TODO - when past limit - auto shift and remember that too!
- if (!game._checkCollisions(this.x, this.y, this.getBlocks(orientation))) {
- this.orientation = orientation;
- game._board.renderChanged = true;
- }
- },
- moveRight: function() {
- if (!game._checkCollisions(this.x + 1, this.y, this.getBlocks())) {
- this.x++;
- game._board.renderChanged = true;
- }
- },
- moveLeft: function() {
- if (!game._checkCollisions(this.x - 1, this.y, this.getBlocks())) {
- this.x--;
- game._board.renderChanged = true;
- }
- },
- drop: function() {
- if (!game._checkCollisions(this.x, this.y + 1, this.getBlocks())) {
- this.y++;
- // Reset the drop count, as we dropped the block sooner
- game._board.dropCount = -1;
- game._board.animate();
- game._board.renderChanged = true;
- }
- },
- getBlocks: function(orientation) { // optional param
- return this.orientations[orientation !== undefined ? orientation : this.orientation];
- },
- draw: function(_x, _y, _orientation) {
- var blocks = this.getBlocks(_orientation),
- x = _x === undefined ? this.x : _x,
- y = _y === undefined ? this.y : _y,
- i = 0,
- index = 0;
- for (; i<this.blocksLen; i += 2) {
- game._board.drawBlock(x + blocks[i], y + blocks[i+1], this.blockType, this.blockVariation, index, this.orientation, true);
- index++;
- }
- },
- getBounds: function(_blocks) { // _blocks can be an array of blocks, an orientation index, or undefined
- var blocks = $.isArray(_blocks) ? _blocks : this.getBlocks(_blocks),
- i=0, len=blocks.length, minx=999, maxx=-999, miny=999, maxy=-999;
- for (; i<len; i+=2) {
- if (blocks[i] < minx) { minx = blocks[i]; }
- if (blocks[i] > maxx) { maxx = blocks[i]; }
- if (blocks[i+1] < miny) { miny = blocks[i+1]; }
- if (blocks[i+1] > maxy) { maxy = blocks[i+1]; }
- }
- return {
- left: minx,
- right: maxx,
- top: miny,
- bottom: maxy,
- width: maxx - minx,
- height: maxy - miny
- };
- }
- });
- return this.init();
- };
- this._shapeFactory = {
- line: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.line, false, 'line');
- },
- square: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.square, false, 'square');
- },
- arrow: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.arrow, false, 'arrow');
- },
- leftHook: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.leftHook, false, 'leftHook');
- },
- rightHook: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.rightHook, false, 'rightHook');
- },
- leftZag: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.leftZag, false, 'leftZag');
- },
- rightZag: function() {
- return new Shape(game, game._shapes.rightZag, false, 'rightZag');
- }
- };
- },
- _SetupFilled: function() {
- var game = this;
- if( this._filled !== null ){ return; }
- this._filled = {
- data: new Array(game._BLOCK_WIDTH * game._BLOCK_HEIGHT),
- score: 0,
- highscore: game.options.highestScore,
- toClear: {},
- check: function(x, y) {
- return this.data[this.asIndex(x, y)];
- },
- add: function(x, y, blockType, blockVariation, blockIndex, blockOrientation) {
- if (x >= 0 && x < game._BLOCK_WIDTH && y >= 0 && y < game._BLOCK_HEIGHT) {
- this.data[this.asIndex(x, y)] = {
- blockType: blockType,
- blockVariation: blockVariation,
- blockIndex: blockIndex,
- blockOrientation: blockOrientation
- };
- }
- },
- getFreeSpaces: function() {
- var count = 0;
- for( var i=0; i<this.data.length; i++ ) {
- count += (this.data[i] ? 1 : 0);
- }
- },
- asIndex: function(x, y) {
- return x + y*game._BLOCK_WIDTH;
- },
- asX: function(index) {
- return index % game._BLOCK_WIDTH;
- },
- asY: function(index) {
- return Math.floor(index / game._BLOCK_WIDTH);
- },
- clearAll: function() {
- delete this.data;
- this.data = new Array(game._BLOCK_WIDTH * game._BLOCK_HEIGHT);
- },
- _popRow: function(row_to_pop) {
- for (var i=game._BLOCK_WIDTH*(row_to_pop+1) - 1; i>=0; i--) {
- this.data[i] = (i >= game._BLOCK_WIDTH ? this.data[i-game._BLOCK_WIDTH] : undefined);
- }
- },
- checkForClears: function() {
- var startLines = game._board.lines;
