- function AbacusBead(x,y,blockcol,abacus,column,i,value,beadheight){
- if (beadheight === undefined) beadheight=-1;
- var Color = net.brehaut.Color;
- this.bead = null;
- this.originaly = null;
- this.index = i;
- this.value = value;
- this.text = null;
- this.containerbead = null;
- this.age = 4;
- this.y = y;
- this.updateY = function(y){
- this.containerbead.y = y;
- this.y = y;
- }
- this.resetAge = function(){
- this.age = -1;
- }
- this.forceAge = function(age){
- this.age = age-1;
- console.log(this.age);
- this.updateAge();
- }
- this.updateAge = function(){
- // HACK: On iOS, Android and Safari, remove age handling to avoid black beads (saturation not supported)
- var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- if ((ua.indexOf('safari') != -1 && ua.indexOf('chrome') == -1) || /Android/i.test(ua) || ua.match(/ipad|iphone|ipod/g)) {
- return;
- }
- this.age+=1;
- if (this.age<=0){
- this.redraw("#FFF");
- this.age = 0;
- } else if (this.age<3){
- var col = Color(blockcol);
- col = col.setSaturation(col.getSaturation()/3);
- col.s = col.s/2;
- console.log(col.toRGB());
- this.redraw(col.toRGB());
- } else if (this.age==3){
- this.redraw(blockcol);
- }
- }
- this.redraw = function(colour){
- var bh;
- if (beadheight==-1){
- bh = abacus.blockHeight;
- } else {
- bh = beadheight;
- }
- this.bead.graphics.clear().beginStroke("#000000").setStrokeStyle(abacus.blockWidth/25).beginFill(colour).drawRoundRect(-1*abacus.blockWidth/2,0,abacus.blockWidth,bh,abacus.blockHeight/2);
- }
- this.drawBead = function(colour){
- if (colour === undefined) colour=blockcol;
- var bh;
- if (beadheight==-1){
- bh = abacus.blockHeight;
- } else {
- bh = beadheight;
- }
- this.bead = new createjs.Shape();
- this.bead.graphics.beginStroke("#000000");
- this.bead.graphics.setStrokeStyle(abacus.blockWidth/25);
- this.bead.graphics.beginFill(colour).drawRoundRect(-1*abacus.blockWidth/2,0,abacus.blockWidth,bh,abacus.blockHeight/2);
- this.bead.x = 0;
- this.bead.y = 0;
- this.containerbead = new createjs.Container();
- this.containerbead.addChild(this.bead);
- this.containerbead.x = x;
- this.containerbead.y = this.y;
- abacus.stage.addChild(this.containerbead);
- }
- this.updateIndex = function(i){
- var oldi = this.index;
- this.index = i;
- if (this.index!=oldi){
- this.resetAge();
- }
- }
- this.addClickListeners = function(){
- var th = this;
- var col = column;
- var previous = "down";
- this.bead.on("mousedown", function(evt) {
- th.originaly = evt.stageY;
- });
- this.bead.on("pressup", function(evt) {
- if (th.originaly<evt.stageY){
- col.shuntRight(th.index);
- }
- else if (th.originaly>evt.stageY){
- col.shuntLeft(th.index);
- }
- });
- this.bead.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
- if (previous === "down") {
- col.shuntLeft(th.index);
- previous = "up";
- }
- else if (previous === "up") {
- col.shuntRight(th.index);
- previous = "down";
- }
- });
- }
- this.updateValue = function(on,positive){
- if (positive === undefined) positive=true;
- if (on==true&&this.value.toFraction(true).length<=4){
- if (positive==false){
- this.text.text = "-"+this.value.toFraction(true);
- } else {
- this.text.text = this.value.toFraction(true);
- }
- } else {
- this.text.text = "";
- }
- }
- this.drawText = function(){
- var usecol;
- if (blockcol=="#000"||blockcol=="#000000"){
- usecol = "#FFF";
- } else {
- usecol = "#000";
- }
- var text = new createjs.Text("",(abacus.blockWidth/3).toString()+"px Arial", usecol);
- text.set({
- textAlign: 'center'
- });
- text.x = 0;
- var bh;
- if (beadheight==-1){
- bh = abacus.blockHeight/3;
- } else {
- bh = beadheight/2-abacus.blockHeight/3;
- }
- text.y = bh;
- this.containerbead.addChild(text);
- this.text = text;
- }
- this.init = function(){
- this.drawBead();
- this.addClickListeners();
- this.drawText();
- }
- }