Fedora Remix maintained by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Linux Users Group, targeted at users new to Linux and RIT students, faculty, and staff
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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7 years ago
  1. # The RIT Fedora Remix
  2. #
  3. # Authors:
  4. # Luke Macken <lmacken@redhat.com>
  5. # Eitan Romanoff <ear7631@gmail.com>
  6. #
  7. # Tasks:
  8. # https://fedorahosted.org/fossrit/query?milestone=RIT+Spin
  9. #
  10. # Instructions:
  11. # sudo yum -y install spin-kickstarts livecd-tools
  12. # sudo livecd-creator -c fedora-rit-spin.ks
  13. %include /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/fedora-live-desktop.ks
  14. %include /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/fedora-live-minimization.ks
  15. %packages
  16. # Must-have applications
  17. wget
  18. libreoffice-writer
  19. #libreoffice-base
  20. libreoffice-calc
  21. thunderbird
  22. #codeblocks
  23. pidgin
  24. ekiga
  25. emacs
  26. gimp
  27. inkscape
  28. dia
  29. banshee
  30. git
  31. htop
  32. powertop
  33. nethack
  34. #mplayer
  35. screen
  36. vim-common
  37. vim-enhanced
  38. vim
  39. zsh
  40. #vlc
  41. nano
  42. #audacity
  43. gpp
  44. wine
  45. wireshark
  46. irssi
  47. xchat
  48. gwibber
  49. elinks
  50. transmission
  51. midori
  52. evince
  53. gnumeric
  54. abiword
  55. fpaste
  56. # Legacy cmdline things we don't want
  57. -krb5-auth-dialog
  58. -krb5-workstation
  59. -pam_krb5
  60. -quota
  61. -minicom
  62. -jwhois
  63. -mtr
  64. -pinfo
  65. -rsh
  66. -nfs-utils
  67. -ypbind
  68. -yp-tools
  69. -rpcbind
  70. -acpid
  71. -ntsysv
  72. # Drop some system-config things
  73. -system-config-boot
  74. -system-config-language
  75. -system-config-network
  76. -system-config-rootpassword
  77. -system-config-services
  78. -policycoreutils-gui
  79. %end
  80. %post
  81. # This will remove duplicate omni.jar archives created from previous builds
  82. rm -rf /tmp/firefox-omni
  83. #unzip omni.jar
  84. mkdir -p /tmp/firefox-omni
  85. pushd /tmp/firefox-omni
  86. unzip /usr/lib*/firefox-*/omni.jar
  87. # Create the custom browserconfig.properties file
  88. cat > /tmp/firefox-omni/chrome/en-US/locale/branding/browserconfig.properties <<EOF
  89. browser.startup.homepage=http://foss.rit.edu/ritfedoraspin/spinwelcome.html
  90. EOF
  91. # Create the custom bookmarks.html file
  92. cat > /tmp/firefox-omni/defaults/profile/bookmarks.html <<EOF
  93. <!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
  94. <!-- This is an automatically generated file.
  95. It will be read and overwritten.
  96. DO NOT EDIT! -->
  97. <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  98. <TITLE>Bookmarks</TITLE>
  99. <H1>Bookmarks</H1>
  100. <DL><p>
  101. <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="961112773" LAST_MODIFIED="1241209009" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true">Bookmarks Toolbar</H3>
  102. <DL><p>
  103. <DT><A HREF="http://docs.fedoraproject.org/" ADD_DATE="1158286602" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675660" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Fedora Documentation</A>
  104. <DD>Fedora Documentation.
  105. <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1130967903" LAST_MODIFIED="1241211003">Fedora Project</H3>
  106. <DL><p>
  107. <DT><A HREF="http://fedoraproject.org/" ADD_DATE="1158286779" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675285" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Fedora Project</A>
  108. <DD>Home of the Fedora Project.
  109. <DT><A HREF="http://forums.fedoraforum.org/" ADD_DATE="1130967896" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675301" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">Fedora Forum</A>
  110. <DD>Fedora Forums for community interaction.
  111. <DT><A HREF="http://fedorasolved.org/" ADD_DATE="1130967896" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675301" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">Fedora Solved</A>
  112. <DD>Community answers to community questions.
  113. <DT><A HREF="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/LatestIssue" ADD_DATE="1176675071" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675310" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">Fedora Weekly News</A>
  114. <DD>Fedora Weekly News.
  115. <DT><A HREF="http://planet.fedoraproject.org/" ADD_DATE="1176675201" LAST_MODIFIED="1241208858" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Planet Fedora</A>
  116. <DD>Blogs by Fedora contributors.
  117. <DT><A HREF="http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora" ADD_DATE="1241209418" LAST_MODIFIED="1241209719">Join Fedora!</A>
  118. <DD>Join the Fedora Project!
