Graph database Analysis of the Steam Network
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* This plugin provides a method to animate a sigma instance by interpolating
* some node properties. Check the sigma.plugins.animate function doc or the
* examples/animate.html code sample to know more.
(function() {
'use strict';
if (typeof sigma === 'undefined')
throw 'sigma is not declared';
var _id = 0,
_cache = {};
// ******************
function parseColor(val) {
if (_cache[val])
return _cache[val];
var result = [0, 0, 0];
if (val.match(/^#/)) {
val = (val || '').replace(/^#/, '');
result = (val.length === 3) ?
parseInt(val.charAt(0) + val.charAt(0), 16),
parseInt(val.charAt(1) + val.charAt(1), 16),
parseInt(val.charAt(2) + val.charAt(2), 16)
] :
parseInt(val.charAt(0) + val.charAt(1), 16),
parseInt(val.charAt(2) + val.charAt(3), 16),
parseInt(val.charAt(4) + val.charAt(5), 16)
} else if (val.match(/^ *rgba? *\(/)) {
val = val.match(
/^ *rgba? *\( *([0-9]*) *, *([0-9]*) *, *([0-9]*) *(,.*)?\) *$/
result = [
_cache[val] = {
r: result[0],
g: result[1],
b: result[2]
return _cache[val];
function interpolateColors(c1, c2, p) {
c1 = parseColor(c1);
c2 = parseColor(c2);
var c = {
r: c1.r * (1 - p) + c2.r * p,
g: c1.g * (1 - p) + c2.g * p,
b: c1.b * (1 - p) + c2.b * p
return 'rgb(' + [c.r | 0, c.g | 0, c.b | 0].join(',') + ')';
* This function will animate some specified node properties. It will
* basically call requestAnimationFrame, interpolate the values and call the
* refresh method during a specified duration.
* Recognized parameters:
* **********************
* Here is the exhaustive list of every accepted parameters in the settings
* object:
* {?array} nodes An array of node objects or node ids. If
* not specified, all nodes of the graph
* will be animated.
* {?(function|string)} easing Either the name of an easing in the
* sigma.utils.easings package or a
* function. If not specified, the
* quadraticInOut easing from this package
* will be used instead.
* {?number} duration The duration of the animation. If not
* specified, the "animationsTime" setting
* value of the sigma instance will be used
* instead.
* {?function} onComplete Eventually a function to call when the
* animation is ended.
* @param {sigma} s The related sigma instance.
* @param {object} animate An hash with the keys being the node properties
* to interpolate, and the values being the related
* target values.
* @param {?object} options Eventually an object with options.
sigma.plugins.animate = function(s, animate, options) {
var o = options || {},
id = ++_id,
duration = o.duration || s.settings('animationsTime'),
easing = typeof o.easing === 'string' ?
sigma.utils.easings[o.easing] :
typeof o.easing === 'function' ?
o.easing :
start = sigma.utils.dateNow(),
if (o.nodes && o.nodes.length) {
if (typeof o.nodes[0] === 'object')
nodes = o.nodes;
nodes = s.graph.nodes(o.nodes); // argument is an array of IDs
nodes = s.graph.nodes();
// Store initial positions:
startPositions = nodes.reduce(function(res, node) {
var k;
res[] = {};
for (k in animate)
if (k in node)
res[][k] = node[k];
return res;
}, {});
s.animations = s.animations || Object.create({});
// Do not refresh edgequadtree during drag:
var k,
for (k in s.cameras) {
c = s.cameras[k];
c.edgequadtree._enabled = false;
function step() {
var p = (sigma.utils.dateNow() - start) / duration;
if (p >= 1) {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
for (var k in animate)
if (k in animate)
node[k] = node[animate[k]];
// Allow to refresh edgequadtree:
var k,
for (k in s.cameras) {
c = s.cameras[k];
c.edgequadtree._enabled = true;
if (typeof o.onComplete === 'function')
} else {
p = easing(p);
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
for (var k in animate)
if (k in animate) {
if (k.match(/color$/))
node[k] = interpolateColors(
node[k] =
node[animate[k]] * p +
startPositions[][k] * (1 - p);
s.animations[id] = requestAnimationFrame(step);
sigma.plugins.kill = function(s) {
for (var k in (s.animations || {}))
// Allow to refresh edgequadtree:
var k,
for (k in s.cameras) {
c = s.cameras[k];
c.edgequadtree._enabled = true;