Fedora Remix maintained by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Linux Users Group, targeted at users new to Linux and RIT students, faculty, and staff
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1015 B

  1. #!/bin/sh -e
  2. # JFLAP installer script for TigerOS
  3. # author: Josh Bicking <jhb2345@rit.edu>
  4. DEPS=java-1.8.0-openjdk
  5. PROG=Alloy
  6. FILE=/usr/share/java/JFLAP.jar
  7. FILE_URL=http://www.jflap.org/jflaptmp/may15-2011/withoutSource/JFLAP.jar
  8. LINK=/usr/local/bin/jflap
  9. ICON_URL=http://jflap.org/jflapLogo2.jpg
  10. # Check that the current user is root
  11. if [ $EUID != 0 ]
  12. then
  13. echo "Please run this script as root (sudo $@$0)."
  14. exit
  15. fi
  16. # Install dependencies
  17. dnf install $DEPS -y
  18. # Get the files
  19. curl -o $FILE $FILE_URL
  20. # Make a link
  21. cat > $LINK <<EOF
  22. #!/bin/sh
  23. cd \$HOME
  24. java -jar $FILE
  25. EOF
  26. chmod +x $LINK
  27. chmod +x $FILE
  28. # Make a desktop file
  29. cat > /usr/local/share/applications/$PROG.desktop <<EOF
  30. [Desktop Entry]
  31. Type=Application
  32. Version=7.0
  33. Name=$PROG
  34. Comment=Experiment with formal languages topics
  35. Path=
  36. Exec=$LINK
  37. Icon=/usr/local/share/icons/$PROG.jpg
  38. Terminal=false
  39. Categories=Education;Languages;Java;
  40. EOF
  41. # Get the icons
  42. mkdir -p /usr/local/share/icons
  43. curl -o /usr/local/share/icons/$PROG.jpg $ICON_URL