""" Simple python script to run on bash start up. This will print a welcome message and then a random quote from a text file 9-27-17 Jeffery Russell """ import random import sys import os.path import glob from utils import module from utils import print_message_bubble import configuration """Path to a text file containing quotes""" INPUT_FILE = configuration.get_config()["quotes"] """Pulls a list of the ascii art file names""" BASE_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ASCII_ART = glob.glob(BASE_FILE + "/asciiArt/*.txt") def print_message(message, ascii_file = None): """ Prints a dialog box with a message in it with an ascii animal below it :param message: a quote to print :param ascii_file: the file location of the ascii art speaking the message :return: NA """ print_message_bubble.print_message(message) if ascii_file != None: filepath = '/'.join(INPUT_FILE.split('/')[:-1]) filepath += "/asciiArt/" + ascii_file if (os.path.exists(filepath)): f = open(filepath, 'r') print(f.read()) f.close() else: print(module.input_file_with_new_line( ASCII_ART[random.randint(0,(len(ASCII_ART) -1))])) else: print(module.input_file_with_new_line( ASCII_ART[random.randint(0,(len(ASCII_ART) -1))])) def print_usage(): """ Prints the usage message to the terminal :return: None """ print("Usage:") print("\t-a quote \t: Adds a quote to the quotes list") print("\t-h \t\t: Prints usage message") print("\t-q quote \t: Print this quote") print("\t-- : name of a file (excluding extension) in " "the \"asciiArt\" directory to use for the ASCII image") def add_quote(): """ Adds the quote in the command line arguments to the quotes text file :return: None """ quote = "" for i in range(2, len(sys.argv)): quote = quote + sys.argv[i] quote = quote + " " print("added " + quote + "to " + INPUT_FILE) module.append_file(INPUT_FILE, quote) def main(): """ This function calls the welcome function, then it calls the cowsay function with a random quote. :return: None """ if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-h" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-help": print_usage() elif sys.argv[1].lower() == "-a": if len(sys.argv) > 2: add_quote() else: print("You forgot to enter a quote.") elif sys.argv[1].lower() == '-q': if len(sys.argv) > 2: quote = ' '.join(sys.argv[2:]) print_message(quote) else: print('You forgot to enter a quote.') elif sys.argv[1][:2] == "--": quotes = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE) print_message(quotes[random.randint(0,(len(quotes) -1))], ascii_file=sys.argv[1][2:]+'.txt') else: print_usage() else: quotes = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE) if len(quotes) == 0: print("Quotes file : " + INPUT_FILE + " is empty.") else: print_message(quotes[random.randint(0,(len(quotes) -1))]) """ Makes sure that other programs don't execute the main """ if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()