package net.jrtechs.www.graphDB; import net.jrtechs.www.SteamAPI.SteamConnectionException; import net.jrtechs.www.model.Game; import net.jrtechs.www.model.Player; import net.jrtechs.www.SteamAPI.APIConnection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; /** * Does graph based operations with {@link Player} * and * * @author Jeffery Russell 5-26-17 */ public class SteamGraph { public static String KEY_PLAYER = "player"; public static String KEY_CRAWLED_STATUS = "crawled"; public static String KEY_CRAWLED_GAME_STATUS = "crawled_game"; /** Connection to the graph server */ private GraphConnection con; /** Connection to steam api */ private APIConnection api; /** * Constructs object with a graph connection * and a steam api connection */ public SteamGraph() { this.con = new GraphConnection(); this.api = new APIConnection(); } /** * Checks if a player is already in the graph * * @param id steam id of player * @return */ private boolean alreadyInGraph(String id) { System.out.println("Checking id:" + id); return !con.getTraversal() .V().hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .toList().isEmpty(); } /** * Inserts a player vertex into the graph * * @param */ private void insertPlayerIntoGraph(Player p, boolean check) { try { if(!check || !this.alreadyInGraph(p.getId())) { System.out.println("inserting " + p.getName() + " into graph"); this.con.getTraversal() .addV(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .property(Player.KEY_USERNAME, p.getName()) .property(SteamGraph.KEY_CRAWLED_STATUS, 0) .property(SteamGraph.KEY_CRAWLED_GAME_STATUS, 0) .property(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, p.getId()) .property(Player.KEY_AVATAR, p.getAvatar()) .property(Player.KEY_REAL_NAME, p.getRealName()) .property(Player.KEY_TIME_CREATED, p.getTimeCreated()) .id().next(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean gameAlreadyInGraph(Integer id) { return !con.getTraversal() .V().hasLabel(Game.KEY_DB) .has(Game.KEY_STEAM_GAME_ID, id) .toList().isEmpty(); } private void insertGameForPlayerToGraph(String id, Game g) { if(!gameAlreadyInGraph(g.getAppID()))// check if game is already in graph { //insert game into graph this.con.getTraversal() .addV(Game.KEY_DB) .property(Game.KEY_STEAM_GAME_ID, g.getAppID()) .property(Game.KEY_GAME_NAME, g.getName()) .property(Game.KEY_GAME_ICON, g.getIcon()) .property(Game.KEY_GAME_LOGO, g.getLogo()) .id().next(); } // insert connection from player to game this.con.getTraversal() .V() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .as("p") .V().hasLabel(Game.KEY_DB) .has(Game.KEY_STEAM_GAME_ID, g.getAppID()) .as("g") .addE(Game.KEY_RELATIONSHIP) .from("p").to("g") .property(Game.KEY_PLAY_TIME, g.getTimePlayed()) .id().next(); } /** * Checks if a friend-friend edge is already in the * graph * * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return */ private boolean edgeAlreadyInGraph(String p1, String p2) { try { return !this.con.getTraversal() .V().hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, p1) .both() .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, p2) .toList().isEmpty(); } catch(Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Inserts a edge between two players into the graph * * @param p1 * @param p2 */ private void insertEdgeIntoGraph(String p1, String p2) { try { if(!this.edgeAlreadyInGraph(p1, p2)) { System.out.println("Inserting edge: " + p1 + ":" + p2); this.con.getTraversal() .V() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, p1) .as("p1") .V().hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, p2) .as("p2") .addE(Player.KEY_FRIENDS) .from("p1").to("p2").id().next(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * determines if a player has been indexed for friends yet * * @param id * @return */ private boolean playerFriendsAlreadyIndexed(String id) { return playerPropertyIndexed(id, SteamGraph.KEY_CRAWLED_STATUS); } private boolean playerGamesAlreadyIndexed(String id) { return playerPropertyIndexed(id, SteamGraph.KEY_CRAWLED_GAME_STATUS); } /** * determines if a player