- var rows = [], i, len, count, mod;
- for (i=0, len=this.data.length; i<len; i++) {
- mod = this.asX(i);
- if (mod == 0) count = 0;
- if (this.data[i] && typeof this.data[i] !== 'undefined' && typeof this.data[i].blockType === 'string') {
- count += 1;
- }
- if (mod == game._BLOCK_WIDTH - 1 && count == game._BLOCK_WIDTH) {
- rows.push(this.asY(i));
- }
- }
- for (i=0, len=rows.length; i<len; i++) {
- this._popRow(rows[i]);
- game._board.lines++;
- if( game._board.lines % 10 == 0 && game._board.dropDelay > 1 ) {
- game._board.dropDelay *= 0.9;
- }
- }
- var clearedLines = game._board.lines - startLines;
- this._updateScore(clearedLines);
- //Updates high score when score is more than the current high score
- if (this.score > this.highscore) {
- this._updateHighScore();
- }
- },
- _updateScore: function(numLines) {
- if( numLines <= 0 ) { return; }
- var scores = [0,400,1000,3000,12000];
- if( numLines >= scores.length ){ numLines = scores.length-1 }
- this.score += scores[numLines];
- game._$scoreText.text(this.score);
- game.options.onLine.call(game.element, numLines, scores[numLines], this.score);
- },
- _resetScore: function() {
- this.score = 0;
- game._$scoreText.text(this.score);
- },
- _showHighScore: function() {
- game._$highscoreText.text(this.highscore);
- },
- _updateHighScore: function() {
- this.highscore = this.score;
- game._$highscoreText.text(this.highscore);
- },
- draw: function() {
- for (var i=0, len=this.data.length, row, color; i<len; i++) {
- if (this.data[i] !== undefined) {
- row = this.asY(i);
- var block = this.data[i];
- game._board.drawBlock(this.asX(i), row, block.blockType, block.blockVariation, block.blockIndex, block.blockOrientation);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- },
- _SetupInfo: function() {
- var game = this;
- this._info = {
- mode: game.options.difficulty,
- modes: [
- 'normal',
- 'nice',
- 'evil'
- ],
- modesY: 170,
- autopilotY: null,
- init: function() {
- this.mode = game.options.difficulty;
- },
- setMode: function(mode) {
- this.mode = mode;
- game._board.nextShape(true);
- }
- };
- },
- _SetupBoard: function() {
- var game = this;
- var info = this._info;
- this._board = {
- // This sets the tick rate for the game
- animateDelay: 1000 / game.options.speed,
- animateTimeoutId: null,
- cur: null,
- lines: 0,
- // DropCount increments on each animation frame. After n frames, the piece drops 1 square
- // By making dropdelay lower (down to 0), the pieces move faster, up to once per tick (animateDelay).
- dropCount: 0,
- dropDelay: 5, //5,
- holding: {left: null, right: null, drop: null},
- holdingThreshold: 200, // How long do you have to hold a key to make commands repeat (in ms)
- started: false,
- gameover: false,
- renderChanged: true,
- init: function() {
- this.cur = this.nextShape();
- if( game.options.showFieldOnStart ) {
- game._drawBackground();
- game._board.createRandomBoard();
- game._board.render();
- }
- this.showStartMessage();
- },
- showStartMessage: function() {
- game._$start.show();
- },
- showGameOverMessage: function() {
- game._$gameover.show();
- },
- nextShape: function(_set_next_only) {
- var next = this.next,
- func, shape, result;
- if (info.mode == 'nice' || info.mode == 'evil') {
- func = game._niceShapes;
- }
- else {
- func = game._randomShapes();
- }
- if( game.options.no_preview ) {
- this.next = null;
- if (_set_next_only) return null;
- shape = func(game._filled, game._checkCollisions, game._BLOCK_WIDTH, game._BLOCK_HEIGHT, info.mode);
- if (!shape) throw new Error('No shape returned from shape function!', func);
- shape.init();
- result = shape;
- }
- else {
- shape = func(game._filled, game._checkCollisions, game._BLOCK_WIDTH, game._BLOCK_HEIGHT, info.mode);
- if (!shape) throw new Error('No shape returned from shape function!', func);
- shape.init();
- this.next = shape;
- if (_set_next_only) return null;
- result = next || this.nextShape();
- }
- if( game.options.autoplay ) { //fun little hack...
