Python scripts I use to manage my ssh connections, drive mounts, and other bash related things.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines
1.2 KiB

4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. \
  2. \ _..._
  3. \ _..._ .' _ '.
  4. .' _ './ (a) .-'-.
  5. / (e) .-'-. '-,-'`
  6. | '-,--'` /
  7. ; / ; |
  8. _ / |/ .\ _
  9. (_\ __..;__ \ ::\ ,/_)._
  10. _;\;``""----...___...---:"`` .-'_ `'. \ '::.()\__)
  11. (\())(`._'- `-._ ,:-" '. '. - : ; '::\--;__
  12. _\()`''----...__ `-._ '-. '._ .' | .:::|()\_)
  13. (_/`;-. jgs _ ()`-. `""--...____..-'` ;_ .:::| `.
  14. \_) _;/_)/).;()'._ (`\.-();/_).__ .::::/().-./`)
  15. (_\`;(()(_/(()/(. __.--;();`\_)()\__) .::()--;__:()
  16. '-;---()_;\_/()"-._ (_/ (/ /()';();--._\_::'`.();\_)`
  17. ,() (_.-(); \._ ``""(_.();_().(`\.-();__)`(_/ `--.__
  18. (_/ (_/() \_) __/(_/|\();__\_)` \_)
  19. ` (_/ \_)`-._);