Graph database Analysis of the Steam Network
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
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package net.jrtechs.www.webCrawler;
import net.jrtechs.www.SteamAPI.APIConnection;
import net.jrtechs.www.server.Player;
import java.util.*;
* Main class for digging up the entire
* steam network.
* @author Jeffery Russell 11-18-18
public class SteamWebCrawler
/** Object used to limit the speed at which I access the steam
* network */
private APIThrottler throttler;
/** Connection to the steam network */
private APIConnection connection;
/** Saves players to the disk */
private FileIO fileIO;
/** Queue used for a BFS search */
private LinkedList<Player> downlaodQueue;
/** Players which have been detected by
* our search and currently in a queue
* or has already been processed*/
private HashSet<String> visited;
/** List of players which we have accessed
* in the steam network, but, have no clue what
* their name is*/
private LinkedList<String> namelessQueue;
* Initializes the steam crawler's objects
public SteamWebCrawler()
throttler = new APIThrottler();
this.connection = new APIConnection();
this.fileIO = new FileIO("/media/jeff/A4BA9239BA920846/steamData/");
this.downlaodQueue = new LinkedList<>();
visited = new HashSet<>();
namelessQueue = new LinkedList<>();
* If the download queue is empty, this will
* look up the names of the first 100 players in the
* nameless queue and add them to download queue.
private void shiftNamelessToDownload()
if(this.downlaodQueue.isEmpty() && !this.namelessQueue.isEmpty())
List<String> winners = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < (100 < namelessQueue.size()? 100: namelessQueue.size()); i++)
List<Player> namedPlayers = connection.getFullPlayers(winners);
* Does one of the following three actions for each
* of the steam members in the list:
* 1: Ignore- already has been queued by program
* 2: Add to nameless queue -- doesn't have name yet
* 3: Add to download queue -- already on HHD but needed for
* the search algo to work.
* @param ids list of steam ids
private void queueUpPlayers(List<String> ids)
for(String s: ids)
downlaodQueue.add(new Player("dummy", s));
System.out.println("Download Queue: " + downlaodQueue.size());
System.out.println("Nameless Queue: " + namelessQueue.size());
* Runs a BFS search of the steam network
private void runCrawler()
Player current = downlaodQueue.remove();
List<String> currentFriends;
currentFriends = connection.getFriends(current.getId());
fileIO.writeToFile(current, currentFriends);
currentFriends = fileIO.readFriends(current.getId());
* pop first fiend on the queue
* and release the beast
* @param baseID
public void runSteamCrawlerBase(String baseID)
downlaodQueue.add(new Player("jrtechs", baseID));
public static void main(String args[])
new SteamWebCrawler().runSteamCrawlerBase("76561198188400721");