- game._niceShapes(game._filled, game._checkCollisions, game._BLOCK_WIDTH, game._BLOCK_HEIGHT, 'normal', result);
- result.orientation = result.best_orientation;
- result.x = result.best_x;
- }
- if( typeof game._theme.complexBlocks !== 'undefined' ) {
- if( $.isArray(game._theme.complexBlocks[result.blockType]) ) {
- result.blockVariation = game._randInt(0, game._theme.complexBlocks[result.blockType].length-1);
- } else {
- result.blockVariation = null;
- }
- }
- else if( typeof game._theme.blocks !== 'undefined' ) {
- if( $.isArray(game._theme.blocks[result.blockType]) ) {
- result.blockVariation = game._randInt(0, game._theme.blocks[result.blockType].length-1);
- } else {
- result.blockVariation = null;
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- animate: function() {
- var drop = false,
- moved = false,
- gameOver = false,
- now = Date.now();
- if( this.animateTimeoutId ){ clearTimeout(this.animateTimeoutId); }
- //game.updateSizes();
- if( !this.paused && !this.gameover ) {
- this.dropCount++;
- // Drop by delay or holding
- if( (this.dropCount >= this.dropDelay) ||
- (game.options.autoplay) ||
- (this.holding.drop && (now - this.holding.drop) >= this.holdingThreshold) ) {
- drop = true;
- moved = true;
- this.dropCount = 0;
- }
- // Move Left by holding
- if( this.holding.left && (now - this.holding.left) >= this.holdingThreshold ) {
- moved = true;
- this.cur.moveLeft();
- }
- // Move Right by holding
- if( this.holding.right && (now - this.holding.right) >= this.holdingThreshold ) {
- moved = true;
- this.cur.moveRight();
- }
- // Test for a collision, add the piece to the filled blocks and fetch the next one
- if (drop) {
- var cur = this.cur, x = cur.x, y = cur.y, blocks = cur.getBlocks();
- if (game._checkCollisions(x, y+1, blocks, true)) {
- drop = false;
- var blockIndex = 0;
- for (var i=0; i<cur.blocksLen; i+=2) {
- game._filled.add(x + blocks[i], y + blocks[i+1], cur.blockType, cur.blockVariation, blockIndex, cur.orientation);
- if (y + blocks[i] < 0) {
- gameOver = true;
- }
- blockIndex++;
- }
- game._filled.checkForClears();
- this.cur = this.nextShape();
- this.renderChanged = true;
- // Stop holding drop (and any other buttons). Just in case the controls get sticky.
- this.holding.left = null;
- this.holding.right = null;
- this.holding.drop = null;
- game.options.onPlaced.call(game.element);
- }
- }
- }
- // Drop
- if (drop) {
- moved = true;
- this.cur.y++;
- }
- if( drop || moved ) {
- this.renderChanged = true;
- }
- if( gameOver ) {
- this.gameover = true;
- game.gameover();
- if( game.options.autoplay && game.options.autoplayRestart ) {
- // On autoplay, restart the game automatically
- game.restart();
- }
- this.renderChanged = true;
- } else {
- // Update the speed
- this.animateDelay = 1000 / game.options.speed;
- this.animateTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() {
- game._board.animate();
- }, this.animateDelay);
- }
- },
- createRandomBoard: function() {
- var start = [], blockTypes = [], i, ilen, j, jlen, blockType;
- // Draw a random blockrain screen
- blockTypes = Object.keys(game._shapeFactory);
- for (i=0, ilen=game._BLOCK_WIDTH; i<ilen; i++) {
- for (j=0, jlen=game._randChoice([game._randInt(0, 8), game._randInt(5, 9)]); j<jlen; j++) {
- if (!blockType || !game._randInt(0, 3)) blockType = game._randChoice(blockTypes);
- // Use a random piece and orientation
- // Todo: Use an actual random variation
- game._filled.add(i, game._BLOCK_HEIGHT - j, blockType, game._randInt(0,3), null, game._randInt(0,3));
- }
- }
- /*
- for (i=0, ilen=WIDTH; i<ilen; i++) {
- for (j=0, jlen=randChoice([randInt(0, 8), randInt(5, 9)]); j<jlen; j++) {
- if (!blockType || !randInt(0, 3)) blockType = randChoice(blockTypes);
- start.push([i, HEIGHT - j, blockType]);
- }
- }
- if( options.showFieldOnStart ) {
- drawBackground();
- for (i=0, ilen=start.length; i<ilen; i++) {
- drawBlock.apply(drawBlock, start[i]);
- }
- }
- */
- game._board.render(true);
- },
- render: function(forceRender) {
- if( this.renderChanged || forceRender ) {
- this.renderChanged = false;
- game._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game._PIXEL_WIDTH, game._PIXEL_HEIGHT);
- game._drawBackground();
- game._filled.draw();
- this.cur.draw();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Draws one block (Each piece is made of 4 blocks)
- * The blockType is used to draw any block.