has been indexed yet * * @param id * @return */ private boolean playerPropertyIndexed(String id, String key) { try { return this.con.getTraversal() .V().hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .has(key, 0) .toList().isEmpty(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } private void updateCrawledStatusFriends(String id) { updateCrawledStatus(id, SteamGraph.KEY_CRAWLED_STATUS); } private void updateCrawledStatusGames(String id) { updateCrawledStatus(id, SteamGraph.KEY_CRAWLED_GAME_STATUS); } private void updateCrawledStatus(String id, String key) { try { this.con.getTraversal().V() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .property(key, 1).id().next(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Fetches the name of the player from the graph database * * @param id * @return */ private Player getPlayerFromGraph(String id) { return new Player(this.con.getTraversal().V() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .valueMap() .toStream().findFirst().get()); } /** * Fetches a list of friends from the graph database * * @param id steam id * @return list of friends */ private List getFriendsFromGraph(String id) { System.out.println("fetching friends from graph"); return new ArrayList() {{ con.getTraversal().V() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .outE() .inV() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .valueMap() .toStream() .forEach(r -> add(new Player(r))); }}; } private List getPlayerGamesFromGraph(String id) { System.out.println("fetching games from graph"); return new ArrayList() {{ con.getTraversal().V() .hasLabel(SteamGraph.KEY_PLAYER) .has(Player.KEY_STEAM_ID, id) .outE() .inV() .hasLabel(Game.KEY_DB) .valueMap() .toStream().forEach(r -> add(new Game(r))); }}; } /** * tells api to get this dude's friends list * * @param id */ private void indexPersonFriends(String id) { System.out.println("indexing " + id); List friendsIds = this.api.getFriends(id); //find ones not in database List notInDatabase = friendsIds .stream() .filter(p -> !alreadyInGraph(p)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); this.api.getPlayers(notInDatabase) .forEach(p -> insertPlayerIntoGraph(p, false)); friendsIds.forEach(s-> this.insertEdgeIntoGraph(id, s)); this.updateCrawledStatusFriends(id); this.con.commit(); } private List indexPersonsGames(String id) { System.out.println("indexing games for " + id); List games = this.api.getGames(id); games.forEach(g -> insertGameForPlayerToGraph(id, g)); this.updateCrawledStatusGames(id); this.con.commit(); return games; } public List getGameList(String id) { return this.playerGamesAlreadyIndexed(id) ? this.getPlayerGamesFromGraph(id) : this.indexPersonsGames(id); } /** * Fetches a player from the graph with all of its friends * * @param id * @return */ public Player getPlayer(String id) { Player p; if(this.alreadyInGraph(id)) // yay { p = this.getPlayerFromGraph(id); if(!this.playerFriendsAlreadyIndexed(id)) //must index the person { this.indexPersonFriends(id); } p.setFriends(this.getFriendsFromGraph(id)); } else //smh, shouldn't happen frequently { System.out.println("brand spanking new request " + id); try { p = this.api.getSingle(id); this.insertPlayerIntoGraph(p, false); this.indexPersonFriends(id); p.setFriends(this.getFriendsFromGraph(id)); } catch (SteamConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } return p; } public void close() { try { this.con.closeConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { SteamGraph graph = new SteamGraph(); graph.getPlayer("76561198188400721"); graph.getGameList("76561198188400721"); // //graph.getPlayer("76561198068098265").getFriends().stream().forEach(System.out::println); //// graph.indexPersonFriends("76561198188400721"); // graph.indexPersonsGames("76561198188400721"); // System.out.println(graph.getGameList("76561198188400721")); // System.out.println(graph.getPlayer("76561198188400721")); graph.close(); // // Player base = graph.getPlayer(args[0]); // // int debth = Integer.valueOf(args[1]); // // graph.insertIntoGraph(base, debth); } }