@ -77,6 +77,15 @@ The purpose of the organization is to advocate, educate and provide a venue for |
\item Be responsible for the financial upkeep of club property (such as recurring payments on services). |
\item Advise the RITlug Eboard on financial matters, proactively where appropriate and on request of Eboard officers. |
\end{subroutines} |
\subsection{Project Coordinator} |
\begin{subroutines} |
\item Act as liason between project leads and the rest of eboard. |
\item Mediate disputes between project leads and team members. |
\item Encourage members to start and participate in club projects. |
\item Assist project leads in managing their projects. |
\item Assist project leads in establishing project-specific meetings. |
\item Provide general support to project leads and participants. |
\end{subroutines} |
\section{Executive Board} |
\begin{subroutines} |