- * The falling attribute is needed to apply different styles for falling and placed blocks.
- */
- drawBlock: function(x, y, blockType, blockVariation, blockIndex, blockRotation, falling) {
- // convert x and y to pixel
- x = x * game._block_size;
- y = y * game._block_size;
- falling = typeof falling === 'boolean' ? falling : false;
- var borderWidth = game._theme.strokeWidth;
- var borderDistance = Math.round(game._block_size*0.23);
- var squareDistance = Math.round(game._block_size*0.30);
- var color = this.getBlockColor(blockType, blockVariation, blockIndex, falling);
- // Draw the main square
- game._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- // If it's an image, the block has a specific texture. Use that.
- if( color instanceof Image ) {
- game._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- // Not loaded
- if( color.width === 0 || color.height === 0 ){ return; }
- // A square is the same style for all blocks
- if( typeof game._theme.blocks !== 'undefined' && game._theme.blocks !== null ) {
- game._ctx.drawImage(color, 0, 0, color.width, color.height, x, y, game._block_size, game._block_size);
- }
- // A custom texture
- else if( typeof game._theme.complexBlocks !== 'undefined' && game._theme.complexBlocks !== null ) {
- if( typeof blockIndex === 'undefined' || blockIndex === null ){ blockIndex = 0; }
- var getCustomBlockImageCoordinates = function(image, blockType, blockIndex) {
- // The image is based on the first ("upright") orientation
- var positions = game._shapes[blockType][0];
- // Find the number of tiles it should have
- var minX = Math.min(positions[0], positions[2], positions[4], positions[6]);
- var maxX = Math.max(positions[0], positions[2], positions[4], positions[6]);
- var minY = Math.min(positions[1], positions[3], positions[5], positions[7]);
- var maxY = Math.max(positions[1], positions[3], positions[5], positions[7]);
- var rangeX = maxX - minX + 1;
- var rangeY = maxY - minY + 1;
- // X and Y sizes should match. Should.
- var tileSizeX = image.width / rangeX;
- var tileSizeY = image.height / rangeY;
- return {
- x: tileSizeX * (positions[blockIndex*2]-minX),
- y: tileSizeY * Math.abs(minY-positions[blockIndex*2+1]),
- w: tileSizeX,
- h: tileSizeY
- };
- };
- var coords = getCustomBlockImageCoordinates(color, blockType, blockIndex);
- game._ctx.save();
- game._ctx.translate(x, y);
- game._ctx.translate(game._block_size/2, game._block_size/2);
- game._ctx.rotate(-Math.PI/2 * blockRotation);
- game._ctx.drawImage(color, coords.x, coords.y, coords.w, coords.h,
- -game._block_size/2, -game._block_size/2, game._block_size, game._block_size);
- game._ctx.restore();
- } else {
- // ERROR
- game._ctx.fillStyle = '#ff0000';
- game._ctx.fillRect(x, y, game._block_size, game._block_size);
- }
- }
- else if( typeof color === 'string' )
- {
- game._ctx.fillStyle = color;
- game._ctx.fillRect(x, y, game._block_size, game._block_size);
- // Inner Shadow
- if( typeof game._theme.innerShadow === 'string' ) {
- game._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- game._ctx.strokeStyle = game._theme.innerShadow;
- game._ctx.lineWidth = 1.0;
- // Draw the borders
- game._ctx.strokeRect(x+1, y+1, game._block_size-2, game._block_size-2);
- }
- // Decoration (borders)
- if( typeof game._theme.stroke === 'string' ) {
- game._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- game._ctx.fillStyle = game._theme.stroke;
- game._ctx.strokeStyle = game._theme.stroke;
- game._ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth;
- // Draw the borders
- game._ctx.strokeRect(x, y, game._block_size, game._block_size);
- }
- if( typeof game._theme.innerStroke === 'string' ) {
- // Draw the inner dashes
- game._ctx.fillStyle = game._theme.innerStroke;
- game._ctx.fillRect(x+borderDistance, y+borderDistance, game._block_size-borderDistance*2, borderWidth);
- // The rects shouldn't overlap, to prevent issues with transparency
- game._ctx.fillRect(x+borderDistance, y+borderDistance+borderWidth, borderWidth, game._block_size-borderDistance*2-borderWidth);
- }
- if( typeof game._theme.innerSquare === 'string' ) {
- // Draw the inner square
- game._ctx.fillStyle = game._theme.innerSquare;
- game._ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
- game._ctx.fillRect(x+squareDistance, y+squareDistance, game._block_size-squareDistance*2, game._block_size-squareDistance*2);
- }
- }
- // Return the alpha back to 1.0 so we don't create any issues with other drawings.
