Fedora Remix maintained by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Linux Users Group, targeted at users new to Linux and RIT students, faculty, and staff
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  1. #version=DEVEL
  2. # X Window System configuration information
  3. xconfig --startxonboot
  4. # Keyboard layouts
  5. keyboard 'us'
  6. # Use network installation
  7. url --mirrorlist="https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch"
  8. # System language
  9. lang en_US.UTF-8
  10. # Firewall configuration
  11. firewall --enabled --service=mdns
  12. repo --name="fedora" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch
  13. repo --name="updates" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=updates-released-f$releasever&arch=$basearch
  14. repo --name="rpmfusion-free" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/mirrorlist?repo=free-fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch --includepkgs=rpmfusion-free-release
  15. repo --name="rpmfusion-free-updates" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/mirrorlist?repo=free-fedora-updates-released-$releasever&arch=$basearch --includepkgs=rpmfusion-free-release
  16. # Shutdown after installation
  17. shutdown
  18. # Network information
  19. network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate
  20. # System timezone
  21. timezone US/Eastern
  22. # System authorization information
  23. auth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512
  24. # SELinux configuration
  25. selinux --enforcing
  26. # System services
  27. services --disabled="sshd" --enabled="NetworkManager,ModemManager"
  28. # System bootloader configuration
  29. bootloader --location=none
  30. # Clear the Master Boot Record
  31. zerombr
  32. # Partition clearing information
  33. clearpart --all
  34. # Disk partitioning information
  35. part / --fstype="ext4" --size=5120
  36. part / --size=6144
  37. %post
  38. # FIXME: it'd be better to get this installed from a package
  39. cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF
  40. #!/bin/bash
  41. #
  42. # live: Init script for live image
  43. #
  44. # chkconfig: 345 00 99
  45. # description: Init script for live image.
  47. # X-Start-Before: display-manager chronyd
  48. ### END INIT INFO
  49. . /etc/init.d/functions
  50. if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" rd.live.image || [ "\$1" != "start" ]; then
  51. exit 0
  52. fi
  53. if [ -e /.liveimg-configured ] ; then
  54. configdone=1
  55. fi
  56. exists() {
  57. which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
  58. \$*
  59. }
  60. livedir="LiveOS"
  61. for arg in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do
  62. if [ "\${arg##rd.live.dir=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then
  63. livedir=\${arg##rd.live.dir=}
  64. return
  65. fi
  66. if [ "\${arg##live_dir=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then
  67. livedir=\${arg##live_dir=}
  68. return
  69. fi
  70. done
  71. # enable swaps unless requested otherwise
  72. swaps=\`blkid -t TYPE=swap -o device\`
  73. if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" noswap && [ -n "\$swaps" ] ; then
  74. for s in \$swaps ; do
  75. action "Enabling swap partition \$s" swapon \$s
  76. done
  77. fi
  78. if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" noswap && [ -f /run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/swap.img ] ; then
  79. action "Enabling swap file" swapon /run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/swap.img
  80. fi
  81. mountPersistentHome() {
  82. # support label/uuid
  83. if [ "\${homedev##LABEL=}" != "\${homedev}" -o "\${homedev##UUID=}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then
  84. homedev=\`/sbin/blkid -o device -t "\$homedev"\`
  85. fi
  86. # if we're given a file rather than a blockdev, loopback it
  87. if [ "\${homedev##mtd}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then
  88. # mtd devs don't have a block device but get magic-mounted with -t jffs2
  89. mountopts="-t jffs2"
  90. elif [ ! -b "\$homedev" ]; then
  91. loopdev=\`losetup -f\`
  92. if [ "\${homedev##/run/initramfs/live}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then
  93. action "Remounting live store r/w" mount -o remount,rw /run/initramfs/live
  94. fi
  95. losetup \$loopdev \$homedev
  96. homedev=\$loopdev
  97. fi
  98. # if it's encrypted, we need to unlock it
  99. if [ "\$(/sbin/blkid -s TYPE -o value \$homedev 2>/dev/null)" = "crypto_LUKS" ]; then
  100. echo
  101. echo "Setting up encrypted /home device"
  102. plymouth ask-for-password --command="cryptsetup luksOpen \$homedev EncHome"
  103. homedev=/dev/mapper/EncHome
  104. fi
  105. # and finally do the mount
  106. mount \$mountopts \$homedev /home
  107. # if we have /home under what's passed for persistent home, then
  108. # we should make that the real /home. useful for mtd device on olpc
  109. if [ -d /home/home ]; then mount --bind /home/home /home ; fi
  110. [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon /home
  111. if [ -d /home/liveuser ]; then USERADDARGS="-M" ; fi
  112. }
  113. findPersistentHome() {
  114. for arg in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do
  115. if [ "\${arg##persistenthome=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then
  116. homedev=\${arg##persistenthome=}
  117. return
  118. fi
  119. done
  120. }
  121. if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" persistenthome= ; then
  122. findPersistentHome
  123. elif [ -e /run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/home.img ]; then
  124. homedev=/run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/home.img
