Python scripts I use to manage my ssh connections, drive mounts, and other bash related things.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import math
Python script to print the message blurb above
the asci actor for quotes
Jeffery Russell
def extraSpace(S, M, i, j):
Computes the number of extra characters at the end of
the line.
Between each word there is only once space.
:param S: List of words
:param M: Max length of line
:param i: start word index
:param j: end word index
extraSpaces = M - j + i
for x in range(i, j + 1):
extraSpaces -= len(S[x])
return extraSpaces
def badnessLine(S, M, i, j):
Computes Line badness. This is the number of
extra spaces or infinity if the length exceeds M
:param S: List of words
:param M: Max length of line
:param i: start word index
:param j: end word index
es = extraSpace(S, M, i, j)
if es < 0:
return math.inf
return es
def minBadDynamicChoice(S, M):
Write a procedure minBadDynamicChoice that implements
the function mb' using dynamic
programming. In addition to returning mb(S, M ), it
should also return the choices made
:param S: List of words
:param M: Max length of line
cost = [math.inf for i in range(len(S))]
# List of tuples indicating start/end indices of line
choice = [[] for i in range(len(S))]
for i in range(0, len(S)):
if badnessLine(S, M, 0, i) != math.inf:
cost[i] = badnessLine(S, M, 0, i)
choice[i] = [(0, i)]
if i == len(S) - 1:
return 0, [(0,i)] # One line
min = math.inf
choiceCanidate = []
for k in range(0, i): # Finds the optimal solution
before = cost[k] # Previously computed minimum
after = badnessLine(S, M, k + 1, i) # Badness of new slice
if i == len(S) - 1 and badnessLine(S, M, k+1, i) != math.inf:
after = 0 # Last line
max = before if before > after else after
if min > max:
# Captures where slice is being taken
choiceCanidate = choice[k] + [(k+1, i)]
min = max
choice[i] = choiceCanidate
cost[i] = min
return cost[len(S) -1], choice[len(S) -1]
def getMaxLineWidth(S, choice):
Computes the max width of a solution given
:param S: List of words
:param choice: tuples of the start/end indecies of the words to print
:return: max width
max = -1
for i in range(0, len(choice)):
print_size = 0
for x in range(choice[i][0], choice[i][1] + 1):
print_size += len(str(S[x]))
if not x == choice[i][1]:
print_size += 1
if max < print_size:
max = print_size
return max
def getBestSolution(S):
Computes the best way to print the message by varying the
max width at most 10 spaces.
:param S: List of words
:return: choices to print optimal solution
bestCost = math.inf
bestSolution = None
for i in range(MAX_MESSAGE_WIDTH -5, MAX_MESSAGE_WIDTH + 5):
cost, choice = minBadDynamicChoice(S, i)
if cost < bestCost:
bestSolution = choice
bestCost = cost
return bestSolution
def printParagraph(S):
This will print the message in the optimal way
which reduces the maximum number of blank spaces
at the end of a line (excluding last line).
The message will be printed in the form of a
message bubble.
/ One day I will find the right words \
\ and they will be simple. /
< No rest for the wicked >
/ A bug is never just a mistake. \
| It represents something bigger. |
| An error of thinking. That makes |
\ you who you are. /
:param S: List of words
choice = getBestSolution(S)
max_line_width = getMaxLineWidth(S, choice)
"Print top"
print(" " + "-" * (2 + max_line_width))
for i in range(0, len(choice)):
if len(choice) == 1: print("< ", end="")
elif i == 0: print("/ ", end="")
elif i == len(choice) - 1: print("\\ ", end="")
else: print("| ", end="")
print_size = 0
for x in range(choice[i][0], choice[i][1] + 1):
print_size += len(str(S[x]))
print(str(S[x]), end="")
if not x == choice[i][1]:
print_size += 1
print(" ", end="")
"print ending padding"
print(" " * (max_line_width - print_size), end="")
if len(choice) == 1: print(" >", end="")
elif i == 0: print(" \\", end="")
elif i == len(choice) -1: print(" /", end="")
else: print(" |", end="")
"print bottom"
print(" " + "-" * (2 + max_line_width))
def print_message(message):
if len(message) > 0:
printParagraph(message.split(" "))
print("Please pass in a message parameter")