- game._ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
- },
- getBlockColor: function(blockType, blockVariation, blockIndex, falling) {
- /**
- * The theme allows us to do many things:
- * - Use a specific color for the falling block (primary), regardless of the proper color.
- * - Use another color for the placed blocks (secondary).
- * - Default to the "original" block color in any of those cases by setting primary and/or secondary to null.
- * - With primary and secondary as null, all blocks keep their original colors.
- */
- var getBlockVariation = function(blockTheme, blockVariation) {
- if( $.isArray(blockTheme) ) {
- if( blockVariation !== null && typeof blockTheme[blockVariation] !== 'undefined' ) {
- return blockTheme[blockVariation];
- }
- else if(blockTheme.length > 0) {
- return blockTheme[0];
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- } else {
- return blockTheme;
- }
- }
- if( typeof falling !== 'boolean' ){ falling = true; }
- if( falling ) {
- if( typeof game._theme.primary === 'string' && game._theme.primary !== '' ) {
- return game._theme.primary;
- } else if( typeof game._theme.blocks !== 'undefined' && game._theme.blocks !== null ) {
- return getBlockVariation(game._theme.blocks[blockType], blockVariation);
- } else {
- return getBlockVariation(game._theme.complexBlocks[blockType], blockVariation);
- }
- } else {
- if( typeof game._theme.secondary === 'string' && game._theme.secondary !== '' ) {
- return game._theme.secondary;
- } else if( typeof game._theme.blocks !== 'undefined' && game._theme.blocks !== null ) {
- return getBlockVariation(game._theme.blocks[blockType], blockVariation);
- } else {
- return getBlockVariation(game._theme.complexBlocks[blockType], blockVariation);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- game._niceShapes = game._getNiceShapes();
- },
- // Utility Functions
- _randInt: function(a, b) { return a + Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 + b - a)); },
- _randSign: function() { return this._randInt(0, 1) * 2 - 1; },
- _randChoice: function(choices) { return choices[this._randInt(0, choices.length-1)]; },
- /**
- * Find base64 encoded images and load them as image objects, which can be used by the canvas renderer
- */
- _preloadThemeAssets: function() {
- var game = this;
- var hexColorcheck = new RegExp('^#[A-F0-9+]{3,6}', 'i');
- var base64check = new RegExp('^data:image/(png|gif|jpg);base64,', 'i');
- var handleAssetLoad = function() {
- // Rerender the board as soon as an asset loads
- if( game._board ) {
- game._board.render(true);
- }
- };
- var loadAsset = function(src) {
- var plainSrc = src;
- if( ! hexColorcheck.test( plainSrc ) ) {
- // It's an image
- src = new Image();
- src.src = plainSrc;
- src.onload = handleAssetLoad;
- } else {
- // It's a color
- src = plainSrc;
- }
- return src;
- };
- var startAssetLoad = function(block) {
- // Assets can be an array of variation so they can change color/design randomly
- if( $.isArray(block) && block.length > 0 ) {
- for( var i=0; i<block.length; i++ ) {
- block[i] = loadAsset(block[i]);
- }
- }
- else if( typeof block === 'string' ) {
- block = loadAsset(block);
- }
- return block;
- };
- if( typeof this._theme.complexBlocks !== 'undefined' ){
- var keys = Object.keys(this._theme.complexBlocks);
- // Load the complexBlocks
- for( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
- this._theme.complexBlocks[ keys[i] ] = startAssetLoad( this._theme.complexBlocks[ keys[i] ] );
- }
- }
- else if( typeof this._theme.blocks !== 'undefined' ){
- var keys = Object.keys(this._theme.blocks);
- // Load the blocks
- for( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
- this._theme.blocks[ keys[i] ] = startAssetLoad( this._theme.blocks[ keys[i] ] );
- }
- }
- // Load the bg
- if( typeof this._theme.backgroundGrid !== 'undefined' ){
- if( typeof this._theme.backgroundGrid === 'string' ) {
- if( ! hexColorcheck.test( this._theme.backgroundGrid ) ) {
- var src = this._theme.backgroundGrid;
- this._theme.backgroundGrid = new Image();
- this._theme.backgroundGrid.src = src;
- this._theme.backgroundGrid.onload = handleAssetLoad;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _createHolder: function() {
- // Create the main holder (it holds all the ui elements, the original element is just the wrapper)
