Python scripts I use to manage my ssh connections, drive mounts, and other bash related things.
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47 lines
758 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # ANSI color setup
  3. #use printf or echo -e
  4. defineANSI() {
  5. esc="\e"
  6. # esc="\033"
  7. # Foreground colors
  8. FBLACK="${esc}[30m"
  9. FRED="${esc}[31m"
  10. FGREEN="${esc}[32m"
  11. FYLLW="${esc}[33m"
  12. FBLUE="${esc}[34m"
  13. FPRPL="${esc}[35m"
  14. FCYAN="${esc}[36m"
  15. FWHITE="${esc}[37m"
  16. # Background colors
  17. BBLACK="${esc}[40m"
  18. BRED="${esc}[41m"
  19. BGREEN="${esc}[42m"
  20. BYLLW="${esc}[43m"
  21. BBLUE="${esc}[44m"
  22. BPRPL="${esc}[45m"
  23. BCYAN="${esc}[46m"
  24. BWHITE="${esc}[47m"
  25. # Bold, italic, underline, and inverse style toggles
  26. BOLDON="${esc}[1m"
  27. BOLDOFF="${esc}[22m"
  28. ITALON="${esc}[3m"
  29. ITALOFF="${esc}[23m"
  30. UNDERON="${esc}[4m"
  31. UNDEROFF="${esc}[24m"
  32. BLINK="${esc}[5m"
  33. STATIC="${esc}[25m"
  34. INVON="${esc}[7m"
  35. INVOFF="${esc}[27m"
  36. RESET="${esc}[0m"
  37. }
  38. echo $RESET