- Governance
- ==========
- The official governance documents for the RIT Linux Users Group. All
- work is open-source and suggestions to improve these documents are
- welcome.
- Don't be put off if you don't know LaTeX! These documents are not complicated
- and you can easily figure out what's going on from the source code. Here's
- a quick crash course for what you'll find here:
- ```
- \section{ $name } // Define a new section with the name $name.
- \subsection{ $name } // Define a new subsection with the name $name
- \begin{subroutines} // Start a new list of items in the section
- \item item text // create an item in the section
- \end{subroutines} // end the list
- ```
- There you go! That's all you'll need to contribute. Make sure to also take
- a look at the compiling and requirements sections.
- All changes to the constitution are required to be submitted to the clubs
- office for approval, so actual acceptance of changes may lag a bit. When
- new versions of these policies are accepted, they should be printed and
- the hard copies in the club binder should be updated.
- Requirements
- -----------
- * texlive-core
- * texlive-latexextra
- (these are likely available in your package manager, but may be under
- different names). You may wish to install additional packages if you
- prefer to edit LaTeX in a specialized editor.
- Compiling
- -----------
- These documents are maintained in LaTeX and must be compiled. LaTeX supports
- compiling to a variety of formats. In RITlug, we most often need these
- documents in PDF format.
- Once you have the requirements installed, you can build the policies by
- running
- `make`
- You should then have a governance.zip file, which will contain the PDFs for
- the policies.
- License
- -----------
- All documents in this repository are licensed under the
- [CC0 1.0 Universal License](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
- and are released into the public domain.