- this._$gameholder = $('<div class="blockrain-game-holder"></div>');
- this._$gameholder.css('position', 'relative').css('width', '100%').css('height', '100%');
- this.element.html('').append(this._$gameholder);
- // Create the game canvas and context
- this._$canvas = $('<canvas style="display:block; width:100%; height:100%; padding:0; margin:0; border:none;" />');
- if( typeof this._theme.background === 'string' ) {
- this._$canvas.css('background-color', this._theme.background);
- }
- this._$gameholder.append(this._$canvas);
- this._canvas = this._$canvas.get(0);
- this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext('2d');
- },
- _createUI: function() {
- var game = this;
- // Score
- game._$score = $(
- '<div class="blockrain-score-holder" style="position:absolute;">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-score">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-score-msg">'+ this.options.scoreText +'</div>'+
- '<div class="blockrain-score-num">0</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>').hide();
- game._$scoreText = game._$score.find('.blockrain-score-num');
- game._$gameholder.append(game._$score);
- // High Score
- game._$highscore = $(
- '<div class="blockrain-Hscore-holder" style="position:absolute;">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-Hscore">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-Hscore-msg">'+ this.options.highscoreText +'</div>'+
- '<div class="blockrain-Hscore-num">0</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>').hide();
- game._$highscoreText = game._$highscore.find('.blockrain-Hscore-num');
- game._$gameholder.append(game._$highscore);
- // Create the start menu
- game._$start = $(
- '<div class="blockrain-start-holder" style="position:absolute;">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-start">'+
- '<a class="blockrain-btn blockrain-start-btn">'+ this.options.playButtonText +'</a>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>').hide();
- game._$gameholder.append(game._$start);
- game._$start.find('.blockrain-start-btn').click(function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game.start();
- });
- // Create the game over menu
- game._$gameover = $(
- '<div class="blockrain-game-over-holder" style="position:absolute;">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-game-over">'+
- '<div class="blockrain-game-over-msg">'+ this.options.gameOverText +'</div>'+
- '<a class="blockrain-btn blockrain-game-over-btn">'+ this.options.restartButtonText +'</a>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>').hide();
- game._$gameover.find('.blockrain-game-over-btn').click(function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game.restart();
- });
- game._$gameholder.append(game._$gameover);
- this._createControls();
- },
- _createControls: function() {
- var game = this;
- game._$touchLeft = $('<a class="blockrain-touch blockrain-touch-left" />').appendTo(game._$gameholder);
- game._$touchRight = $('<a class="blockrain-touch blockrain-touch-right" />').appendTo(game._$gameholder);
- game._$touchRotateRight = $('<a class="blockrain-touch blockrain-touch-rotate-right" />').appendTo(game._$gameholder);
- game._$touchRotateLeft = $('<a class="blockrain-touch blockrain-touch-rotate-left" />').appendTo(game._$gameholder);
- game._$touchDrop = $('<a class="blockrain-touch blockrain-touch-drop" />').appendTo(game._$gameholder);
- },
- _refreshBlockSizes: function() {
- if( this.options.autoBlockWidth ) {
- this.options.blockWidth = Math.ceil( this.element.width() / this.options.autoBlockSize );
- }
- },
- _getNiceShapes: function() {
- /*
- * Things I need for this to work...
- * - ability to test each shape with this._filled data
- * - maybe give empty spots scores? and try to maximize the score?
- */
- var game = this;
- var shapes = {},
- attr;
- for( var attr in this._shapeFactory ) {
- shapes[attr] = this._shapeFactory[attr]();
- }
- function scoreBlocks(possibles, blocks, x, y, filled, width, height) {
- var i, len=blocks.length, score=0, bottoms = {}, tx, ty, overlaps;
- // base score
- for (i=0; i<len; i+=2) {
- score += possibles[game._filled.asIndex(x + blocks[i], y + blocks[i+1])] || 0;
- }
- // overlap score -- //TODO - don't count overlaps if cleared?
