- # Steam Graph Analysis
- This is a project that I threw together during the weekend to play around with
- gremlin graph database. Currently this project scrapes the steam API for friends
- and their friends which can be used to generate a graph. This information is stored
- locally in a gremlin server and is then sent to the client via a web socket.
- [Video Of Friends of Friends Graph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoDaHmyIPvQ)
- This project is in the VERY early stages of development and is far from finished.
- If you are lucky, you will find it live at [http://steam.jrtechs.net](http://steam.jrtechs.net).
- It is still being actively developed and does not have permanent hosting so there is a %60
- chance at any time that you will be able to access it.
- ## Running this Project
- * First you need to obtain a steam api key from [https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey](steam's website).
- * Place the api key in the SteamAPIKey.json file under the conf/ folder.
- * Spin up a local gremlin server to connect to.
- * Install and configure Maven if you don't already have it installed.
- * Run the App.java class either in a java IDE which supports maven (for dependencies), or build this
- project into a jar and run it. I have a buildJar.sh which builds a jar file to use -- please note that
- you still need to have maven installed. There is also a run.sh file which will run the jar file once
- you place it in the same directory as the run script.
- * Open graphs.html under the website/ folder in your web browser.
- # TODO
- * Include a steam name to steam id lookup
- * Dockerize this entire environment
- * Connect the gremlin/janus server to a HBase server for persistent storage
- * Make the graphs look better -- possibly switch from sigma.js to d3
- * Get the java web socket to work with ssh -- currently does not work with wss
- * Make more graphs to provide more insights
- * Friends with friends -- shows which of your friends are friends with each other
- * Most common friends friends -- will show you people you may know
- * Graph of a larger chunk of the steam community
- * ...
- * Write more documentation on how the system as a whole works.
- * Write blog post on what I learned during this project.