TigerOS ==================== ## Instructions ### Setup * Clone this repo ``` git clone https://github.com/RITlug/TigerOS.git ``` * Install [Mock](https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/wiki) according to your system. ### Build the ISO From the directory where you cloned this repo run the commands below. You may need to preface it with `sudo` if you do not have root privileges. ``` chmod +x make-iso.sh bash make-iso.sh ``` ## Authors * Aidan Kahrs (Lead) * Josh Bicking (Tutorials) ## Tasks ## Resources * [RITlug website](http://ritlug.com) * [RITlug @ GitHub](https://github.com/RITlug) * [About Fedora Remixes](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix) * [Building ISOs With Livemedia Creator](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Livemedia-creator-_How_to_create_and_use_a_Live_CD) * [2017-02-24 Etherpad notes](https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/rit-remix-discussion)