- for (i=0; i<len; i+=2) {
- tx = blocks[i];
- ty = blocks[i+1];
- if (bottoms[tx] === undefined || bottoms[tx] < ty) {
- bottoms[tx] = ty;
- }
- }
- overlaps = 0;
- for (tx in bottoms) {
- tx = parseInt(tx);
- for (ty=bottoms[tx]+1, i=0; y+ty<height; ty++, i++) {
- if (!game._filled.check(x + tx, y + ty)) {
- overlaps += i == 0 ? 2 : 1; //TODO-score better
- //if (i == 0) overlaps += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- score = score - overlaps;
- return score;
- }
- function resetShapes() {
- for (var attr in shapes) {
- shapes[attr].x = 0;
- shapes[attr].y = -1;
- }
- }
- //TODO -- evil mode needs to realize that overlap is bad...
- var func = function(filled, checkCollisions, width, height, mode, _one_shape) {
- if (!_one_shape) resetShapes();
- var possibles = new Array(width * height),
- evil = mode == 'evil',
- x, y, py,
- attr, shape, i, blocks, bounds,
- score, best_shape, best_score = (evil ? 1 : -1) * 999, best_orientation, best_x,
- best_score_for_shape, best_orientation_for_shape, best_x_for_shape;
- for (x=0; x<width; x++) {
- for (y=0; y<=height; y++) {
- if (y == height || filled.check(x, y)) {
- for (py=y-4; py<y; py++) {
- possibles[filled.asIndex(x, py)] = py; //TODO - figure out better scoring?
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // for each shape...
- var opts = _one_shape === undefined ? shapes : {cur: _one_shape}; //BOO
- for (attr in opts) { //TODO - check in random order to prevent later shapes from winning
- shape = opts[attr];
- best_score_for_shape = -999;
- // for each orientation...
- for (i=0; i<(shape.symmetrical ? 2 : 4); i++) { //TODO - only look at unique orientations
- blocks = shape.getBlocks(i);
- bounds = shape.getBounds(blocks);
- // try each possible position...
- for (x=-bounds.left; x<width - bounds.width; x++) {
- for (y=-1; y<height - bounds.bottom; y++) {
- if( game._checkCollisions(x, y + 1, blocks, true) ) {
- // collision
- score = scoreBlocks(possibles, blocks, x, y, filled, width, height);
- if (score > best_score_for_shape) {
- best_score_for_shape = score;
- best_orientation_for_shape = i;
- best_x_for_shape = x;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((evil && best_score_for_shape < best_score) ||
- (!evil && best_score_for_shape > best_score)) {
- best_shape = shape;
- best_score = best_score_for_shape;
- best_orientation = best_orientation_for_shape;
- best_x = best_x_for_shape;
- }
- }
- best_shape.best_orientation = best_orientation;
- best_shape.best_x = best_x;
- return best_shape;
- };
- func.no_preview = true;
- return func;
- },
- _randomShapes: function() {
- // Todo: The shapefuncs should be cached.
- var shapeFuncs = [];
- $.each(this._shapeFactory, function(k,v) { shapeFuncs.push(v); });
- return this._randChoice(shapeFuncs);
- },
- /**
- * Controls
- */
- _setupControls: function(enable) {
- var game = this;
- var moveLeft = function(start) {
- if( ! start ) { game._board.holding.left = null; return; }
- if( ! game._board.holding.left ) {
- game._board.cur.moveLeft();
- game._board.holding.left = Date.now();
- game._board.holding.right = null;
- }
- }
- var moveRight = function(start) {
- if( ! start ) { game._board.holding.right = null; return; }
- if( ! game._board.holding.right ) {
- game._board.cur.moveRight();
- game._board.holding.right = Date.now();
- game._board.holding.left = null;
- }
- }
- var drop = function(start) {
- if( ! start ) { game._board.holding.drop = null; return; }
- if( ! game._board.holding.drop ) {
- game._board.cur.drop();
- game._board.holding.drop = Date.now();
- }
- }
- var rotateLeft = function() {
- game._board.cur.rotate('left');
- }
- var rotateRight = function() {
- game._board.cur.rotate('right');
- }
- // Handlers: These are used to be able to bind/unbind controls
- var handleKeyDown = function(evt) {
- if( ! game._board.cur ) { return true; }
- var caught = false;
- caught = true;
- if (game.options.asdwKeys) {
- switch(evt.keyCode) {
- case 65: /*a*/ moveLeft(true); break;
- case 68: /*d*/ moveRight(true); break;
- case 83: /*s*/ drop(true); break;
- case 87: /*w*/ game._board.cur.rotate('right'); break;
- }
- }
- switch(evt.keyCode) {
- case 37: /*left*/ moveLeft(true); break;
- case 39: /*right*/ moveRight(true); break;
