Repository where I mostly put random python scripts.
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jrtechs 2f8d25877d Created simple program to backup windows sticky notes. pirms 5 gadiem
Readme.txt Created simple program to backup windows sticky notes. pirms 5 gadiem
grabStickyNotes.bat Created simple program to backup windows sticky notes. pirms 5 gadiem
replaceCurrentStickyNotes.bat Created simple program to backup windows sticky notes. pirms 5 gadiem


This is a very simple program.

Double click on grab StickyNotes.bat to backup your sticky notes
into the current directory.

Double click ReplaceCurrentStickyNotes.bat to replace your
stickynotes with the ones in the current directory.

** Note this will only work with windows 10 and up.
Windows 10 uses the .sqlite format where windows 7
used a .snt file.