Python scripts I use to manage my ssh connections, drive mounts, and other bash related things.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

13 lines
913 B

  1. \ ,-
  2. \ ,'::|
  3. \ /::::|
  4. ,':::::\ _..
  5. ____........-------,..:: ;\ ,-' /
  6. _.--"""". . . . . . . . ""`-._ ,-' .;'
  7. <. - :::: o ..... ... . . .. . . . .""--._ ,-'. .;'
  8. `-._ ` `":`:`:`: ))) :::::::::::::::::.:. . ""--._ ,'| ,-'. .;'
  9. wwwwwww '.. ````:`:`::::::::::.:.:.:. .`-`._-'. .;'
  10. ""--.__ \ ` ``:`:``:::: . .;'
  11. "\""--.:-. `. .:/
  12. \. / `-._ `.""-----.,-..::(--"".\""`. `:\
  13. `" `-._ \ `-:\ `. `:\
  14. "" " `-._) -Shark-