  125. fi
  126. # if we have a persistent /home, then we want to go ahead and mount it
  127. if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" nopersistenthome && [ -n "\$homedev" ] ; then
  128. action "Mounting persistent /home" mountPersistentHome
  129. fi
  130. if [ -n "\$configdone" ]; then
  131. exit 0
  132. fi
  133. # add fedora user with no passwd
  134. action "Adding live user" useradd \$USERADDARGS -c "Live System User" liveuser
  135. passwd -d liveuser > /dev/null
  136. usermod -aG wheel liveuser > /dev/null
  137. # Remove root password lock
  138. passwd -d root > /dev/null
  139. # turn off firstboot for livecd boots
  140. systemctl --no-reload disable firstboot-text.service 2> /dev/null || :
  141. systemctl --no-reload disable firstboot-graphical.service 2> /dev/null || :
  142. systemctl stop firstboot-text.service 2> /dev/null || :
  143. systemctl stop firstboot-graphical.service 2> /dev/null || :
  144. # don't use prelink on a running live image
  145. sed -i 's/PRELINKING=yes/PRELINKING=no/' /etc/sysconfig/prelink &>/dev/null || :
  146. # turn off mdmonitor by default
  147. systemctl --no-reload disable mdmonitor.service 2> /dev/null || :
  148. systemctl --no-reload disable mdmonitor-takeover.service 2> /dev/null || :
  149. systemctl stop mdmonitor.service 2> /dev/null || :
  150. systemctl stop mdmonitor-takeover.service 2> /dev/null || :
  151. # don't enable the gnome-settings-daemon packagekit plugin
  152. gsettings set org.gnome.software download-updates 'false' || :
  153. # don't start cron/at as they tend to spawn things which are
  154. # disk intensive that are painful on a live image
  155. systemctl --no-reload disable crond.service 2> /dev/null || :
  156. systemctl --no-reload disable atd.service 2> /dev/null || :
  157. systemctl stop crond.service 2> /dev/null || :
  158. systemctl stop atd.service 2> /dev/null || :
  159. # Don't sync the system clock when running live (RHBZ #1018162)
  160. sed -i 's/rtcsync//' /etc/chrony.conf
  161. # Mark things as configured
  162. touch /.liveimg-configured
  163. # add static hostname to work around xauth bug
  164. # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=679486
  165. # the hostname must be something else than 'localhost'
  166. # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1370222
  167. echo "localhost-live" > /etc/hostname
  168. EOF
  169. # bah, hal starts way too late
  170. cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late << EOF
  171. #!/bin/bash
  172. #
  173. # live: Late init script for live image
  174. #
  175. # chkconfig: 345 99 01
  176. # description: Late init script for live image.
  177. . /etc/init.d/functions
  178. if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" rd.live.image || [ "\$1" != "start" ] || [ -e /.liveimg-late-configured ] ; then
  179. exit 0
  180. fi
  181. exists() {
  182. which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
  183. \$*
  184. }
  185. touch /.liveimg-late-configured
  186. # read some variables out of /proc/cmdline
  187. for o in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do
  188. case \$o in
  189. ks=*)
  190. ks="--kickstart=\${o#ks=}"
  191. ;;
  192. xdriver=*)
  193. xdriver="\${o#xdriver=}"
  194. ;;
  195. esac
  196. done
  197. # if liveinst or textinst is given, start anaconda
  198. if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveinst ; then
  199. plymouth --quit
  200. /usr/sbin/liveinst \$ks
  201. fi
  202. if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" textinst ; then
  203. plymouth --quit
  204. /usr/sbin/liveinst --text \$ks
  205. fi
  206. # configure X, allowing user to override xdriver
  207. if [ -n "\$xdriver" ]; then
  208. cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-xdriver.conf <<FOE
  209. Section "Device"
  210. Identifier "Videocard0"
  211. Driver "\$xdriver"
  212. EndSection
  213. FOE
  214. fi
  215. EOF
  216. chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys
  217. /sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys
  218. /sbin/chkconfig --add livesys
  219. chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late
  220. /sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late
  221. /sbin/chkconfig --add livesys-late
  222. # enable tmpfs for /tmp
  223. systemctl enable tmp.mount
  224. # make it so that we don't do writing to the overlay for things which
  225. # are just tmpdirs/caches
  226. # note https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1135475
  227. cat >> /etc/fstab << EOF
  228. vartmp /var/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
  229. EOF
  230. # work around for poor key import UI in PackageKit
  231. rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
  232. releasever=$(rpm -q --qf '%{version}\n' --whatprovides system-release)
  233. basearch=$(uname -i)
  234. rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$releasever-$basearch
  235. echo "Packages within this LiveCD"
  236. rpm -qa
  237. # Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren't needed or wanted
  238. rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
  239. # go ahead and pre-make the man -k cache (#455968)
  240. /usr/bin/mandb
  241. # make sure there aren't core files lying around
  242. rm -f /core*
  243. # remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it's own
  244. rm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
  245. # convince readahead not to collect
  246. # FIXME: for systemd
  247. echo 'File created by kickstart. See systemd-update-done.service(8).' \
  248. | tee /etc/.updated >/var/.updated
  249. # Drop the rescue kernel and initramfs, we don't need them on the live media itself.
