## HOW DA HECK DID YOU GET TO MY GITHUB PROFILE?!?!?! Now that you are here, you might as well check out ALL my open source projects! I got everything from machine learning to web development. Feel free to poke around my code and open issues and pull requests. ### What I'm Currently Working On - [Github Graphs](https://github.com/jrtechs/github-graphs) - [Steam Graphs](https://github.com/jrtechs/SteamFriendsGraph) - [Jrtechs](https://jrtechs.net/) - [Scala Alert API and Dashboard](https://github.com/jrtechs/alert-api) ### Where to Find Me - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/in/jrtechs) - [Blog](https://jrtechs.net/) - [Website](https://jrtechs.me/) - [Gitea](https://git.jrtechs.net/jrtechs) - [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/c/JrtechsNet)

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