Graph database Analysis of the Steam Network
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  55. <a href="#" class="ing">Q: How do I get my Steam ID?</a>
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  60. <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span>
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  62. <p>
  63. Option 1:<br>
  64. If you have steam open, simply click on the profile which you would like to view
  65. from your friends list. The steam ID will be in the url that appears in the steam
  66. browser.
  67. <img src="img/faq/steamIdOption2.png">
  68. </p>
  69. <p>
  70. Option 2:<br>
  71. If you only know the steam username, you can use steam ID look up sites like
  72. <a href="">STEAMID I/O</a>. For this website, you will want
  73. to use the steamID64 number.
  74. <img src="img/faq/steamId.png">
  75. </p>
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  84. <a href="#" class="ing">Q: Why did you make this?</a>
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  89. <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
  90. <p>Great question, I will get back to you on that one.</p>
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  98. <h4 class="panel-title">
  99. <a href="#" class="ing">Q: Why is the back end written in Java?</a>
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  102. <div id="question2" class="panel-collapse collapse" style="height: 0px;">
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  104. <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
  105. <p>Contrary to popular belief, Java is not a <i>terrible</i> language. For this project
  106. I needed something that was easy to work with a Gremlin database -- the tinkerpop framework makes
  107. this very convenient. Overall, I needed a backend because I cannot dish out my steam api key to users.
  108. Plus, this way I can cache steam friends making graph creation times faster.</p>
  109. <img src="img/faq/java.png">
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  117. <h4 class="panel-title">
  118. <a href="#" class="ing">Q: Does steam really allow you to do this?</a>
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  121. <div id="question3" class="panel-collapse collapse" style="height: 0px;">
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  123. <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
  124. <p>Yes. You can read all about Steam's API usage <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  125. </div>
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  132. <h4 class="panel-title">
  133. <a href="#" class="ing">Q: Can I run my own Steam friend graph server?</a>
  134. </h4>
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  136. <div id="question5" class="panel-collapse collapse" style="height: 0px;">
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  138. <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
  139. <p>Go for it, all the code is on <a href="">GitHub</a>. I am going to be making a "comprehensive" docs which
  140. should explain how to run this.</p>
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  148. <h4 class="panel-title">
  149. <a href="#" class="ing">Q: Why do I not see all my friends?</a>
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  154. <h5><span class="label label-primary">Answer</span></h5>
  155. <p>Since the server caches all the friend requests in a local graph database, it is possible to
  156. not see all your friends if you recently added them. I am working on a solution to this,
  157. however, I don't want to excessively hammer the steam API if I don't have to.</p>
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  164. <center><img class="w-50" src="img/faq/faqGraph.png" /></center>
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