  250. # See bug 1317709
  251. rm -f /boot/*-rescue*
  252. # Disable network service here, as doing it in the services line
  253. # fails due to RHBZ #1369794
  254. /sbin/chkconfig network off
  255. # Remove machine-id on pre generated images
  256. rm -f /etc/machine-id
  257. touch /etc/machine-id
  258. %end
  259. %post --nochroot
  260. cp $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/licenses/*-release/* $LIVE_ROOT/
  261. # only works on x86, x86_64
  262. if [ "$(uname -i)" = "i386" -o "$(uname -i)" = "x86_64" ]; then
  263. if [ ! -d $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ]; then mkdir -p $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ; fi
  264. cp /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS
  265. fi
  266. %end
  267. %post
  268. # cinnamon configuration
  269. # create /etc/sysconfig/desktop (needed for installation)
  270. cat > /etc/sysconfig/desktop <<EOF
  271. PREFERRED=/usr/bin/cinnamon-session
  272. DISPLAYMANAGER=/usr/sbin/lightdm
  273. EOF
  274. cat >> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF
  275. # set up lightdm autologin
  276. sed -i 's/^#autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=liveuser/' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  277. sed -i 's/^#autologin-user-timeout=.*/autologin-user-timeout=0/' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  278. #sed -i 's/^#show-language-selector=.*/show-language-selector=true/' /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
  279. # set Cinnamon as default session, otherwise login will fail
  280. sed -i 's/^#user-session=.*/user-session=cinnamon/' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  281. # Show harddisk install on the desktop
  282. sed -i -e 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/' /usr/share/applications/liveinst.desktop
  283. mkdir /home/liveuser/Desktop
  284. cp /usr/share/applications/liveinst.desktop /home/liveuser/Desktop
  285. # and mark it as executable
  286. chmod +x /home/liveuser/Desktop/liveinst.desktop
  287. # this goes at the end after all other changes.
  288. chown -R liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser
  289. restorecon -R /home/liveuser
  290. EOF
  291. # go to the backgrounds folder for custom images
  292. cd /usr/share/backgrounds/images
  293. # fetch custom RIT backgrounds
  294. # Fetch rpm fusion scripts
  295. su -c "mkdir -p /usr/share/autostart"
  296. su -c "chmod a+rwx FusionEnableLauncher.py"
  297. su -c "chmod a+rwx enablerpmfusion.sh"
  298. su -c "cp FusionEnableLauncher.py /usr/share/autostart/FusionEnableLauncher.py"
  299. su -c "cp enablerpmfusion.sh /usr/share/autostart/enablerpmfusion.sh"
  300. # Download and install google chrome
  301. su -c "dnf install https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm"
  302. %end
  303. %packages
  304. @anaconda-tools
  305. @base-x
  306. @cinnamon-desktop
  307. @core
  308. @dial-up
  309. @fonts
  310. @guest-desktop-agents
  311. @hardware-support
  312. @input-methods
  313. @libreoffice
  314. @multimedia
  315. @networkmanager-submodules
  316. @printing
  317. @standard
  318. aajohan-comfortaa-fonts
  319. anaconda
  320. desktop-backgrounds-basic
  321. dracut-live
  322. f24-backgrounds-extras-gnome
  323. generic-logos
  324. generic-release
  325. generic-release-notes
  326. gimp
  327. glibc-all-langpacks
  328. grub2-efi
  329. hexchat
  330. htop
  331. inkscape
  332. kernel
  333. kernel-modules
  334. kernel-modules-extra
  335. lynx
  336. memtest86+
  337. parole
  338. pidgin
  339. playonlinux
  340. rhythmbox
  341. syslinux
  342. transmission
  343. yumex-dnf
  344. zsh
  345. #exclude things (packagekit breaks things, fedora-* packages are replaced by ones we customized.)
  346. -PackageKit*
  347. -autofs
  348. -coolkey
  349. -fedora-bookmarks
  350. -fedora-icon-theme
  351. -fedora-logos
  352. -fedora-release
  353. -fedora-release-notes
  354. -hplip
  355. -isdn4k-utils
  356. -mpage
  357. -numactl
  358. -policycoreutils-gui
  359. -sane-backends
  360. -sox
  361. -system-config-boot
  362. -system-config-language
  363. -system-config-network
  364. -system-config-rootpassword
  365. -system-config-services
  366. -xsane
  367. -xsane-gimp
  368. %end