CS224W Course Notes
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  3. title: Network Effects And Cascading Behaviour
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  7. In this section, we study how a infection propagates through a network. We will look into two classed of model, namely decision based models and probabilistic models. But first lets look at some terminology used throughout the post.
  8. **Terminology**
  9. 1. Cascade: Propagation tree created by spreading contagion
  10. 2. Contagion: What is spreading in the network, e.g., diseases, tweet, etc.
  11. 3. Infection: Adoption/activation of a node
  12. 4. Main players: Infected/active nodes, early adopters
  13. # Decision Based Models
  14. In decision based models, every nodes independently decides whether to adopt the contagion or not depending upon its neighbors. The decision is modelled as a two-player coordination game between user and its neighbor and related payoffs. Hence a node with degree $$k$$ plays $$k$$ such games to decide its payoff and correspondingly its behavior.
  15. ## Single Contagion Model
  16. There are two contagions $$A$$ and $$B$$ in the network and initially every node has behavior $$B$$. Every node can have only one behavior out of the two. The payoff matrix is given as:
  17. | | A | B |
  18. |---|---|---|
  19. | A | a | 0 |
  20. | B | 0 | b |
  21. Lets analyze a node with d neighbors, and let p be the fraction of nodes who have adopted $$A$$. Hence the payoff for $$A$$ is $$apd$$ and payoff for $$B$$ is $$b(1-p)d$$. Hence the node adopts behavior $$A$$ if
  22. $$apd > b(1-p)d \implies p > \frac{b}{a+b} = q$$(threshold)
  23. ### Case Study: [Modelling Protest Recruitment on social networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1111.5595)
  24. Key Insights:
  25. - Uniform activation threhold for users, with two peaks
  26. - Most cascades are short
  27. - Successful cascades are started by central users
  28. #### Note:
  29. **k-core decomposition**: biggest connected subgraph where every node has at least degree k (iteratively remove nodes with degree less than k)
  30. ### Multiple Contagion Model
  31. There are two contagions $$A$$ and $$B$$ in the network and initially every node has behavior $$B$$. In this case a node can have both behavior $$A$$ and $$B$$ at a total cost of $$c$$ (over all interactions). The payoff matrix is given as:
  32. | | A | B | AB |
  33. |---|---|---|----|
  34. | A | a | 0 | a |
  35. | B | 0 | b | b |
  36. | AB| a | b | max(a,b)|
  37. ### Example: Infinite Line graph
  38. **Case 1**:**A-w-B**
  39. ![decision_case_1](../assets/img/decision_model_1.png?style=centerme)
  40. Payoffs for $$w$$: $$A: a$$, $$B: 1$$, $$AB: a+1-c$$
  41. ![decision_case_2](../assets/img/decision_model_2.png?style=centerme)
  42. **Case 1**: **AB-w-B**
  43. ![decision_case_3](../assets/img/decision_model_3.png?style=centerme)
  44. Payoffs for $$w$$: $$A: a$$, $$B: 1$$, $$AB: max(a, 1) + 1 -c$$
  45. ![decision_case_4](../assets/img/decision_model_4.png?style=centerme)