Jeffery Russell
import subprocess
import collections
from utils import module
import configuration
import mount_ssh_drive
import os
INPUT_FILE = configuration.get_config()["servers"]
FORWARD_FILE = configuration.get_config()["forwards"]
Computer = collections.namedtuple("Computer", ('host', 'menu_id'))
WELCOME_MESSAGE = "**************************************"
def main():
This function inputs all the available hosts from a text file and
prompts the user to connect to them
file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE)
cmp = []
count = 1
for line in file:
cmp.append(Computer(line, count))
count += 1
menu = []
for c in cmp:
menu.append(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + c.host)
menu.append("A) Exit")
menu.append("B) Manager tools")
menu.append("C) Socks Tunnel")
menu.append("D) SSH Drive Manager")
menu.append("E) Local Port Forwarding")
module.print_menu("SSH manager V 1.0", menu)
i = input("Enter Option:")
if i == '' or i == 'A' or i == 'a':
elif i == 'b' or i == 'B':
elif "c" == str.lower(i):
elif "d" == str.lower(i):
elif "e" == str.lower(i):
for c in cmp:
if int(i) == c.menu_id:
subprocess.call(["ssh", c.host])
def socks_ssh_tunnel():
prints user a menu to select a host to start a socks proxy with
:return: None
file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE)
cmp = []
count = 1
for line in file:
cmp.append(Computer(line, count))
count += 1
menu = []
for c in cmp:
menu.append(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + c.host)
menu.append("A) Exit")
menu.append("B) Main")
module.print_menu("Socks Tunnel", menu)
i = input("Enter option:")
if i == '' or 'a' == str.lower(i):
elif 'b' == str.lower(i):
for c in cmp:
if int(i) == c.menu_id:
print_red("Starting socks proxy on " + c.host + ":8123")
subprocess.call(["ssh", "-D", "8123", "-C", "-q", "-N", c.host])
def print_sub_menu():
prints out a sub help menu for other options
:return: None
module.print_menu("Options", ["1) Add Host",
"2) Copy SSH key to server",
"3) Remove host name",
"4) Return to ssh manager",
"5) Manage Configuration and Bash",
"6) Exit"])
def print_red(prt): return "\033[91m {}\033[00m" .format(prt)
def sub_menu():
calls printSubMenu and then gets input from user to
make appropriate function calls
:return: None
i = input("Enter selection:")
if i != '' and int(i) in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}:
options = {1: add_host,
2: copy_ssh_key,
3: remove_host,
4: main,
5: configuration.main,
6: exit_program
print("Invalid selection!")
def exit_program():
Exits the program and clears the screen
:return: None
def add_host():
appends an inputted host name to servers.txt
:return: None
host = input("Enter 'user@host' or -1 to exit:")
if host != '-1':
module.append_file(INPUT_FILE, host)
def copy_ssh_key():
calls systems ssh-copy-id with host name
:return: None
file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE)
cmp = []
count = 1
for line in file:
cmp.append(Computer(line, count))
count += 1
menu = []
for c in cmp:
menu.append(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + c.host)
menu.append("A) Exit")
module.print_menu("Copy SSH Key", menu)
host_id = input("Enter number of host to copy ssh key to:")
if not (host_id == '-1' or host_id.lower() == 'a'):
for c in cmp:
if c.menu_id == int(host_id):
subprocess.call(["ssh-copy-id", c.host])
def remove_host():
Removes a host name from servers.txt
:return: None
file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE)
cmp = []
count = 1
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
for line in file:
cmp.append(Computer(line, count))
count += 1
for c in cmp:
space = " " * (len(WELCOME_MESSAGE) - 3 -
len(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + c.host))
print(print_red("*") + str(c.menu_id) + ") " +
c.host + space + print_red("*"))
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
host = input("Enter number of host -1 to exit:")
if host != '-1':
for c in cmp:
if c.menu_id == int(host):
module.remove_line_from_file(INPUT_FILE, c.host)
def add_forward_config():
appends new local forward configurations to forwards.txt
:return: None
forwardingConfig = input("Enter forwarding config to add or -1 to exit:")
if forwardingConfig != '-1':
module.append_file(FORWARD_FILE, forwardingConfig)
def del_forward_config():
removes a local forward configurations from forwards.txt
:return: None
# check if file is empty before trying to open to read file
if (os.stat(FORWARD_FILE).st_size == 0):
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
print("No forward configurations are available for removal.")
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
f = open(FORWARD_FILE, "r")
i = 1
savedConfigs = []
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
print("Current saved local port forwarding configurations:")
for line in f:
print(print_red("*") + "%s) %s" % (i, line) + print_red("*"))
i += 1
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
selection = input("Select a configuration to delete: ")
module.remove_line_from_file(FORWARD_FILE, savedConfigs[int(selection)-1])
def select_forward_config():
Select a local forwarding configuration from forwards.txt
to execute using SSH
:return: None
# check if file is empty before trying to open to read file
if (os.stat(FORWARD_FILE).st_size == 0):
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
print("No forward configurations are available to run.")
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
f = open(FORWARD_FILE, "r")
i = 1
savedConfigs = []
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
print("Current saved local port forwarding configurations:")
for line in f:
print(print_red("*") + "%s) %s" % (i, line) + print_red("*"))
i += 1
print(print_red("*" * len(WELCOME_MESSAGE)))
selection = input("Select a configuration to execute: ")
#Split the selected entry based on a space so we can feed each
#element into the subprocess call
forwardConfig = savedConfigs[int(selection)-1].split(" ")
subprocess.call(["ssh", "-tt", "-L", forwardConfig[0], forwardConfig[1]])
def print_forwarding_sub_menu():
prints out a sub help menu for other forwarding options
:return: None
module.print_menu("Options", ["1) Add local forward configuration",
"2) Remove local forward configuration",
"3) Select local forward configuration",
"4) Exit"])
def port_forwarding_sub_menu():
print out a sub menu related to port forwarding
:return: None
i = input("Enter selection:")
if i != "" and (int(i) in {1, 2, 3, 4}):
options = {1: add_forward_config,
2: del_forward_config,
3: select_forward_config,
4: exit_program
print("Invalid selection!")
Makes sure that other programs don't execute the main
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt: