<p>This project is in the VERY early stages of development and is far from finished.
If you are lucky, you will find it live at <ahref="http://jrtechs.student.rit.edu/friendsOfFriends.html">http://jrtechs.student.rit.edu/friendsOfFriends.html</a>.
It is still being actively developed and does not have permanent hosting so there is a %60
chance at any time that you will be able to access it. </p>
<li>Does not work with firefox</li>
<li>Tends to crash w/o telling user if you provide an invalid steam id</li>
<li>Include a steam name to steam id lookup</li>
<li>Dockerize this entire environment</li>
<li>Connect the gremlin/janus server to a HBase server for persistent storage</li>
<li>Make the graphs look better -- possibly switch from sigma.js to d3</li>
<li>Get the java web socket to work with ssh -- currently does not work with wss</li>
<li>Make more graphs to provide more insights
<li>Friends with friends -- shows which of your friends are friends with each other</li>
<li>Most common friends friends -- will show you people you may know</li>
<li>Graph of a larger chunk of the steam community</li>
<li>Write more documentation on how the system as a whole works.</li>
<li>Write blog post on what I learned during this project. </li>