- case 40: /*down*/ drop(true); break;
- case 38: /*up*/ game._board.cur.rotate('right'); break;
- case 88: /*x*/ game._board.cur.rotate('right'); break;
- case 90: /*z*/ game._board.cur.rotate('left'); break;
- default: caught = false;
- }
- if (caught) evt.preventDefault();
- return !caught;
- };
- var handleKeyUp = function(evt) {
- if( ! game._board.cur ) { return true; }
- var caught = false;
- caught = true;
- if (game.options.asdwKeys) {
- switch(evt.keyCode) {
- case 65: /*a*/ moveLeft(false); break;
- case 68: /*d*/ moveRight(false); break;
- case 83: /*s*/ drop(false); break;
- }
- }
- switch(evt.keyCode) {
- case 37: /*left*/ moveLeft(false); break;
- case 39: /*right*/ moveRight(false); break;
- case 40: /*down*/ drop(false); break;
- default: caught = false;
- }
- if (caught) evt.preventDefault();
- return !caught;
- };
- function isStopKey(evt) {
- var cfg = {
- stopKeys: {37:1, 38:1, 39:1, 40:1}
- };
- var isStop = (cfg.stopKeys[evt.keyCode] || (cfg.moreStopKeys && cfg.moreStopKeys[evt.keyCode]));
- if (isStop) evt.preventDefault();
- return isStop;
- }
- function getKey(evt) { return 'safekeypress.' + evt.keyCode; }
- function keydown(evt) {
- var key = getKey(evt);
- $.data(this, key, ($.data(this, key) || 0) - 1);
- return handleKeyDown.call(this, evt);
- }
- function keyup(evt) {
- $.data(this, getKey(evt), 0);
- handleKeyUp.call(this, evt);
- return isStopKey(evt);
- }
- // Unbind everything by default
- // Use event namespacing so we don't ruin other keypress events
- $(document) .unbind('keydown.blockrain')
- .unbind('keyup.blockrain');
- if( ! game.options.autoplay ) {
- if( enable ) {
- $(document) .bind('keydown.blockrain', keydown)
- .bind('keyup.blockrain', keyup);
- }
- }
- },
- _setupTouchControls: function(enable) {
- var game = this;
- // Movements can be held for faster movement
- var moveLeft = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.cur.moveLeft();
- game._board.holding.left = Date.now();
- game._board.holding.right = null;
- game._board.holding.drop = null;
- };
- var moveRight = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.cur.moveRight();
- game._board.holding.right = Date.now();
- game._board.holding.left = null;
- game._board.holding.drop = null;
- };
- var drop = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.cur.drop();
- game._board.holding.drop = Date.now();
- };
- var endMoveLeft = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.holding.left = null;
- };
- var endMoveRight = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.holding.right = null;
- };
- var endDrop = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.holding.drop = null;
- };
- // Rotations can't be held
- var rotateLeft = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.cur.rotate('left');
- };
- var rotateRight = function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- game._board.cur.rotate('right');
- };
- // Unbind everything by default
- game._$touchLeft.unbind('touchstart touchend click');
- game._$touchRight.unbind('touchstart touchend click');
- game._$touchRotateLeft.unbind('touchstart touchend click');
- game._$touchRotateRight.unbind('touchstart touchend click');
- game._$touchDrop.unbind('touchstart touchend click');
- if( ! game.options.autoplay && enable ) {
- game._$touchLeft.show().bind('touchstart click', moveLeft).bind('touchend', endMoveLeft);
- game._$touchRight.show().bind('touchstart click', moveRight).bind('touchend', endMoveRight);
- game._$touchDrop.show().bind('touchstart click', drop).bind('touchend', endDrop);
- game._$touchRotateLeft.show().bind('touchstart click', rotateLeft);
- game._$touchRotateRight.show().bind('touchstart click', rotateRight);
- } else {
- game._$touchLeft.hide();
- game._$touchRight.hide();
- game._$touchRotateLeft.hide();
- game._$touchRotateRight.hide();
- game._$touchDrop.hide();
- }
- $("#left-arrow").bind('touchstart click', function(event) {moveLeft(event); endMoveLeft(event)});
- $("#right-arrow").bind('touchstart click', function(event) {moveRight(event); endMoveRight(event)});
- $("#up-arrow").bind('touchstart click', rotateRight);
- $("#down-arrow").bind('touchstart click', function(event) {drop(event); endDrop(event)});
- }
- });
- })(jQuery));