In practice, the stochastic Kronecker graph model is able to generate graphs that match the properties of real world networks well. To read more about the Kronecker Graph models, refer to *J Leskovec et al., Kronecker Graphs: An Approach to Modeling Networks (2010)*.{% include sidenote.html id='note-graphnetwork' note='Estimating the initator matrice $\Theta_1$ and fitting Kronecker Graphs to real world networks is also discussed in this work.'%}
In practice, the stochastic Kronecker graph model is able to generate graphs that match the properties of real world networks well. To read more about the Kronecker Graph models, refer to *J Leskovec et al., Kronecker Graphs: An Approach to Modeling Networks (2010)*.{% include sidenote.html id='note-graphnetwork' note='Estimating the initator matrice $$\Theta_1$$ and fitting Kronecker Graphs to real world networks is also discussed in this work.'%}