CS224W Course Notes
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5 years ago
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  5. <span class="newthought">These notes</span> form a concise introductory course on machine learning with large-scale graphs. They mirror the topics topics covered by Stanford [CS224W](https://cs224w.stanford.edu), and are written by the CS 224W TAs.
  6. {% include marginnote.html id='mn-construction' note='The notes are still under construction! They will be written up as lectures continue to progress. If you find any typos, please let us know, or submit a pull request with your fixes to our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/snap-stanford/cs224w-notes).'%}
  7. You too may help make these notes better by submitting your improvements to us via [GitHub](https://github.com/ermongroup/cs228-notes). Note that submitting substantial improvements will result in *bonus points* being added to your overall grade!
  8. Starting with the Fall 2019 offering of CS 224W, the course covers three broad topic areas for understanding and effectively learning representations from large-scale networks: preliminaries, network methods, and machine learning with networks. Subtopics within each area correspond to individual lecture topics.
  9. ## Preliminaries
  10. 1. [Introduction and Graph Structure](preliminaries/introduction-graph-structure): Basic background for graph structure and representation
  11. 2. [Measuring Networks and Random Graphs](): Network properties, random graphs, and small-world networks
  12. 3. [Motifs and Graphlets](): Motifs, graphlets, orbits, ESU
  13. ## Network Methods
  14. 1. [Structural Roles in Networks](): RolX, Granovetter, the Louvain algorithm
  15. 2. [Spectral Clustering](): Graph partitions and cuts, the Laplacian, and motif clustering
  16. 3. [Influence Maximization](): Influential sets, submodularity, hill climbing
  17. 4. [Outbreak Detection](): CELF, lazy hill climbing
  18. 5. [Link Analysis](): PageRank and SimRank
  19. 6. [Network Effects and Cascading Behavior](): Decision-based diffusion, probabilistic contagion, SEIZ
  20. 7. [Network Robustness](): Power laws, preferential attachment
  21. 8. [Network Evolution](): Densification, forest fire, temporal networks with PageRank
  22. 9. [Knowledge Graphs and Metapaths](): Metapaths, reasoning and completion of KGs
  23. ## Machine Learning with Networks
  24. 1. [Message Passing and Node Classification](): Label propagation and collective classification
  25. 2. [Node Representation Learning](): Shallow, DeepWalk, TransE, node2vec, and t-SNE
  26. 3. [Graph Neural Networks](): GCN, SAGE, GAT
  27. 4. [Generative Models for Graphs](): Variational Autoencoders, GraphRNN, Molecule GAN