  119. </DL><p>
  120. <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1176674113" LAST_MODIFIED="1241208802">Red Hat</H3>
  121. <DL><p>
  122. <DT><A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/" ADD_DATE="1176674148" LAST_MODIFIED="1176674158" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">Red Hat</A>
  123. <DD>Home of Red Hat, sponsor of the Fedora Project.
  124. <DT><A HREF="http://www.jboss.org/" ADD_DATE="1176674189" LAST_MODIFIED="1176674200" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">JBoss</A>
  125. <DD>Home of the JBoss community, sponsored by Red Hat.
  126. <DT><A HREF="http://opensource.com/" ADD_DATE="1269287471" LAST_MODIFIED="1176674200">OpenSource.com</A>
  127. <DD>Open Source applied to the world.
  128. <DT><A HREF="http://theopensourceway.org/" ADD_DATE="1269287471" LAST_MODIFIED="1176674200">The Open Source Way</A>
  129. <DD>Community authored open source best practices.
  130. </DL><p>
  131. <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1176674388" LAST_MODIFIED="1241209425">Free Content</H3>
  132. <DL><p>
  133. <DT><A HREF="http://www.wikipedia.org/" ADD_DATE="1176674401" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675382" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Wikipedia</A>
  134. <DD>Collaborative encycolpedia.
  135. <DT><A HREF="http://librivox.org/" ADD_DATE="1241209006" LAST_MODIFIED="1241209033">LibriVox</A>
  136. <DD>Freely licensed audio books.
  137. <DT><A HREF="http://www.openclipart.org/" ADD_DATE="1269287471" LAST_MODIFIED="1241209033">Open Clip Art</A>
  138. <DD>Freely licensed clip art.
  139. <DT><A HREF="http://www.freesound.org/" ADD_DATE="1269287471" LAST_MODIFIED="1241209033">Free Sound</A>
  140. <DD>Freely licensed sound.
  141. <DT><A HREF="http://creativecommons.org/" ADD_DATE="1176674776" LAST_MODIFIED="1176675626" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Creative Commons</A>
  142. <DD>Free licenses for creative work.
  143. </DL><p>
  144. <DT><A FEEDURL="http://foss.rit.edu/files/bookmarks.rss" HREF="http://fss.rit.edu">RIT Bookmarks</A>
  145. </DL><p>
  146. </DL><p>
  147. EOF
  148. # Zip things back up
  149. # >/dev/null will mute output
  150. zip -9 -r omni.jar * >/dev/null
  151. mv omni.jar /usr/lib/firefox-6/omni.jar
  152. # go to the backgrounds folder for custom images
  153. cd /usr/share/backgrounds/images
  154. # fetch custom RIT backgrounds
  155. # note: resolv.conf is not yet set up, so we have to use the hosting ip directly
  156. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  157. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  158. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  159. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  160. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  161. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  162. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  163. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  164. # normalish (1280 x 1024)
  165. su -c "cp /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/normalish/lovelock.png /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/normalish/lovelock.png.backup"
  166. su -c "rm /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/normalish/lovelock.png"
  167. su -c "cp /usr/share/backgrounds/images/tiger_1280x1024.png /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/normalish/lovelock.png"
  168. # standard (2048x1536)
  169. su -c "cp /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/standard/lovelock.png /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/standard/lovelock.png.backup"
  170. su -c "rm /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/standard/lovelock.png"
  171. su -c "cp /usr/share/backgrounds/images/tiger_2048x1536.png /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/standard/lovelock.png"
  172. # wide (1920x1200)
  173. su -c "cp /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/wide/lovelock.png /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/wide/lovelock.png.backup"
  174. su -c "rm /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/wide/lovelock.png"
  175. su -c "cp /usr/share/backgrounds/images/tiger_1920x1200.png /usr/share/backgrounds/lovelock/default-stripes/wide/lovelock.png"
  176. # Fetch rpm fusion scripts, bash_profile
  177. su -c "mkdir -p /usr/share/autostart"
  178. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  179. su -c "wget --header=\"Host: foss.rit.edu\""
  180. su -c "mv FusionEnableLauncher.txt FusionEnableLauncher.py"
  181. su -c "mv enablerpmfusion.txt enablerpmfusion.sh"
  182. su -c "chmod a+rwx FusionEnableLauncher.py"
  183. su -c "chmod a+rwx enablerpmfusion.sh"
  184. su -c "cp FusionEnableLauncher.py /usr/share/autostart/FusionEnableLauncher.py"
  185. su -c "cp enablerpmfusion.sh /usr/share/autostart/enablerpmfusion.sh"
  186. %end