@ -2,9 +2,25 @@ Governance |
========== |
The official governance documents for the RIT Linux Users Group. All |
work is open-source and suggestions to improve these documents is |
work is open-source and suggestions to improve these documents are |
welcome. |
Don't be put off if you don't know LaTeX! These documents are not complicated |
and you can easily figure out what's going on from the source code. Here's |
a quick crash course for what you'll find here: |
``` |
\section{ $name } // Define a new section with the name $name. |
\subsection{ $name } // Define a new subsection with the name $name |
\begin{subroutines} // Start a new list of items in the section |
\item item text // create an item in the section |
\end{subroutines} // end the list |
``` |
There you go! That's all you'll need to contribute. Make sure to also take |
a look at the compiling and requirements sections. |
All changes to the constitution are required to be submitted to the clubs |
office for approval, so actual acceptance of changes may lag a bit. When |
new versions of these policies are accepted, they should be printed and |